Author Topic: Terry Schiavo died  (Read 713 times)

Fuck Your Existence

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Re: Terry Schiavo died
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2005, 03:59:41 PM »
I work at hospitals and nursing homes. 

I think it's time to call 911.


Re: Terry Schiavo died
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2005, 02:44:22 PM »
Not meaning to be ignorant but who is she?


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Re: Terry Schiavo died
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2005, 03:06:39 PM »
you're dumb. nuff said... Will Smith even got a song dissin your kind on his new album.

Yall are all godless heathens that don't believe in Souls, so this will fall on deaf ears, but the reason Terry Schiavo stayed alive for 15 years in that hospital bed, is because she WANTED TO.  she had the will of life.

You're not going to live 15 years on a feeding tube in a hospital room unless your soul, your essense, whatever gives you the desire to go on day after day is intact.  When you wake up in the morning, what is it that makes you want to get out of bed?  It's human desire, it's the will and the want of self-preservation.

It's my opinion that if Terry Schiavo wanted to die, there aren't enough doctors in the world to keep her body going. 

Lets face it: She only needed help EATING.  She breathed on her own, her heart beat on it's own.  She couldn't move her mouth and her throat to swallow. 

Go to a graveyard, and walk around and look at the tombstones.  I've done it countless times... look at the dates, on the really old couples, that have been married for decades.  You'll see 8 times out of 10, that when somebody loses their wife or husband of decades, they could be 80 years old, and they'll often die within 6 months or so of each other.  Why is that?  Do you honestly think that's just a coincidence?

It's not.  The reason that happens is because after their loved one is gone, they give up the will to live.  They actually allow themselves to die, they lose the fire that keeps them going every morning when they get out of bed.  They get to a point mentally, that their mind no longer wants their body to keep functioning, so slowly they turn worse, and often their dead within a year of their loved one.

Terry Schiavo lived 15 years in a hospital bed, because she hadn't given up her will to live.


Now; with all that said, ultimately, it's legally her husband's right to decide for her, since she was incapacitated.  I think it was within his right, and even his obligation as a husband to decide one way or the other for her, even though I disagree with what he decided.  To me, the whole thing smells funny, especially since he's living with a girl and has two kids with her.  Ultimately, though, it was his right to 'pull the plug' and let his own wife STARVE TO DEATH.  I don't think the courts should have ever been involved, it's cut and dry; he's the next of kin, it's his decision, not her parents.  The day they were married, she became his responsibility, her parents have no concern legally over her anymore.

I'm usually against Civil Disobediance, but I gotta applaud the college kids that got busted sneaking bread and water into her hospice.  That's the best act of civil disobediance I've ever heard of.  Hilarious even.

I heard an argument on t.v. last night, that was very, very interesting.  One guy was saying "Why do you want her to die so much?" the pro tube puller said "I resent you saying we want her to die, we all want nothing but the best for her" and the guy said

"Well then give her some Food"

It really is that fucking simple.  It's just food.  A baby can't eat either, you have to help a baby eat.  that doesn't mean we pull the fucking plug and stop feeding them.  Really, it's asinine. 

Don Jacob

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Re: Terry Schiavo died
« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2005, 03:22:32 PM »
what trauma said about couples is true, i live right across the street from a cemetary and when you walk through there and look at the couples laid to rest next to each other most of the time they've died within a year and a half of each other. when i read what trauma posted i instantly thought of Johnny Cash, right after his wife (the love of his life) died his health took a nose dive and he died within months of her death.  anyways this while Schiavo thing is fucking insane, i don't know what to think , on one side i feel like saying we don't have the right to deprive her of life in this country that is one thing you are entitled to LIFE liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but on the other side i feel like saying well if she was suffering and going to die anyway we should of taken her out of her misery right away , starving her was WRONG but helping her die in a more humane way would have been better.

the only thing i know for sure is that i never want to be in that situation

R.I.P.  To my Queen and Princess 07-05-09


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Re: Terry Schiavo died
« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2005, 04:55:34 PM »
you guys fall for propganda so easily... the GOP framed the debate using words like "starve" and "murder" and you repeat them like automata. 

She died the same way many other people die when they are on life support.  Eventually the family, realizing their loved one will go on in a perpetual vegatitive state, says let's let her pass.  Life support is pulled, the patient is given morphine, and slowly they pass. 

How else do you suppose she die?  Leave her shitting on herself in a hospital bed for another 30 years until slowly her limbs atrophy an no longer function, til she becomes old and gray and lives another 30 years chained to a bed, unable to speak, and in need of constant care, forced to wear a diaper and paraded around the country as some sort of sick spectacle to promoted the worldview of a bunch of religious hypocrites like Trauma, Tom Delay, Bill Frist, Geroge Bush, the entire American Taliban, and the rest of the hypocritical holy rollers. Maybe we could tape the whole thing and do a best of Terri's worst moments for the next 30 years when she finally passes after each one of her vital organs slowly fails...

If the right wasn't such a bunch of fanatical religiuos zealots, things like assisted suicide would be possible in this country, assisted suicide has been practiced for thousands of years since before Christ, when older greeks used to drink hemlock to help them die. 

But unfortunately the religious fanatics on the right don't agree with that sort of thing, so Ms. Schiavo died slowly, but painlessly, her system overcome with the effects of morphine...  She felt no pain... had she been aware and unconscious I imagine her greatest pain would be the embarassment of becoming a national spectacle... having everyone in the entire country talk about a once beautiful women that spent 15 yrs of her life shitting and pisssing on herself, and withering away into a lifeless husk.

you dumb hypocrites spend a month now agonizing over poor terry, but your all too lazy and too stupid to read what is really happening in the world.  You run from the newspapers becuz you have to face facts like 1,500 Americans died for a bullshit war, and over 100k iraqis were killed or severely injured.... you run from all the living Americans that are coming home with missing arms, and the 50,000 americans that suffer from mental illness after fighting in iraq.  you don't care about life, you care about having someone spoon feed you BS so you can feel like your actually a good person.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2005, 04:58:59 PM by Ant »


Re: Terry Schiavo died
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2005, 09:14:34 AM »
you're dumb. nuff said... Will Smith even got a song dissin your kind on his new album.

I hope you're not talking to me.

J Bananas

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Re: Terry Schiavo died
« Reply #36 on: November 03, 2006, 02:50:55 AM »

(sorry, I thought it was funny :P)

oh my god thats fucking hilarious terrys hiavo that case was laughs


Re: Terry Schiavo died
« Reply #37 on: November 04, 2006, 07:10:54 AM »
Stop bumping old threads, Banana dude.