Author Topic: The oppression of Christians around the world....  (Read 501 times)

Real American

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The oppression of Christians around the world....
« on: December 20, 2005, 03:29:18 PM »
Why are Muslims so intolerant and full of hatred for people of other religions?

The Real War On Christmas

(National Review Online) This column was written by Nina Shea.

Christmas is a time of joy for Christians and, for multitudes around the world, a time of suffering. Last Wednesday, under the auspices of Senator Rick Santorum and the Congressional Working Group on Religious Freedom that he co-chairs with Congressman Roy Blunt, some of the world's foremost defenders of persecuted Christians gathered in the U.S. Capitol to draw attention to this suffering.

Over Christmas 2000 in Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country and one traditionally renowned for its religious toleration, terrorists bombed churches in 18 cities, killing scores and wounding hundreds. At Wednesday's forum, Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver observed that "violence against the Christian minority has steadily continued over the past decade." As an example, he cited the beheadings of three Christian teenage girls in Sulawesi in late October. International Christian Concern's Jeff King brought photos of the incident; the girls' heads were left at a church, each with a note that vowed, "We will murder 100 more Christian teenagers and their heads will be presented as presents."

Last Christmas in Iraq, St. John's Church near Mosul was attacked. Assyrian cultural expert Eden Naby described the scene: "The Mass begins. It is cold inside the stone church. Suddenly you hear automatic fire. The doors fly open. The Christian guards are shot, and in march armed Kurdish Peshmarga who shoot up the church, beat up the priest and drive the parishioners cowering home." In prior months, other churches in southern Iraq had been bombed by Islamic militants, some during worship services. Though the terror came from two different sources, in each case the purpose was the same — to intimidate and force out the ancient Chaldo Assyrian Christian community.

In Saudi Arabia, Christians, a large percentage of the foreign workers making up a quarter of the population, will not be able to find any churches whatsoever to worship in this Christmas — churches are forbidden. Dozens of those who pray together in private houses were arrested and jailed earlier this year. This fanatically intolerant kingdom even forbids Muslims, under threat of death, to wish a Christian "Happy Holidays," much less "Merry Christmas."

Christians face similar repression in Iran. Episcopal priest, Rev. Keith Roderick, representing Christian Solidarity International, reported that as the Christmas season got underway around the world last month, Tehran's tyrannical President Ahmadinejad met with 30 provincial governors and reportedly declared, "I will stop Christianity in this country," avowing to shut down the country's growing house-church movement.

Egypt had been a place of refuge for the Holy Family fleeing Herod's wrath. Today, however, Christians are fleeing Egypt itself. As Fr. Roderick attested, Christians are treated as "second-class citizens" under state-sponsored discrimination and actively persecuted by Islamic militants apart from the government. He cited the week-long riot in October against St. George's Coptic Church in Alexandria by a 10,000-strong mob incensed by rumors of blasphemy.

Christians in Pakistan will be wise to keep their Christmas celebrations low-key this year. One of them, Yousaf Masih, a 60-year-old illiterate janitor from northwestern Pakistan, is among those under arrest for "blasphemy" because he allegedly burned a Koran. As Paul Marshall of the Center for Religious Freedom recounted, three weeks ago in Sangala Hill, after word of his case got out, mobs destroyed three churches, a convent, a Christian school, and Christian homes. Last week a militant mob rallied to demand Masih's public hanging and the eradication of the entire Christian community there.

And while China manufactures and exports Christmas lights and ornaments, it arrests and imprisons Christians who lead worship services, preach, or minister without state approval. Richard Land, director of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, gave as an example Catholic Bishop James Su Zhimin of Hebei, who on December 25 will be observing his 27th Christmas in confinement. Cai Zhuohua, a Protestant pastor in Beijing, was sentenced in early November to three years in the gulag, or laogai as it's called in China, for printing and distributing Bibles. His defense lawyer, the prominent civil rights attorney Gao Zhisheng, also a Christian, has been disbarred and now worries he may become his own next client.

Christmas has been banned in North Korea for half a century. Land reported on a new study conducted by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom — "Thank you, Father Kim Il Sung" — based on dozens of in-depth interviews with North Korean escapees. All of them said that there is absolutely no freedom of thought, conscience or belief in North Korea. All report, in fact, that such liberties are explicitly and actively prohibited. None had ever seen churches in North Korea. Most did not know of the three state-controlled churches in Pyongyang, the country's only churches. None of the interviewees was aware of any authorized religious activity inside North Korea. Two interviewees provided graphic and detailed eyewitness testimony of the summary executions of individuals accused of engaging in unauthorized religious activities. Another interviewee said that her brother was executed for involvement in such activities. One additional interviewee had heard of executions of North Koreans involved in unauthorized religious activities, and, as a police official, had been involved in two separate cases resulting in the arrest of eleven individuals accused of involvement in such religious activities. Of the eleven arrested, two died during interrogation; the interviewee believed that the other nine had been executed. Others mentioned executions they had heard about but had not witnessed themselves.

Vietnam, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, India, Cuba, Eritrea, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan were also among the countries cited for violent anti-Christian persecution. And, as the panelists remarked, this list could be extended.

One mark of hope for genuine religious freedom was offered by Marshall at the forum's conclusion. He noted that, this Christmas, many churches in Indonesia will be surrounded by the uniformed Muslim Banser group, a wing of Nahdlatul Ulama, the world's largest Muslim organization. The Bansers will not be there to attack the churches but to help protect them from extremists, to prevent any reprise of the Christmas 2000 bombings. Nahdlatul Ulama has done this for several years, in cooperation with the police and the Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist communities.

Christmas is a time of great suffering for these communities. But as these persecuted Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus from their jail cells, within their house churches, or silently in their hearts, it is also a time of joy. For them, truly, the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.

Nina Shea is the director of Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom.

Kal EL

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Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2005, 04:02:29 PM »
Christians have and continue to face martyrdom in many countries. this has gone on for 2000 years. Jesus himself said that this would be the response of many.

Support organizations that bring light to human rights issues (secular and Christian) and let your gov't know how you feel about its foriegn policy that supports in anyway the mistreatment of free religious exchange.

J Bananas

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Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2005, 04:49:32 PM »
Other religions hate us because they are forced to live in squalor because of their own fanaticism and we have awesome lives and fun holidays. Its hard being number 1 sometimes, but let's just remember, as much flack as we may catch aroudn the world, we still are better off than the rest of those crazy muslim fucks, or some north korean dictator shithole. let em hate, I just say merry christmas and pass the gifts around to my safe, well off family  :)

Real American

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Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2005, 05:21:59 PM »
Christians have and continue to face martyrdom in many countries. this has gone on for 2000 years. Jesus himself said that this would be the response of many.

Support organizations that bring light to human rights issues (secular and Christian) and let your gov't know how you feel about its foriegn policy that supports in anyway the mistreatment of free religious exchange.

Yeah I agree. I am particularly concerned about what the Muslims are doing to Christians in Sudan.


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Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2005, 07:29:02 PM »
Why are Americans so intolerent

Attacks on Muslims and Arab-Americans 
Following is a sampling of the anti-Arab, anti-Muslim backlash that surfaced following the Sept. 11 tragedy. The list actually understates the number of threats and attacks, because it does not include crimes against Indian-Americans, Sikhs, and South-Asian-Americans.

The list was compiled by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

• Sept. 11. Chicago, IL: Three hundred people shouting anti-Arab insults were turned back by police as they attempted to march toward a mosque southwest of the city. (Chicago Tribune, Sept. 13.)

• Sept. 12, Gary, IN: A Yemeni-American gas station owner survived an attack by a gunman who opened fire directly and fired more than 21 shots from a high-powered assault rifle. The owner was protected by one-inch thick glass. (The TimesOnline.-com, Sept. 13.)

• Sept. 12, Atlanta, GA: Four men attempted to stab a Sudanese man, telling him, "You killed our people in New York." (Atlanta Journal Constitution, Sept. 13.)

• Sept. 14, Tulsa, OK: Police investigated an attack on an Arab American who was beaten while leaving his apartment. Three people jumped on him, knocked him down, covered his eyes and beat him. After addressing him with an expletive, the men threatened, "We are going to cut you like you cut our people." (Tulsa World, Sept. 15.)

• Sept. 17, Meadville, PA: A man with a knife attacked a female high school student of Middle Eastern descent, yelling at her, "You're not an American. You don't belong here." (Associated Press, Sept. 25.)

• Sept. 18, Palmdale, CA: A note sent to a public high school said the World Trade Center attacks would be avenged in a "massacre" of Muslims, with the names of five students listed beneath. (Associated Press, Sept. 20.)

• Sept. 19, Lincoln Park, MI: Ali Al Mansouri, originally from Yemen, was shot 12 times in the back while fleeing from his attacker. The victim was asleep when his attacker broke in, dragged him out of bed and, according to his own police confession and his girlfriend's statements, threatened, "I'm going to kill you for what happened in New York and D.C." (WDIV Detroit, Sept. 21.)




So Fuck OFF
United Arab States


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Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2005, 07:33:41 PM »
Attacks on Muslims/Islam
Sort by: Latest Items Video Clips Audio Clips

Smerconish: Public prayer by Muslims "wrong" and "a game" to remind audience of terrorist attacks 
Wednesday, November 30, 2005 12:36PM
Newsday's Pinkerton: Radio host Graham was fired for criticizing a "PC thing" -- "the sanctity of Islam" 
Monday, August 29, 2005 12:43PM
O'Reilly wrongly accused Cyrus Kar of possessing bomb timers 
Thursday, July 28, 2005 6:07PM
MSNBC's Dietl asserted in the event of nuclear attack by Muslims, U.S. should threaten to bomb Islam's "most religious places" 
Tuesday, July 26, 2005 12:48PM
O'Reilly: If Jimmy Carter "were president today, we'd all be speaking Arabic" 
Thursday, July 21, 2005 12:34PM
Pat Robertson claimed that Islam "at its core, teaches violence" 
Monday, July 18, 2005 2:04PM
Franklin Graham said Muslims must "strap a bomb on" in order to "please God" 
Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:36AM
Doug Giles of Clash Radio hosted anti-Muslim author Paul Sperry, claimed "violence seems to be the soup du jour of the Islamic house" 
Friday, April 15, 2005 2:15PM
Coulter: Fly Ashley Smith to Saudi Arabia to save Muslims' souls
Thursday, April 7, 2005 5:15PM
Coulter: "Isn't it great to see Muslims celebrating something other than the slaughter of Americans?"
Thursday, February 3, 2005 1:13PM
MSNBC apologized for racist commentary on Imus
Monday, November 29, 2004 12:17PM
Imus anchor on Palestinians: "Stinking animals. They ought to drop the bomb right there, kill 'em all right now" 
Friday, November 19, 2004 6:22PM
Kilmeade: "If your name is Yusuf Islam," airport security better "have a good close look"
Wednesday, September 22, 2004 3:21PM
O'Reilly: "I could make you ... look like a Communist, a fascist, a Muslim, or a mud-wrestling woman" 
Friday, August 6, 2004 3:29PM
Boortz: Say the creed of Islam "with conviction ... and the next thing you know, you're strapping on a suicide bomb" 
Wednesday, August 4, 2004 11:27AM
United Arab States


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Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2005, 09:26:27 PM »
Why are Americans so intolerent

Attacks on Muslims and Arab-Americans 
Following is a sampling of the anti-Arab, anti-Muslim backlash that surfaced following the Sept. 11 tragedy. The list actually understates the number of threats and attacks, because it does not include crimes against Indian-Americans, Sikhs, and South-Asian-Americans.

The list was compiled by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

• Sept. 11. Chicago, IL: Three hundred people shouting anti-Arab insults were turned back by police as they attempted to march toward a mosque southwest of the city. (Chicago Tribune, Sept. 13.)

• Sept. 12, Gary, IN: A Yemeni-American gas station owner survived an attack by a gunman who opened fire directly and fired more than 21 shots from a high-powered assault rifle. The owner was protected by one-inch thick glass. (The TimesOnline.-com, Sept. 13.)

• Sept. 12, Atlanta, GA: Four men attempted to stab a Sudanese man, telling him, "You killed our people in New York." (Atlanta Journal Constitution, Sept. 13.)

• Sept. 14, Tulsa, OK: Police investigated an attack on an Arab American who was beaten while leaving his apartment. Three people jumped on him, knocked him down, covered his eyes and beat him. After addressing him with an expletive, the men threatened, "We are going to cut you like you cut our people." (Tulsa World, Sept. 15.)

• Sept. 17, Meadville, PA: A man with a knife attacked a female high school student of Middle Eastern descent, yelling at her, "You're not an American. You don't belong here." (Associated Press, Sept. 25.)

• Sept. 18, Palmdale, CA: A note sent to a public high school said the World Trade Center attacks would be avenged in a "massacre" of Muslims, with the names of five students listed beneath. (Associated Press, Sept. 20.)

• Sept. 19, Lincoln Park, MI: Ali Al Mansouri, originally from Yemen, was shot 12 times in the back while fleeing from his attacker. The victim was asleep when his attacker broke in, dragged him out of bed and, according to his own police confession and his girlfriend's statements, threatened, "I'm going to kill you for what happened in New York and D.C." (WDIV Detroit, Sept. 21.)




So Fuck OFF

k how are these worse than when 100's of people are slaughtered at a time. you're citing cases of like 1 to a few people..


Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2005, 09:34:38 PM »
I feel for those people who get victimized for following their beliefs. They know where they're at and the reaction Christianity gets in those regions.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



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Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2005, 06:26:47 AM »
Why can't we all just be atheists and put differences aside.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2005, 07:10:58 AM »
Happy Hanuakah
Christmas is FAKE!!!!!  :o

Kal EL

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Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2005, 01:21:18 PM »
In Sudan, Christians are sold into slavery or murdered for no other crime than naming the Name of Christ. Over two million have been murdered, and 200,000 have been sold into slavery by their government.

In fact I don't know of an Islamic State that DOES not persecute Christians. if you know one let me know.

As a Christian I stand for the rights of ALL people and defend a person's GOD given right to worship whomever they want, i don't have to agree with it; but its your birthright. i stand against the torture flights being conducted also.

africas seed

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Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2005, 01:36:17 PM »
all across the world people of different religions are discriminated against and this will continue prolly forever. its just sad to see this happen as all religions promote peace and love especially christianity.


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Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2005, 01:48:43 PM »
And the world continues to go round and round.  People have always used  religion as a reason to justify their actions.  The Spanish inquistions had the spaniards used Christianity to try and convert jews and muslims through ways of torture.   This goes  back to the muslims enslaving the spaniards, and it just goes on an on. 

Real American

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Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2005, 02:22:14 PM »
all across the world people of different religions are discriminated against and this will continue prolly forever. its just sad to see this happen as all religions promote peace and love especially christianity.

We in the West need to put pressure on the Islamic world regarding their treatment of Christians and other religious minorities. Let's not forget, Christianity existed there before Islam. Now all the Christians are either being killed off of forced to flee to Europe or America to practice their religion. No wonder Islam grew so fast in that part of the world.

What are Muslims problem? Why are they so threatened by other religions? Are they really that insecure about their own faith that they have to make it illegal for Christians to preach their religion or for Muslims to convert to other religions? Of course when Muslims come to the west they freely practice their religion, but back in the Middle East they deny that right to other groups.

How intolerant and bigoted can one religion be? If only Muslims could be an tolerant of others as Christians.


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Re: The oppression of Christians around the world....
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2005, 02:25:58 PM »
In Kuwait and the UAE,Christians aren't persecuted,Egypt is a fucked up regime,some gangs in the name of islam kidnapp christians girls and convert them,and the mutherfucking govemerment does not even try to fight that gang(there are reports that the police are helping them),well the christians say it's an organized gang,but a lot of girls came back and said that they ran away because thier parents didn't accept them marrying a muslim.Copts(christians of egypt) also don't get the best jobs,u can say there is descrimination in recuriting.this is done by some fucked up muslims that fear that they aren't good enough to fight in the job markets so make barriars for the copts.
United Arab States