Author Topic: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed  (Read 1083 times)

Real American

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Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« on: December 09, 2005, 03:39:00 PM »
Only in Hollyweird, California would someone who used a shotgun to blow the heads off of four innocent people become a celebrated hero.  This man needs to suffer the consequences of his actions. Please Governor Swarzanegger, do not grant this animal clemency.

By Michelle Malkin   ·   November 26, 2005 03:33 PM

Convicted murderer Stanley "Tookie" Williams, the co-founder of the violent Crips gang who is on Death Row in California, is Hollyweird's current cause celebre. He is scheduled to be executed on Dec. 13 after 24 years of legal wrangling. The San Francisco Chronicle reports today that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has decided to hold a clemency hearing Dec. 8.

Among the Save Tookie brigades: Snoop Dogg, Bianca Jagger, Jesse Jackson, Margaret Cho, Mike Farrell, Jason Alexander, Laurence Fishburne, Danny Glover, Anjelica Huston, Bonnie Raitt, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, and Noah Wyle.

I wrote about Williams' bleeding-heart worshipers back in 2000, when he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize:

San Quentin prison officials report that juvenile delinquents idolize Williams. His propaganda has been endorsed by the Congressional Black Caucus. As part of an ongoing public relations campaign to soften his image while he ties up the courts with specious legal appeals, Williams has been profiled sympathetically by People magazine, Time, the Los Angeles Times, and the ethnic press. He even appeared on a TV special introduced by President Clinton. Barbara Becnel, a crusading journalist who "edits" Williams' writings, once gushed that if the death-row inmate had "been raised in Brentwood instead of South Central, he'd be head of the state Democratic party."
Williams' groupies would have us believe that their Nobel Peace Prize nominee is a helpless victim of his environment, addled by low self-esteem, forced to turn to violence by racist oppressors, and now apologetic "for the atrocities which I and others committed against our race through gang violence." Spare us the sob story. Here are the cold-blooded facts missing from Williams' Nobel Peace Prize application:

Williams was convicted of murdering four innocent bystanders with a sawed-off shotgun in 1979. There was nothing peaceful or compassionate about the way [Albert Owens], Thsai-Shai Yang, Yen-I Yang and Yee Chen Lin died. Owen was a white teen-age clerk at a 7-11 convenience store, shot twice in the back of the head -- execution-style -- as he lay unarmed on the floor during a hold-up. A witness testified that Williams mocked the gurgling sounds Owen made as he lay dying. "You should have heard the way he sounded when I shot him," the witness quoted Williams.

The Yangs were Taiwanese immigrants who, along with their daughter Yee Chen Lin, were gunned down during a motel robbery two weeks after Owen died. Half of the daughter's face was blown off by the shotgun blasts, former L.A. County Deputy District Attorney Robert Martin told me in an interview this week. Williams called them "Buddhaheads," Martin recounted, and robbed them of petty cash.

Williams has yet to apologize to the victims' families. When the trial ended, Martin told me, Williams muttered to the prosecution team, "I'll get every one of you m-----f-----s."

Spoken like a Nobel laureate.

Tookie Williams was sentenced to die for these brutal crimes in 1981. But at the end of this year, he will have celebrated 19 more Thanksgivings, 19 more Christmases, and 19 more birthdays. That's 6,935 days more than [Albert Owens], Thsai-Shai Yang, Yen-I Yang and Yee Chen Lin were allowed to enjoy on this earth...

Lora Owens, Albert's stepmother, writes:

My name is Lora Owens. I am the stepmother of Albert Lewis Owens. My husband, Albert's father, has died so I also speak for him since we discussed this letter frequently over the years. I am writing you concerning clemency for Stanley "Tookie" Williams who murdered Albert in 1979 by shooting him twice in the back. Within seconds, though Albert pleaded for his life, Williams chose to become the judge, jury and executioner of Albert, then laughed as he lay dying. In 1981, Williams was tried, convicted and sentenced to death for the murders he committed in cold blood. Now the many, many years of appeals have also been denied and the facts remain steadfast and the verdict remains firm.
Now that the appeals have been denied, Williams has decided on a new tactic. A female friend has entered his life who happens to be a journalist who wants to write children's books against gangs. Since the defense of brain damage in his appeals did not gain him anything, Williams decided to become an articulate author denouncing gang activity. He doesn't assist the authorities in stopping gang activity by "debriefing" however, but concentrates on teaching primary school age children the "walk and talk" of gang life. This he claims will deter them from joining a gang.

The Nobel Peace Prize nominations, from the first to the last, have been made by activists who see an opportunity to further their personal cause.The first was quoted to have made the nomination to "raise the awareness of the death penalty to a higher degree". Totally nothing to do with Williams and whether he deserved the recognition but for a political agenda.

This has been true of each nomination since.

They have quoted that it doesn't matter what he has done in the past but what he is doing now.

I contend that he is not doing anything now to warrant any type of award and it definitely does matter what he has done in the past. It would matter to anyone whose child is dying in a pool of blood because Williams had the loaded gun and chose to shoot- not in self defense-but shot innocent, unarmed victims simply bcause he could.

Debra J. Saunders, who has followed the case for years, debunks the Tookie sympathizers' mythology:

The whole "redemption" line is a joke. As Williams' former prosecutor Robert Martin once told me, redemption requires an admission of guilt, facing up to what you did and expressing remorse. Williams has done none of the above, yet newspaper editorial pages (including The Chronicle's) and various do-gooders (including some Ninth U.S. Court of Appeals judges) have been pushing for the governor to grant Tookie clemency.
That would turn the whole concept of clemency on its ear.

Let me stipulate: While I support the death penalty, I can respect those who oppose it. But I can't respect those who lionize the most violent thugs as if they are prize sages. My advice to the anti-execution crowd -- and I have no doubt it will be ignored -- is to find some poor schlub who killed in a panic and doesn't belong on death row, and seek clemency for that person.

Don't put a cold-blooded killer on a pedestal. Don't denounce a government killing as barbaric while you laud a cold-blooded thug. And don't ask for clemency for a killer who won't fess up to his crimes.

Williams' co-author, Barbara Becnel, told the Los Angeles Times, "What Stan presents is hope that they, too, can change. He is worth far more to society alive than dead."

Wrong. He is worth more to society dead. The message from the Tookie-philes is that you can kill innocent people and be a star. An execution says you can kill innocent people and pay the price.

Which message will Gov. Schwarzenegger send?

Stay tuned.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2005, 03:42:38 PM by Real American »

Real American

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Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2005, 03:42:03 PM »
Here are the crime scene photos of the victims of the great Tookie Williams. Funny how the Hollyweird celebrities never mention these people during their protest marches.

The pics are kind of gruesome.


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Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2005, 03:45:46 PM »
I wonder if a white guy who killed black gang members in some sort of viglante mission (but claimed innocence) was sentnced to die, but over the years while in jail had done great things to keep kids out of gangs, would these celebrities be on that guy's side?

I don't believe in the death penalty, so either way I'm against execution, but I'd never let this guy out of jail.


Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2005, 03:51:18 PM »
I'm not bloodthirsty for the man's death like Adolf over here, but he took people's lives and sentenced to death. It should be carried through. I don't give a fuck if the nigga found a cure for cancer, he still took lives.
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Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2005, 03:59:08 PM »

I agree, I don't agree with the lethal injection though, he should be executed in front of a firing squad.


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Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2005, 04:28:13 PM »
lol at adolf,he shouldn't be excuted anyway he is gonna rot in jail,so it either kill him now and gain nothing or let him saty in jail do some good books and then die at the end.
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J Bananas

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Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2005, 04:33:09 PM »
OK if any other thread I said I wanna see him killed I changed my mind, he'll still be incarcerated for the rest of his life so why not give him that for all the good he's worked for?

Real American

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Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2005, 05:02:36 PM »
OK if any other thread I said I wanna see him killed I changed my mind, he'll still be incarcerated for the rest of his life so why not give him that for all the good he's worked for?

All the good he has done? Man quit believing all that bullshit. He hasn't done shit. So he wrote a couple of books that very few people read.....big deal.

Tookie hasn't had any positive impact, his supporters are just saying that to save his ass. Fuck him he needs to die.


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Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2005, 05:04:23 PM »
OK if any other thread I said I wanna see him killed I changed my mind, he'll still be incarcerated for the rest of his life so why not give him that for all the good he's worked for?

All the good he has done? Man quit believing all that bullshit. He hasn't done shit. So he wrote a couple of books that very few people read.....big deal.

Tookie hasn't had any positive impact, his supporters are just saying that to save his ass. Fuck him he needs to die.
it ain't like he will be living in hawai he still in jail,
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J Bananas

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Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2005, 05:06:10 PM »
why do you care so much? tired of hating yourself so you find someone new? I agree childrens books and anti gang "education" isnt the most effective, but why do u wanna see him DEAD if you don't know him or any of his victims?

Real American

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Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2005, 05:11:53 PM »
why do you care so much? tired of hating yourself so you find someone new? I agree childrens books and anti gang "education" isnt the most effective, but why do u wanna see him DEAD if you don't know him or any of his victims?

Because I think people who kill innocent human beings should face justice. And I am disgusted how people rally around and celebrate a cold blooded killer like this. Not only is he directly responsible for the deaths of 4 innocent people, but he is indirectly responsible for thousands of people who have died as a result of gang violence.

If this guy doesn't deserve to die then who does?

J Bananas

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Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2005, 05:12:56 PM »
the ACLU

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Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2005, 05:27:59 PM »
i don't believe he should be put to death, it's obvious, from what i've seen at least, that he's been rehabilitated. Putting him to death would do nothing but fuck up the justice system, it'd be sending the wrong message. however i'm NOT saying that we should not have a death penalty, i think the death penalty should be reserved for those crazy dude who commit numerous murders and are PROUD of it, i've heard stories from death row about dudes who sit there and say shit "i'm proud i killed a mother and her child, and if i'm ever released or escaped i'd kill YOUR wife and kids" those guys should be "put to sleep". but i don't think Tookie is in that extreme of a circumstance, grant him clemecy and let him do more possitive things behind the bars that he earned to be behind.

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Real American

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Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2005, 05:45:26 PM »
i don't believe he should be put to death, it's obvious, from what i've seen at least, that he's been rehabilitated. Putting him to death would do nothing but fuck up the justice system, it'd be sending the wrong message. however i'm NOT saying that we should not have a death penalty, i think the death penalty should be reserved for those crazy dude who commit numerous murders and are PROUD of it, i've heard stories from death row about dudes who sit there and say shit "i'm proud i killed a mother and her child, and if i'm ever released or escaped i'd kill YOUR wife and kids" those guys should be "put to sleep". but i don't think Tookie is in that extreme of a circumstance, grant him clemecy and let him do more possitive things behind the bars that he earned to be behind.

How is he rehabilitated when he wont even accept admit that he was the killer and express remorse? How is he rehabilitated when he won't act as an informant and work with police to take down other gang members?

Don't fall for the act, man.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2005, 05:49:53 PM by Real American »


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Re: Stanley "Tookie" Williams needs to be executed
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2005, 05:56:46 PM »
I'm against the death penalty, but that's the only reason I believe he shouldnt be executed.