Author Topic: Brian Wilson's popularity at all time high after stellar Glastonbury performance  (Read 314 times)


Have you guys heard about Brian Wilson playing Glastonbury?  I've been hearing people rave on and on and on all over the place about what a great fucking concert it was.  150,000 people saw it, they said one of the largest sunday afternoon crowds ever there.  Brian's been touring relentlessly, and him and his band have been getting better and better and better... they even had kids trying to surf on plywood on top of the crowd, lol.

The coolest thing was, a year ago, Brian was singing "Don't Worry Baby" in the key of B.  His road manager was saying he wanted to talk Brian into trying to sing it in D at some concert, he thought Brian could pull it off.... at Glastonbury, Brian sang it in the original key of E, three keys higher than he was singing it just a year ago.  Since he put that SMiLE album out, the man has just totally turned his life around, really amazing to watch. 

Anyways, I hope it comes out on DVD, but heres a review some fan wrote up that was there for the show.


at the barrier @ front of the pyramid stage and we’re in clover… well, in straw, actually, as there’s been very liberal sprinkling of fresh stuff to sop up the remaining mud up front and make us all cosy-like. it’s impossible to see the full area behind you. stretch, crick your neck and you can see there’s no open space right up to the path way way back up the hill. the audience is big. very big. for a sunday afternoon, it outdoes audiences for night-time headlining acts. it’s very, very big. and beautiful. and loud. and happy. ecstatically happy. and here to see brain wilson. i’m chuffed to see several bw / smile / bb / pet sounds t shirts smattered about earlier in the day. we’re not the only geeks, then, ashley and me. there’s others who’ve already been touched by brian’s shows. glastafarian’s tricolour flag was over the other side –just impossible to make contact and say hello. just tantalisingly out of reach. ‘hello’ anyway, pat. throughout the afternoon the crowd was building – that blunt fellow was lucky to be boosted up onto the bill and get that kind of audience. jools holland’s is always a crowd pleaser and we watched and shuffled our bums in time on a concrete sleeper. then… seize the time… whoomph… in we went to get a spot for van morrison. and we got van. we got a set that was workmanlike (the old chap’s merely plying his trade… and we got plyed with). seen him do better. far better. many times… not that he was bad. just good. and that’s not enough, really. so you never got him on the telly? shame… but thereagain… i’ve hummed and ha’d about which is my favourite all-time / contemporary musical artist. my all-time favourite album… both artists very different in approach and execution, but equally driven by passion: the one’s music intricate, pinpointedly fashioned and recreated with a frontman who has re-emerged into a deserved limelight; the other mercurial, sometimes wayward, changing setlist nightly, changing arrangements, sometimes charged, utterly brilliant, sometimes, er, not so. as of now (and, truthfully, for a few years) a certain brian wilson knocks the spots off of van’s current live offering. no question. as van sings ‘brown eyed girl’ scott bennett runs out front, camera in hand to catch the end of the show. we wave at each other quickly, no chance to speak. and then they were on. the bw show? a bit good. a bit more than a bit good. ’so, what does he do? can you point him out to me when he comes on stage?’ asks a young woman behind us as we are pressed against the barrier. i tell her ‘i think you’ll notice which one is brian’. she’s intrigued by my ‘smile’ t shirt, delighted to be in the throng, but fears she doesn’t know any of his songs. she proves herself wrong on that account – many times over. ‘gosh, i love this one’ she explodes as the opening bars of ‘wouldn’t it be nice’ hit us. by ‘good vibrations’ she’s beside herself.. and beside us. there’s young girls, old fogeys like us, lads who’ve instantly lost their studied cool as the show opens, all singing along and whooping it up. the show hits with hits thick and fast. no flagging (plenty a’waving in the crowd). the coupling of ‘our prayer’ into ‘h&v’… well , they should have done that @ hampton court. sublime. paul mounts the crash barrier during a sax solo ‘little saint nick’ - brian’s well amused by the absurdity. hey, we need this as an xmas single – complete with glasters footage (go on, you know you need to, brian and co – it’s a sure-fire hit!).we get the ‘how loud can you shout’ bit twice – and the decibel levels increase. we get an extended ‘row row row your boat’… but no round from brian – it looks like they’re all gobsmacked by the response and let it roll. . no ‘breakaway’ today – the set’s an hour and a quarter and runs on past that. it ends without ‘love and mercy’ – no dampening of the sheer audience buzz… but it’s missed (by me, at least). earlier on, there’s the sight of two surfers (not just the girl the tv picked up on) being borne aloft on boards across the crowd – surely a first! – and eventually deposited into the arms of security at stage front, boards confiscated and hustled grinning back out into the melée. jeffrey foskett grins at the sight. if brian notices, he doesn’t remark on it. he’s not somewhere else, he’s right there lapping up the occasion, but… well, y’know… in his own stylee. can’t say his nervousness didn’t show through at times, but he handled loss of monitor sound pretty well, pointing it out and making sure it was fixed (that accounts for jeffrey’s gestures noticed by a poster below). they’re bussed in and off site pretty quickly, no doubt, but brian – you gave a performance that is, without any doubt, a defining highlight of the glastonbury festival history. never meant to be a set of esotericfulness. but it’s a perfect set to bring any audience to the boil (except, it appears, a few grumpy buggers who post here and make van the man seem positively full of the joys of spring). i’m so well pleased we were there. oh, yes… we were there! now, if only i’d got the chance to berate that nice mr leaf again about that dvd…



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definiatly, it was incredible i believe, heard clips - dunno if he was on the TV coverage, didnt get chance to peep!

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Mindless Minority

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People actually took surfboards with them so they could crowd surf on them. I saw the TV coverage and it was a huge crowd, everbody clapping along, getting into the spirit. The fact it was sunny helped hugely. Fantastic performance all round really, from Brian and the whole band on stage with him.

Was Brian singing off an autocue though?
Well she moved in ways
That kept her there in our minds for days
Weeks and months it was
I was that amazed and there she stays
Surrounded by the what-ifs and the maybes

Don Seer

i never even knew he played...  however i didnt really watch any live coverage :D

i've seen lots of stuff about them not wanting U2 in 2007.. (or ever for that matter.. lol)

it was on TV _free_ for most of the weekend over here.. so i'd expect there to be rips on the internet soon :)

glasto has been nuts.. my town is one of the closest with a mainline railway station.. we had a lot of people pass through here over the weekend.. i regularly go to glastonbury to skatebaord at their new skatepark its only a 35 min drive

i heard next glastonbury is in 2007 since lots of health and safety law just came into being and they cant prepare for it all in time for a 2006 festival



Was Brian singing off an autocue though?

^ Yes.   Brian Wilson is insane and has to have two teleprompters to instruct him what the lyrics are.

Now, I personally don't see that as a problem, because I don't understand why a musician can't have whatever it takes on stage with them to sound good for the fans, but some people get all worked up over it.  

People that have sat in awkward places at concert have seen some of what the screens tell him, it's kind of heartbreaking.  

On his piano, he usually has a big piece of tape placed there by Jeff, his band leader, that says something like "Brian, it's a great day and the whole band loves you!" and stuff like that.

On the screen, it'll say things like "Brian, don't talk here" and "Brian wait for applause from the audience" and "Brian, thank the audience for coming" stuff like that.

It's really a strange situation.  His band functions like this: they're all huuuuuuuuuuuuuge fans of his, and they learn the songs he wrote without him even being there, usually.  When he gets there for rehearsals, they play through them, and if Brian hears something he doesn't like, he tells them how it should sound, and they go on from there.  Brian doesn't have much tolerance for teaching them every little part of the song, he expects them to figure it out on their own, and he'll explain anything that's not perfect... rehearsals usually show Brian saying things like "Jeff, you're flat on that" or "No, drop the piano out until the second time" etc.

The monitors are generally to stave off his strong stage fright.  The keyboard is the same way, he hardly plays it, but it's there to keep something between him and the audience when he's on stage... he feels comfortable sitting at a piano, so that's why he sings from behind one, even though he usually doesn't play much.  

Mindless Minority

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Yeah I didn't see it as a problem, it was a fantastic show. I knew he had stage fright in the 60's but I thought he had overcome that now (well I guess he must have partially otherwise he wouldn't be up there). Still haven't been able to find that DVD that you recommended in any shops, I'm going to start searching online, see if I can get it on the cheap.

Seer, without a shadow of doubt there is no Glastonbury in 2006. The U2 thing, the fella who books all the acts says since some smaller, lesser known bands made such a good impression this year then he isn't going to bother ringing up U2 and asking them to play from now on, if they want to play they will have to ring him. Don't you see those sweaty student types on the TV caked in mud on the first night? Hate people like that, what the fuck do you get out of dancing around in mud and raw sewage eh? Pricks.

Another thing, people who play Glastonbury don't get nowhere near the same amount of fees that they could get for playing other festivals. You have to commend big artist for not copping out and going somewhere else for higher fees. That's the reason Rolling Stones have never played, and why U2 are so unwilling to.
Well she moved in ways
That kept her there in our minds for days
Weeks and months it was
I was that amazed and there she stays
Surrounded by the what-ifs and the maybes


Yeah, they ought to keep it more affordable acts, up and coming bands, bands that have had moderate success, touring legends like Brian, etc. people that don't need astronomical fees.  The main reasoning I have behind saying this is that I think it's fucking rediculous what U2 and such get paid per concert, so I'd blackball them just on the principle of the utter insanity of it.  You can have just as much fun with some of these other acts.

Don Seer

Still haven't been able to find that DVD that you recommended in any shops, I'm going to start searching online, see if I can get it on the cheap.

try I pretty much only use that site now.. especially for older/rarer stuff

Seer, without a shadow of doubt there is no Glastonbury in 2006. The U2 thing, the fella who books all the acts says since some smaller, lesser known bands made such a good impression this year then he isn't going to bother ringing up U2 and asking them to play from now on, if they want to play they will have to ring him.

aye..  glasto has a good rep for breaking bands... that ska band babyhead i posted that i saw a month or two back has played there lots of times

Don't you see those sweaty student types on the TV caked in mud on the first night? Hate people like that, what the fuck do you get out of dancing around in mud and raw sewage eh? Pricks.

likely they're pilled up..  or on ketamine..

Another thing, people who play Glastonbury don't get nowhere near the same amount of fees that they could get for playing other festivals. You have to commend big artist for not copping out and going somewhere else for higher fees. That's the reason Rolling Stones have never played, and why U2 are so unwilling to.

aye.. doing glasto is being 'real' :) 


Mindless Minority

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I might go in 2007 just so I can spy on birds pissing in a field.

Them Babyhead cunts must have been playing one of the smaller tents right? Fucking disgrace some of the acts who can't even get on one of the stages. Beautiful South and Martha Wainwright were only in the Acoustic Tent.
Well she moved in ways
That kept her there in our minds for days
Weeks and months it was
I was that amazed and there she stays
Surrounded by the what-ifs and the maybes

Don Seer

lol @ pissing in a field... u can do that in our town centre every sat night (altho ya also likely to get punched too..)

any luck finding that dvd you're after on musicstack?

Mindless Minority

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It's a bit messy that website. Isn't it just a poor mans Ebay?

They don't have what I want on DVD, but they have it on VHS. Are we NTSC or PAL over here? 2 quid on NTSC, 26-33 on PAL. What the fuck is that all about?
Well she moved in ways
That kept her there in our minds for days
Weeks and months it was
I was that amazed and there she stays
Surrounded by the what-ifs and the maybes

Don Seer

we're PAL over here

nah its not like ebay.. its lots of smaller record stores selling CD's, memorablia etc..  prices are fixed.. theres no bids

Mindless Minority

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They are pulling my pisser with £26 for a video. Read it more carefully and they don't even have it on stock. No fucker on Ebay is selling it either. Amazon don't stock it.

Trauma you sure it's not some rare piece of musical history that only you and a select few own eh?
Well she moved in ways
That kept her there in our minds for days
Weeks and months it was
I was that amazed and there she stays
Surrounded by the what-ifs and the maybes


who´s Brian Wilson ??? name some of his best songs and i´ll check em out coz i´ve never heard of him before.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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who´s Brian Wilson ??? name some of his best songs and i´ll check em out coz i´ve never heard of him before.

Brian Wilson was the most important member of the Beach Boys, check out any of their songs such as Surfin, California Girls, Wouldn't it be Nice, Good Vibrations, Heroes & Villians, Sail on sailor, Do it Again, Don't worry Baby, etc

Smile is an album that you check out, took 38 years to complete, Pet Sounds is awesome also - both the Beach Boys album & the Brian Wilason presents  live album that came out in 2002