Author Topic: No military help for Haiti  (Read 302 times)


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Re:No military help for Haiti
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2004, 12:23:06 PM »
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The Marines have been sent to the embassy in Port-au-Prince to secure the compound as rebels continue to make advances in that country.

lol...they are saving themselves  ;D Krayzie-Eyez Killah are you actually reading the articles?

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Sept. 30, 1991 -- The army overthrows Aristide's government, forcing the president into exile in the United States.

Sept. 19, 1994 -- U.S. troops intervene to restore Aristide to power.

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The White House, meanwhile, said it was up to the Haitian people to decide whether embattled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide should remain in power.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2004, 12:28:48 PM by Nebuchadnezzar »


Re:No military help for Haiti
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2004, 12:37:43 PM »
You got your ass handed to you repeatedly and you keep coming back...

You keep talking about how we are such bullies and we won't send troops to Hati. What did we do? SENT TROOPS TO HATI. So it may be to secure our interests, is that wrong?


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Re:No military help for Haiti
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2004, 12:52:41 PM »
You got your ass handed to you repeatedly and you keep coming back...

You keep talking about how we are such bullies and we won't send troops to Hati. What did we do? SENT TROOPS TO HATI. So it may be to secure our interests, is that wrong?

lol protecting US Diplomats in Haiti is really helping the Haitian people...go fucking milk a cow moron.

Even if American does decide to send thousands of troops to keep their puppet in power...look at the f-ing date of this thread...while your checking the date read the title again idiot.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2004, 12:54:36 PM by Nebuchadnezzar »


Re:No military help for Haiti
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2004, 01:01:09 PM »
So what I'm getting out of this thread is that you think the US should send it's military when there is a domestic problem in a country...

That's some SMART thinking there.

And what does the date of a thread have to do with your stupidity?



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Re:No military help for Haiti
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2004, 01:19:50 PM »
So what I'm getting out of this thread is that you think the US should send it's military when there is a domestic problem in a country...

That's some SMART thinking there.

And what does the date of a thread have to do with your stupidity?

lol your a fucking bum with no absolute knowledge of history.

Date of thread has to do with the flip flop decisions made by US government.

Recent events in Haitian history:

Dec. 16, 1990 -- Jean-Bertrand Aristide becomes Haiti's first democratically elected president after nearly 30 years of dictatorship under the Duvalier family.

Sept. 30, 1991 -- The army overthrows Aristide's government, forcing the president into exile in the United States.

Sept. 19, 1994 -- U.S. troops intervene to restore Aristide to power.

Feb. 6, 1995 -- Aristide disbands the Haitian army and replaces it with a civilian police force.

Dec. 23, 1995 -- Rene Preval, Aristide's protege, elected president. Term limit prohibits Aristide from running.

May 21, 2000 -- Aristide's Lavalas Family party sweeps legislative elections that observers say were flawed. The international community puts millions in foreign aid on hold until results are revised.

Nov. 26, 2000 -- Aristide wins a second term as president in elections boycotted by major opposition parties who claimed fraud in the legislative elections.



Re:No military help for Haiti
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2004, 01:42:17 PM »
Last week = Whining that Bush won't help Haiti because there is no oil there.
Today = Whining that Bush will send troops because he's trying to take over the world.
Next week = New country, same scenario.
Lather, rinse, repeat.

Random points:
-So you're blaming us for interviening back then, and blaming us for not doing anything now? Ha!
-Call me crazy, but wasn't CLINTON in charge of shit back in the day!?! Hey, forget all that... Blame Bush! It's his bad!
-Where is France in this situation and how come you're not on their case?


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Re:No military help for Haiti
« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2004, 03:13:17 PM »
Last week = Whining that Bush won't help Haiti because there is no oil there.
Today = Whining that Bush will send troops because he's trying to take over the world.
Next week = New country, same scenario.
Lather, rinse, repeat.

Random points:
-So you're blaming us for interviening back then, and blaming us for not doing anything now? Ha!
-Call me crazy, but wasn't CLINTON in charge of shit back in the day!?! Hey, forget all that... Blame Bush! It's his bad!
-Where is France in this situation and how come you're not on their case?

First I'm Anti-American government[foreign policy] second Anti-Bush administration[pure hate]...get that straight Joe.

America kept that crooked leader in charge.

Christopher Columbus lands on the island that became known as Hispaniola. It was originally inhabited by the Taino-Arawak Indians, who referred to their home as "Hayti" or mountainous land.

Spanish control over the colony ends with the Treaty of Ryswick, which divides the island into French-controlled St. Domingue and Spanish Santo Domingo. The island is prized by the European powers for its natural resources, including cocoa, cotton and sugar cane and the French ship in thousands of slaves, mainly from West Africa, to harvest the crops.

After a slave rebellion led by a Jamaican-born Boukman in 1791, Haiti becomes the first black independent state under General Jean-Jacques Dessalines, who declares himself emperor.

After three decades of strife and multiple rulers, the island splits into two nations, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

After decades of delay, fearing that it would inspire its own slaves, the United States grants Haiti diplomatic recognition. In 1889, noted abolitionist Frederick Douglass becomes the U.S. Consul-General.

U.S. Marines occupy Haiti to calm a state of anarchy. The Americans improve the infrastructure while helping to create the Haitian armed forces.

The United States pulls out of Haiti. But the nation remains torn by tension between the wealthier French-speaking mulatto minority and the overwhelming majority of impoverished black Creole speakers.  

Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier becomes leader, declaring himself president for life in 1964 and ruling through terror perpetrated by his notorious street gangs known as the "Tontons Macoutes."  
Jean-Claude Duvalier, known as "Baby Doc" becomes president at the age of 19, succeeding his father who dies in office.

As anti-government protests gather steam, the United States arranges exile in France for "Baby Doc" and his family. He is succeeded by General Henri Namphy.

A charismatic priest from the slums, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, wins a U.N.-organized presidential election, gaining more than 67 percent of the vote.

Aristide is ousted in a military coup and is forced to seek exile in the United States. The coup sparks a mass exodus with more than 40,000 Haitians rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard during a 12-month period.
After several abortive efforts to restore democracy, the United States leads an international force into Haiti, forcing the military rulers to step down. A month later, Aristide returns as president to Port-au-Prince.
Rene Preval becomes president as Aristide is precluded by the Constitution from succeeding himself.

Municipal and legislative elections end in disarray because of a flawed vote count, alleged irregularities and fraud charges. The controversy triggers a boycott of the presidential elections later that year, won by Aristide.

The crisis sparked by the allegedly fraudulent election deepens amid a failure of international mediation efforts, a foundering economy and growing political violence. A few weeks after the nation celebrates its 200th anniversary in January, a rebel movement seizes control of a number of towns in an uprising that poses a formidable threat to the Aristide government.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2004, 07:04:18 PM by Nebuchadnezzar »


Re:No military help for Haiti
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2004, 09:10:34 PM »
First I'm Anti-American government[foreign policy] second Anti-Bush administration[pure hate]...get that straight Joe.

America kept that crooked leader in charge.