Author Topic: Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch Searched by the Police  (Read 1275 times)


Re:Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch Searched by the Police
« Reply #90 on: November 23, 2003, 09:28:08 PM »
So, we reach a new plateau.  Not only does Mike have videos of the woman and boy saying nothing happened, he also has signed documents saying the same thing, and witnesses saying they saw the woman threatening Michael while high on Crack.  LOL.  This shit is going to be CRAZY in court.

Michael Jackson Defense Plan Emerges

Sunday, November 23, 2003
By Rita Cosby

LOS ANGELES — Michael Jackson's (search) defense team plans to vigorously attack the credibility of the mother of the boy now making the allegations against the superstar, Fox News has learned.

In addition to videos, first reported about by Fox News this past week, in which the mother and the boy say they love Jackson and have never seen any inappropriate behavior, sources said there are written statements saying the same thing, which were signed late February by the boy and his mother in front of Jackson's attorney Mark Geragos (search).

Also, Fox News has learned the Jackson team has been flooded in recent days with calls from witnesses who were at Neverland Ranch (search) when the boy was there. These witnesses say the boy always acted happy and did not seem troubled.

There are also some employees of Jackson who will say they saw the mother of the boy often arguing with him -- sometimes, they say, high on crack -- and that she made demands.

The mother was becoming such a concern to the Jackson team, that sources told Fox News they brought in two employees from late January to March to specifically keep an eye on her at Neverland, so she, "would not freak out."

Some members of the Jackson team told Fox News they believe this case is all about greed from that mother -- they said as early as late January she was making verbal threats saying, "she could go to the tabloids and tell some stories if they didn't take care of her."

The defense team also plans to launch a massive assault on the district attorney, who they've said from the beginning was out to get Jackson.

Police seized a dozen explicit love letters and poems allegedly written by the pop icon to the young boy accusing him of molestation, according to several international newspaper reports.

Fox News has learned of a number of reports claiming that about 12 love letters and some poems were taken from Jackson's Neverland Ranch during Tuesday's raid, which stemmed from allegations of child sexual abuse.

Court TV's Diane Dimond, who broke news of the raid, confirmed those reports Sunday on Fox News.

Also Sunday, another superstar and longtime friend of Jackson's came out decrying the sex abuse accusations and the intense media coverage of the case.

"I thought the law was, 'Innocent until proven guilty,'" said actress Elizabeth Taylor. "I know he is innocent, and I hope they all eat crow."

In other developments, a story in the U.K.'s Sunday Mirror reported that Jackson was an emotional wreck during Thursday's flight on his private jet from Las Vegas to Santa Barbara, Calif., where he ultimately turned himself in to authorities peacefully.

The Mirror reported that Jackson's handlers had to practically drag him aboard the airplane and once in flight, he was in a state of panic, shaking and rocking back and forth so much that he had to be sedated. He was heard saying, "Why, why, why are they doing this to me?" over and over again, according to the Mirror.

At one point, the singer demanded to be flown to South America to avoid confronting the arrest warrant on counts of child molestation, the Mirror reported.

Jackson surrendered to Santa Barbara County (search) authorities without incident on Thursday after an arrest warrant was issued alleging he committed lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14.

Authorities have said they expect to file formal charges sometime after Thanksgiving. Jackson's arraignment is scheduled for Jan. 9.

After posting $3 million bail, Jackson flew back to Las Vegas, where he had been working on a music video. But attorney Geragos told The Los Angeles Times he planned to meet with Jackson at the star's Neverland Ranch near Santa Barbara on Saturday.

Media reports have said Jackson's alleged victim is a 12- or 13-year-old cancer survivor who visited him at Neverland where the singer was known to hold sleep-overs for children and share his bed with youngsters.

Stuart Backerman, a spokesman for Jackson, said the pop star was feeling "very positive" despite the allegations against him.

"He's fine. He's fighting mad, that's what he is. He's outraged at these allegations. But he is doing fine," Backerman said Saturday.

Small gatherings of Jackson's fans held candlelight vigils around the world Saturday to support the pop megastar.

There were rallies from Los Angeles to Toronto to Rome, but each typically drew just a few dozen fans. Vigils were planned over the weekend in more than a dozen cities, and others were to follow in China and Australia.

In Los Angeles, about 25 supporters gathered at Jackson's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame outside Grauman's Chinese Theater. They chanted "Michael's innocent!" and set candles in the shape of a heart around the star.

Faisal Malik, 29, a Los Angeles fan who helped organize the gathering, said he believes the performer is innocent.

"No other entertainer ever has opened his house so much to people," Malik said in a telephone interview. "True charity comes from the heart."

"He's the most famous person in the world, and they make someone a god and then they try to tear them down," said Arus Tashchyan, 18, of Montebello, who wore a black felt hat and a sequined glove, a style that Jackson made famous.

Geragos, who has said Jackson denies the charges, did not return repeated calls Saturday from The Associated Press.

In Las Vegas, about 25 fans gathered outside the CMX Productions studio, where Jackson had been working on the video.

"It's important for all his fans to come together at a time like this," said Christina Lowhorn, 21, of Las Vegas.

In Paris, about 60 fans gathered on the Champs Elysees and marched through crowds of shoppers to the Arc de Triomphe. They held candles and banners with slogans of support and sang "We Are the World," the 1985 African famine relief anthem written by Jackson and Lionel Richie.

"It's really hard for us," said Pascale Hatot, a 37-year-old fan from the suburbs of Paris. "I haven't been able to sleep or eat for three days."

Supporters in Rome gathered at the foot of the Spanish Steps just after darkness fell. They held candles and a sign in Italian that read: "Michael: Accused but not guilty!"

"There is an interest to see him fall as a man and as an artist," said Fabrizio Basili, a 30-year-old man from Rome who wore a black shirt bearing the image of Jackson's face. "His album 'Number Ones' came out with some of his great hits, and the same day the accusations came and this is why we're suspicious."

In Toronto, about 30 fans huddled over candles as rain and wind swept over the midtown square. A few fans held handmade signs supporting Jackson, some with photos clipped from magazines and "Michael We Love You" in six-inch-tall letters.

Some fans felt that Jackson is simply misunderstood.

"Is he creepy, no. Is he eccentric, yes. Different? Absolutely. I think that's what draws me to him," said Evan Williams, 28, who cranked a radio that played Jackson tunes.

Backerman said Jackson had received hundreds of supportive e-mails and was buoyed by his fans' loyalty. He added that a Web site,, will be launched as early as Sunday and will have official information from Jackson's camp for the media and fans.

"Michael Jackson has said in the past that his fans are his most precious resource. Clearly, the demonstrations around the world reinforce his long-standing feelings for his fans," Backerman said. "He's grateful."

Fox News' Anita Vogel and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2003, 09:30:04 PM by Trauma »

Don Breezio

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Re:Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch Searched by the Police
« Reply #91 on: November 23, 2003, 09:30:17 PM »
Again, all his fans know little shit like this, but to everybody else it looks like he's a pervert.  

all his fans know that he calls his friends little nicknames? i'm a micheal jackson fan and i didnt know fact i bet the only ppl who do know that are 1) trauma, 2) the little sissy girls who scream his name and cream their pants at his concerts...

as for the people who still dont believe this...the guy likes children...get over it. i am gonna like mikes music whether he does little kids or not...just like i like r. kellys music. tommy lee beat his wife...i still like his music...stop acting like the guy is a saint and admit he has a problem.


Re:Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch Searched by the Police
« Reply #92 on: November 23, 2003, 09:45:14 PM »
Man, fuck it, You want to make the shit personal and diss me when I'm bringing fucking facts to it, you're a fucking kid, you're not even worth me discussing it with.  Grow the fuck up and get your shit straight, then come talk to me when you're older if you think you can speak on my level.  I'm tired of arguing with mental midgets... I'm not changing anything, I'm not teaching anybody anything, because people like this are so fucking stupid they can't even learn.  This motherfucker just sat here and said he doesn't care if somebody's a child molestor, he's still going to buy their shit and support them like that.  He's on the other thread dissing me for being Mormon, I don't need this shit, fuck it.  

Don Breezio

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Re:Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch Searched by the Police
« Reply #93 on: November 23, 2003, 09:47:06 PM »
Man, fuck it, You want to make the shit personal and diss me when I'm bringing fucking facts to it, you're a fucking kid, you're not even worth me discussing it with.  Grow the fuck up and get your shit straight, then come talk to me when you're older if you think you can speak on my level.  I'm tired of arguing with mental midgets... I'm not changing anything, I'm not teaching anybody anything, because people like this are so fucking stupid they can't even learn.  This motherfucker just sat here and said he doesn't care if somebody's a child molestor, he's still going to buy their shit and support them like that.  He's on the other thread dissing me for being Mormon, I don't need this shit, fuck it.  

dude fuck you...i didnt diss you for being mormon. i gave an example because my ex was a mormon. sandnigga dissed you and said you fucked your relatives. dont put that shit on me.

Don Breezio

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Re:Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch Searched by the Police
« Reply #94 on: November 23, 2003, 09:48:26 PM »
This motherfucker just sat here and said he doesn't care if somebody's a child molestor, he's still going to buy their shit and support them like that.  

fuck yes im gonna buy their shit...why do i care what they do in their personal lives? i dont...thats why i dont give a shit about beefs in rap or anything like that. personal lives should be set aside from music. simple as that.

Don Breezio

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Re:Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch Searched by the Police
« Reply #95 on: November 23, 2003, 10:02:41 PM »
look trauma i dont expect you to understand where im coming from with what i just said (about mj & r. kelly). but lemme try to explain it a little...

music is my life. music has always been the way i escape whatever problems i am having...i have always seperated music from life and therefore i will do so for other music artists too. im not saying its right to do what they've done. but you act like im supporting them molesting children by buying their albums...all im doing is supporting their music...the day they start singing about the children is the day i stop buying their music. like i said i dont expect you to understand where im coming from (i dont mean that in a bad way...i just mean i feel i look at music a bit differently from most people)...but i do expect you to atleast respect my opinion on the matter. if you dont want to listen to mj or r. kelly because of what they do in their personal lives then thats your not gonna tell you that youre a bad person because of it.

The Watcher

Re:Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch Searched by the Police
« Reply #96 on: November 23, 2003, 10:29:38 PM »
Jacko knew this shit was coming and has an ARMY of lawyers that will kill this shit

as for the children thing.. just because he's had 3 kids doesn't mean he's interested in sex. He wants someone to carry on his legacy, for all you know he could've had sex 3 times & thats it
army of the pharaohs never make love songs
we finger fuck bitches with freddy krueger gloves on
- celph titled

"lol infact lmao" - Proof of D12

anticipate the shots like obama at the podium
- joe budden


Re:Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch Searched by the Police
« Reply #97 on: November 25, 2003, 11:01:16 AM »
Troubled past of kid & kin
in Los Angeles
in New York
The kid at the center of the Michael Jackson sex case allegedly tried to steal clothes from a California store on orders from his father when he was just 8, court records reveal.
The shoplifting turned violent when security guards grabbed the boy and his mother fought them, the papers said. They were arrested and charged with burglary.

A police report on the Aug. 27, 1998, incident said security guards caught up with the boy in the parking lot, where they wound up fighting with the boy and his parents. His mother was handcuffed.

The troubled family then sued the JCPenney store in West Covina, about 30 miles east of Los Angeles, alleging they were severely beaten and falsely arrested. In the suit, the family claimed the boy suffered a "sprained arm, nightmares and emotional distress."

The suit also claimed that a younger son, who was 7 at the time, was bruised on the forehead, causing "headaches and emotional distress."

As part of the settlement, charges against the family were dropped. The family collected $200,000, but the couple divorced a short time later after bickering over the money.

Other police reports involving the family allege the father once kept his daughter, now 15, prisoner in his car for 2-1/2 hours and threatened to "kill your mom and your whole family." The teen told cops the incident happened outside her school on Nov. 13, 2001.

In a bizarre statement after the mother filed assault charges against the father, she assured police that Michael Jackson, local weatherman Fritz Coleman and basketball star Kobe Bryant "would assist her with this incident."

Originally published on November 25, 2003

Who knows...


Re:Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch Searched by the Police
« Reply #98 on: November 26, 2003, 10:38:59 AM »
interesting, looks like they have a history 4 trying to sue people

"My greatest challenge is not what's happening at the moment, my greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their fucking perch. And you can print that." Alex Ferguson


Re:Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch Searched by the Police
« Reply #99 on: November 26, 2003, 10:40:03 AM »
FBI investigates secret Michael Jackson video
The FBI is investigating a private charter jet company after it allegedly filmed Michael Jackson and his lawyer as the singer flew to California last week to be arrested.

Mark Geragos says he has won a temporary restraining order against XtraJet, barring any release of the tapes. He claims the charter company covertly installed two cameras in the cabin of the plane.

The cameras 'were recording attorney-client conversations and then somebody had the unmitigated gall to shop those tapes around to media outlets in order to sell them to the highest bidder,' he said.

Separately, FBI spokesman Matthew McLaughlin said agents have gone to the headquarters of XtraJet. 'We're currently assessing if a federal violation has occurred,' he said.

The tapes' existence came to light when representatives of XtraJet showed it to several news organisations, saying they had found two videotapes aboard one of their jets and wanted to know whether it was legal to distribute or sell them.

Mr Geragos said he contacted XtraJet and was referred to a lawyer who told him: 'We had a lottery ticket and we thought we were going to do something with it.'

'This is not the lottery,' Mr Geragos said. 'This is this man's life. This is his family's life. These are scurrilous accusations.'

Fox Network viewed the tape on Monday and reported that Jackson looked 'calm, often smiling or laughing' during the flight. The lawsuit claims XtraJet asked Fox to pay a price 'in the high six figures'.


"My greatest challenge is not what's happening at the moment, my greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their fucking perch. And you can print that." Alex Ferguson