Author Topic: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!  (Read 3107 times)


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #45 on: January 18, 2006, 03:23:24 PM »
Who gives a fuck? I like Maggette more than Artest...He's easily an all-star caliber player (when healthy)...I also believe he's just now approaching his prime, so we haven't seen the best of him yet...In my opinion, Maggette is not only more stable and worth keeping for your franchise's sake, but is a better player than Artest with explosive ability...Clippers shouldn't make a stupid trade like that for their own sake. Anyways he said he would sign a contract with New York once his current contract is up, so what's the point? FUCK TRADING A VALUABLE PLAYER FOR ARTEST! Especially someone with Maggettes ability...PeACe
wow someone is touchy today

Touchy? So now if you make a point your touchy...LOL

no, you started shouting.

I wasn't really shouting, I was simply projecting how strongly I felt about trading a great talent for Artest through caps. Sorry if you misconstrued that shit...
dude, you always get touchy, its ok, its ur nature, hes just not used to it

LMAO...Coming from the guy who shows the absolute MOST emotion in his posts. There's a difference between making a strong point and getting touchy...Do you really think I was getting touchy and crying while saying "FUCK TRADING A VALUABLE PLAYER FOR ARTEST!"...Learn to differentiate, you deformed moron...
see what i

Yes, I see what you mean. Your brain can't handle the detailed elaboration, so it mistakes it for touchy feelings. Completely moronic.
why even reply then? you obviously get offended, AKA "Touchyness" - Which proves the point

LMAO@"Touchyness"...Not offended at all, just have to explain shit to idiots like you.
LOL @ you still Replying, let it go, its ok....LMAO!!!!

LMAO...And you're NOT replying? Funny, cuz you're the one claiming that replying makes you "touchy", yet you're still replying...What a fuckin' dumbass shit-block.
Im Replying, Yes, because i know its getting to you, And its funny...LMAO @ you caring so much, See, i told you, Your TOUCHY!!!

LOL. By you replying, it shows that you care just as much as me, if not more...Do you realize how big of a contradiction that is? No you don't, because you're a slow retard. Here's a hint; if you look retarded, try not to act it... ;)
LMAO!! im not the touchy one, you are, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
there is no contradiction, because im not touchy, you are
LMAO @ you, your so funny!

You're retarded. Let me break it down and make it a little more simple for you. You claim that if I keep replying it makes me touchy. Yet you, yourself, are replying to every post. You're the one who said "why even reply then? you obviously get offended", not me...So by your definition, you are obviously offended. LOL. MORON.


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #46 on: January 18, 2006, 03:39:44 PM »
Who gives a fuck? I like Maggette more than Artest...He's easily an all-star caliber player (when healthy)...I also believe he's just now approaching his prime, so we haven't seen the best of him yet...In my opinion, Maggette is not only more stable and worth keeping for your franchise's sake, but is a better player than Artest with explosive ability...Clippers shouldn't make a stupid trade like that for their own sake. Anyways he said he would sign a contract with New York once his current contract is up, so what's the point? FUCK TRADING A VALUABLE PLAYER FOR ARTEST! Especially someone with Maggettes ability...PeACe
wow someone is touchy today

Touchy? So now if you make a point your touchy...LOL

no, you started shouting.

I wasn't really shouting, I was simply projecting how strongly I felt about trading a great talent for Artest through caps. Sorry if you misconstrued that shit...
dude, you always get touchy, its ok, its ur nature, hes just not used to it

LMAO...Coming from the guy who shows the absolute MOST emotion in his posts. There's a difference between making a strong point and getting touchy...Do you really think I was getting touchy and crying while saying "FUCK TRADING A VALUABLE PLAYER FOR ARTEST!"...Learn to differentiate, you deformed moron...
see what i

Yes, I see what you mean. Your brain can't handle the detailed elaboration, so it mistakes it for touchy feelings. Completely moronic.
why even reply then? you obviously get offended, AKA "Touchyness" - Which proves the point

LMAO@"Touchyness"...Not offended at all, just have to explain shit to idiots like you.
LOL @ you still Replying, let it go, its ok....LMAO!!!!

LMAO...And you're NOT replying? Funny, cuz you're the one claiming that replying makes you "touchy", yet you're still replying...What a fuckin' dumbass shit-block.
Im Replying, Yes, because i know its getting to you, And its funny...LMAO @ you caring so much, See, i told you, Your TOUCHY!!!

LOL. By you replying, it shows that you care just as much as me, if not more...Do you realize how big of a contradiction that is? No you don't, because you're a slow retard. Here's a hint; if you look retarded, try not to act it... ;)
LMAO!! im not the touchy one, you are, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
there is no contradiction, because im not touchy, you are
LMAO @ you, your so funny!

You're retarded. Let me break it down and make it a little more simple for you. You claim that if I keep replying it makes me touchy. Yet you, yourself, are replying to every post. You're the one who said "why even reply then? you obviously get offended", not me...So by your definition, you are obviously offended. LOL. MORON.
LMAO @ you still trying to defend yourself! this thread was about YOUR touchyness, Nothing else, your obviously getting touchy by replying, and as is obvious in your emotion drivin replies/ Nothing was said about MY replying, just yours. Im Replying because i like seeing you get all emotional and angry over nothing, so i do it, and you just get butt hurt and try to argue back and it becomes HILARIOUS!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #47 on: January 18, 2006, 03:44:53 PM »
LMAO @ you still trying to defend yourself! this thread was about YOUR touchyness, Nothing else, your obviously getting touchy by replying, and as is obvious in your emotion drivin replies/ Nothing was said about MY replying, just yours. Im Replying because i like seeing you get all emotional and angry over nothing, so i do it, and you just get butt hurt and try to argue back and it becomes HILARIOUS!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

LOL. You are so DUMB. It's amazing people this dumb exist. YOURE the one who said replying makes you touchy, NO ONE ELSE.

this thread was about YOUR touchyness, Nothing else your obviously getting touchy by replying

WTF...LMAO. I thought this thread was about Artest coming to the Clippers. Yup, you're retarded.


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #48 on: January 18, 2006, 03:47:11 PM »


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #49 on: January 18, 2006, 03:47:47 PM »
LMAO @ you still trying to defend yourself! this thread was about YOUR touchyness, Nothing else, your obviously getting touchy by replying, and as is obvious in your emotion drivin replies/ Nothing was said about MY replying, just yours. Im Replying because i like seeing you get all emotional and angry over nothing, so i do it, and you just get butt hurt and try to argue back and it becomes HILARIOUS!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

LOL. You are so DUMB. It's amazing people this dumb exist. YOURE the one who said replying makes you touchy, NO ONE ELSE.

I said "YOUR" replying indicates your touchyness and your emotion drivin responses and the way you made this get as far as it has gotten has proven my point, Checkmate!! He Shoots, HE SCORES!! THREE POINTER AT THE BUZZER! WHOO!



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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #50 on: January 18, 2006, 03:49:01 PM »

aaaawww. feelings hurt? last despreate attempt at trying to get at me? awww, poor Nik, you try so hard, yet keep looking so stupid, HAHAHAHAHAHA!


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #51 on: January 18, 2006, 03:51:21 PM »

LMFAOOOOO...This is my point. Pure emotion. "WHOO!!" LMAO WTF?...Seriously, how can you even claim anyone else shows emotion in their posts saying some shit like "WHOO!"... :-X


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #52 on: January 18, 2006, 03:52:38 PM »
aaaawww. feelings hurt? last despreate attempt at trying to get at me? awww, poor Nik, you try so hard, yet keep looking so stupid, HAHAHAHAHAHA!

your obviously getting touchy by replying

 8) 8) 8)


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #53 on: January 18, 2006, 04:00:37 PM »

LMFAOOOOO...This is my point. Pure emotion. "WHOO!!" LMAO WTF?...Seriously, how can you even claim anyone else shows emotion in their posts saying some shit like "WHOO!"... :-X
yeah, that is emotion, but that is good emotion, not the emotion you show when you obviously get made a fool of and just attack a person and still manage to make yourself look like an idiot afterward. in the previous posts all i ever said was "LOL" or "LMAO" and you got extremly butthurt and lashed out, hence showing your emotion, as usual. You get all butthurt when i call you out, and then continue denying it like a little baby. I laugh, thats my emotion, "LOL" ....My Replies, are to once again, get my point across. you continue to reply, because your getting hurt, Posting my sexy ass picture again is another last attempt and seals the deal on your toucyness. You obviously have gotten hurt, its ok NIK, its the internet, not real life, LMAO!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha!


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #54 on: January 18, 2006, 04:38:21 PM »

LMFAOOOOO...This is my point. Pure emotion. "WHOO!!" LMAO WTF?...Seriously, how can you even claim anyone else shows emotion in their posts saying some shit like "WHOO!"... :-X
yeah, that is emotion, but that is good emotion, not the emotion you show when you obviously get made a fool of and just attack a person and still manage to make yourself look like an idiot afterward. in the previous posts all i ever said was "LOL" or "LMAO" and you got extremly butthurt and lashed out, hence showing your emotion, as usual. You get all butthurt when i call you out, and then continue denying it like a little baby. I laugh, thats my emotion, "LOL" ....My Replies, are to once again, get my point across. you continue to reply, because your getting hurt, Posting my sexy ass picture again is another last attempt and seals the deal on your toucyness. You obviously have gotten hurt, its ok NIK, its the internet, not real life, LMAO!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha!

LMFAO. You still don't get it, retard. There's no such word as "touchyness", I even pointed that out earlier for your slow ass. You are seriously retarded, I mean, you'd HAVE to be retarded to actually believe you're sexy...LOLLLLLL. Seriouisly though, you're typing up paragraphs. Now that's dedication...You care, it's obvious, you even said it yourself by admitting that replying means you care...I'm just exposing your dumbness further in every post. Sonning is the funnest part of WCC... 8)


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #55 on: January 18, 2006, 05:40:29 PM »

LMFAOOOOO...This is my point. Pure emotion. "WHOO!!" LMAO WTF?...Seriously, how can you even claim anyone else shows emotion in their posts saying some shit like "WHOO!"... :-X
yeah, that is emotion, but that is good emotion, not the emotion you show when you obviously get made a fool of and just attack a person and still manage to make yourself look like an idiot afterward. in the previous posts all i ever said was "LOL" or "LMAO" and you got extremly butthurt and lashed out, hence showing your emotion, as usual. You get all butthurt when i call you out, and then continue denying it like a little baby. I laugh, thats my emotion, "LOL" ....My Replies, are to once again, get my point across. you continue to reply, because your getting hurt, Posting my sexy ass picture again is another last attempt and seals the deal on your toucyness. You obviously have gotten hurt, its ok NIK, its the internet, not real life, LMAO!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha!

LMFAO. You still don't get it, retard. There's no such word as "touchyness", I even pointed that out earlier for your slow ass. You are seriously retarded, I mean, you'd HAVE to be retarded to actually believe you're sexy...LOLLLLLL. Seriouisly though, you're typing up paragraphs. Now that's dedication...You care, it's obvious, you even said it yourself by admitting that replying means you care...I'm just exposing your dumbness further in every post. Sonning is the funnest part of WCC... 8)

One entry found for touchy.
Main Entry: touchy
Pronunciation: 't&-chE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): touch·i·er; -est
1 : marked by readiness to take offense on slight provocation
touch·i·ness  /'t&-chE-n&s/ noun
Paragraphs, Please kid, im having fun with you, AND YOUR STILL REPLYING!!!!! MAKES THIS EVEN FUNNIER
And What I Say about you does not apply to me, Funny how you try and bring that up every second like a little kid with no excuse
"But you said..., No But you said, so you cant neither" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Sonning is the funnest part of WCC... 8)
Indeed, And You Keep making it so easy  8)


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #56 on: January 18, 2006, 08:58:48 PM »

LMFAOOOOO...This is my point. Pure emotion. "WHOO!!" LMAO WTF?...Seriously, how can you even claim anyone else shows emotion in their posts saying some shit like "WHOO!"... :-X
yeah, that is emotion, but that is good emotion, not the emotion you show when you obviously get made a fool of and just attack a person and still manage to make yourself look like an idiot afterward. in the previous posts all i ever said was "LOL" or "LMAO" and you got extremly butthurt and lashed out, hence showing your emotion, as usual. You get all butthurt when i call you out, and then continue denying it like a little baby. I laugh, thats my emotion, "LOL" ....My Replies, are to once again, get my point across. you continue to reply, because your getting hurt, Posting my sexy ass picture again is another last attempt and seals the deal on your toucyness. You obviously have gotten hurt, its ok NIK, its the internet, not real life, LMAO!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha!

LMFAO. You still don't get it, retard. There's no such word as "touchyness", I even pointed that out earlier for your slow ass. You are seriously retarded, I mean, you'd HAVE to be retarded to actually believe you're sexy...LOLLLLLL. Seriouisly though, you're typing up paragraphs. Now that's dedication...You care, it's obvious, you even said it yourself by admitting that replying means you care...I'm just exposing your dumbness further in every post. Sonning is the funnest part of WCC... 8)

One entry found for touchy.
Main Entry: touchy
Pronunciation: 't&-chE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): touch·i·er; -est
1 : marked by readiness to take offense on slight provocation
touch·i·ness  /'t&-chE-n&s/ noun
Paragraphs, Please kid, im having fun with you, AND YOUR STILL REPLYING!!!!! MAKES THIS EVEN FUNNIER
And What I Say about you does not apply to me, Funny how you try and bring that up every second like a little kid with no excuse
"But you said..., No But you said, so you cant neither" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

LMFAO. Touchiness not "touchyness", you fuckin' ugly ass moron. How is it funny when I reply, but when you reply it's supposed to be not or something? Dude, I'm high as fuck and I still feel 40X smarter than you, that's on everything I love...Retarded ass retard.

Indeed, And You Keep making it so easy  8)

Yea, it must be easy as fuck to take sonnings from member after member...All you have to do is be your dumb, deformed self.


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #57 on: January 18, 2006, 09:34:43 PM »

LMFAOOOOO...This is my point. Pure emotion. "WHOO!!" LMAO WTF?...Seriously, how can you even claim anyone else shows emotion in their posts saying some shit like "WHOO!"... :-X
yeah, that is emotion, but that is good emotion, not the emotion you show when you obviously get made a fool of and just attack a person and still manage to make yourself look like an idiot afterward. in the previous posts all i ever said was "LOL" or "LMAO" and you got extremly butthurt and lashed out, hence showing your emotion, as usual. You get all butthurt when i call you out, and then continue denying it like a little baby. I laugh, thats my emotion, "LOL" ....My Replies, are to once again, get my point across. you continue to reply, because your getting hurt, Posting my sexy ass picture again is another last attempt and seals the deal on your toucyness. You obviously have gotten hurt, its ok NIK, its the internet, not real life, LMAO!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha!

LMFAO. You still don't get it, retard. There's no such word as "touchyness", I even pointed that out earlier for your slow ass. You are seriously retarded, I mean, you'd HAVE to be retarded to actually believe you're sexy...LOLLLLLL. Seriouisly though, you're typing up paragraphs. Now that's dedication...You care, it's obvious, you even said it yourself by admitting that replying means you care...I'm just exposing your dumbness further in every post. Sonning is the funnest part of WCC... 8)

One entry found for touchy.
Main Entry: touchy
Pronunciation: 't&-chE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): touch·i·er; -est
1 : marked by readiness to take offense on slight provocation
touch·i·ness  /'t&-chE-n&s/ noun
Paragraphs, Please kid, im having fun with you, AND YOUR STILL REPLYING!!!!! MAKES THIS EVEN FUNNIER
And What I Say about you does not apply to me, Funny how you try and bring that up every second like a little kid with no excuse
"But you said..., No But you said, so you cant neither" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

LMFAO. Touchiness not "touchyness", you fuckin' ugly ass moron. How is it funny when I reply, but when you reply it's supposed to be not or something? Dude, I'm high as fuck and I still feel 40X smarter than you, that's on everything I love...Retarded ass retard.

you resort to grammer to try and "SON" me, hahahahahaha.......why are you taking such offense? seriously, yeah, it is HILARIOUS when i reply because im pointing out all your flaws, and you keep coming back for more! feel smarter than me, LMAO! you wish

please, come with another reply, please, seriously, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! LMAO!


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #58 on: January 18, 2006, 10:32:04 PM »

LMFAOOOOO...This is my point. Pure emotion. "WHOO!!" LMAO WTF?...Seriously, how can you even claim anyone else shows emotion in their posts saying some shit like "WHOO!"... :-X
yeah, that is emotion, but that is good emotion, not the emotion you show when you obviously get made a fool of and just attack a person and still manage to make yourself look like an idiot afterward. in the previous posts all i ever said was "LOL" or "LMAO" and you got extremly butthurt and lashed out, hence showing your emotion, as usual. You get all butthurt when i call you out, and then continue denying it like a little baby. I laugh, thats my emotion, "LOL" ....My Replies, are to once again, get my point across. you continue to reply, because your getting hurt, Posting my sexy ass picture again is another last attempt and seals the deal on your toucyness. You obviously have gotten hurt, its ok NIK, its the internet, not real life, LMAO!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha!

LMFAO. You still don't get it, retard. There's no such word as "touchyness", I even pointed that out earlier for your slow ass. You are seriously retarded, I mean, you'd HAVE to be retarded to actually believe you're sexy...LOLLLLLL. Seriouisly though, you're typing up paragraphs. Now that's dedication...You care, it's obvious, you even said it yourself by admitting that replying means you care...I'm just exposing your dumbness further in every post. Sonning is the funnest part of WCC... 8)

One entry found for touchy.
Main Entry: touchy
Pronunciation: 't&-chE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): touch·i·er; -est
1 : marked by readiness to take offense on slight provocation
touch·i·ness  /'t&-chE-n&s/ noun
Paragraphs, Please kid, im having fun with you, AND YOUR STILL REPLYING!!!!! MAKES THIS EVEN FUNNIER
And What I Say about you does not apply to me, Funny how you try and bring that up every second like a little kid with no excuse
"But you said..., No But you said, so you cant neither" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

LMFAO. Touchiness not "touchyness", you fuckin' ugly ass moron. How is it funny when I reply, but when you reply it's supposed to be not or something? Dude, I'm high as fuck and I still feel 40X smarter than you, that's on everything I love...Retarded ass retard.

you resort to grammer to try and "SON" me, hahahahahaha.......why are you taking such offense? seriously, yeah, it is HILARIOUS when i reply because im pointing out all your flaws, and you keep coming back for more! feel smarter than me, LMAO! you wish

please, come with another reply, please, seriously, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! LMAO!

LMFAO...It's not even grammar, you retard, it's spelling. HOLY SHIT, you are dumber than I thought, if that's even possible. It just seems like you get stupider by the post. Either that, or I'm just getting REALLY better at this... 8)


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Re: Ron Artest A CLIPPER?!
« Reply #59 on: January 18, 2006, 11:15:03 PM »

LMFAOOOOO...This is my point. Pure emotion. "WHOO!!" LMAO WTF?...Seriously, how can you even claim anyone else shows emotion in their posts saying some shit like "WHOO!"... :-X
yeah, that is emotion, but that is good emotion, not the emotion you show when you obviously get made a fool of and just attack a person and still manage to make yourself look like an idiot afterward. in the previous posts all i ever said was "LOL" or "LMAO" and you got extremly butthurt and lashed out, hence showing your emotion, as usual. You get all butthurt when i call you out, and then continue denying it like a little baby. I laugh, thats my emotion, "LOL" ....My Replies, are to once again, get my point across. you continue to reply, because your getting hurt, Posting my sexy ass picture again is another last attempt and seals the deal on your toucyness. You obviously have gotten hurt, its ok NIK, its the internet, not real life, LMAO!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha!

LMFAO. You still don't get it, retard. There's no such word as "touchyness", I even pointed that out earlier for your slow ass. You are seriously retarded, I mean, you'd HAVE to be retarded to actually believe you're sexy...LOLLLLLL. Seriouisly though, you're typing up paragraphs. Now that's dedication...You care, it's obvious, you even said it yourself by admitting that replying means you care...I'm just exposing your dumbness further in every post. Sonning is the funnest part of WCC... 8)

One entry found for touchy.
Main Entry: touchy
Pronunciation: 't&-chE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): touch·i·er; -est
1 : marked by readiness to take offense on slight provocation
touch·i·ness  /'t&-chE-n&s/ noun
Paragraphs, Please kid, im having fun with you, AND YOUR STILL REPLYING!!!!! MAKES THIS EVEN FUNNIER
And What I Say about you does not apply to me, Funny how you try and bring that up every second like a little kid with no excuse
"But you said..., No But you said, so you cant neither" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

LMFAO. Touchiness not "touchyness", you fuckin' ugly ass moron. How is it funny when I reply, but when you reply it's supposed to be not or something? Dude, I'm high as fuck and I still feel 40X smarter than you, that's on everything I love...Retarded ass retard.

you resort to grammer to try and "SON" me, hahahahahaha.......why are you taking such offense? seriously, yeah, it is HILARIOUS when i reply because im pointing out all your flaws, and you keep coming back for more! feel smarter than me, LMAO! you wish

please, come with another reply, please, seriously, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! LMAO!

LMFAO...It's not even grammar, you retard, it's spelling. HOLY SHIT, you are dumber than I thought, if that's even possible. It just seems like you get stupider by the post. Either that, or I'm just getting REALLY better at this... 8)
Grammar -  speech or writing evaluated according to its conformity to grammatical rules
