Author Topic: Sept 11th Firefighters  (Read 818 times)


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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2004, 01:58:20 PM »
I just read the article, and it said that things were left out. It didn't say that what was stated was false. All it said is that Israeli and Jewish lobbying groups shitted their pants because the documentary didn't portray the pro-Israeli bias of the story, and they got their panties in a twist because a page was left out on the website. That page didn't even take a pro-Palestinian stance, it just talked about the history of the land, and the last sentence states that neither side has legitamite claim.

All I was showing you was an Arab documentary that aired in America, just like you asked... ::)

1. I asked for one because I wanted to see one, not because I didn't believe they existed.

2. You still didn't prove that Arabs LIED in documentaries.


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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #31 on: April 07, 2004, 02:19:06 PM »
Jenin Jenin
Released in DVD by Arab Film Distribution (18 December, 2002)
Director: Mohamed Bakri

This film is a documentary of the Israeli action in the Jenin Refugee camp in 2002. Israeli troops went charging into this camp in response to numerous terrorist bombings. The army had intelligence that the camp was literally chalk full of terrorists and weapons. During the fighting that ensued rumors leaked out that a 'massacre' had taken place. The western media quickly arrived and interviewed left wing Israeli activists and Palestinian 'survivors'. The Palestinians told a tale of mass graves and 'genocide' and a little known Israeli Arab (Arab living in Israel) took up a crusade to 'document' the 'massacre'. This film is his documentary. It details a series of interviews of Palestinians who supposedly witnessed the Israel incursion and the subsequent battle. These Palestinians all claim to have witnessed the mass murder of their compatriots at the hands of non-other then the butcher of Sabra and Shatilla, Arik Sharon.
Of course this is one half of the story. The second half is that this documentary is mostly propaganda and hyperbole and does not bother to reveal the subsequent investigation by the U.N, Israel and other bodies that concluded only 30 people had been killed, almost all of whom were young men who were probably combatants. The Investigation proved beyond doubt that a 'massacre' had not taken place. The investigations also proved that the Israeli army had gone to great lengths to not harm civilians, but due to the crowded nature of the camp some civilians had been killed, by mistake. 'Jenin Jenin' is a battle cry that was created to infuse westerners with hate towards Israel. The documentary tries to show that Israel is a veritable 'fascist' state that routinely rounds up Palestinians and massacres them. This film is almost all lies and the interviewees either were telling lies or they simply had thought they witnessed something that was incorrect. Frequently during the fog of war it may seem that hundreds of people are being killed when in reality only a few actually die and most end up wounded from shrapnel. This is frequently the case in a small arms fire fight, it may seem like a terrible battle but subsequent casualty lists will show it to be mostly bloodless. The Palestinians saw hundreds of tanks and Israeli soldiers and the volume of fire certainly made them feel that a massacre was taking place. But the documentary doesn't include any of the actual footage of the conclusions of the investigators, and its images are mostly propaganda meant to convey that terrible destruction took place when in reality a small portion of the camp was damaged. Recommended reading to accompany this film is 'Image and Reality' by Finkelstein, 'Case for Israel' by Dershowitz and 'The new anti-Semitism' by Foxman. This will help balance this very biased documentary.

---Seth Frantzman November 17th 2003



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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2004, 02:22:49 PM »
Jenin Jenin
Released in DVD by Arab Film Distribution (18 December, 2002)
Director: Mohamed Bakri

This film is a documentary of the Israeli action in the Jenin Refugee camp in 2002. Israeli troops went charging into this camp in response to numerous terrorist bombings. The army had intelligence that the camp was literally chalk full of terrorists and weapons. During the fighting that ensued rumors leaked out that a 'massacre' had taken place. The western media quickly arrived and interviewed left wing Israeli activists and Palestinian 'survivors'. The Palestinians told a tale of mass graves and 'genocide' and a little known Israeli Arab (Arab living in Israel) took up a crusade to 'document' the 'massacre'. This film is his documentary. It details a series of interviews of Palestinians who supposedly witnessed the Israel incursion and the subsequent battle. These Palestinians all claim to have witnessed the mass murder of their compatriots at the hands of non-other then the butcher of Sabra and Shatilla, Arik Sharon.
Of course this is one half of the story. The second half is that this documentary is mostly propaganda and hyperbole and does not bother to reveal the subsequent investigation by the U.N, Israel and other bodies that concluded only 30 people had been killed, almost all of whom were young men who were probably combatants. The Investigation proved beyond doubt that a 'massacre' had not taken place. The investigations also proved that the Israeli army had gone to great lengths to not harm civilians, but due to the crowded nature of the camp some civilians had been killed, by mistake. 'Jenin Jenin' is a battle cry that was created to infuse westerners with hate towards Israel. The documentary tries to show that Israel is a veritable 'fascist' state that routinely rounds up Palestinians and massacres them. This film is almost all lies and the interviewees either were telling lies or they simply had thought they witnessed something that was incorrect. Frequently during the fog of war it may seem that hundreds of people are being killed when in reality only a few actually die and most end up wounded from shrapnel. This is frequently the case in a small arms fire fight, it may seem like a terrible battle but subsequent casualty lists will show it to be mostly bloodless. The Palestinians saw hundreds of tanks and Israeli soldiers and the volume of fire certainly made them feel that a massacre was taking place. But the documentary doesn't include any of the actual footage of the conclusions of the investigators, and its images are mostly propaganda meant to convey that terrible destruction took place when in reality a small portion of the camp was damaged. Recommended reading to accompany this film is 'Image and Reality' by Finkelstein, 'Case for Israel' by Dershowitz and 'The new anti-Semitism' by Foxman. This will help balance this very biased documentary.

---Seth Frantzman November 17th 2003

Now check if he's Jewish.

Plus, if you actually read my post, it says "these things are bound to be biased" just in the same way that a documentary by Israelis would be. If the news can't tell both sides of a story, then people creating a documentary would never.


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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #33 on: April 07, 2004, 02:23:57 PM »
Now I could also claim that the person who wrote that article is a liar, couldn't I?


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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2004, 02:26:24 PM »
As a matter of fact, I will bet anything the guy is Israeli and/or Jewish. If he isn't, I will delete my account.


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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #35 on: April 07, 2004, 02:27:51 PM »
Seth is not an Israeli/Jewish name...He could be an American Jew, but I highly doubt it....


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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #36 on: April 07, 2004, 02:32:20 PM »
Know How to Uncover Anti-Semitic literature
by Seth Frantzman, Semite, Historian

Understand the classical and modern Jewish texts
by Seth Frantzman, Jewish Historian
« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 02:33:55 PM by FuNk-U-uP »


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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #37 on: April 07, 2004, 02:33:57 PM »
Guess he's an American Jew...I still agree with his review...PeACe



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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #38 on: April 07, 2004, 02:35:59 PM »
Semite = American?


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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #39 on: April 07, 2004, 02:37:27 PM »
Semite = Jewish


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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #40 on: April 07, 2004, 02:37:38 PM »
Point is, being that he's Jewish, his REVIEW could be just as biased. Like I said, there's always more than one side to a story.


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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #41 on: April 07, 2004, 02:38:55 PM »
Semite = Jewish

This is where you're wrong buddy.

Main Entry: Sem·ite
Pronunciation: 'se-"mIt, esp British 'sE-"mIt
Function: noun
Etymology: French sémite, from Semitic Shem, from Late Latin, from Greek SEm, from Hebrew ShEm
Date: 1848
1 a : a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs b : a descendant of these peoples



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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #42 on: April 07, 2004, 02:39:40 PM »
This is where you're wrong...


1. A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Near East and northern Africa, including the Arabs, Arameans, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, Hebrews, and Phoenicians. 2. A Jew. 3. Bible A descendant of Shem.
Back-formation from Semitic.


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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #43 on: April 07, 2004, 02:41:29 PM »
Seth Frantzman, an Israeli historian...


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Re:Sept 11th Firefighters
« Reply #44 on: April 07, 2004, 02:46:23 PM »
^^and wheres that from? I highly doubt you'll ever find an Israeli with the name Seth...LOL