Author Topic: How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship  (Read 819 times)


Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #30 on: October 08, 2003, 03:21:52 PM »
^^ Kid, please, you're out of your league.

They could care less about parties?  then why are 48 percent of californians registered democrats?

Shut the fuck up when big people are talking.

Arnold IS a McClintock republican.  This election wasn't about abortion, dumbass.  It was about fiscal conservatism, which Arnold embraces.  

I realize we're talking over your head, Mr. "he's a democrat & a republican so he's o.k.!!!", but try and keep up.  


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Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #31 on: October 08, 2003, 03:59:55 PM »
They could care less about parties?  then why are 48 percent of californians registered democrats?

Shut the fuck up when big people are talking.

Arnold IS a McClintock republican.  This election wasn't about abortion, dumbass.  It was about fiscal conservatism, which Arnold embraces.  

I realize we're talking over your head, Mr. "he's a democrat & a republican so he's o.k.!!!", but try and keep up.  

Arnold is a conservative when it comes to spending/budget but on most social issues he is a democrat and his wife is related to the Kennedy's biaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacth.

She's the daughter of Eunice Kennedy and Sargent Shriver, the niece of president John Kennedy and the granddaughter of Joseph Kennedy.

Arnold's Position on Issues
Now that Arnold is in the race for California Governor, it's only natural that people want to know his positions on issues. The Washington Post says they are a mystery--we're not so sure. He's pro-choice. He's described as becoming less of a traditional Republican since marrying Maria Shriver. He said the GOP drive to impeach Clinton made him ashamed to be a Republican.

Last year, he led the campaign in California for Proposition 49, which calls for about a half-billion dollars in state spending on after-school programs.

....After riots here a decade ago, Schwarzenegger began pumping millions of dollars into a nonprofit organization called Inner-City Games, which offers recreational opportunities to disadvantaged youth. With his financial backing, the program has spread to 15 cities across the country.

Schwarzenegger also has been a major financial contributor to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a prominent Jewish institution in Los Angeles.

Arnold is sounding pretty good to us. This isn't an endorsement, and we still oppose the recall. But we do like what we see so far.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2003, 04:08:37 PM by Max|Powers »


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Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #32 on: October 08, 2003, 04:46:57 PM »

He came out & apologized because SOME of those claims were true.

did you see his interview with Dan Rather? He said none of them were true but still apoligized?

If he does a good job for the state...then props to him.

Don Jacob

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Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #33 on: October 09, 2003, 04:36:08 PM »

He came out & apologized because SOME of those claims were true.

did you see his interview with Dan Rather? He said none of them were true but still apoligized?

If he does a good job for the state...then props to him.

he denied the woman the LA times went after(none/most of those woman didn't come out they were contacted by the times and put on the burner until critical political days {like the thursday before the election ,which is the most crucial day to spread junk in political slander hmmmmmm} but said he might have done things like that in the past and apologized for those other instances.

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #34 on: October 10, 2003, 09:19:31 AM »
Yah its pretty ridiculous...and makes us look like a joke. Not to mention....great, we have a fuckin republican in office. No matter HOW bad of a job he does, it wont matter...cus Califnornias economy is only gonna go up regardless, no matter WHO is there...even if Davis stuck around. The whole recall thing was fuckin stupid anyways. So this means, from now on...anytime we elect someone, we can just get a lil petition together...and say we dont want them there anymore. lol. He's not even a real governor, all he's going to be is a puppet. He's a famous figure who got elected cus of his name, NOT his policies. People were more voting against Davis, then FOR Arnold...and like i said, his name is gonna carry weight because of popularity. All i know out poor out native americans...and watch out mexicans....tha fuckin Terminators in office...


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Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #35 on: October 10, 2003, 10:02:58 AM » out minorities/immigrants in general...this dood is gonna follow commands...he seriously dunno much about this job tha people gave him...I smell another recall around tha corner in californiaaa...pathetic...





Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #36 on: October 10, 2003, 10:55:06 AM »
For the FUCKIN last time the TERMINATOR is not in office. That is a fuckin character if u cant get past that maybe u should question whether ure fit to even comment let alone vote!


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Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #37 on: October 10, 2003, 02:51:09 PM »
For the FUCKIN last time the TERMINATOR is not in office. That is a fuckin character if u cant get past that maybe u should question whether ure fit to even comment let alone vote!

What?! The terminator is in office????!!!.... shit... we're doomed....

Don Jacob

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Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #38 on: October 11, 2003, 12:16:11 AM »
Yah its pretty ridiculous...and makes us look like a joke. Not to mention....great, we have a fuckin republican in office. No matter HOW bad of a job he does, it wont matter...cus Califnornias economy is only gonna go up regardless, no matter WHO is there...even if Davis stuck around. The whole recall thing was fuckin stupid anyways. So this means, from now on...anytime we elect someone, we can just get a lil petition together...and say we dont want them there anymore. lol. He's not even a real governor, all he's going to be is a puppet. He's a famous figure who got elected cus of his name, NOT his policies. People were more voting against Davis, then FOR Arnold...and like i said, his name is gonna carry weight because of popularity. All i know out poor out native americans...and watch out mexicans....tha fuckin Terminators in office...

actually a republican is going to be a GOOD thing to have in office.....right now california needs someone with a big business mindset (which means creating more jobs which stimulates the economy) becuase a lot of businesses are starting to pack up and leave califonia becuase of the shit the democrats did . i ain't bashing democrats , after all that's what i'm registered as. Even hollywood is starting to venture outward becuase of shit they pulled by taxing and shit. so we need someone who is going to be pro business (and someone who has experience [dude has a billion dollar empire and earns more revenue than a lot of people with an MBa degree]) to create more jobs in this failing economy and cut government but at the same time put the money where it's needed like into schools and public stuff......not into prisons catering to the correctional officers' union and pandering to inmates giving them free cable and shit like that.  Arnold (puppet or not ) stands for these things that we need as a state. also we need a leader in office who's against the little war of republicans and democrats someone who is willing to work to acheive the goals california so desperately needs to acheive right now. and about the recall .....this has been around WELL over 100 years. this all started when the rail road business hand picked and groomed corrupted money pandering leaders like Davis ....the progressive movement that abolished the control of the rail road passed bills giving the people more rights as to who they want in office.....the recall was very essential. The progressives were smart dudes....they made it so some one would have to be a huge ASS to actually get recalled from office. So swartzanegger would have to fuck up worse than Davis/hoover/clinton to ever go through a successful recall. That's why this recall was so's hard to get someone out of office.  i'll put it like this , it's A WHOLE HELLA LOT EASIER to pass a law forcing the whole state to where raider jerseys every day by signing a petition than to recall a california official. Poor people arn't going to have watch out.....that's stupid. if anything poor people, especially unemployed ones are going to benefit with lighter tax laws and more job opportunities now that we have a big business/small government man in power. Also meixcans won't have to worry either for the same reasons......the only one's who'll have to worry are the sorry asses who come here illegally. the only people who'll have to watch out are the rich corrupted powerful panderers in the indian gaming hoo. These people are actually hurting their tribes more.....and our state's economy for that matter by not paying "theyr Fayer shayer" this casinos rake in billions and billions of dollars in revenue. our ferderal money.....and don't contribute a dime if they don't feel like it to helping reservations or the state they live in like other gaming casinos int he country . i feel no ounce of sympathy for THESE indians.

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09

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Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #39 on: October 11, 2003, 05:34:27 AM »
Have the Native not suffered enough. Let them do what they will, they are a "SALVERN NATION", seperate, independent, and now that they finally found a way to support themselves, let up on them. Also, California had 16 straight years of Republican govenors, from 1982-1998, and all that got us was the worst education after having what many called the best public education in the world, (that is true, I read the articles and did the studies) and a balanced budget. When Pete Wilson left, the budget was balanced, but California was very high in unemployment, and last in education. When the economy struggled, Pete Wilson blamed illegal aliens for our troubles, and saved his ass by makig prop.187. Later Latinos would vote in high numbers against the Republicans beause of prop.187.  When Grey Davis took over, he spent the money, and was doing well for a while. Cali had enough money, so he cut some taxes, he shouldn't have because our economy wasn't strong enough to support his spending and tax cuts at the same time. Remember, he had a 60% approval rate for a while. Got reelected, and then the energy crisis hit. He spent money he didn't have trying to get energy. Instead of staying calm, and trying to keep California in order, he paniced and spend money we did not have. That's why he got recalled, he was not a good leader. Good mind, horrible leader. Now I didn't truly mond on Arnold being govenor, until I found out he hired Pete Wilson as one of his advisors... that racist bastard. Fuck a Pete Wilson, why would he just stay out of my states politics. I feel like this is a nightmare. I don't mind Arnold, I support Bustemante, but I can live with Arnold, but Pete Wilson again. FUCK THAT!!!!!!!


Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #40 on: October 11, 2003, 07:14:23 AM »
There NEVER should have been a recall! Californians look stupid! dont give that clown an important economy like Cali's, It hurts the Whole Country. Real TALK from someone not from Cali.

Don Jacob

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Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #41 on: October 11, 2003, 09:43:18 PM »
Have the Native not suffered enough. Let them do what they will, they are a "SALVERN NATION", seperate, independent, and now that they finally found a way to support themselves, let up on them.

LMAO that is so ignorant first off indians are NOT a SOVEREIGN nation. they use US currency and obide by US constituted laws. just about every other gaming casino pays the government taxes or some sort of funding to run it's casinos.......casinos ran in california don't. why? because we passed a law that was suppose to have that tax money be used to "help support" indian reservations.........which turned out to be pure bull shit. most indian casinos don't use that money to help their fellow indian. most of that money is spent on lining their wallets and buying extravagant homes cars and political figures who don't want to bother with their revenue.  the only indians who are suffering are the REAL ass indians who are suffering because of greedy indian casinos.  so get your facts straight here.

and your whole "republicans ruined our education" rhetoric is pure bull shit.......that's why california is in shambles becuase of this mind set of segrated politics (dems vs reps) after all wasn't it davis who cut schools and gave money to the prisons to avoid a clash with one of the most powerful unions in the state? Arnold has made it almost a life mission to help schools for most of the 90's and  a better part of the 80's and this decade. So IMO i HE's the candidate most likely to help our school systems.....bustamante HA what a whitewashed crook.

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09

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Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #42 on: October 12, 2003, 01:19:24 AM »
Have you ever been to a revservation. I know I have. I been there many times. Let's just say business in a reservation in the past 12 years, since Casinos, has picked up greatly. When tribes first put in casinos, yeah the tribe does worst because of what it takes to run a casinos, but then later the tribes do really, really well. I heard of people complain because they make too much money just being a member of the tribe. And also, each tribe is to be dealt with as a seperate nation, with there own constitution, there own law inforcement, there own fire protection, their own education system and everything else. They are more like many little U.S. territories like Puerto Rico than being part of the actual United States. But then again, Big Jake is know all of everything, so what he says must be right, because I'm not Native American, and I've never been to the reservation. Oh well   ::)

Also, 16 years of Republican government, I think that's more than enough time to have helped the state. The Republicans failed, and only after 4 years  we give up on the Democrats, fuck it, California is full of hippies, lets just go Green  :-\  Oh well, what happens happens. As I said, I really don't care about Arnold as govenor, I accepted this along time ago. But I do care about Pete Wilson's ass being involved. The worst govenor in California history. I said it before, and I'll say it again... FUCK PETE WILSON!!!!!


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Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #43 on: October 12, 2003, 02:41:41 AM »
Yah its pretty ridiculous...and makes us look like a joke. Not to mention....great, we have a fuckin republican in office. No matter HOW bad of a job he does, it wont matter...cus Califnornias economy is only gonna go up regardless, no matter WHO is there...even if Davis stuck around. The whole recall thing was fuckin stupid anyways. So this means, from now on...anytime we elect someone, we can just get a lil petition together...and say we dont want them there anymore. lol. He's not even a real governor, all he's going to be is a puppet. He's a famous figure who got elected cus of his name, NOT his policies. People were more voting against Davis, then FOR Arnold...and like i said, his name is gonna carry weight because of popularity. All i know out poor out native americans...and watch out mexicans....tha fuckin Terminators in office...

actually a republican is going to be a GOOD thing to have in office.....right now california needs someone with a big business mindset (which means creating more jobs which stimulates the economy) becuase a lot of businesses are starting to pack up and leave califonia becuase of the shit the democrats did . i ain't bashing democrats , after all that's what i'm registered as. Even hollywood is starting to venture outward becuase of shit they pulled by taxing and shit. so we need someone who is going to be pro business (and someone who has experience [dude has a billion dollar empire and earns more revenue than a lot of people with an MBa degree]) to create more jobs in this failing economy and cut government but at the same time put the money where it's needed like into schools and public stuff......not into prisons catering to the correctional officers' union and pandering to inmates giving them free cable and shit like that.  Arnold (puppet or not ) stands for these things that we need as a state. also we need a leader in office who's against the little war of republicans and democrats someone who is willing to work to acheive the goals california so desperately needs to acheive right now. and about the recall .....this has been around WELL over 100 years. this all started when the rail road business hand picked and groomed corrupted money pandering leaders like Davis ....the progressive movement that abolished the control of the rail road passed bills giving the people more rights as to who they want in office.....the recall was very essential. The progressives were smart dudes....they made it so some one would have to be a huge ASS to actually get recalled from office. So swartzanegger would have to fuck up worse than Davis/hoover/clinton to ever go through a successful recall. That's why this recall was so's hard to get someone out of office.  i'll put it like this , it's A WHOLE HELLA LOT EASIER to pass a law forcing the whole state to where raider jerseys every day by signing a petition than to recall a california official. Poor people arn't going to have watch out.....that's stupid. if anything poor people, especially unemployed ones are going to benefit with lighter tax laws and more job opportunities now that we have a big business/small government man in power. Also meixcans won't have to worry either for the same reasons......the only one's who'll have to worry are the sorry asses who come here illegally. the only people who'll have to watch out are the rich corrupted powerful panderers in the indian gaming hoo. These people are actually hurting their tribes more.....and our state's economy for that matter by not paying "theyr Fayer shayer" this casinos rake in billions and billions of dollars in revenue. our ferderal money.....and don't contribute a dime if they don't feel like it to helping reservations or the state they live in like other gaming casinos int he country . i feel no ounce of sympathy for THESE indians.

i still dont see him as the "solution" to anything. Id be surprised if he actually puts alot of money into schools. Im pretty sure he's gonna place a big focus on immigration, or at least...make people think he will, and manage to convince people that "cracking down on illegal immigrants" will help the economy so much lol. All im saying is, he's basically stepping into a perfect situation for any politician. If he creates ONE more job, then was available before he was in office...Republicans everywhere will say what a success he was lol. Its kind of silly, cus every Republican is convinced that our economy is bad...BECAUSE of Democrats. If Davis was a Republican...our economy would have still been fucked right now. So to me, it had nothing to do with it. As for the recall, whats crazy about that Californians voted Davis into office. And now, because SOME are not happy with their choice...we should be able to just take it back? lol. The country has slowly built itself a reputation of not liking to take responsibilty for our choices.......the rep is strong lol. If anything, the ONLY people that SHOULD be able to vote on a recall...are those who voted FOR Davis the first time. But oh well...fukit. I dont really want the Terminator (and YES, whoever tha guy was wit tha stick up his ass...he's JUST tha fuckin Terminator lol) in office...but whats done is done, and he's hopefully he actually does a good job. But i still out mexicans, watch out native americans...and out poor


Re:How da Fuck did Arnold Win the Govenorship
« Reply #44 on: October 12, 2003, 09:54:49 AM »
I dont really want the Terminator (and YES, whoever tha guy was wit tha stick up his ass...he's JUST tha fuckin Terminator lol) in office

The fact you actually think Arnold Schwartznegger is anything like most of the characters he plays just shows how feeble minded you are. The only person who has a stick up his ass is yourself, & it has seemed to have poked your brain out to