Author Topic: The Minutemen and the Border  (Read 413 times)


Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2005, 10:23:20 AM »
Explain Mexico might have won the war? :o


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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2005, 12:02:48 PM »

I'm going with Walker on the Minutemen vs Druglords debete. The Minutemen are so filled with pride and purpose and there are so many hicks like them south of Dixie that the street thugs of Cali would be in big trouble if a war broke out

Drug lords arent  Street thugs of Cali.  They are from Mexico.  They pretty much control parts of Mexico.  A mexican soccer team is controlled by a drug lord.  Put it this way...a bunch of Mini Pablo Escobars.  Mini scarfaces with actual armies backing them up.  The NARCOS not the little gangsters the minutemen should be afraid of


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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2005, 12:09:31 PM »

I'm going with Walker on the Minutemen vs Druglords debete. The Minutemen are so filled with pride and purpose and there are so many hicks like them south of Dixie that the street thugs of Cali would be in big trouble if a war broke out

Drug lords arent  Street thugs of Cali.  They are from Mexico.  They pretty much control parts of Mexico.  A mexican soccer team is controlled by a drug lord.  Put it this way...a bunch of Mini Pablo Escobars.  Mini scarfaces with actual armies backing them up.  The NARCOS not the little gangsters the minutemen should be afraid of

There's still too many hicks down south. Even if a full frontal attack on a group of Americans was brought forth by a bunch of mini Escobars, the US Governemt wouldn't stand for that, because I know a whole of innocent Americans would die. If American citizens were killed in a massive slaying on American soil then Bush would have no choice but to send a whole bag of troops into Mexico and go after everyone of the drug lords. It just won't happen. The Minute Men will still patrol and the drug lords will just find smarter ways of getting people through the border.


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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2005, 12:15:25 PM »
I support the Minutemen 100% They are true American patriots for trying to defend our borders and preserve U.S. national security. How can any true American oppose what they are doing? Someone has to do it, our government won't. We are being invaded by Mexico and no one even cares.

And if anyone should feel scared, it is the Mexican drug lords and guides not the Minutemen. The Minutemen are composed mostly of former members of the US military, namely Vietnam vets. Do you really think men who fought in the swamps and jungles of Vietnam with snipers and land mines all around  are going to be intimidated by some punk ass Mexicans??? Get real. If those drug lords try anything they will end up dead.

lol Ding ding ding..give this guy a prize for the most ignorant comment in DubC history!!

Defending our border?? Are u serious? Defending it from what? Mexican terrorist? lol. Theyre just some racist fucks, that you are supporting...which makes u racist too (not like the board doesnt already know that tho). These people coming across arent hurting anyone, and they arent as bad for the economy as some of you redneck idiots think. Look at this country, and how we spend our money. We dont spend money on anything, unless it can make us money. Do u honestly think that if immigrants were a real threat to our economy that the US government wouldnt have starting killing EVERY last one that came across the border? As for the minutemen...."former vietnam vets"? LOL!!!!!!!!!! Damn, thank God its a buncha former Vietnam vets out there with pistols...theyd be more likely to accidentally shoot themselves then to actually hit the target. Vietnam vets mean theyre either old, or insane by now. Im in San Diego, we have a million Vietnam vets. I know this, cus they usually stand on freeway entrances witha  sign that says so....and asks for food. They spend most of the day yelling at a wall, and walking their invisible dog. LOL. The US national guard wouldnt be able to deal with some of the Drug lords in Mexico...let alone some 60 yr old retard with a rifle. lol. Youre an idiot...


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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2005, 12:20:57 PM »
I support the Minutemen 100% They are true American patriots for trying to defend our borders and preserve U.S. national security. How can any true American oppose what they are doing? Someone has to do it, our government won't. We are being invaded by Mexico and no one even cares.

And if anyone should feel scared, it is the Mexican drug lords and guides not the Minutemen. The Minutemen are composed mostly of former members of the US military, namely Vietnam vets. Do you really think men who fought in the swamps and jungles of Vietnam with snipers and land mines all around  are going to be intimidated by some punk ass Mexicans??? Get real. If those drug lords try anything they will end up dead.

unless for some reason these vietnam vets still have military equipment they should be scared by "punk ass mexicans".  The Drug lords wont even show up lol...they'll just send an actual mini army to look out for THE INVADERS!!!!!  You really have no clue what kind of shit the drug lords can do lol. What the minutemen are doing is not patriotism.  I guess Bush is not a true american in your eyes now, lol

I'm going with Walker on the Minutemen vs Druglords debete. The Minutemen are so filled with pride and purpose and there are so many hicks like them south of Dixie that the street thugs of Cali would be in big trouble if a war broke out. Keep in mind that the average cowboy fom down south shoots and kills things as an everday part of life. Most have served in the military and have access to many weapons used by militias. I don't think there would be a war between rednecks and latino gangsters, but if there was the rednecks would win in the end. I once saw a program on the Militia in Texas and these guys could probably take over small countries with all the shit they have.

That being said, I don't support what any of those guys stand for, but I don't support Bin Ladin and I'd be the first to tell you he and his followers would kil the shit out of the the entire black gang community of California if they were to war with each other. There is a difference between growing up on the hard streets and growing up in a literal war zone and trained on the battlefield.

street thugs of Cali? We're talkin about drug lords...not street thugs. And to end that, the hicks would seriously be destroyed man....just in numbers alone. On some racial shit, everybody would come together. Most white people would not support some dumb redneck racists, but every black, mexican, etc would support eachother if it really went down. LA "street gangs" are considered to be more powerful over the last 10 yrs then the italian mafia was back in the 40's. They hold a LOT more weight then people isnt all just guns and violence. Theres a lot of money and power behind it, everything from cops to judges on the payrolls sometimes.


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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2005, 12:24:49 PM »

I'm going with Walker on the Minutemen vs Druglords debete. The Minutemen are so filled with pride and purpose and there are so many hicks like them south of Dixie that the street thugs of Cali would be in big trouble if a war broke out

Drug lords arent  Street thugs of Cali.  They are from Mexico.  They pretty much control parts of Mexico.  A mexican soccer team is controlled by a drug lord.  Put it this way...a bunch of Mini Pablo Escobars.  Mini scarfaces with actual armies backing them up.  The NARCOS not the little gangsters the minutemen should be afraid of

There's still too many hicks down south. Even if a full frontal attack on a group of Americans was brought forth by a bunch of mini Escobars, the US Governemt wouldn't stand for that, because I know a whole of innocent Americans would die. If American citizens were killed in a massive slaying on American soil then Bush would have no choice but to send a whole bag of troops into Mexico and go after everyone of the drug lords. It just won't happen. The Minute Men will still patrol and the drug lords will just find smarter ways of getting people through the border.

what do u think would happen if we sent troops into mexico to look for all the drug lords? lol. u see how good we've been at finding bin laden, and this would probably be even worse. They might as well send all those "vietnam vets"....we got our ass kicked there and lost that war, why not try somethin else we cant win?


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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2005, 12:36:22 PM »
the drug lords are smart enough not to commit mass murder. Come on now.  If anything they will just be giving out rewards to people to whoever gets a kill off a minuteman.  lol they have much more important stuff than to worry about fucking idiots patrolling the border

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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2005, 12:36:55 PM »
Anyone have any FACTS or STATISTICS that show the drain on our economy that is directly related to Mexican's coming to America? Doe's anyone think that California would be half of what it is without them? There are towns I know in Cali that would cease to exist if it wasnt for the economy generated by undocumented migrant workers. Whats wrong with people comin to this country workin long,hard hours providing for ther famlies while pumpin money into our economy? Id rather have them as neighbors than some Tweekin, Meth lab runnin,waste of skin thats been on welfare thier whole damn life. Sabotoging the water is some cowardly, bitchmade thing to do also. The "Minute Men" are some old washed-up hillbillys that wanna feel like they are apart of something. Instead of keeping hard working people out,how about they round up the real drains on ur society and ship them the fuck out.


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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2005, 12:53:07 PM »
here is an article about illegal immigrants and the Nevada economy.

Jobs lure migrants to state

Economy draws illegal immigrants


Nevada's population growth is fueled in part by a high number of illegal immigrants who help the state keep pace with the demands of growth but also add to it, experts said.

"The more the economy blossoms, the more illegal immigration you're going to have," said Jessie Gutierrez, executive director of Nevada Hispanic Services in Reno. "People are going to use the cheap labor force."

More than 40 percent of Nevada's foreign-born population is in the United States illegally, according to a report issued last week by the Pew Hispanic Center, a Washington, D.C.-based research group.

Nevada is one of 17 states, mostly in the West, that the report a higher-than-average percentage of illegal immigrants. Others include Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Idaho.

More than half of the illegal immigrants, the Pew study estimated, cross the border into the United States from Mexico.

Many stopped in California first, then left for other states, including Nevada.

"Beginning in 1990, you started seeing immigrants moving out of California to places where the economy was better," said Jeffrey Passel, a Pew Center researcher who authored the study. "Right next door (in Nevada) was one of those places."

The newcomers often fill jobs created by growth.

"Rapid population growth means a lot of new construction and housing," Passel said. "That's one of the principal places immigrants, especially undocumented immigrants, work."

The federal government is looking for ways to control the border with Mexico.

"I would say we haven't figured out a way to control or decrease the undocumented migration," Passel said. "Every indication is they are coming for jobs. As the jobs keep growing, they're likely to keep coming."


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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2005, 02:54:05 PM »
the drug lords are smart enough not to commit mass murder. Come on now.  If anything they will just be giving out rewards to people to whoever gets a kill off a minuteman.  lol they have much more important stuff than to worry about fucking idiots patrolling the border

Correct, they do have more important stuff to worry about than border patrol, which is why I said nothing would end up happening. Even sending hitmen to do the job woould be too risky. It's one thing for Bush to turn his head on illegal immigrants, but to allow American citizens to get killed because of illegal immigration, that's where'd have have to step in. It's like how all that crime that goes on in latino gang communities with drugs, murder, etc. If one of the Bush daughter was ever in there and had gotten raped, I garauntee that every latino gang in America would be disbanded and put in jail with in the first week. Why? Because rich white people don't care until rich white people get hurt, then it's go time. That's why rich white people still run the world. It may not be a good thing but it's the truth.

OneHittaSpitta; You're on some stupid non-educated shit. Most of Mexico won't give a shit of the few super rich drug lords are getting fucked with, and the blacks and latinos in the US don't have the numbers. I don't know what you think but there are more whites in the US then there are latinos and blacks combined and then doubled. Also, your band together theory doesn't really hold any water. If blkacks can't even band together with blacks as a whole, and there are more latinos in the US that want nothing more than the Latino gangs to be diminished, then what makes you think they would go to war over this. Mexico would not war with the states over some drug lords getting killed. Shit man, did you know that there were blacks fighting for the South in the civil war? No one group of people with in the US could/would stand against the US Military and win.

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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2005, 03:49:45 PM »
Someone explain to me what is so racist about a country enforcing its immigration laws.

Do you guys think Mexico would let millions and millions of poor, uneducated black and white Americans flood into their country illegally and let them drain all their government programs and social services and start up violent gangs and shit? I think we all know that would never happen. But for some reason the US is allowing millions of Mexicans to do it.

The funny thing is that Mexico has its military stationed on its southern border to prevent poor people from Honduras and Guetemala to get into their country. It is a racist double standard on the part of the Mexicans.

Mexicans are very racist......

Just Another Sunny day in California

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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2005, 04:02:58 PM »
Someone explain to me what is so racist about a country enforcing its immigration laws.

Do you guys think Mexico would let millions and millions of poor, uneducated black and white Americans flood into their country illegally and let them drain all their government programs and social services and start up violent gangs and shit? I think we all know that would never happen. But for some reason the US is allowing millions of Mexicans to do it.

The funny thing is that Mexico has its military stationed on its southern border to prevent poor people from Honduras and Guetemala to get into their country. It is a racist double standard on the part of the Mexicans.

Mexicans are very racist......

Aight think of it this way, why is it so easy for Americans to enter Mexico but Mexicans aren't allowed  to enter America????  It's a bunch of bullshit.  Americans talk shit about how bad the country of Mexico is but yet they love the beaches and the parties that go on in Mexico.  I say Americans should not be allowed in Mexico period, it should be a double standard.  And those poor people coming from Honduras and Guetemala going into Mexico aren't planning to stay in Mexico they're going to cross the border as well so to say that it's Mexicans crossing the borders everyday is bullshit.  I know a lot of people in my town from South/Central America.

As for Mexicans being racist, how are Mexicans racist?  Mexico allows people from every race into Mexico and i've seen it before when i was down there.  You're just mad that Mexicans are the fastest growing minority and Mexicans are now taking over some of you Redneck fucks, who by the way think you're better than everyone else because you think you were "here first" check your history you dumbfuck Whites weren't the first people to step foot on North American. 
Oh I like this one... One dog goes one way, the other dog goes the other way, and this guy's sayin', "Whadda ya want from me?



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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #27 on: May 28, 2005, 04:18:44 PM »
since Mexico has no other use for their military of course they are patrolling the border.  Yet, how do central americans get into the States?  They have to cross mexico first then the US/Mexico border.  Same shit.  WTf u calling a whole country racist, thats just dumb.  The policy might be seen as racist or whatever but the god damn country and its people?  Come on now


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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2005, 02:03:22 AM »
the drug lords are smart enough not to commit mass murder. Come on now.  If anything they will just be giving out rewards to people to whoever gets a kill off a minuteman.  lol they have much more important stuff than to worry about fucking idiots patrolling the border

Correct, they do have more important stuff to worry about than border patrol, which is why I said nothing would end up happening. Even sending hitmen to do the job woould be too risky. It's one thing for Bush to turn his head on illegal immigrants, but to allow American citizens to get killed because of illegal immigration, that's where'd have have to step in. It's like how all that crime that goes on in latino gang communities with drugs, murder, etc. If one of the Bush daughter was ever in there and had gotten raped, I garauntee that every latino gang in America would be disbanded and put in jail with in the first week. Why? Because rich white people don't care until rich white people get hurt, then it's go time. That's why rich white people still run the world. It may not be a good thing but it's the truth.

OneHittaSpitta; You're on some stupid non-educated shit. Most of Mexico won't give a shit of the few super rich drug lords are getting fucked with, and the blacks and latinos in the US don't have the numbers. I don't know what you think but there are more whites in the US then there are latinos and blacks combined and then doubled. Also, your band together theory doesn't really hold any water. If blkacks can't even band together with blacks as a whole, and there are more latinos in the US that want nothing more than the Latino gangs to be diminished, then what makes you think they would go to war over this. Mexico would not war with the states over some drug lords getting killed. Shit man, did you know that there were blacks fighting for the South in the civil war? No one group of people with in the US could/would stand against the US Military and win.

lol@ u calling me "non-educated"...dont think thats a word though smart guy. If you look at your OWN post, you werent referring to ALL white were referring to down south rednecks. And yes, blacks and latinos would definetely have them outnumbered. Blacks and Latinos stick together far more then white people when it comes to racism, theyve had to in this country. Most white people wouldnt support some dumbass rednect hick racists. But blacks and latinos would stick together if that type of threat was ever brought to them because the threat isnt just white vs black or mexican. Its racists vs black or mexican. See the difference? Also....just so you know, you need to pick one argument and stick to it. Youre kind of jumping back and forth, and not really making your argument clear...youre more or less throwing as many meaningless sentences in your post as u can in an attempt to sound less....."non-educated".


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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #29 on: May 29, 2005, 02:23:25 PM »
the drug lords are smart enough not to commit mass murder. Come on now.  If anything they will just be giving out rewards to people to whoever gets a kill off a minuteman.  lol they have much more important stuff than to worry about fucking idiots patrolling the border

Correct, they do have more important stuff to worry about than border patrol, which is why I said nothing would end up happening. Even sending hitmen to do the job woould be too risky. It's one thing for Bush to turn his head on illegal immigrants, but to allow American citizens to get killed because of illegal immigration, that's where'd have have to step in. It's like how all that crime that goes on in latino gang communities with drugs, murder, etc. If one of the Bush daughter was ever in there and had gotten raped, I garauntee that every latino gang in America would be disbanded and put in jail with in the first week. Why? Because rich white people don't care until rich white people get hurt, then it's go time. That's why rich white people still run the world. It may not be a good thing but it's the truth.

OneHittaSpitta; You're on some stupid non-educated shit. Most of Mexico won't give a shit of the few super rich drug lords are getting fucked with, and the blacks and latinos in the US don't have the numbers. I don't know what you think but there are more whites in the US then there are latinos and blacks combined and then doubled. Also, your band together theory doesn't really hold any water. If blkacks can't even band together with blacks as a whole, and there are more latinos in the US that want nothing more than the Latino gangs to be diminished, then what makes you think they would go to war over this. Mexico would not war with the states over some drug lords getting killed. Shit man, did you know that there were blacks fighting for the South in the civil war? No one group of people with in the US could/would stand against the US Military and win.

lol@ u calling me "non-educated"...dont think thats a word though smart guy. If you look at your OWN post, you werent referring to ALL white were referring to down south rednecks. And yes, blacks and latinos would definetely have them outnumbered. Blacks and Latinos stick together far more then white people when it comes to racism, theyve had to in this country. Most white people wouldnt support some dumbass rednect hick racists. But blacks and latinos would stick together if that type of threat was ever brought to them because the threat isnt just white vs black or mexican. Its racists vs black or mexican. See the difference? Also....just so you know, you need to pick one argument and stick to it. Youre kind of jumping back and forth, and not really making your argument clear...youre more or less throwing as many meaningless sentences in your post as u can in an attempt to sound less....."non-educated".

My stand is simple. The drug lords won't do anything to stop the border patrol, they'll just find better ways to get people in the country. All this hick vs non hick thing is pointless, because what it comes down to is Americans being killed by non Americans in America and good ol' Dub Ya would act against that in a very serious matter. As for your stick together claim; when Emmit Till was brutally murdered by two hicks down south then the two hicks get off scott free only to sell their story for money and admit to killing the boy but suffered no penalty, I didn't see too many blacks all over the country banding together and taking down the whites. Look at all those riots from the 60s. How many whites really died? If blacks couldn't defend against an innocent 14 year old black kid by banding together, then what makes you think they would stand up for illegal immigrant mexicans?