Author Topic: Bipartisanship my ass!  (Read 366 times)


Bipartisanship my ass!
« on: November 07, 2004, 12:24:59 PM »
LOS ANGELES -- Two days after the worst election defeat in decades for Democrats, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger referred to them as "losers"

But Schwarzenegger, who degraded Democrats during the budget fight last summer as "girlie men," seemed to understand a question about whether he would consider proposals to raise taxes from Democrats.

"Why would I listen to losers?" the governor asked. "Let's be honest."
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Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2004, 12:26:25 PM »
I mean, don't get me wrong, the guy is doing a great job as governor (I even voted for him), but how are we ever going to unite the nation when you have political leaders saying shit like this?
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Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2004, 12:26:52 PM »

M Dogg™

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Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2004, 12:29:04 PM »
Losers, everywhere except the state of California which his the governor of. So lets get this straight, the Democrats still have a lock down on the state, which he got elected mainly because he said he wasn't going to play party politics, and now he pulls this shit. I C. Arnold, you are too much.


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Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2004, 12:32:25 PM »
His statements are stupid but his actions arent one sided .  But the straight out lie he said about Prop 66 pissed me off


Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2004, 12:38:19 PM »
His statements are stupid but his actions arent one sided .  But the straight out lie he said about Prop 66 pissed me off

His campaign for Prop 66 was the biggest crock of shit ever. For real, that ad campaign should of been illegal. Then again, if people are stupid enough to fall for what they see on the TV, they shouldn't be voting at all.

Looks like Arnold's turning into a cowboy

That's okay though, his political allegence will probably hurt him in 2006 when he comes up for reelection.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2004, 01:09:21 PM by bdogg187 »
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Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2004, 12:44:33 PM »
i dont live in cali so i dont really pay attention to the job he's doing (good or bad), but i dont take his comments so seriously. I think it's hilarious when a governor (him in paticular) says stuff like that.

 "Why would I listen to losers?" lol


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Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2004, 01:38:06 PM »
I think it's hilarious when a governor (him in paticular) says stuff like that.

That's because you are, as we say, an idiot.


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Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2004, 01:40:46 PM »
I think it's hilarious when a governor (him in paticular) says stuff like that.
That's because you are, as we say, an idiot.
What was the total number of times you were banned and tried to come back?


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Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2004, 01:46:38 PM »
I think it's hilarious when a governor (him in paticular) says stuff like that.
That's because you are, as we say, an idiot.
What was the total number of times you were banned and tried to come back?
The number of times I tried is equal to the number of times I returned. However, I don't see how that has anything to do with you being an idiot; unless of course, you're talking about me making that thread exposing you to be the dumbest motherfucker posting here. Now learn your place, and remove thyself off my scrotum.


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Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2004, 01:52:17 PM »
HAHA, I found it... here it is to remind you... read through some of the things you've said, and realize that you are a fuckin' moron, a fuckin' idiot, an ignorant piece of worthless shit, etc...

Please stop talking about politics, or anything else that requires knowledge,thought, etc.

You are by far the dumbest and most ignorant person to ever post in this section.

Since you didn't (couldn't) reply last time, or maybe you just purposely overlooked this:

i honestly hope this is a joke. if its not then you just need to stop talking politics.

Oh boy, I never thought I'd see you type those words. The fact that you wrote them makes me wonder if THAT is a joke because if anyone needs to stop talking in general, it's you. Let me give you a run-down...

If i was president im pretty sure that (Saudi Arabia) would be an obvious choice to start looking for bin laden and other alqueda camps.
Yes, we should've looked in Saudi Arabia; especially since we had proof that he was in Afghanistan with the Taliban. You're an idiot.

No there looking for information from the parents of the children. If you torture a mans child infront of him he'll talk.
We should start doing this here in this country when people won't confess to crimes. Let's go to their homes, pick up their kids, torture them, and maybe we can get some information out of the parents. Are you that fuckin' retarded?

Ok, it's not fair to only show his stupid comments, so let me show you one where he shows us how bright he really is:
yea yea yea yea, blah blah blah, there are innocent people in jail right now.....ok sure there are. BUT THERE ARE ALOT MORE GUILTY ONES.

Bush will never catch bin laden because he invaded the wrong countries. If bin laden is in the middle east its either pakistan or saudia arabia,his hometown
Yeah, I mean pictures with the Taliban in Afghanistan isn't enough proof that he's in Afghanistan, or was at that point. By the way, if Bin Laden is in the Middle East, he wouldn't be in Pakistan because quite frankly Pakistan is not in the Middle East. And you were the one who told someone else to not talk if they didn't know about the subject? Ironic. Saudi Arabia is his "hometown"? How big is this town of Saudi Arabia, and what country is it in?

i dont think the economy would have gotten worse.  The jobs would still have been lost and everything, but it would have come back up just like it did. Bush did nothing to get more jobs, and improve the economy. and gore wouldnt have either.
So the economy would not have been worse, yet jobs would still have been lost and "everything"? I love how you try to downplay the facts with your retardedness.

When your the worlds superpower, sometimes the stuff you do doesnt affect your country at all
LOL, I think that's pretty much self-explanatory.

But what i am saying is there (they're... Europe) no help to us.
Really? They aren't? Then why did Bush keep asking for Europe's support? I think you need to tell the government about your theory on how we don't need them, and nothing they do affects us. LOL, once again, you're an idiot.

Why do you automatically believe what michael moore says?   
im not surprised, moore only hears the stuff he wants to hear. He is a man of "taking things out of context"   
im not saying all of moores movie was "propaganda". Everything he said in the movie was true.
If you're saying that everything in the movie is true, then why shouldn't we believe him? LOL, make up your mind you contradicting son of a bitch.

Thats why i want this movie to come out. Basically to prove my point. Bush drafted this patriot act in the hieght of terrorism, and nobody even read the bill they just wanted revenge on terrorists, so they approved it. if this is making any sense.
I thought you just said that Moore is just trying to make people see things from his perspective. Now he's also supporting and defending your opinion? He tells the truth, or did you lie to people?

Bush did fly the saudis and bin ladens out of the us during 911.

Rod nice reply.....except none of that is true.

if your gonna try and argue with us dont bring up some conspiracy shit about how our government is connected with the bin ladens.

LOL. Bush did fly out the Bin Ladens, but when Rod says the government has ties to the Bin Ladens then it's "some conspiracy shit" ?  LOL. You love to contradict yourself, or maybe you just said it because you had no better response. Either way, you're once again a fuckin' moron.

You gotta face it, This will only change a slight majority of peoples decisions
A slight MAJORITY? LOL. I think that's all we need. LMAO, this one had me rollin'. In case you're thinking to yourself "what's wrong with saying a slight majority", you should look up what the word "majority" means. Oh and by the way, you're once again a fuckin' idiot.

the guy is palenstein decent
Palenstein,eh? I'd love to hear more about this fascinating country you're talking about.

You can say we kill them to but we dont put them through that much pain. We use bombs and big bullets
LOL, once again, self-explanatory.

muslims are people of hate
Of course i have no guilty conscience, i have done nothing wrong to muslims except that i hate them more and more each day
Are you Muslim? Then why the hate?

The next time america has a terrorist attack from brainwashed muslims. There are going to be hundreds of hate crimes against muslims
Just think of it this way: the Muslims in the Middle East consider what the Americans are doing a "terrorist attack", so in return they're doing what you described Americans would do which is commit "hundreds of hate crimes"

It's time for another one of his intelligent comments. This one will amaze you. I think this guy is a genius. Peep:
bush and rumsfeld on seperate occasions have visited iraq.   
but im sure it was in a highly guarded base in a safe city. heh. if they went anywhere else they would've been assasinatedi honestly hope this is a joke. if its not then you just need to stop talking politics.
Dude, you should work for the CIA. They could use people like you, really, I'm not being sarcastic at all.

well the thing is, the more you kill the less there are to kill you, but that wouldnt go over well.
Nooooo, realllyyyy?????

America should build a dome around our land and lock it.then build an artificial sun, and moon. That would be kinda cool. That way we would never get attacked because nobody could come in, because the door would be locked.
Ok, as stupid as that entire statement was, I only have one question: Why the artificial moon? Is it really necessary to have one? LMAO, you amaze me with your stupidity.

Pakistan is the only country in the middle east with nukes, and there cant even reach america.
Ok, now you really do know more than the CIA. Pakistan is the only country with nukes in the Middle East? I thought Iran and Syria also had some; well at least that's what our government told us, but I guess you know more than the CIA does. I mean since Pakistan is now in the Middle East according to you, who knows what else you know that nobody else does.

media like cnn would only post it if there were photos or video.
Actually, CNN does post news without photos or videos. I know that's hard for you to believe, since you probably can't comprehend what you read, so you always use the pictures to guide you and help you fill in the blanks. Wait, now that I found this (check below), I think even if they did provide photos or video, you still wouldn't understand:

ok i dont catch onto things quickly, so could someone help me.
i just watched this ad, and i dont understand it.

yea but i hate reading that shit, cuz then it makes me wonder, and then my head starts to hurt thinking about it

We know rampant, we know.


For your own sake, just shut the hell up.


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Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2004, 08:00:29 PM »
^ wow talk about no life..  ??? A few quotes would have been sufficient but thats pretty extreme.


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Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2004, 10:35:15 PM »
^ wow talk about no life..  ??? A few quotes would have been sufficient but thats pretty extreme.

I quoted an old post... hop off the nuts or face the same fate.


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Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2004, 04:28:58 AM »
I asked how many times you were banned and came back because its obvious you have no friends, and you need this place desperatly to feel like you belong somewhere.


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Re: Bipartisanship my ass!
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2004, 02:19:24 PM »
Or maybe it's because I feel the need to put dumbasses like you in your place.