Author Topic: Weapons of the near future  (Read 357 times)


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Re:Weapons of the near future
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2004, 06:31:03 PM »

Minute Man 3, Can be shot from a silo in the united states. Can hit anywhere in the world. More than 7,000 times more powerful then the Atomic bombs dropped on Japan in WW2.

yep........these will do. Someone wants to defy the us? your country can be wiped out withing minutes.

Don Breezio

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Re:Weapons of the near future
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2004, 06:32:03 PM »
so we can spends tons of money on kinetic missiles, lasers, darts, and guns that fire a million rounds...yet the high school i graduated from is still using history books from 1971. yeah...sounds great.

The basic purpose of the government is protection.  To keep you safe.  That's the purpose of a government.  

The basic desire of a human being, is to stay alive.  Self-preservation.  

Naturally, defense, and offensive defense, comes first.  Therefore, it will *ALWAYS, be Bombs before Books.  Sorry, but your daddy oughta be buying you the books, dumbass.  Grow the fuck up, stop being so dependent on the government.  

the purpose of the military is protection, the purpose of the government is to keep the country running smoothly and keep us civilized. and yes defense comes first but we have so many weapons already we dont need more and you know that as well as everyone else on here. funny thing..."your daddy should be buying the books" daddy does...its called taxes you stupid fuck....but its not my fault nor his that the schools in the next district over get new books every 5 years or so...or that they have brand new schools and a nice football field, well paid teachers etc while my school had 30 year old books, a school that is ready to fall down at any time...teachers who didnt give a shit about their students, and a football field that was flooded most of the year (even though we had the best football team in the state)

your so fucking stupid its not even funny.

YES i meant exactly what i said. The federal government giving money to the states for roads, schools, local law enforcement, and fire department (etc) is unconstitutional. Like i said read your fucking history book. the constitution was written a little bit before 1971 ( i think it was a little bit before ww2  ::) )
So like i said.....the Fed. Gov. shouldnt be giving the schools money in the first place, so the fact that they give them money to begin with is something special.

ROFL...did u just tell me to read my history book? and then tell me you think the constitution was written a little before WWII? you stupid was written in 1787!!!!!!! ahahahahahahahahaha

and nobody said the federal government should give money to the schools...our point was that they should give more money to the state which is what they do in the first place.


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Re:Weapons of the near future
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2004, 06:33:30 PM »
lol I knew that was coming ^ ;D
« Last Edit: May 27, 2004, 06:33:51 PM by Max Powers »


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Re:Weapons of the near future
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2004, 06:56:40 PM »
Are you kidding me? The constitution was written right after the atomic bombs were dropped to encure containment of nuclear weapons.

dude seriously, have you ever heard of sarcasm? i had to memorize parts of the constitution. i dont think anyones that stupid. but you thought.....ok theres 1 stupid person here.

and no they shouldnt give more money to states. If the schools are doing bad (cant afford new history books) then its the states problem

the federal government is there to protect us, and use its money for "federal things"

I got an idea along with giving money for schools, why dont they set speed limits while there at it. Forget cathing Al-quida....they should send FBI agents to post speed limit signs across the US.

"We already have enough weapons" News flash buddy. When you fire a missle at an enemy.....they dont come back. When you shoot a doesnt get refilled. when a plane gets shot down it doesnt rebuild itself. you have to keep funding the military or else it goes away.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2004, 07:00:33 PM by rampant »

Don Breezio

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Re:Weapons of the near future
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2004, 07:07:56 PM »
Are you kidding me? The constitution was written right after the atomic bombs were dropped to encure containment of nuclear weapons.
i am officially going to stop reading your posts have to be the dumbest person on this board.

"We already have enough weapons" News flash buddy. When you fire a missle at an enemy.....they dont come back. When you shoot a doesnt get refilled. when a plane gets shot down it doesnt rebuild itself. you have to keep funding the military or else it goes away.

my point exactly...we are spending money on nukes and shit even though we already have tons of them...when was the last time we dropped a nuke on a country? a long ass time ago...but yet we keep on producing them and wasting money.

now...since we already know that you think the constitution was written in the 40's or 50's you have lost all credibility and i am going to officially stop replying to your posts. dumbass.


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Re:Weapons of the near future
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2004, 08:16:08 PM »
i am officially going to stop reading your posts have to be the dumbest person on this board.
I hope to god you still dont think im serious......ill pray for you.

"We already have enough weapons" News flash buddy. When you fire a missle at an enemy.....they dont come back. When you shoot a doesnt get refilled. when a plane gets shot down it doesnt rebuild itself. you have to keep funding the military or else it goes away.

my point exactly...we are spending money on nukes and shit even though we already have tons of them...when was the last time we dropped a nuke on a country? a long ass time ago...but yet we keep on producing them and wasting money.

Your school obviously didnt give you a literature book either did they? Where in that quote of mine did you see me mention nuclear missles? During operation Iraqi freedom we fired literally hundreds of tomahawk missles (non nuclear) at enemy targets. This was easier then letting hundreds of us soldiers die. So like i said...i will say again. We continuously have to buy new weapons, because we continuously use weapons. Dont be a dumbass, think before you post.

and i hope to God your only comback isnt. "i cant believe you still think the constitution....."



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Re:Weapons of the near future
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2004, 09:22:43 PM »
and this is the second reason china will not be THE super power

their navy is russian hand me downs from the cold war....their airforce is garbage and they don't have enough people to operate either of them....all they have is the worlds largest army....and if they want to attack america they better have the best back strokers too


Re:Weapons of the near future
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2004, 09:28:53 PM »
Luke, you're a child.  Please.  You posted your fucking picture, that should have embarassed you years ago, but yet YOU STILL KEEP COMING BACK. LOL Shit.  Most people would hide after that... no; you're used to getting laughed at by women and cool guys in real life; so when you get embarassed on the board, it's no big deal.

I got a question, is English your second langauge? ... Honestly, you say shit that is so fucking stupid sometimes, I just can't believe, LITERALLY can not believe that you are that fucking stupid.  You *CANT be that fucking stupid.  Gomer Pyle isn't that fucking stupid.  



The U.S. Needs to flex it's muscle and scare the world.  I think we should nuke somewhere pretty soon... I don't really care where, I'd rather leave Europe alone and I don't really want to fuck with Asia, so the middle east would be the perfect place.  The only thing worth saving there are the fucking Camels, anyways, so I say we should demonstrate our power by shooting a nuke, from here, to there, and destroying about 300 square miles of well... nothing really, I guess over there building a sandcastle and living in it is an architectural accomplishment.  


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Re:Weapons of the near future
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2004, 09:33:23 PM »
it would be better if we did it on a nice nuclear reactor over there, hand it to the iraqis and then have a major meltdown a few years later....we could blame it on terrorists and take over more middle east countries and we'll be vaporizing dumb iraqis  ;D

Don Rizzle

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Re:Weapons of the near future
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2004, 07:09:37 AM »
sadly this is how the whole world percieves the american population

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


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Re:Weapons of the near future
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2004, 08:04:32 AM »
sadly this is how the whole world percieves the american population

WTF you know about Americans?

They're all fucking Nascar retards.

Don Rizzle

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Re:Weapons of the near future
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2004, 08:23:00 AM »

i was refering to trauma's and smerulas's comments. that is how the world believes the american population thinks. and why does everyone think that? we all to often hear ignorant americans talking shit.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2004, 08:23:42 AM by Don Rizzle »

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


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Re:Weapons of the near future
« Reply #27 on: May 28, 2004, 08:33:04 AM »

i was refering to trauma's and smerulas's comments. that is how the world believes the american population thinks. and why does everyone think that? we all to often hear ignorant americans talking shit.

Why did you say's the truth  ;)

Stop perceiving I can tell you right now most Americans are dumbfucks like Trauma/Bush.

Smerlus is j/k...they brainwashed him in the Navy ;D

« Last Edit: May 28, 2004, 08:35:07 AM by Max Powers »