Author Topic: Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre  (Read 1025 times)


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Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2004, 11:19:24 PM »

Read that. It goes along with Max's article. This is basically saying that us officials believe there will be an attack during the summer. They may have possesions of chemical or biological weapons. Which isnt really hard anthrax is real easy to get.

anyway. They mentioned that there was a classified task force created by the FBI soley for this purpose. but its not classified anymore. They mentioned the WW2 memorial dedication, which is couple days before memorial day. I highly doubt they would do this, but on the other hand it would fuck us over badly. not to mention im going to be there  :'(  so they better not.

anyway. Are any of you guys worried what these fuckers are going to do next? I am very! Im not really in a city that i would be a possible target (or at least i think not), but i still have a fear even though im not in a big city. This stuff makes me wish i lived in a neutral country.

Our government needs to stop this shit with iraq, and set our priorities big time. 18,000 al-quida and we dont know where any of them are. We need to use all of our rescources to find these people within the usa, and also use our rescources to destroy their training camps and weapons cache facilities. To me right now this is the only thing that mattters, because God forbid another 9/11 attack happens.

That will seriously hurt our country in many ways.

ahh don't be afraid, they found pictures of niagara falls power authority on an al qaeda website and i live about 8 miles from there...they better stick to small shit because look what happened the last time they pulled something big off


Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2004, 06:17:17 AM »
Yeah, we killed thousands of people in two countries and toppled two governments.  If they do something big again, it'll be kind of cool, because then we can have an excuse to pull out the nukes.  Bring it on, we'll turn some muslims back into sand.  


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Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2004, 12:38:00 PM »
Yeah, we killed thousands of people in two countries and toppled two governments.  If they do something big again, it'll be kind of cool, because then we can have an excuse to pull out the nukes.  Bring it on, we'll turn some muslims back into sand.  

I would love nothing more then to send 500 Nuclear Ballistic Missles straight at the middle east. They have been nothing but trouble for all the countries near them and our country. Only problem is they got oil. Thats the only fucking thing thats keeping all these middle eastern countries alive right now.

Do you honestly think that the USA would be so nice about all of this if they had no oil? the answer is no. they would destroy the middle east. Doesnt bother me a bit. You can say how fucking retarded i am or whatever because i really dont care.

id rather 4 million of them die then 4 million americans.


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Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2004, 12:46:06 PM »
you guys have watched "Swordfish" right? besides seeing halle berry's tits, the only other saving point for that movie is the idea of american terrorists, if they blow up a boat of ours, we blow up a yaht club.....if they blow up a plane, we blow up an airport


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Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2004, 02:27:13 PM »
So what are you trying to say? besides that movie sucked lol, but i know what your reffering to.

so are you trying to say we need to start a task force to terroize middle east?

only if i can be general


Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2004, 08:33:49 PM »
Hell no I didn't see swordfish.  I wouldnt' waste 15 minutes trying to fast forward to whatever scene Halle Berry gets naked in.  

Fuck terrorists.  We have big ass planes with big ass bombs.  That's all we need.  My tax dollars built the planes, and built the bombs, go waste a bunch of our fucking tax money and blow up the middle east.

BTW, that Oil shit is bullshit.  Did you know that America gets 80% of it's oil from South America? We don't even USE Middle Eastern Oil.  Now, France, and Germany, and Russia, get ALL of their oil from the middle east.  Kind of sheds a little light, eh?  Pussies are transparent.  


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Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2004, 08:38:52 PM »
When bush told the american people about the War to Iraq i was pretty happy. The bush administration was telling the people of all the stuff thats going on in Iraq. Nuclear and Biological weapons. And most of all Al-queda is being housed there.

sometime went by and i was getting tired of waiting for these two things to "appear". now the time has come when i am completly just plain angry at this whole war. In this war we have ruined so many things, and also made so many things worse.

Our goal was to rid the world of terrorists. Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike. We have not only done nothing productive against these guys.....we've given them an even greater reason to hate us and try to kill us. Great.

I think i read somewher that the civilian casualties are at around 5,000 civilian casualties. This is going nowhere fast. Were pissing off the entire world. This is making things worse for the american people. Bush' speach yesterday gave me no hope of leaving iraq anytime soon.

If Bush gets another term....were going to be in iraq for his entire term i gurantee that. If Kerry wins.....i really have no idea this guy is so fuckin indecisive. i have no idea what hes thinking.

no no no no no.

U.S.A and U.K went to war with Iraq because it was believed that Iraq had Nuclear weapons and Weapons Of Mass Destruction, which they actually still could have.  You think these weapons are gunna be in some factory somewhere, NO WAY, there gunna be underground, secure and located in places that with either be stumbled upon by somebody or never actually found, but thats beside the point.

The point is that U.S.A and U.K went to war with Iraq because they believed that Saddam Hussein was a threat to the world and it was about time to get rid of his "evil" rules and regulations that entrap the Iraq people.  Sure hundreds of soilders have died, and R.I.P to them but thats is their job.  They have died fighting for good causes and anybody who says "Oh well U.S and U.K troops have died for nothing" is speaking fictitious.  The soilders that have died have died doing the job they where basically taken in to do, being part of the army, navy, or air force means killing people and putting your life on the line everyday, I say, if they didn't want to be involved in those types of risks, they should of never of joined.

The mission was to never rid the world of all of these terrorist because that will never be successful, it was to get rid of a deck of cards that could post leathal threat to the way that we live and the way the world works, and we DID!  Before the war Iraqi people could be killed for doing the slightest of things but now they are free.  Sure the re-building process is going to take years but the foundation has been laid and the future or Iraq is bright.  The rules have gone, they mass killing of civilians has gone, the dictator's have gone, and they have the ability for themsevles and their children and their children's children to live in freedom and to make something of their lives.

Man, the terrorist world was already pissed off at U.S.A and U.K and other main countries in the world such as Spain before this war started.  Al Qaida hated us already, what you gotta remember is that what if that 18,000 also had Saddam and his troops ready to attack, hmmmmmmmm much worse my friend.  You are quick to point out the things that have been made worse but you ain't looked at the big picture.  Livelyhood has been rescued, boundaries have been raised, rules and dumbass regulations have gone, murder is the mass amounts has gone, and the world has basically got rid of some of the most evilest people God ever put here.

We have done things productive to stop these people.  By invading Iraq and winning we have shown the terrorist that we will not lie down lightly.  Sure they want to attack us again and I have no doubt in my mind that they will attack us again but hopefully when they do we will have the adaquate features and abilities to at least try to keep the number of casualties to a minimum and to hit them back exactly where it hurts.  You think ridding the world of terrorism is an overnight operation, you think catching Bin Laden is easy, he's probably not been seen above ground since Sept 11th.  These terrorist arn't stupid, they know we have the abilty to hurt them and thats why they spend so long planning these attacks.  They know that with just one phone call they could give away their postion and be bombed or attacked within hours or minutes, thats are productivity against them, they know they can't just get away with it now, we have them.  

People will die and eventually maybe one day the world can be peaceful but until then we as individuals and countries have to fight them, whether it be by returning fire or verbal warnings.  If it takes 5,000 civilian casulaties, then that whats has to be done.  This number would probably double in a year if Saddam was still in charge in simple kurd killings and tortures of prisoners.  The world is a better place without them.

Everyone criticises Bush but you think any other president would of done any better in the situations he has been in.  You think Clinton would of handled the Iraqi-threat any better, I don't.  Bush is the president and he is the head honcho, hes the one that has to give the orders for troops to go into Iraq and essentially kill people and risk their own lives, not an easy thing to do in my book.  Sure he has to listen to his advisors because in the heat of the moment, which we all act under in many situations, he just might be temped to give a fatal orders, with his advisors their hey will keep his targets on the right track and hopefully stop any decisions that wouldn't be moral or appropriate.  He's a smart and good man and nothing has come out of the Iraq invasion but "goodness".  People need to start realising that.

People think thats its so easy, its a one night operation, you think that one Bin laden and Al Quida is gone there won't be others, of course there will.  People need to stop actually bitching about the war, bush, blair, and other stuff like that and actually start support it because if millions of lives are saved for the sake of 500 then its that part of the mission acomplished.  The people complaing about these things won't be complaing when an Iraq Doctor in 50 years time is saving their life in an American Hosptial.  If he wasn't freed from the terror when he was 15 years old then he might be dead, and ultimetly so would that American.  

And that is all I have to say about that!


Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #22 on: May 26, 2004, 08:49:21 PM »
Damn, I saw you replied, and I went "Oh, that fucker, I'm gonna go insult him real quick" and then I read what you wrote, and I don't even hate you!!! Shit.  You're right on, well spoken, fuck the haters, you have a good head on your shoulders and see shit clearly.  It's really pretty fucking simple, black and white right and wrong type shit like in the comic books and the movies but I guess people get confused when they get smoke blown up their ass by all the liberal dumbasses we've surrounded ourselves with in our culture.  Well spoken Bez, I won't make fun of your signature anymore!~


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Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #23 on: May 26, 2004, 11:16:52 PM »
Bez = soccer mom  ;D

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Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #24 on: May 26, 2004, 11:38:18 PM »
When bush told the american people about the War to Iraq i was pretty happy. The bush administration was telling the people of all the stuff thats going on in Iraq. Nuclear and Biological weapons. And most of all Al-queda is being housed there.

sometime went by and i was getting tired of waiting for these two things to "appear". now the time has come when i am completly just plain angry at this whole war. In this war we have ruined so many things, and also made so many things worse.

Our goal was to rid the world of terrorists. Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike. We have not only done nothing productive against these guys.....we've given them an even greater reason to hate us and try to kill us. Great.

I think i read somewher that the civilian casualties are at around 5,000 civilian casualties. This is going nowhere fast. Were pissing off the entire world. This is making things worse for the american people. Bush' speach yesterday gave me no hope of leaving iraq anytime soon.

If Bush gets another term....were going to be in iraq for his entire term i gurantee that. If Kerry wins.....i really have no idea this guy is so fuckin indecisive. i have no idea what hes thinking.

no no no no no.

U.S.A and U.K went to war with Iraq because it was believed that Iraq had Nuclear weapons and Weapons Of Mass Destruction, which they actually still could have.  You think these weapons are gunna be in some factory somewhere, NO WAY, there gunna be underground, secure and located in places that with either be stumbled upon by somebody or never actually found, but thats beside the point.

The point is that U.S.A and U.K went to war with Iraq because they believed that Saddam Hussein was a threat to the world and it was about time to get rid of his "evil" rules and regulations that entrap the Iraq people.  Sure hundreds of soilders have died, and R.I.P to them but thats is their job.  They have died fighting for good causes and anybody who says "Oh well U.S and U.K troops have died for nothing" is speaking fictitious.  The soilders that have died have died doing the job they where basically taken in to do, being part of the army, navy, or air force means killing people and putting your life on the line everyday, I say, if they didn't want to be involved in those types of risks, they should of never of joined.

The mission was to never rid the world of all of these terrorist because that will never be successful, it was to get rid of a deck of cards that could post leathal threat to the way that we live and the way the world works, and we DID!  Before the war Iraqi people could be killed for doing the slightest of things but now they are free.  Sure the re-building process is going to take years but the foundation has been laid and the future or Iraq is bright.  The rules have gone, they mass killing of civilians has gone, the dictator's have gone, and they have the ability for themsevles and their children and their children's children to live in freedom and to make something of their lives.

Man, the terrorist world was already pissed off at U.S.A and U.K and other main countries in the world such as Spain before this war started.  Al Qaida hated us already, what you gotta remember is that what if that 18,000 also had Saddam and his troops ready to attack, hmmmmmmmm much worse my friend.  You are quick to point out the things that have been made worse but you ain't looked at the big picture.  Livelyhood has been rescued, boundaries have been raised, rules and dumbass regulations have gone, murder is the mass amounts has gone, and the world has basically got rid of some of the most evilest people God ever put here.

We have done things productive to stop these people.  By invading Iraq and winning we have shown the terrorist that we will not lie down lightly.  Sure they want to attack us again and I have no doubt in my mind that they will attack us again but hopefully when they do we will have the adaquate features and abilities to at least try to keep the number of casualties to a minimum and to hit them back exactly where it hurts.  You think ridding the world of terrorism is an overnight operation, you think catching Bin Laden is easy, he's probably not been seen above ground since Sept 11th.  These terrorist arn't stupid, they know we have the abilty to hurt them and thats why they spend so long planning these attacks.  They know that with just one phone call they could give away their postion and be bombed or attacked within hours or minutes, thats are productivity against them, they know they can't just get away with it now, we have them.  

People will die and eventually maybe one day the world can be peaceful but until then we as individuals and countries have to fight them, whether it be by returning fire or verbal warnings.  If it takes 5,000 civilian casulaties, then that whats has to be done.  This number would probably double in a year if Saddam was still in charge in simple kurd killings and tortures of prisoners.  The world is a better place without them.

Everyone criticises Bush but you think any other president would of done any better in the situations he has been in.  You think Clinton would of handled the Iraqi-threat any better, I don't.  Bush is the president and he is the head honcho, hes the one that has to give the orders for troops to go into Iraq and essentially kill people and risk their own lives, not an easy thing to do in my book.  Sure he has to listen to his advisors because in the heat of the moment, which we all act under in many situations, he just might be temped to give a fatal orders, with his advisors their hey will keep his targets on the right track and hopefully stop any decisions that wouldn't be moral or appropriate.  He's a smart and good man and nothing has come out of the Iraq invasion but "goodness".  People need to start realising that.

People think thats its so easy, its a one night operation, you think that one Bin laden and Al Quida is gone there won't be others, of course there will.  People need to stop actually bitching about the war, bush, blair, and other stuff like that and actually start support it because if millions of lives are saved for the sake of 500 then its that part of the mission acomplished.  The people complaing about these things won't be complaing when an Iraq Doctor in 50 years time is saving their life in an American Hosptial.  If he wasn't freed from the terror when he was 15 years old then he might be dead, and ultimetly so would that American.  

And that is all I have to say about that!

Please never speak again.
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


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Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2004, 01:19:40 AM »
When bush told the american people about the War to Iraq i was pretty happy. The bush administration was telling the people of all the stuff thats going on in Iraq. Nuclear and Biological weapons. And most of all Al-queda is being housed there.

sometime went by and i was getting tired of waiting for these two things to "appear". now the time has come when i am completly just plain angry at this whole war. In this war we have ruined so many things, and also made so many things worse.

Our goal was to rid the world of terrorists. Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike. We have not only done nothing productive against these guys.....we've given them an even greater reason to hate us and try to kill us. Great.

I think i read somewher that the civilian casualties are at around 5,000 civilian casualties. This is going nowhere fast. Were pissing off the entire world. This is making things worse for the american people. Bush' speach yesterday gave me no hope of leaving iraq anytime soon.

If Bush gets another term....were going to be in iraq for his entire term i gurantee that. If Kerry wins.....i really have no idea this guy is so fuckin indecisive. i have no idea what hes thinking.

no no no no no.

U.S.A and U.K went to war with Iraq because it was believed that Iraq had Nuclear weapons and Weapons Of Mass Destruction, which they actually still could have.  You think these weapons are gunna be in some factory somewhere, NO WAY, there gunna be underground, secure and located in places that with either be stumbled upon by somebody or never actually found, but thats beside the point.

The point is that U.S.A and U.K went to war with Iraq because they believed that Saddam Hussein was a threat to the world and it was about time to get rid of his "evil" rules and regulations that entrap the Iraq people.  Sure hundreds of soilders have died, and R.I.P to them but thats is their job.  They have died fighting for good causes and anybody who says "Oh well U.S and U.K troops have died for nothing" is speaking fictitious.  The soilders that have died have died doing the job they where basically taken in to do, being part of the army, navy, or air force means killing people and putting your life on the line everyday, I say, if they didn't want to be involved in those types of risks, they should of never of joined.

The mission was to never rid the world of all of these terrorist because that will never be successful, it was to get rid of a deck of cards that could post leathal threat to the way that we live and the way the world works, and we DID!  Before the war Iraqi people could be killed for doing the slightest of things but now they are free.  Sure the re-building process is going to take years but the foundation has been laid and the future or Iraq is bright.  The rules have gone, they mass killing of civilians has gone, the dictator's have gone, and they have the ability for themsevles and their children and their children's children to live in freedom and to make something of their lives.

Man, the terrorist world was already pissed off at U.S.A and U.K and other main countries in the world such as Spain before this war started.  Al Qaida hated us already, what you gotta remember is that what if that 18,000 also had Saddam and his troops ready to attack, hmmmmmmmm much worse my friend.  You are quick to point out the things that have been made worse but you ain't looked at the big picture.  Livelyhood has been rescued, boundaries have been raised, rules and dumbass regulations have gone, murder is the mass amounts has gone, and the world has basically got rid of some of the most evilest people God ever put here.

We have done things productive to stop these people.  By invading Iraq and winning we have shown the terrorist that we will not lie down lightly.  Sure they want to attack us again and I have no doubt in my mind that they will attack us again but hopefully when they do we will have the adaquate features and abilities to at least try to keep the number of casualties to a minimum and to hit them back exactly where it hurts.  You think ridding the world of terrorism is an overnight operation, you think catching Bin Laden is easy, he's probably not been seen above ground since Sept 11th.  These terrorist arn't stupid, they know we have the abilty to hurt them and thats why they spend so long planning these attacks.  They know that with just one phone call they could give away their postion and be bombed or attacked within hours or minutes, thats are productivity against them, they know they can't just get away with it now, we have them.  

People will die and eventually maybe one day the world can be peaceful but until then we as individuals and countries have to fight them, whether it be by returning fire or verbal warnings.  If it takes 5,000 civilian casulaties, then that whats has to be done.  This number would probably double in a year if Saddam was still in charge in simple kurd killings and tortures of prisoners.  The world is a better place without them.

Everyone criticises Bush but you think any other president would of done any better in the situations he has been in.  You think Clinton would of handled the Iraqi-threat any better, I don't.  Bush is the president and he is the head honcho, hes the one that has to give the orders for troops to go into Iraq and essentially kill people and risk their own lives, not an easy thing to do in my book.  Sure he has to listen to his advisors because in the heat of the moment, which we all act under in many situations, he just might be temped to give a fatal orders, with his advisors their hey will keep his targets on the right track and hopefully stop any decisions that wouldn't be moral or appropriate.  He's a smart and good man and nothing has come out of the Iraq invasion but "goodness".  People need to start realising that.

People think thats its so easy, its a one night operation, you think that one Bin laden and Al Quida is gone there won't be others, of course there will.  People need to stop actually bitching about the war, bush, blair, and other stuff like that and actually start support it because if millions of lives are saved for the sake of 500 then its that part of the mission acomplished.  The people complaing about these things won't be complaing when an Iraq Doctor in 50 years time is saving their life in an American Hosptial.  If he wasn't freed from the terror when he was 15 years old then he might be dead, and ultimetly so would that American.  

And that is all I have to say about that!

Please never speak again.

I have the right to speak, don't say dumbass things if you can't back it up.  Speak to me like a human being and reply to my post backing up your comments, if you can't, hit the road.

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Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2004, 02:34:41 PM »
i like everything you said, exept for the part about bush being smart


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Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2004, 03:05:59 PM »
are you stupid or something can you even read what i wrote?

I said we went to war in iraq because bush administration said they were housing nuclear weapons and most of all taliban, but those reasons arent next time.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2004, 04:38:28 PM by rampant »


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Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #28 on: May 27, 2004, 03:07:40 PM »
lol that's no guys are both little kids talking politics you know nothing about.

Both of you have no sense of history but go ahead argue like soccer moms.


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Re:Report: Al-Qaida has 18,000 ready to strike/Wedding massacre
« Reply #29 on: May 29, 2004, 05:29:25 AM »
lol that's no guys are both little kids talking politics you know nothing about.

Both of you have no sense of history but go ahead argue like soccer moms.

If where talking like that, then none of us of these boards know nothing about all that shit.  I don't see anybody here who works directly for U.S.A or U.K in and around terrorism, so really if where talking about "Soccer Moms", I am, you are and everyone here is.

Rampant, who ever said that?  Who said that we went to war with iraq because they where housing Al-Quida?  I remember the 2 main reasons being:

To see if there's nuclear weapons there and to stop iraq from using them before they do.
To rid the world of one of the biggest "murderers" its ever seen, Saddam.

As far as I am concerned its mission acomplished in Iraq.