Author Topic: Trauma teaches History, part 1  (Read 393 times)


Trauma teaches History, part 1
« on: November 04, 2003, 07:22:10 PM »
Interesting thing I thought of.  This is especially directed at American citizens who don't support the war in Iraq.

There's a big ass statue standing in new York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty.  We didn't put it there.  The French people put it there as a symbol of the friendship we created during the American Revolution.  

Dig this...

In the 1700's, we came to this continent for 2 reasons.  1 was to escape the King of England's taxes, and the other was to escape the Church of England.  We fought the fucking KING OF ENGLAND and everything he could throw at us over taxes.  Money.  We wanted to be free, and not have to pay him.  

Now, we probably wouldn't have been able to pull it off, save for 1 thing... the French also hated the King of England, so the French sent 25,000 troops to America to help us gain our liberty.  They weren't really all that interested in us being free, they had their own reasons, but our freedom was a positive result of them sending troops over here to fight the British.  

We fought, and lost, 25,000 american colonists for our independence from TAXES.  The French sent over 25,000 troops, and 4,000 of them went home in a box.  4,000 troops dead, for OUR Independence.  That's 15% of the troops they sent over, just to help us save money.  Ahem.

Anyways, flash forward 230 years or so.  We're in Iraq, with 140,000 troops.  400 have died.  These people are suffering under a dictator 400 times the horror the King Of England was to us 230 years ago! We lost 25,000 of our own men to escape him because we didn't like his TAXES! These people have their women raped, their kids killed, just the other day I hear this story bout an Iraqi 'policeman' poking a child's eyes out.  WTF?  We've all heard the horror stories, we all know that Saddam gassed 4,000 of his own citizens to test out a new form of nerve gas.  All this, AND the country lives in poverty while he sits on a throne.  

Now... if France was kind enough to let 4,000 of their men die to save our asses from Taxes, I don't see anything wrong with 400 of our soldiers dying so the citizens of Iraq can escape a man who tortures their children and rapes their women.  

Now, just as France didn't come over here to 'liberate' us, maybe we didn't go to Iraq to 'liberate' them.  However, you have to admit, 400 soldiers is a small price to pay for the freedom these people are going to get as a biproduct of our intentions.  If you don't think we should be in Iraq, what do you think the Iraqi citizens think? Probably the same thing we thought 230 years ago when France came over to help us, just because they hated England.  

Just something interesting to think about.  

M Dogg™

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Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2003, 09:55:44 PM »
nice read. keep it up


Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2003, 01:40:18 PM »
*Shows how silly I am, I figured you'd just have something negative to say, so I didn't read your response for 2 days.  LOL


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Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2003, 07:52:39 PM »
who is that ugly bitch in your avatar and sig?

M Dogg™

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Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2003, 07:58:57 PM »
*Shows how silly I am, I figured you'd just have something negative to say, so I didn't read your response for 2 days.  LOL

Why would say something negative about facts. Though times change, and things are seen different in different eras, it is the samething, and if I agree, I give props where props are due.


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Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2003, 08:15:10 PM »
who is that ugly bitch in your avatar and sig?

low way of askin who it is,  but i think thats Fionna Apple


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Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2003, 09:55:50 PM »
who is that ugly bitch in your avatar and sig?

low way of askin who it is,  but i think thats Fionna Apple

the truth hurts


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Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2003, 12:20:53 AM »
What about genocide in Rwanda nearly 1 million people dead and that was in 1994. Face United States of America does not give a flying fuck about the Iraqi people. This whole Iraqi Freedom mission is bullshit re-election ploy.

And to anyone that calls Trauma's post a good the words of Judge Judy must be dumber than a bucket of rocks.

Why doesn't America leave the Iraqi people out to dry like they did the Jews in Europe?

America = self interest

Only reason USA fought Hitler in Europe was because San Diego, California was next city too be owned by Hitler...and if Mexico followed the plan with Japan/Germany USA would not even be. And look how USA did Mexico...for staying loyal hahaha ;D they got bitched.
Didn't Hitler offer Mexico...California/Arizona/Texas back if they helped him.
Ah well.

 ;) Done

Trauma go read another page in your history book.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2003, 12:38:01 AM by Max Powers »


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Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2003, 02:07:35 AM »
 Ah well.. good read for those who believe all that crap without thinking..

 Sumone tell me what the Americans did to the French AFTER they helped (ahem.. puhleesh..) them to GAIN their FREEDOM??!!! Well they told them to FUCK OFF the American soil; fought with them for almost a century and in the end transformed the initial 13 states into THE USA.

 Keeping the above as an anology the same thing is going to happen here in Iraq. The Liberators who lead a helping(??) hand to free the captives off the DEMONS that tormented them are going to be asked to FUCK OFF never to return again.. and if they don't.. will be taught a goddam lesson which they should have already learnt from TRAUMA"S TEXTBOOK OF DISTORTED AMERICAN HISTORY...

 P.S. : Beats me to imagine what the Americans will be leaving as a Sign of Freedom when they GO BACK: Probably DEAD BUSH's COFFIN ::)


Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2003, 06:00:45 AM »
Where did I say we were in Iraq to liberate the Iraqi's? I even put a line in there, which you must be too fucking stupid to comprehend, that said no matter WHAT reason we are there for, the Iraqi's still benefit, just like the French weren't here to liberate us! We still benefited! Grow the fuck up and admit truths when you see it.  


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Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2003, 06:59:21 AM »

These people are suffering under a dictator 400 times the horror the King Of England was to us 230 years ago! We lost 25,000 of our own men to escape him because we didn't like his TAXES! These people have their women raped, their kids killed, just the other day I hear this story bout an Iraqi 'policeman' poking a child's eyes out.  WTF?  We've all heard the horror stories, we all know that Saddam gassed 4,000 of his own citizens to test out a new form of nerve gas.  All this, AND the country lives in poverty while he sits on a throne.  

^I was replying to GeorgeW.Bush type statement as if he cared.

lol@Saddam testing gas on people....are you sure it wasn't the Kurdish cities in Iraq that helped out Iranian troops infiltrate Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war causing thousands of Iraqi casualties.

I would have probably gassed them too...Iraq didn't have time to put them in internment camps ;D



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Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2003, 09:22:28 AM »
Where did I say we were in Iraq to liberate the Iraqi's? I even put a line in there, which you must be too fucking stupid to comprehend, that said no matter WHAT reason we are there for, the Iraqi's still benefit, just like the French weren't here to liberate us! We still benefited! Grow the fuck up and admit truths when you see it.  

 Don't ACT fucking dumb TRUAMA.. and for gossake stop playing with words. Everyone here knows u've got a gr8 vocab and r pretty articulate with words.

 Well for starters I s'pose Free = Liberate.

 So stop this shit and go back and study ur 8th grade history Textbook.. Seems u grew up Too soon without learning much..
 And well about Iraqis benifitting from the US occupation.. I just can't see it in the near future.. only good thing they would be doing in the end is to provide Iraqis with a Democratic Govt. ; that too if they last another 2 yrs. Afterwards the Iraqis have got to help themselves.


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Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2003, 11:42:18 AM »
Seems u grew up too soon without learning much..

haha  ;D or trauma to the head as a kid.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2003, 11:43:51 AM by Max Powers »


Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2003, 02:57:05 PM »
Are you guys fucking DEAF?  First off, "playing with words", what are you talking about?  "Everybody knows you have a great vocab" ?  You've got to be kidding me, everything I'm saying is in plain fucking english, I even started cussing again so I'd be on the average liberal on this board's level.


Can you not understand a simple concept?  The concept that I'm putting forth in this post, is that Iraqis will benefit anyway you look at it.  You don't see how the Iraqi's will benefit in the near future? I do.  And even if you don't, do you have any sense of a long term?  Lesse, how can they benefit short term... hmmm... Saddam won't have any of their Women raped.  There.  That's good enough, isn't it? 1 point?  

And, "seems like I grew up without learning much", what do you want to know?

I'll address one of your points, even though it's irrelevant, since my whole post was about how the French helped us inadvertantly, just as we are inadvertantly helping the Iraqi's.  I guess you're French.  You said that we kicked France out of America, and fought with them for 100 years later.  Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but France GAVE us the Statue of Liberty, 100 years later, correct?  

You act like I'm lying, everything I stated is fact.  Here's more.  

The French signed contracts binding them to the war until we gained Independence.  After we GAINED our Independence, we started talking and had relations with the British.  France didn't like that.  In 1797, John Adams sent a convoy to france to talk it over.  While in Paris, your fucking French Prime Minister tryed to get a bribe out of Adams, saying that the French would stop hostilities towards us if we'd bribe him.  Adams told everybody, and we had skirmishes for 2 years afterwards, until we signed a peace treaty in 1800, so you're DAMN RIGHT we kicked you the fuck out of our country, you were pissed that we were friendly with the British, since you still hated them.  We fought along side you for a little while in the early 1800's against the British for control of the Mississippi river.  

ALSO, You fucking SOLD us The Louisiana purchase, after France lost control of the area to the Native Americans!  Your army is so fucking pathetic that you lost to a bunch of Indians with bow and arrows and Rocks.  So how did we kick you out? The Native Americans kicked you out, then we killed all of them and took the shit from 'em.  



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Re:Trauma teaches History, part 1
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2003, 05:41:36 PM »
Just stop posting in this section.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2003, 05:42:26 PM by Max Powers »