Author Topic: Explanation on Nationhood, Jealousy, and Calling To Monotheism  (Read 199 times)

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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At this website, we have members from many different countries, representing a number of nationalities and races.  As a result of the outcomes of two European revolutions, the Industrial Revolution, and the French Revolution, the complex techniques and ideas they generated are loosely grouped under the label "modernity".  "Modernity" created the need for new social groupings, such as labor unions and political parties, based not on culture, but based primarily upon economic interests.  The need for new markets and new resources spurred colonial expanions.  Secular nation states with constitutional and democratic governments were formed. 

So now today we are a people of nations and states.  Around a couple hundred years ago, people began drawing lines on maps, and man was divided into nation states. And today, you find many people who are willing to kill people of other nations, and give their very lives for that nation state.  But what is our ultimate reality?

Allah tells us our true reality in the Noble Qu'ran which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (salla alayhi wa salaam).  Allah teaches us that we were actually only to be divided into nations and tribes so that we could know eachother, not so that we could despise eachother.  And that the best amongst us is the one who is most righteous. 

And so I was thinking about this, and I was thinking.   Why does Allah say we were divided into nations and tribes to "know eachother".[/i]  Well, think about it, if we all looked the same, talked the same, and acted the same, then how would we know who is who?  And therein, you find that this is how we come to know eachother.  And the most advanced amongst us is the one who is the most pious.  So now, that all makes sense, and this is came to me as what is natural for mankind. 

When you think about our ultimate reality, and you realize that we are all slaves to Allah ta ala (the most high), you come to realize that their is a higher power, that is greater than all of it's creation.   That higher power is eternal and absolute, the first and the last, with no beggining and no end, so therefore it has no power.   And the more we allow ourselves to submit to oneness of Allah ta ala, the more we will be able to visualize the oneness of mankind, for we are all slaves and Allah.  We are the creation, and He is the Creator.[/i]   

But how does one learn submission to the will of the Creator?  In a world where nationalism, selfishness, and division of man are so heavily promoted, how does the created human being learn submission to the Creator?  In the Qu'ran, Allah gives us the program, the five times daily Salaat (prayer).   And the preferred congregational Salaat as a means of uniting the hearts of mankind.  In this Salaat (prayer) one reminds himself atleast 5 times a day, who is the greatest, who is the most powerful, and who is the most worthy of worship.  And in the congregational Salaat, that is much more pleasing to Allah, the Muslim seeks refuge with Allah from being distracted by the Shatan, and the Muslim strives to focus intensely upon his ultimate reality and true nature, in this prayer the soul is released from the body and suspended into the heavens for a meeting with Allah ta ala (the most high).   

It is reported that the Prophet Muhammmad (salla alayhi wa salaam) asked his companions if man were to bathe himself in a stream 5 times a day how much dirt would be left?  They said, 'no significant amount'.  And he said, that is liken unto salaat (prayer).  Because it cleanse the heart and curbs the passion.[/i]

Allah told us to restrain ourselves with those who are engaged in the remembrence of Allah.  When you are praying you are remembering the greatness of Allah.  And verily Allah has taught us in the Qu'ran that being steadfast in prayer is difficult for those who are not humble.  In remembrence of Allah, and in learning the teaches of the Noble Qu'ran, the believer learns humility.  And the more we learn, the more we must apply.  You can put books on the back of a donkey but it is still a donkey.   In the Noble Qu'ran there is a supplication we are taught to make, and it goes, "Ohh Allah, Increase Us In Knowledge"[/i]  Through knowledge of our Creator man can achieve hieghts that were previously being his reach, and scope.   Man will not only achieve great hieghts for himself, but he can begin to rid himself of jealousy and selfishness and become an advocate for the success of mankind.

This is Ikramah Muslimeen, when you want for your brother what you want for yourself.  Jealousy plaques the soul, and this is why Allah finishes the Qu'ran by instructing the Muslim to seek refuge with Allah from jealousy and the whispering of the Shatan.   And the elders and scholars know that today it is jealousy that prevents mankind from spiritual advancement.  It is jealousy that holds us back and causes confusion and corruption amongst the land, it is jealousy that would cause one man to give advice and council that at face value appears to be in your benefit but in reality is intended to harm you.

So we seek refuge with Allah from jealousy, and we focus upon our own shortcomings, and our own need for human advancement as an outlet for our energy.  A positive outlet for our energy is to focus on correcting our own shortcomings as a weapon against over-involvement in the affairs of others that is not beneficial.

We have to approach this thing with the right intention if we want the reward from Allah ta ala.  Islam teaches us that actions are judged by their intention, so purify your intention, and Allah will reward you.  Do not look to the superficiality of this life as your criteria for action, because it is success in the next life that the Muslim truly strives for.  Do not get caught up in being reactionary, for the one who is reactionary too easily becomes emotional when encountering difficulty.  Allah has given us a better way, he has given us patience, Iklas aniyyah (purity of intention) as righteous behaivor that will increase our scale of good deeds before Allah on the day of judgement.  Strive towards all that is good even if the friuts of your work will not be seen for another 1,000 years, or even if they will not ever be seen in this life, for surely the hereafter is a much better home for the believer.

And lastly, I am callling to Allah not because I feel I am better or more knowledgeable that anyone else here, but I am calling to Allah ta ala, because I am making effort on myself.  I am reminding myself.[/i]  So may Allah forgive me for my mistakes and shortcomings, may he give us the good of this life, and good in the hereafter.   Authu Billahi minashatinir rajeem, bismillahir rahmanir raheem.
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)

J Bananas

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Re: Explanation on Nationhood, Jealousy, and Calling To Monotheism
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2005, 08:17:03 PM »
dude u have -162 karma maybe u should take it as a sign people are fed up with this horseshit and no one believes your fuckin kooky magical tales of some daddy character watching over us all

Lieutenant Abdul-Shakur

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Re: Explanation on Nationhood, Jealousy, and Calling To Monotheism
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2005, 01:27:21 AM »
dude u have -162 karma maybe u should take it as a sign people are fed up with this horseshit and no one believes your fuckin kooky magical tales of some daddy character watching over us all

aey about u keep ur virgin butt out of topics u dont belong in before it gets ripped......


Re: Explanation on Nationhood, Jealousy, and Calling To Monotheism
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2005, 02:44:12 AM »
you should stop smoking so much weed

J Bananas

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Re: Explanation on Nationhood, Jealousy, and Calling To Monotheism
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2005, 10:48:59 AM »
did someone say virgin butt?


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Re: Explanation on Nationhood, Jealousy, and Calling To Monotheism
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2005, 11:00:14 AM »
dude u have -162 karma maybe u should take it as a sign people are fed up with this horseshit and no one believes your fuckin kooky magical tales of some daddy character watching over us all

aey about u keep ur virgin butt out of topics u dont belong in before it gets ripped......

i see you like to give advice but not take it

Lieutenant Abdul-Shakur

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Re: Explanation on Nationhood, Jealousy, and Calling To Monotheism
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2005, 01:31:48 PM »
let me throw some 2 cents at u slut.....ur a fucking moron...accept it.....u didnt had no contribution to this topic but ur cum gargglin ass styll decided to stick ur pussy inside.......if u like the advice i gve to ur boyfriend jus holla @ me.....i got alot more for u


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Re: Explanation on Nationhood, Jealousy, and Calling To Monotheism
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2005, 02:16:04 PM »
We got another intelligent poster. YES!!

Fuck You, Pay Me

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Re: Explanation on Nationhood, Jealousy, and Calling To Monotheism
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2005, 07:38:11 PM »
We got another intelligent poster. YES!!

Yeah... if only they were as smart as you...

J Bananas

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Re: Explanation on Nationhood, Jealousy, and Calling To Monotheism
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2005, 07:39:52 PM »
I took it over the line there, sorry Infinite, here's a prop. :-\