Author Topic: The Best of Bush *Updated*  (Read 310 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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The Best of Bush *Updated*
« on: October 19, 2004, 08:10:03 PM »
Best of Bush Clip 1:  Bush On Being a Comedian

Best of Bush Clip 2: Bush On Debunking "Exagerations"   (see "New MoveOn PAC Ad Exposes Bush Misleading on Osama Comment")

Best of Bush Clip 3:  Bush on Tribal Sovereignty 
(see the video or transcript)

More to come....


Best of Bush Clip 4:  Bush on "Victory Salutes"

By the way... anyone else have funny Bush moments on film?  post your own. 
« Last Edit: October 28, 2004, 07:08:59 PM by Ant »


Its funny how you post up propaganda you've so obviously bought into, but then you paint people voting for Bush as uneducated.

Go figure.  :-\


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Its funny how you post up propaganda you've so obviously bought into, but then you paint people voting for Bush as uneducated.

Go figure.  :-\

I posted clips of Bush speaking.  His words not the democrats. 

Clip 1:  Bush felt it appropriate to joke about the fact there were no WMD in Iraq.  His choice to do so.  I don't see any democrat propaganda here.

Clip 2:  I remember watching Bush saying during debate 3 that Kerry was "ex-a-ger-at-ing" and recollecting vaguely that Bush had said "he wasn't all that concerned about osasma bin laden."  Well it turns out he did say almost word for word what Kerry quoted him as saying and it was caught on tape. 

Clip 3: Bush trying to explain what tribal sovereignty means when he obviously has no idea what he is talking about. 

The problem here was your perception was wrong.  Just because a video clip says Move On doesn't mean its propaganda.  Yes I agree Move On, the DNC, and the Kerry campaign do run propaganda pieces.  I don't base my decisions on them.  But these pieces were not false advertising.  They were Bush's words and they weren't the product of fancy editing. 

No I wouldn't vote Kerry based on these clips alone.  Every candidate will at times misspeak.  Its not a few mistakes that make me dislike President Bush its the sum total of all the evidence I've cited so far along with plenty of evidence I have yet to cite.  The clips above are merely additional supporting evidence to be added to a wealth of existing evidence that has yet to be refuted.

« Last Edit: October 19, 2004, 08:38:38 PM by Ant »


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Its funny how you post up propaganda you've so obviously bought into, but then you paint people voting for Bush as uneducated.

Go figure.  :-\

nah playa... he posts bush's fuck ups and exposes his lies.

Bush & Cheney can go fuck themselves!



I posted clips of Bush speaking.  His words not the democrats.  
So the gun shots and laughter overdubbed to pics of dead people and crying soldiers isn't propaganda?! Well Fuck! I guess I'M WRONG!!!!

Clip 1:  Bush felt it appropriate to joke about the fact there were no WMD in Iraq.  His choice to do so.  I don't see any democrat propaganda here.
See above.

Clip 2:  I remember watching Bush saying during debate 3 that Kerry was "ex-a-ger-at-ing" and recollecting vaguely that Bush had said "he wasn't all that concerned about Osama bin laden."  Well it turns out he did say almost word for word what Kerry quoted him as saying and it was caught on tape.  
So He forgot about something he said how long ago? Please don't get me started on Kerry's forgetfulness and manipulation of the facts.

Clip 3: Bush trying to explain what tribal sovereignty means when he obviously has no idea what he is talking about.  
So in one post Bush is cunning and manipulative, but now he can't even speak basic English??? Pick one or the other, you're just making yourself look ignorant.

Again the Bush strategy strikes: Ignore the stronger arguments and attack the perceived weaker ones.
I'm not the one posting up videos talking about a JOKE.

The problem here was your perception was wrong.
You sure about that? Do some research on propaganda? The use of highly disturbing images? The cynical laughter in the background? Seems like propaganda to me.
I don't base my decisions on them.
Then why are you posting them up? They seem to have made quite an impact on you for you to take the time out of your day to post up these videos to the internet.

They were Bush's words and they weren't the product of fancy editing.  
Did you even WATCH the first video before you posted it up? You mean to tell me that there were gun shots going off when Bush gave his speech? You mean to tell me that the people’s laughter JUST happened to match the video?

No I wouldn't vote Kerry based on these clips alone.  Every candidate will at times misspeak.  Its not a few mistakes that make me dislike President Bush its the sum total of all the evidence I've cited so far along with plenty of evidence I have yet to cite.  The clips above are merely additional supporting evidence to be added to a wealth of existing evidence that has yet to be refuted.
You can "Cite" as much "evidence" as you want, but what you posted up was not "evidence"



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Please re-read:  "No I wouldn't vote Kerry based on these clips alone.  Every candidate will at times misspeak.  Its not a few mistakes that make me dislike President Bush its the sum total of all the evidence I've cited so far along with plenty of evidence I have yet to cite. "

I didn't have the orginals for each one of these clips.  I don't TIVO every Bush appearance so I can post it on the internet later.  These "commercials" were the quickest access I had to the clips.  Yes I would have preferred the originals but the commercials were more convenient.  In some ways the commercials added their own spin to the clips.  If you want to call them propaganda I won't dispute word choice.  In some sense they may be, but I was not really considering the additional spin.  I just wanted to raw Bush video.

I said they weren't the product of "fancy editing" because bush's words were not edited.

I don't base my decisions on these clips.  I posted them because they are entertaining, and because I already made my case for Kerry/Edwards in another post.   As I said, these clips just further add to the debate. 

Again, you don't win arguments by attacking their weakest link.  You seem to believe that if you defeat one part of my argument you defeat the whole thing.  Everything I display on this site isn't going to prove Bush is incompetent, but I believe that the cumuluative effect of it does. 

Finally I'm not trying to have things both ways calling bush both cunning and stupid.  I really am not sure if he is smart or dumb.  I just know that his actions over the past four years are disturbing. 


I don't base my decisions on these clips.  I posted them because they are entertaining
I don't get it. You just called out Bush for making a joke about the same shit you just said you were entertianed by.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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I don't base my decisions on these clips.  I posted them because they are entertaining
I don't get it. You just called out Bush for making a joke about the same shit you just said you were entertianed by.

This is childish.  Yes.  The clips were entertaining.  Not because Bush was funny, but because if you don't like Bush it is entertaining to watch some of his more embarassing moments.  I shouldn't have had to explain that.  Englewood I don't really know why your arguing like this with me.  I was always respectful towards you back in the day. 


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Seriously these posts are getting old.

1) Yes we get it, your voting kerry.
2) Nobody gives a fuck.

John kerry is going to be in the midwest soon why dont you fly your ass over there and suck his dick.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Obviously people care or you wouldn't be so worked up about it.  The president tries to run a campaign based on lies, deception, and personal attacks and his supporters seem to like doing the same.  How about instead of attacking me or dodging the issues you actually say something that makes sense.  Cursing on the Internet doesn't make you a man.

I'll repeat something I've said before.  We aren't routing for our favorite baseball team, were the outcome doesn't produce  any real effects.  Your voting on a candidate whose decisions will have an effect on the sustained prosperity of our country.  When some of the most intelligient minds in our nation are warning us that GWB is bad, it might be worthwhile to listen.  I choose to listen to them awhile ago and that is why I no longer support GWB.  Because the more I read, the more it became obvious he was leading this country in the wrong direction.  The arrogant, blind support of a candidate helps no one. 

You see... GWB says he believes in 'encouraging' democracy around the world, but he neglects a fundemental requirement for a successful democracy:  an INFORMED public.  GWB and his strongest supporters are destroying the ideal they say they support.  You aren't encouraging a democracy by blindly supporting your candidate of choice.  Your putting your own future at risk, our country at risk, and your degrading Democracy.

You may not ever support John Kerry, but there are others on this site who do.  I believe they appreciated the information I share with them. If it offends you to find out you've been supporting the wrong side all along it is unfortunate.  It offended me at one time and I'lll tell you from experience.  Some of the biggest Bush haters I have met were once strong Bush supporters.  Their hatred comes from recongizing they've been betrayed, from realizing suddenly that all along the President has been manipulating them.  That is why so many people are passionately opposed to the Bush administration.   


"The essential cruelty of the Bush game is that he takes an astonishingly selfish and greedy collection of economic and political proposals then cloaks it with a phony moral authority, thus misleading many Americans who have a deep and genuine desire to do good in the world. And in the process he convinces them to lend unquestioning support for proposals that actually hurt their families and their communities." A.G.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2004, 09:41:58 AM by Ant »


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: The Best of Bush *Updated*
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2004, 07:04:34 PM »
updated and upped^^



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: The Best of Bush *Updated*
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2004, 02:10:24 PM »
Humorous satire of Bush/Cheney/Rummy/Condi/and even Bill