Author Topic: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush  (Read 601 times)


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Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« on: July 24, 2004, 12:16:59 PM »
(Props to 41510)

[1] Before we get into the Israel issue, I want to point out that Cameron Kerry is a scumbag piece of sh1t because he is a corporate attorney defending businesses that poison people with environmental toxins:

Now onto Israel:

[2] Okay, the law firm this guy works at is actually very pro-Israel, to the point where they put out brochures about their committment to Israel:

Now onto the brother himself:

[3] from:

Playing to the mostly Jewish audience, Cameron Kerry, 53, focused on what he sees as the Bush family's friendship with the Saudi royal family, the administration's pandering to Arab states and the lack of aggression toward Iran. Though Bush ordered the invasion of an Arab country a little over a year ago and has been a steadfast supporter of Israel, Kerry told the crowd that during a recent visit to Israel officials told him that the United States wasn't doing enough to protect the Jewish state.

"The real threat to us is Iran," said Kerry, a Boston lawyer. "They're the religious fundamentalists, the ones who have contacts with al-Qaida, the ones with the nuclear program, the ones who fund Hamas and Hezbollah."

Kerry said his brother, once elected, will do everything he can to stop terrorism against the U.S. and Israel by going after Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

Snacking on cake, cookies and ice cream, the crowd booed every reference to Vice President Dic|k Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and applauded when Kerry mentioned what his brother has done and will do for Israel. Leaving to a standing ovation, Kerry won over many who were skeptical of his brother's allegiance to Israel.

"I wasn't sure about John Kerry's commitment to Israel. He hasn't really said much," said Florice Ambrosio, 75, a Democrat. "But I'm glad he's pro-Israel because it's very important to me." Ambrosio has been locked in a bitter fight with her significant other over who's more of a friend to Israel, Bush or Kerry.

[4] from:

Kerry's visit to Israel aims to strengthen ties between the Democratic candidate and Israel. Senator Kerry had asked to meet Prime Minister Ariel Sharon during his visit to Washington last April, but Sharon did not agree to the meeting, citing a scheduling conflict. At the time, Sharon was visiting Washington in order to receive assurances of U.S. President George Bush's support for Sharon's Gaza disengagement plan.

Sharon promised to schedule a meeting with Bush's rival in May, when a visit to Washington had been planned, but that trip was canceled.

Diplomatic sources in Jerusalem said yesterday the prime minister does not plan a visit to Washington before the November presidential elections. This means that Kerry will not have a photo opportunity with the prime minister prior to the elections.

During his speech on Sunday, during July 4 celebrations at the residence of U.S. ambassador Dan Kurzer, Sharon commended Bush for his friendship to Israel, and his leadership in the war against terror.

Sharon's office, like others in Israel, are in contact with Kerry's Israel adviser, Footlik, who lived in Israel in the past and worked at the Peres Center for Peace.

Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom, who returned to Israel last night from the U.S., did not meet with anyone affiliated with Kerry's campaign.


[5] from:

Cameron Kerry, who lives in Boston, was in New York last weekend politicking for his brother in advance of the March 2 New York Democratic primary. One of the campaign's most public faces in the Jewish community, he spent the Sabbath at Manhattan synagogues and stayed in local homes. On Sunday, he and his brother met with some 40 Jewish communal leaders in Manhattan at a gathering that got glowing reviews in the next day's newspapers. The candidate impressed attendees with his knowledge of Middle Eastern affairs and his emotional grasp of the issues. He also got a chance to correct an earlier faux pas, in which he had suggested naming two figures who are unpopular with the Jewish community — former secretary of state James Baker and former president Carter — as possible envoys to the Middle East.

Cameron Kerry's Jewish connections also extend to his business life, and have paid off for John Kerry. A telecommunications lawyer, Kerry works at a Boston-based firm, Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo, although he has taken a leave to work on the campaign. While Mintz Levin is now a diverse, 450-lawyer shop, it was once known as the "Lox et Veritas" firm — a play on the Yale motto "Lux et Veritas" — having been founded in 1933 by Jewish lawyers "who weren't entirely accepted at white-shoe firms," Kerry said. The firm, which built itself up as counselors to the Jewish entrepreneurs of Boston, even now has a big business in helping Israeli high-tech entrepreneurs gain access to American markets.

[6] from:

John Kerry’s brother met with Israel’s prime minister and opposition leader. Cameron Kerry, one of the closest advisers to the Massachusetts senator and presumptive Democratic Party nominee for president, is on his first visit to the Jewish state. “My brother has been here many times and told me of his trips and has a very deep, personal connection to Israel,” Kerry told reporters. “I finally had the opportunity to make a visit and I jumped at the chance.” Kerry met with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Labor Party leader Shimon Peres on Wednesday. Also planned for his visit — sponsored by an affiliate of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee — is a tour of Israel’s West Bank security barrier.

[7] from:

The Bush administration, Cameron Kerry said during a phone interview conducted on his way from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, "has not been aggressive enough toward Saudi Arabia." Kerry said his brother criticizes Bush not over his policies concerning Israel, but "for not doing enough in other areas that affect Israel."

The younger Kerry, who met Thursday with Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom and Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, said that Bush has not waged an effective enough war on terrorism, has not done enough to reduce American dependence on Middle East oil, and "has been timid about challenging Saudi Arabia." Cameron Kerry, who met Prime Minister Ariel Sharon briefly on Wednesday, said the US must do more to get the Saudi government to stamp out hatred being taught in religious schools and distributed through the press, and that more pressure must be leveled on the Saudis to end financial support for terror.

His comments were in line with the Kerry campaign's recently released position paper on Israel entitled "Strengthening Israel's Security and Bolstering the US-Israel Special Relationship." Regarding Saudi Arabia, this paper states that "John Kerry has forcefully spoken out against anti-Semitic statements by Saudi government officials, saying it calls into question their commitment to combating terrorism and pledging that as president he will never permit these kinds of attacks to go unanswered." Regarding Bush's strong support for Israel, Kerry said the administration's policies toward Israel and the peace process have bipartisan support.

"John has supported those policies, he has been a strong supporter with a perfect record in support of Israel in the 19 years that he has been a senator, and he will not walk away from Israel. President Kerry would be a strong friend to Israel," Kerry said.

For those American Jews who choose their candidate based on Israel, Kerry reiterated that his brother is a "staunch supporter of Israel, and for people for whom that is a critical part of their choice, there should at least be no difference [between him and Bush]. And then we can move on to a lot of other issues – economic, justice, church and state, security and education issues – that are important to the American Jewish community, and the reasons that American Jews have historically voted for the Democratic Party."

John Kerry raised some eyebrows in the Jewish community in October when, while speaking to an Arab American audience, he called the security fence a "barrier to peace." He has since changed his tone, referring in his position paper to the fence as "a legitimate act of self-defense erected in response to the wave of terror attacks against Israeli citizens." Asked to explain the change, Cameron Kerry replied, "There is no change. He believes that Israel has the right to protect its security, and that the fence is a reasonable exercise of that right. The statement you are talking about was made when discussing the route, and the Bush administration also has had issues concerning the route, as has the Israeli Supreme Court. And now those issues are being addressed."

Another issue that caused Kerry somewhat of a headache in the Jewish community early in the campaign was his remark that he might appoint former US secretary of state James Baker, remembered by many in Israel for a couple of particularly harsh statements toward Israel, as a special peace envoy.

Kerry said his brother had not made up his mind whom to appoint for this position, but hinted it would not be Baker.

"No candidate will be chosen for that position who doesn't also command the respect of Israel, other players and the American Jewish community," Kerry said.

Kerry is slated to tour the Golan on Friday, and return to the US on Saturday. He was brought to Israel by an affiliate of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, The American Israel Education Fund, which sponsors trips to Israel for key policy and opinion makers. 


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Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2004, 02:46:32 PM »
your a tool


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Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2004, 02:55:50 PM »
honestly i dont think anyone is gonna read that.

there is no way to predict what kind of president kerry will be. There is no "evidence" that he is worse........because hes never been president.

When you vote its,

1) Has bush done a good job
2) Do you think he will do a good job in his 2nd term
3) Do you think kerry has what it takes to be president

Honestly right now i dont think kerry can. Kerry really isnt doing a whole lot to show the american people his views on anything. Right now he's basically just hoping that theres enough "bush haters" to win him the election.



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Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2004, 05:11:52 PM »
1) Has bush done a good job
2) Do you think he will do a good job in his 2nd term
3) Do you think kerry has what it takes to be president

1. No
2. No
3. No

Picking up the ball from inside his own half, the pint-sized Argentine skipped past challenge after challenge. Always appearing to be on the point of tumbling, he was miraculously able to retain his balance before rounding Peter Shilton and slotting the ball home for a goal manufactured in heaven.


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Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2004, 05:59:18 PM »
1) Has bush done a good job
2) Do you think he will do a good job in his 2nd term
3) Do you think kerry has what it takes to be president

1. No
2. No
3. No

ya, and 2 No's are worse than 1 No.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2004, 06:05:54 PM »
1) Has bush done a good job
2) Do you think he will do a good job in his 2nd term
3) Do you think kerry has what it takes to be president

1. No
2. No
3. No

good the less people that vote the more chance that Bush will be president.


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Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2004, 07:53:07 PM »
1) Has bush done a good job
2) Do you think he will do a good job in his 2nd term
3) Do you think kerry has what it takes to be president

1. No
2. No
3. No

good the less people that vote the more chance that Bush will be president.

1. Bush sucked his first term
2. Bush is gonna suck his second term
3. Kerry is gonna suck as president, but so does Bush, so it's all in the air. With Kerry our foreign affairs are going to be just as fucked up as they are right now with more shit behind closed doors, but at least we'll be better off here at home; no fuckin Patriot Act, less bullshit terror alerts with their retarded "level orange" crap, etc.

Picking up the ball from inside his own half, the pint-sized Argentine skipped past challenge after challenge. Always appearing to be on the point of tumbling, he was miraculously able to retain his balance before rounding Peter Shilton and slotting the ball home for a goal manufactured in heaven.


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Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2004, 10:29:01 PM »
I mean look at it this way, atleast bush is funny, lol


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Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2004, 10:34:20 PM »
I mean look at it this way, atleast bush is funny, lol

Yeah, I don't think the public has had the chance to laugh AT any other president this much.
Picking up the ball from inside his own half, the pint-sized Argentine skipped past challenge after challenge. Always appearing to be on the point of tumbling, he was miraculously able to retain his balance before rounding Peter Shilton and slotting the ball home for a goal manufactured in heaven.


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Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2004, 10:57:41 PM »
I mean look at it this way, atleast bush is funny, lol

Yeah, I don't think the public has had the chance to laugh AT any other president this much.
LOL it's sad that this is the deciding factor for some peoples' votes.


Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2004, 12:19:40 AM »
I don't think no one can really predict whether Kerry will be a bad president or a good one.

What I know is that I am vry disappointed with the Bush administration, and that it doesn't deserve another 4 years.

Kerry couldnt possibly do worse with foreing affairs than Bush has.
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Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2004, 04:58:59 AM »
At this moment it really doesn't have any use to predict who is gonna win. Why aren't we, no you, gonna do that let's say 2 weeks before the elections?


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Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2004, 12:57:43 PM »
With Kerry our foreign affairs are going to be just as fucked up as they are right now with more shit behind closed doors, but at least we'll be better off here at home; no fucking Patriot Act, less bullshit terror alerts with their retarded "level orange" crap, etc.

With Kerry´s foreign affairs the US will end up in another terrorist attack. As bad as  Bush  may be, we can feel safe that no terrorists attack will happen. Also with  Dick Chaney and Donald Rumsfield as part of his administration, people are more scared cuz Dick has the balls to say "Fuck you" to a senator with no legs and a war hero on live T.V., and Rumsfeild has the balls to do whatever it takes to kill those fuckers over in the middle east. (Even if it means abusing them).

With Kerry's administration, his Secarty of Defense and Vice president will be a bunch of  pussys, that will be scared shitless to do some baddass shit to defend our country. And thats what the election is gunna be about which president do you feel safer with.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2004, 12:59:26 PM by Machiavelli »


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2004, 01:00:47 PM »
With Kerry our foreign affairs are going to be just as fucked up as they are right now with more shit behind closed doors, but at least we'll be better off here at home; no fucking Patriot Act, less bullshit terror alerts with their retarded "level orange" crap, etc.

With Kerry´s foreign affairs the US will end up in another terrorist attack. As bad as  Bush  may be, we can feel safe that no terrorists attack will happen. Also with  Dick Chaney and Donald Rumsfield as part of his administration, people are more scared cuz Dick has the balls to say "Fuck you" to a senator with no legs and a war hero on live T.V., and Rumsfeild has the balls to do whatever it takes to kill those fuckers over in the middle east. (Even if it means abusing them).

guys like you are a disgrace to humanity.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re: Evidence that Kerry is even worse than Bush
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2004, 01:49:25 PM »
^^a moderator should show more respect