Author Topic: MORMONS  (Read 333 times)


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« on: December 26, 2003, 12:48:45 AM »
Polygamy and incest in Utah

By Talene Yotnotsian
Sundial Staff

Most of us know that this country’s prison system is a bit flawed, to say the least. Recently, in Salt Lake City, polygamist David Ortell Kingston was released early from prison, having served only four years of his 10-year sentence, after committing incest with his underage niece. She was also his 15th wife.

In 1999, Kingston was sentenced to two consecutive terms of up to five years in prison for unlawful sexual contact with a minor. His niece was only 16, and evidence indicated he forced himself upon her. Kingston’s niece was the daughter of his brother John Daniel Kingston who was jailed for 28 weeks after beating one of his other daughters for attempting to flee an arranged marriage. Just one big happy family, I guess! The Kingston clan is said to have about $150 million in business assets, which makes us all wonder if his money has anything to do with his apparent status above the law.

Instead of being granted parole, the State Board of Pardons and Parole in Utah ended Kingston’s sentence completely — indicating a formidable disregard for holding child molesters accountable for their despicable crimes. Now the prison has no responsibility to monitor Kingston’s next predatory move. His niece is now 20 and of legal age. So if he is so inclined — which is highly likely — he may go off and try to marry her again.

When prisons start releasing people who have slept with minors they were related to by blood and married to in a spiritual service, that’s when we really need to reassess and loath the system.

People who sleep with minors should never be released early from prison — I don’t care how good they are during their detention. And Kingston was good, tutoring inmates who were trying to complete high school and working as a teaching assistant WITH PAY in the prison’s college program.

Isn’t it great that sex offenders can earn their keep in prison and by doing so they get out early so they can possibly strike again? So what if he was a model prisoner? The 10 years of his sentence that was supposed to punish and take from his life is nothing compared to the pain and suffering inflicted upon his youthful niece who has lost her innocence and womanhood to a dirty old man.

First of all, how can a man think it’s okay to marry his 16-year-old niece? I don’t care if your religion tells you it’s okay — incest is not cool. But, I guess if you’re a member of the Latter Day Church of Christ, as Kingston was, incest is best. This polygamous sect is said to have about 1,000 members where marriages with half-sisters, first cousins, nieces and aunts are accepted in their religious beliefs.

This sect is not representative of all Mormons in Utah. Needless to say, Utah is big on the church and family values. The Mormon Church and the state banned polygamy in 1890, but 20,000 to 30,000 polygamists still exist in Utah. With such disregard for the law, it seems as though the state has been largely tolerant of polygamy, but at least they are tough on incest.

So, if perverted men can get away with practicing polygamy — which I think is abominable — at least they should refrain from marrying their blood relatives. Fundamentalist Mormons and Muslims are two religious groups that practice polygamy today.

Frankly, as a woman, it’s a little degrading to think that in today’s almost egalitarian society, a man can have his way with 15 or more wives because his religious beliefs grant him limitless sexual license. But I guess a woman’s opinion in a man’s world doesn’t hold much clout anyway.


Don Breezio

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« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2003, 12:49:28 AM »
wow kinda remind me of AG


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« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2003, 12:50:09 AM »
Polygamy has figured in several high-profile crime cases in Utah:

Ervil Morel LeBaron executed two rival polygamists to control his "Lamb of God" church in the late 1970s.

John Singer, a German-born convert to the LDS Church, died in a shootout with law enforcement officers at his Utah home following a polygamous marriage.

Addam Swapp, who considered Singer a martyr and married two of his daughters, had a revelation from God to blow up the Marion LDS stake center in 1988 to bring Singer back from the dead. A 13-day siege ended in a shoot-out with Swapp wounded and a corrections officer killed.

Dan Lafferty, after joining a polygamous cult, said God directed him and his brother to slay his sister-in-law and her infant daughter on Pioneer Day, 1984.

Rachal David threw her seven children off the 11th floor balcony of a hotel at 200 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, in 1978, killing all but one. The widow of self-proclaimed polygamist prophet Immanuel David, who had converted to Mormonism in the early 1960s, then jumped to her own death.

The Smart case has also renewed scrutiny of polygamous pockets of the West. At least 6,000 polygamist practitioners live in northern Arizona and Southern Utah, where sexual abuse and incest of young girls is common. Polygamy has been publicly practiced in Hildale, Utah, and the adjacent Arizona town of Colorado City for more than 70 years.

Warren Jeffs leads a renegade branch of the Mormon Church, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, founded in Hildale, by his father Rulon Jeffs, who died last September at 92 and had 70 wives. Jeffs, who has at least 14 wives, is accused of having sex with an underage girl who gave birth to a daughter in 2000.

The State of Arizona filed felony sexual misconduct charges for the first time in 50 years against a polygamist from the Colorado City area in February. Orson William Black Jr, who considers himself an archangel who communicates directly with God, was charged with five felony counts of sexual misconduct with two girls.

The Phoenix New Times reports "hundreds of teenage girls--some younger than the 15-year-old Smart--have been joined with older men in legally unsanctioned 'spiritual' marriages performed by FLDS elders in the Colorado City-Hildale area."

Some breakaway Mormon groups endorse incest. A 16-year-old girl was badly beaten in Idaho after running away from an arranged marriage to her uncle, David Ortell Kingston, 33. Prosecuted polygamist Tom Green married two mother-daughter pairs, and began a sexual relationship with one wife when she was 13.

Most polygamous relationships--and even many practitioners, who often do not have Social Security numbers--are undocumented. Government estimates of polygamists in Utah range from 30,000 to 50,000, according to the Baltimore Sun.


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« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2003, 12:53:18 AM »
Poverty is often a hallmark of polygamy in this country. The border towns of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Ariz., targets of polygamy raids in the 1950s, are now heavily subsidized by federal and state aid, according to a study of welfare and tax records by The Salt Lake Tribune.

The two towns, with a total population of about 6,000, rank in the top 10 in the states in the mountain time zone for receiving federal aid for poor women and children. With an average household of 8.5 people, Hildale has the lowest average federal tax return of any Utah town, $651 for each filer.

With household incomes about half the state average, the Tribune study found, the two towns have received almost $5 million in recent years in federal and state aid to build better houses and sewers.

Yet because of high birth rates and conversions to Mormonism, polygamy in Utah has rebounded from a low point involving a few thousand people in the 1950s, Altman said. Recalling that federal troops and judges tried to eradicate polygamy more than a century ago, he said of Utah's polygamists, "They are here to stay."

And these are the same fucks who want an end to immigration. Newsflash: Why don't you stop fucking your family members, and infesting your towns with a bunch of pedophiles, and maybe you could make a living for yourself. Don't blame the immigrant.


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« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2003, 12:55:01 AM »
wow kinda remind me of AG

I'm not NIK. I already told you in another thread. Maybe you're just slow, so here: I, AM, NOT, NIK.


« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2003, 07:15:54 AM »
Yeah, polygamy is horrible.  I wonder why the women go along with it, they can't be stupid enough to not know, and if they do know, why do they do it? Doesn't make much sense to me.


« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2003, 07:12:37 PM »
Yeah, polygamy is horrible.  I wonder why the women go along with it, they can't be stupid enough to not know, and if they do know, why do they do it? Doesn't make much sense to me.


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« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2003, 10:01:29 PM »
"His niece was only 16, and evidence indicated he forced himself upon her. Kingston's niece was the daughter of his brother John Daniel Kingston who was jailed for 28 weeks after beating one of his other daughters for attempting to flee an arranged marriage."

You should actually read what it says.


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« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2003, 10:12:06 PM »
Polygamy is one thing, but INCEST? WTF is wrong with these people. How can a religion make it right to fuck your kids?! It bewilders me. These guys are dirty-minded, sick fucks.

Don Jacob

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« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2003, 02:29:17 AM »
well if your going to single out a religion here, if you look in the qua'ran or koran or whatever it's called the 'prophet' muhammed was attracted to an 9 year old little girl.

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2003, 03:42:28 AM »
There's only a small group of mormons that does polygamy. Most mormons hate those people because you have to have 1 partner or something (according to most mormons).

Trauma can probably explain better, but that's what mormons always used to tell me.


« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2003, 07:28:37 AM »
I basically haven't explained it because this isn't an attempt to learn anything, they just want to get some cheap shots in on Mormons.  Since some of you like Mauzip seem interested, i'll explain Mormons & Polygamy.

Since Joseph Smith taught that he was a prophet of God, and since Mormon beliefs were slightly (not really much, though) different from other christian churches, most people that were christian hated him with a passion.  The Mormons were chased out of several northeastern states, and Joseph Smith & his brother were murdered by a mob that broke into the jailhouse he was imprisoned in.  

As a result, the Mormons abandoned their Navoo settlement in the fall, where they were building a huge temple.  They finished the temple, and then deserted it as soon as it was dedicated to the lord, and headed west.  On the journey, they were caught in several storms (it was late in the year) and many Mormon men died trying to get their families to a place where they wouldn't be killed and hated strictly because of their religion.  There's all kinds of sad stories about men carrying women & children over rivers, and then dying of exaustion on the other side of the river, etc.

The book of Mormon has stories condeming polygamy, and it was never a part of the Mormon religion until they reached Salt Lake City.  Once there, they realized that many Women had became widows on the trip, and Mormons believe it's a sin to live with a woman you're not married to.  The reaction the Mormons came up with was that, as in the old testament, some of the wealthier men (like Brigham Young, the head of the church after Smith's death) brought it upon themselves to marry widowed women, so that they could stay in their homes & be supported by them.  It wasn't a big sex orgy as the perverted few on this board would have you believe.

Things got out of hand, when a few bad seeds in the church DID start taking advantage, and marrying women solely for pleasure, etc. etc. Eventually, the United States passed a law saying Polygamy was illegal, and the Church agreed with the law, forbidding polygamy, and discommunicating any Mormon found practicing it.  The church split, with a small group leaving the church and starting their own church, where polygamy was still allowed.  The Mormon church hasn't allowed polygamy in over a hundred years.  


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2003, 10:01:46 AM »
well if your going to single out a religion here, if you look in the qua'ran or koran or whatever it's called the 'prophet' muhammed was attracted to an 9 year old little girl.

The Prophet was not attracted to the girl. She was the daughter of one of his closest friends (Abu Bekr or Omar, I don't recall which one at this point) and the Prophet felt spiritually close to the young girl.

Most hip-hop is now keyboard driven, because the majority of hip-hop workstations have loops and patches that enable somebody with marginal skills to put tracks together,...

Unfortunately, most hip-hop artists gravitated towards the path of least resistance by relying on these pre-set patches. As a result, electric guitar and real musicians became devalued, and a lot of hip-hop now sounds the same.



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2003, 10:12:10 AM »
well if your going to single out a religion here, if you look in the qua'ran or koran or whatever it's called the 'prophet' muhammed was attracted to an 9 year old little girl.

The Prophet was not attracted to the girl. She was the daughter of one of his closest friends (Abu Bekr or Omar, I don't recall which one at this point) and the Prophet felt spiritually close to the young girl.

I looked it up, Ayesha was the daughter of Abu Bekr.

Most hip-hop is now keyboard driven, because the majority of hip-hop workstations have loops and patches that enable somebody with marginal skills to put tracks together,...

Unfortunately, most hip-hop artists gravitated towards the path of least resistance by relying on these pre-set patches. As a result, electric guitar and real musicians became devalued, and a lot of hip-hop now sounds the same.



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« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2003, 10:13:04 AM »
I basically haven't explained it because this isn't an attempt to learn anything, they just want to get some cheap shots in on Mormons.  Since some of you like Mauzip seem interested, i'll explain Mormons & Polygamy.

I lived a year in a community with mainly mormons, that's why I know a little bit about that religion.