Author Topic: Lady writes book about Rap stars/ says Usher kissed a Hatian man while cont.  (Read 567 times)


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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Personally, I think this is some bullshyt!  Read about all of her supposed encounters with all of today’s celebs.  This chick wrote a damn book about it….Groupie!!.








I do apologize for the explicit content….



Were you in a relationship with Usher, or was it just for the sex?
I wouldnt dream of being in a relationship with him.YUCK. It was just
for sex, but the sex was NOT all that good either. I kinda felt sorry
for him. So I fuucked him.

Were you dissapointed?
Um yeah. Because it was after a concert when we "fuucked" and it was
smelling like straight up FISH up in backstage in his dressing room. It
was NOT me either. So im like babes? whats that smell. He tried to make
it seem like it already smelled like that when they got to the arena. Im
like whatever, can we get this over with.

How was the sex?
It was fuucking horrible and on top of that it was smelling back there.
This man is not packing, his dick is way small and he was having a hard
time trying to find my hole. Then ol' boy did something out of this
world, he yelled out something haitian and some big ugly black man came
out and walked over to Usher and they started making out. I was sick to
my stomach. I got dressed and ran out of there.

Are there any celebs you'd want to sleep with?
Yes! Just not Usher. I'd fuuck Lil Jon before I have sex with Usher
again. I really would want to have sex with that guy Tyson Beckford, now he is packing, I seen some movies.



What's your story?
I had a relationship with Jim, it was based on sex though. The
relationship lasted for a good four months, until his baby's mom started gettin
all b!tchy with him because he wasnt spending time with the baby. He
was spending all his time and giving all his dick and money to me.

How did you meet?
Well I was visiting my cousin in Harlem for like 6 months and the first
day we got really bored just chilling in her house, so we left and
walked around. We came up to this store (I can't remember what the name was..) and we seen these three sexy ass guys posted up infront of the store. Of course my cousin and I being a couple of dymes, they spit some game at us. My cousin was all up under one of the dudes, I guess she knew him. Then Jim walked up to me and asked me if me and my cousin would chill with him and his boys. We said yes and then left with the guys to their house.

So what happened?
We got to the house, and we was all chilling, talking, laughing and
smoking blunts. Me being the freak I am, when I get high I turn horny. So
I was all up on Jim's dick, grinding, just all around not giving a fuuck
who all was in the room. After all the dry sex we got up and walked to
Jim's room and he threw my on the bed and he pulled his pants down, and thats when I saw THE BIGGEST DICK I EVER SEEN. I was horny and wet just looking at his dick. I told him to fuuck me now and we fuucked that whole night. I ended up staying the night at that house. When I woke up that morning I seen my cousin with her head layed across one of Jim's
friends laps. So I woke her ass up and we showered and then I gave Jim my telephone number and we bounced.

Were you dissapointed?HELL TO THE NO. That man has the biggest dick EVER. You see I said the
relationship lasted about four months!! The sex was AWESOME.

But wait, what happened after you guys had sex?
Well he had my number and as soon as I got in the house he called me.
We chilled more and more. The pus$y must have been good to him because he started spending money on me like I was wifey or something. I wasn't mad at it though.

What ended the relationship?
Lord, It was a bunch of drama with his babys mother. The b!tch was
basically hating on me because I had her babys father wrapped around my finger, and in my pus$y everynight. We ended up coming across each other in the streets and we fought like two grown ass men at that store I met Jim at. Oh and you best believe I kicked that b!tches ass.


What happened with you and Raz-b?
Well I met him at a club last year and he asked me to dance, and I'm a nice person so I said yes. I had no idea who he was until he showed me a picture of B2K.

So you weren't a B2K fan I assume?
Well I never really cared for them, but the one with the braids looked like a good bang.

Okay so did you actually have sex with Raz-b or what?
Yes, unfortunately. I thought it would be better than it was. He had a nice stomach at the time, but his dick looked like a pencil and he kept insisting on having sex to his song "B2K Is Hot."

Was this a one night stand?
Yes, I would never have sex with him again if my life depended on it. He was weird, made strange noises, I could have sworn he was mooing like a cow at one point, and it only lasted about 7 or 8 minutes. I didn't even orgasm.

What happened after that?
I told him I had to go and he asked me for my number so we could do this again sometime. I pretended I didn't hear him and walked out the room and never looked back.


Where did you meet Irv?
I was at a Ja Rule concert a few years ago and i saw him outside. We started to talk and he said we should meet up at their hotel later.

What happened at the hotel?
See I was thinking that I would be hanging around with Ja and them but when i got to the hotel he was the only one there. He took me up to his room and he told me he would make me a star if i fuucked him.

So did you?
Well my dream is to be famous, so i figured why not, its free sex for stardom.

What was the sex like?
It sucked. He has this weird fetish of licking armpits. It creeped me out, but I let him do it.

Did you have sex with him more than once?
He told me if I wanted to be a star I had to fuuck him everynight, but the oly way for me to do this was to come on tour with him.

So you went?
I went for a couple weeks, but I got bored of him licking my armpits so I acted like I was sick and he sent me home saying we would finish another time.

What happened after that?
I gave him a fake number and address. I couldn't take anymore of him.


How did you meet him?
It was at at a Club in New York. I am originally from Los Angeles, it was my second night in town when I met him. I was sitting down having a drink and he approached me and introduced his self.

How did the question come up?
Well, we were dancing for awhile and after a few hours he whispered in my ear and said, "You down for something tonight?" and I wasn't going to back down on that offer, so I went back to his place.

How was it?
It was good. He's really wild in bed, and don't let the 'No homo' stuff fool you, because he is definitely not a homo in bed. His dick is like a baseball bat, but it's thick too like a overgrown german sausage. He likes to pull hair alot, and he actually likes it better when a girl rides.

Were you dissapointed?
In what? In Juelz? Never. We ended up having a relationship after that night.

How long did that last?
About 4 Months, I get bored easily so it was time for me to move on to bigger and better things.

Do you guys still talk?
Not really, but if he's down to fuuck again he knows the number.


Was Young Buck good in bed?
He was the best I ever had. His dick was like the Energizer Bunny. It kept going and going. The sex lasted for hours at a time. It was the best I ever had and it got better each time.

Was this a ongoing relationship?
It wasn't a relationship really, it was more of a sex thing. It lasted about 5 months.

When did you meet Young Buck?
I met him through one of my friends. She was dating one of his cousins or someone related to him. She introduced me at a party and he took me back to his hotel after that.

Was he famous when you met him?
Not really, he was known through G-Unit but this was before his cd came out.

Any other celebrities you would give a try?
Yeah. There's a few, but I doubt any of them would be better.


How did you meet Slim Thug?
Me and my girls decided to make an appearance at one of his house parties. A few hours after bein' there he came up to me and asked me if I was enjoyin' myself and things of that nature. And we just started talkin' he asked to go to another room 'cause it was too loud in there. So we bounced and talked some more and next thing you knew shit setted off.

How big is his dick?
It was as long as a fuuckin' telescope. It was huge I couldn't mount it with 1 hand. And he knew how to use it. Oh yes he did.

How was it?
He was like an untamed animal. Exactly...he was like a lion that hasn't been fed in a some months. It was amazing. He tore me up. I think I still walk with a limp and its been like a year since then.

Does he have any weird sexual tendencies?
Besides the fact that he didn't take his sunglasses off...nope.

So you would recommend him?
Oh yes. You haven't had some until you fuucked this cat.


How did you meet?
I was invited by a friend of mine to come on the set of his video "On Fire", I attended everyday he was doing the video, and each day I noticed him looking my way. My friend who invited me is really good friends with David..well he's known as "Young Buck" but anyway, "Buck" approached me and invited me to an party they were going to be at, I was down of course so I went.

So what happened?
Me and Banks, chilled at the Party and he was straight up with me "Can I get some of that pus$y?" I like boldness in a nigga, so I was all for it. We went back to his hotel, and he demanded me to take off my clothes I did, and it was on. He can go all night, It was the best I ever had.

So you would recommend him?
Yea I would, he can really put it down. But there was one thing I didn't like right in the middle of us fuucking, and I was about to climax, this nigga said he wanted to take it out so I could suck his shit.

Did a relationship happen?
No, he was to busy with G-Unit, but we did stay fuuck buddies.


How was T.I. in bed?
A freak! That basically sums it up.

How did you meet him?
I was at a club in New York, and my girl got us in VIP. I actually was tryin' to get to Nelly, but T.I. was the first stop. He seen me, and started talkin to me like he knew i was gonna give it up. We had a few drinks, my girl left me with him and the niggas from PSC, but it was all good. Then we went to the hotel, had some more drinks then everybody left. We gave eachother oral sex, then we hit every position known to mankind. I never thought he was gonna bust, but when he did, it was all over me.

How big is his dick?
About 8-91/2 inches, surprisingly thick.

So you would recommend him?
Absolutely. Thats the best dick ive had in a while.

50 CENT:

What's your story?
50 cent and I have had our share of sexual encounters. We kick it every time he comes to L.A.. His dick is not as big as i assumed it would be. It was probably about 71/2inches. But its not a big disappointment because he can eat pus$y like no other.

How did you meet?
I know a few studio owners, so when he was out here recording with Game, i went in to meet them. It jumped off from there.

Does he have a fetish?
Yes, 50 loves titties and ass. I happen to have them both so i guess thats why he immediately came on to me.

He came on to you?
Actually he did, i wanted him either way, so if i had to come on to him, or he did, i was still going to get him.


How did you meet Lil Scrappy?
At a club in Atlanta.

What was the sex like?
Should i even answer? Well let me put it like this, masterbation would have felt like a 10in compared to this nigga.

Was he a disappointment?
Yes!! You would think he could do something right. The little dick was already bad, but this nigga cant even eat pus$y right. Ive busted a better nut with my jack rabbit.

Any last comments?
PLEASE, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS FOOL. You're better off goin to bed horny.


How was Guerilla Black in bed?
He was crazy thats how he was. He asked to get on top. I told his ass Hell No. So I climbed on top and rid him for a while then he started huffin' and puffin' sounding like he was about to catch a heart attack. So I slowed down and asked if he was ok and he goes, "Yeah can we take a snack break."

Were you disappointed?
Yes I was. I looked at him like he was crazy and said sure. When he left I put my clothes back on and left. I had to get my number changed too because he wouldn't stop callin' me.

Would you recommend him?
If you want to fuuck in a buffet shit do you.


How did you meet The Game?
He stripped at this club I used to go to every weekend evening. I was like a regular and we talked and everything. And after the deal that made me attracted to him. So I decided to actually call the number he gave me and surprisingly it was still in service but he didn't answer. He called me back some months later. And we hooked up to do what we do.

How was he in bed?
When it came down to it he was good. He was in and out my pus$y and my ass. It was just wonderful. But he did some shit that creeped me the fuuck out. Everytime he was about to bust he screamed, "IM TRANSFORMING" I didn't understand what the **** he was talking about until after we were finish and he wrapped hisself up in the cover like a dumbass and said when he unwraps he'll be a butterfly. I didn't stick around to see if that would happen.

Do you still talk to him?
Hell no. And now that he has all the world on his ass I don't want to talk to him. He left a few messages on my phone though sayin, "B!tch You can Suck My Dick."


How did you meet him?
I met him on the video shoot of Snoop Dogg's - Lets Get Blown. I was
just laughing and hanging out with my girls and trying to make a lil
cameo in the video. So you know how you feel someone staring at you? Well thats what he was doing. I looked up and gave him that look like what the hell are you looking at? I was fronting for sure, because everytime I would see this nigga on TV I would melt, Hes SO sexy. So he came up to me like and starting conversating with me. I ended up giving him my number and he told me to be home around 10 because he was going to call.

So what happened?
We started talking on the phone, then we moved on to going to the
nearest clubs and then we went to chilling at each others houses. Until one night I was alone because Pharrell was making a appearance in someone's video. It was like 2 am and I hear some one creeping around in my apartment. I'm thinking im finna get robbed or something. I got out the bed and grabbed my gun out my night draw and went closer to the creeping noises. I flicked on the light and I see Pharrell looking at me all sexy. That night was the worst night EVER. We attempted to make love and he didnt know what he was doing. He was hitting all the wrong spots and after like 3 minutes he "came" and this mother ****er had some nerve to scream out loud OMG IM CUMMING I CANT TAKE THIS NOOO AHHHH. I looked at him like he was fuucking crazy. I turned over and went to sleep.

Were you dissapointed?
You damn skippy. Silly me. For thinking all these sexy male artists be
packing. When they dick aint worth SHIT.


How did you meet Lil Jon?
I have a cousin who is very good friends with Ludacris and she invited me to an after party of his one night and Lil Jon was there. We were just chillin' and he walked up to me and introduced himself. He asked me if I wanted a drink and I said sure, so we got some drinks, and after a few drinks I was wasted.

What happened after that?
Well when I get drunk I get horny, so I took advantage of the moment. He invited me back to his hotel room so I went.

What was the sex like?
From what I can remember, it was rough. He kept screaming "Yeah" throughout the night. That was odd.

Did you ever see him after that?
I saw him at another party a few months later but I didn't talk to him.

Are there any other celebrities on your list?
I'd like to fuuck one of the Ying Yang Twins, they seem freaky.


What's your story?
I used to work at a strip club where Busta was a frequent customer. One night he pulled me aside and said he wanted to show me some things. I am a big freak so I told him I wanted to see what things he could to. So he took me to his house or his friends house, I'm not sure who's place it was really.

What happened at this place?
Well he took me to one of the bedrooms and threw me down on the bed. He started taking my clothes off and I did the same for him. That man is a big freak I tell you. He was licking me in places you wouldn't even imagine. Then when I saw his dick I almost fainted. That thing was like as long as a keyboard and as thick as a can of coke, just longer.

How long did you have sex with him for?
We had sex maybe once or twice a week for about 4 months. Each time it lasted about 3 hours. The man knows how to work a girl in bed.

Did he ever disappoint you in bed?
No, never. He always satisfied me.

What ended this relationship?
I had to move out of state to help my cousin with her baby.


How did you meet?
I met him at an after party that was held in a club I use to work at.

So what happened?
We talked for awhile, had a few drinks and what not, then a few hours later he said he was leaving to go to his hotel room and asked if I wanted to come with him. I was all for it so I went with him.

How was it?
He's okay, not the best lay i had, but he wasn't that bad either. What really scares me is when he busted he cried. I was like okay this guy is weird.

How long did you mess with him?
For like 2 months.

So you would recommend him?
If you can deal with his crying, yeah I guess.

Are there any celebrities you would want to sleep with?
Yes, a whole lot more.

So would you be offended if someone called you a groupie?
No, I'll laugh.


What's your story? How did you meet Ginuwine?
Through my younger cousin who went to school with his son. The two were good friends. Like on the level of playing at each others house and etc. And one day my aunt sent me over to pick up Lil' Man's inhaler he had left earlier that day and Gin opened the door. I was in awe because of how fine he was but I didn't let emotions show. He invited me in and I sat on the couch and he went up to get Lil Man's shit and when he came back he stared at me for a minute. It made me nervous but I kept cool and stared back. He asked if I wanted to stay around and chill watch TV 'cause the wife and kid was out and he was bored. So he sat next to me and turned on a flick. I was thinking, "YES He wants it" and smiled. He asked if I didn't mind if he pulled it out and handled his business. I said sure go ahead. And he started beatin' off. When I looked over at it iI was in shock he was not big at all. Maybe 6 inches at the most and it looked like a lil' sea horse. He took my hand and put it on the critter. And it all began.

How was it?
I guess they were right when they said it's not the size that matters because he worked it. He blew my back out with his small package and he licked every drop. He's a sex-scholar.

Did it bother you that he was married with children?
No not at all. I don't care about that big nosed b!tch. She gets hers every night I just had it four times. And plus the kid doesn't have to know.

Four Times? How were the other 3 times?
Just as well I would still be goin' back if I didn't have to move.

Do you have any other celebrity fantasies?
Well Do you have time for me to name them all? Because if not I don't think I should start.


How did you meet?
It was at a 106 and park taping. I knew the producer and he introduced me to him.

What happened after your meeting with him?
Well we got to know each other a little more better after the taping and we went to a restaurant and had a nice talk.

That's all that happened?
No, after talking to him for a few more hours we ended up fuucking in his car.

How was that?
It was can i say this? Boring. His hair kept scratching me and his dick is the size of a twinkie, it's so sad.

Anything weird about him in bed?
He looks like the predator when he's about to bust a nut.

Would you do it with him again?
Hell no. I bet I'll get more action humping a pillow or Free.


How did you meet him?
I met him at the Best of Both worlds tour. I got to go backstage through a radio contest. I was watching the concert from the side of the stage and I felt someone behind me. I turned around and I was looking straight in Bleek's face. He asked me my name, and I told him and after that we held a long conversation. Before I knew it I was all into the conversation and I realized I missed most of the show. It was cool though, because I was really feeling him. This look he kept giving me I knew something was bound to pop off.

So what happened?
Well, after the show I was heading outside and I was walking along not to far from the arena to catch a cab when a limo pulled up by me, the windows were tinted and I assumed it was just some teen girls leaving the show. So, I kept on walking when the limo's windows came down. It was sure enough Bleek with a bunch of other ugly niggas. He looked at me while licking his lips and said, "So it's like that ma, the night is still young how about we have some more fun?" I was shocked, and very excited. I was really feeling him after our conversation and I wasn't going to back down, I got in the limo and his homies who was with him got out to go to an after party. Me and Bleek ended up going but it was after we fuucked in the limo.

What was the sex like?
He's really freaky, and so am I, but it wasn't the best. This nigga tried to keep his hat on while we fuucked and I told him to take that shit off, and he did I took one look at that niggas hairline and informed him to put the shit back on fast! The sex could have been better, now don't get me wrong he's sexy as hell but his shit aint the best, but he sure can lick the pussy real good, he had me feining for more.

Does he have any fetishes?
Yes, he loves to be in control, I can say that much, it wasn't HORRIBLE like some of my other experiences but it could have been better. He also loves to smack ass while fuucking, that turnedme on a lot.

Would you do it again?
Yes, next time maybe Peedi will join.




  • Muthafuckin' Don!
  • *****
  • Posts: 1758
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this shyt is bullshyt n i dont like how out of all those fony ass stories u had to put up that bullshyt bout haitians.


  • Muthafuckin' OG
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this shyt is bullshyt n i dont like how out of all those fony ass stories u had to put up that bullshyt bout haitians.
It was emailed to me Dumb ass. Take it for what its worth.


  • Muthafuckin' Double OG
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  • I pledge aligence 2 the West
she serious as fuck Karrine "superhead" steffans Confessions of a video vixen the shit about usher is funny as fuck no wonder he hits high notes like that
There's a new threat on the west and its about to hit Like the Quake in 94......

Kalloge Entertainment


lmao i actually think she´s just lookin for attention and if it´s true then i´m pretty sure her parents aren´t too proud of her ass. but most likely it´s false and it´s just another dumb bitch lookin for attention.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • I never had a digital pic of myself before
That Usher story was hillarious. True or not, it's still funny.


  • Guest
HaHaHa That shit about Game is fucking Funny. Stripped at the club she went to every weekend. For a moment I thought that was Yukmouth talking.


  • Guest

How was Guerilla Black in bed?
He was crazy thats how he was. He asked to get on top. I told his ass Hell No. So I climbed on top and rid him for a while then he started huffin' and puffin' sounding like he was about to catch a heart attack. So I slowed down and asked if he was ok and he goes, "Yeah can we take a snack break."

LMAO @ snack break!


  • Guest
 What a dumb bitch.Did Lino Da Whino get her to write this or what


  • Guest
what's scary is that this thread could easily be linked to some dudes on this forum


  • Muthafuckin' OG
  • ***
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 What a dumb bitch.Did Lino Da Whino get her to write this or what

ha ha lmao!!

Don Seer

i just connected this shit to game's butterfly tatoo..

hmm.. sounds like a lot of BS to me..

4 members of g-unit?

The Watcher

Mr T says: i pity the fool who believes that shit!
army of the pharaohs never make love songs
we finger fuck bitches with freddy krueger gloves on
- celph titled

"lol infact lmao" - Proof of D12

anticipate the shots like obama at the podium
- joe budden


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • I'm Gully
Everytime he was about to bust he screamed, "IM TRANSFORMING" I didn't understand what the **** he was talking about until after we were finish and he wrapped hisself up in the cover like a dumbass and said when he unwraps he'll be a butterfly

ROFL  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :'( ;D ;D