Author Topic: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League  (Read 93631 times)

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #285 on: August 15, 2006, 03:42:09 PM »

ur in the world title match, not the elimination chamber match mayne lol

the rest who are in, let me know ur numbers by tomorrow or ill go by the date u registered
« Last Edit: August 15, 2006, 03:45:19 PM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #286 on: August 16, 2006, 05:26:44 PM »
Here is the WWE SummerSlam card; it is being numbered based on most important to least important.

1. WWE Championship Match: Edge (c) vs. John Cena
2. World Heavyweight Championship: Booker T (c) vs. Batista
3. ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Big Show (c) vs. Sabu
4. DX vs. the McMahons
5. I Quit Match: Flair vs. Foley; you just have to say who wins to get the 2 points
6. Hogan vs. Orton
7. Rey vs. Chavo

if there are anymore matches, I'll update the list

submit predictions by Sunday 7PM EST via PM or email (my email address is in profile)

as for the elimination chamber thing, here are the numbers of each person for the randomizer:

E-Crazy: 7
Still Dre: 20
M Dogg: 19
MTL the Dub OG: 30 (registered on a 30)
Keep T.G.N. Funk: 1 (registered on a 31, the randomizer goes up until 30, so you get #1)
Lil HD: 8 (registered on an 8 )

that is all for now, good day and good luck at SummerSlam
« Last Edit: August 17, 2006, 04:29:43 PM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #287 on: August 17, 2006, 03:00:58 AM »
Nobody wants to pick numbers because nobody wants it with the champ. Can't blame them  8)
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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #288 on: August 17, 2006, 05:52:04 AM »
Nobody wants to pick numbers because nobody wants it with the champ. Can't blame them  8)

im comin for your crown no homo

there is hope

"Don't give up. Don't ever give up. "

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #289 on: August 17, 2006, 04:31:06 PM »
i updated the card slightly
for the foley/flair match, you just have to predict the winner since it's an I Quit match; getting it correct will give you 2 points

as for the elimination chamber, well there is s special surprise in store for them lol
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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #290 on: August 17, 2006, 07:46:20 PM »
<a href=";contentType=3" target="_blank" class="new_win">;contentType=3</a>

*boos shower the former FTW Champion, as the DipCC member takes the mic*

Would you ugly good for nothing rednecks shut up long enough to hear something that will actually make you smart. I am sick and tired of hearing you people chant for BZ, and pop when you see Grim. I think you people don't understand the DipCC movement, and are just looking for a way to pick on people that are obviously prettier than you. You people can playa hate all you want, but I have some serious business to handle, so listen closely.

Dizzle, you wannabe Vince Russo son of a bitch, how dare you put me in a match at Summer Slam, where I am fighting 5 other people. You must be out your mind, because that's 5 people I have to end there careers. I am sick and tired of you putting me through these test. When I get done with these jabronies, I will get you after the match AND HAVE MY WAY WITH YOU, NO HOMO! I will throw you from on side to another of the cage, and beat you down, until your wannabe monster comes to save you, and then I will beat his ass too. That way, Sikotic will bring home both belts back the the DipCC, and your stupit son of a bitch monster will be crippled. Dizzle, you can't fuck with the DipCC. We are too strong, we are too smart, and we are way to pretty, no homo, for you faggots.

*"Ass hole" chants are echoed through the area*

Is that all you got, please, I was hoping better from you inbreed pieces of trailer trash. Listen chump, bring 5 men, bring them all, you know how a DipCC soulja gets down, we will beats the odds, and then in the end, we will beat you and your grimmy, ugly, good for nothing piece of shit you call Grim to a bloody pulp. Suck that bitch! No homo.

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #291 on: August 19, 2006, 12:11:03 PM »
I havent heard of any new matches, so we'll stick with the card as it is right now; here it is in case you are wondering:

The order for the EC Match has been determined; that'll be posted up along w/ the results on Monday.

Going to send out reminders around 6PM tonight EST and once again tomorrow.

Gotten predictions from: Still Dre, MTL and HD
Waiting on: Myself (i'll post mine tonight); Sikotic; Bz Mak; M Dogg; E-Crazy; and Funk

Submit them by tomorrow 7 PM EST please and thank you.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2006, 07:51:03 AM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #292 on: August 19, 2006, 01:05:05 PM »
<a href=";contentType=3" target="_blank" class="new_win">;contentType=3</a>

*Beware plays throughout the arena as Mo Z. Dizzle makes his way out to a chorus of boos from the audience. He enters the ring and picks up a mic from somebody in the ringside crew*

Tomorrow night, the WCCWF has the biggest party of the summer...SummerSlam!!
*The crowd starts cheering after Mo Z. mentions SummerSlam*
And what a card we have!! For a special prize that will be introduced afterwards, we have the Elimination Chamber match!! And in that match, we have M Dogg, E-Crazy, Lil HD, MTL the Dub OG, Keep T.G.N. Funk and WCC's newest member, Still Dre!!
*The crowd is still cheering as this match is announced*
And for the World Heavyweight Championship, we have a triple threat match between the current Champion, Sikotic;
*Crowd boos at Sikotic*
We have the former champ, Bz Mak;
*Crowd cheers for Bz Mak*
And we have this man; the FTW Champion and SOON to be the new WCC World Heavyweight Champion, GRIM!!

<a href=";contentType=3" target="_blank" class="new_win">;contentType=3</a>

*Grim's theme song plays as he comes out with the FTW Title as the whole crowd is booing him. He enters the ring and then sets off a loud pyro*

Tomorrow night at SummerSlam, Grim will become the only super power in WCC. In the triple threat match, he will not only defeat Sikotic and Bz Mak, but he will beat their asses so badly, they will run out of the WCCWF FOREVER!!
*Crowd boos Mo Z. Dizzle and Grim*
*Crowd boos heavier and starts a "Fuck You" chant*
Sikotic and Bz Mak both say Grim is not a monster. They claim they can kick his ass and that they aren't scared of him. But the truth of the matter is, Sikotic and Bz Mak both know that Grim can kick their asses without breaking a sweat. They're scared SHITLESS. They're so scared that they are probably can't even sleep at night and they are constantly looking over their shoulders. They know what Grim is capable of; hell, he is able to take out this whole WCC roster single-handedly!! But they are in denial; they are trying to convince themselves that they will win at SummerSlam. Deep down they know that NOBODY can save them!! And after tomorrow night, Grim will show them that he is TRUELY a mon...
*Mo Z. Dizzle is interrupted as Bz Mak hits the ring and attacks Grim. The two are trading punches when Bz Mak gets the upperhand. Bz Mak kicks Grim into the ropes, and sends him out of the ring with a clothesline. Thw crowd is chanting "Bz Mak" when the champion, Sikotic, also hits the ring and attacks Bz Mak. Sik gives lefts and rights to Bz Mak, and is about to deliver a Rock Bottom, when Grim comes in from behind and low blows Sikotic. Grim grabs Bz Mak and send him into the turnbuckle. Grim grabs Bz Mak, puts him on the top turnbuckle and is trying to suplex him, but Bz Mak is countering. Grim and Mak are exchanging punches at the top. Sikotic is back up to his feet, he runs towards the turnbuckle, climbs up to the top, and somehow gives a double rock bottom to both Grim and Mak. Mo Z. Dizzle looks on in shock, when he is approached by M Dogg. Dizzle looks scared, and tries escaping the ring, but runs into the other DipCC member, E-Crazy who prevents Dizzle from leaving. M Dogg grabs Dizzle and gives him a European Uppercut. He grabs Z. Dizzle again and delivers a russian legsweep. He picks up Mo Z. Dizzle and gives him a devastating Jacknife Powerbomb. E-Crazy goes outside and gets Sikotic back into his senses. They both enter the ring, and all three members of the DipCC movement have their ahnds raised high while they stand over the unconcious Mo Z. Dizzle. The crowd is booing at the top of their lungs as Michael Cole closes out the show and the cameras go off-air.*
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #293 on: August 20, 2006, 08:47:53 AM »
Grim's Predictions:

Edge vs. Cena = Cena wins by submission
Batista vs. Booker = Batista wins by pinfall
Big Show vs. Sabu = Sabu wins by pinfall OR Big Show vs. Sabu vs. Angle = Sabu wins by pinfall
DX vs. McMahons = DX wins by pinfall
Flair vs. Foley = Foley wins
Hogan vs. Orton = Orton wins by pinfall
Rey vs. Chavo = Chavo wins

now you guys are might be wondering about the Big Show/Sabu match
rumour has it that Angle might be included in the match; so you guys can give me a different prediction if you want to if Kurt Angle is included in the match

gotten predictions on everyone

on a side-note, i just realized i forgot to say how chavo will win; but it's too late now; ahh well lol
« Last Edit: August 20, 2006, 05:39:43 PM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #294 on: August 21, 2006, 03:01:54 PM »
WWE SummerSlam Results:

Edge vs. Cena = Edge wins by pin
Booker vs. Batista = Batista wins by DQ
Show vs. Sabu = Show wins by pin
DX vs. The McMahons =  DX wins by pin
Flair vs. Foley = Flair wins
Hogan vs. Orton = Hogan wins by pin
Chavo vs. Rey = Chavo wins by pin

WCCWF Results

Match #1: The WCC World Heavyweight Championship Match
**The winner of the match will unify the FTW Title with the Word Title
Grim vs. Bz Mak vs. Sikotic (c)

*Grim makes his way with Mo Z. Dizzle, the FTW Title over his shoulder and the fans booing him. He enters the ring and sets off a pyro. Bz Mak is out next…..and he is accompanied by a new WCCWF star, Still Dre!! The two come out to cheers. Next up is the champion, Sikotic. He is accompanied by M Dogg and E-Crazy, who are all being booed as well. Sikotic makes his way into the ring. The bell is rung and the match begins…*

Grim’s Predictions:
Edge vs. Cena = Cena by submission = 0 points
Booker vs. Batista = Batista by pin = 1 point
Show vs. Sabu = Sabu by pin = 0 points
DX vs. The McMahons = DX by pin = 2 points
Flair vs. Foley =  Foley = 0 points
Hogan vs. Orton = Orton by pin = 0 points
Chavo vs. Rey = Chavo = 1 point

Bz Mak’s Predictions:
Edge vs. Cena = Cena by submission = 0 points
Booker vs. Batista = Batista by DQ = 2 points
Show vs. Sabu = Show by pin = 2 points
DX vs. The McMahons = DX by pin = 2 points
Flair vs. Foley = Flair = 2 points
Hogan vs. Orton = Orton by pin = 0 points
Chavo vs. Rey = Rey by pin = 0 points

Sikotic’s Predictions:
Edge vs. Cena = Edge by pin = 2 points
Booker vs. Batista = Booker by pin = 0 points
Show vs. Sabu = Show by pin = 2 points
DX vs. The McMahons = DX by pin = 2 points
Flair vs. Foley = Foley = 0 points
Hogan vs. Orton = Orton by pin = 0 points
Chavo vs. Rey = Chavo by pin = 2 points

It’s a tie once again between Sik and Mak. So we use the main event match as the tie-breaker.
Sikotic was correct; Bz Mak was incorrect.
Therefore, Sikotic wins!!

*Memorable moments of the match:

- Sikotic giving Grim the Three Amigos.
- Grim double-clotheslining Mak and Sik out of nowhere.
- Bz Mak delivering a suplex to Sikotic from the top turnbuckle.
- Grim delivering a Stinger Splash to both Bz Mak and Sikotic.
- The referee accidently being knocked over the top by Bz Mak when he was trying to clothesline Sikotic over the tope, but Sikotic moved.

The Finish:
All three competitors are fighting outside of the ring and making their way up the ramp with the ref still knocked out.
Eventually, Grim gets a upperhand on both of them and is about to deliver a double chokelsam to them off the stage. However, both Mak and Sik counter and give Grim a double-suplex off the stage and knocking him out completely.
Mak and Sik fight their way back into the ring where Mak gains control and gives Sikotic a Pedigree. He goes for the cover but the ref is out cold. As Mak tries to revive the ref, Sikotic comes backs to his senses. Mak finally revives the ref, but is given a Rock Bottom by Sikotic. Sikotic covers Mak for the win as Grim is still knocked out completely. After the match, M Dogg gives Mo Z. Dizzle a superkick to knock him out as well. Still Dre and Bz Mak make their way to the back while the DipCC movement celebrates in the ring.

Winner of the Match and STILL the WCC World Heavyweight Champion and now the UNIFIED Champion: Sikotic
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #295 on: August 21, 2006, 03:07:01 PM »
Match #2: The Elimination Chamber Match for a special prize
M Dogg vs. E-Crazy vs. Lil HD vs. Keep T.G.N. Funk vs. Still Dre vs. MTL the Dub OG

*All the competitors make their way out and enter the chamber. It is announced that Keep T.G.N. Funk and Still Dre are going to the start the match. The other four stars are locked in their cells, with one star being released every 3 minutes to enter the match.*

Keep T.G.N. Funk’s Predictions:
Edge vs. Cena = Cena by submission/pinfall = 0 points
Booker vs. Batista = Batista by submission = 1 point
Show vs. Sabu =  Sabu = 0 points
DX vs. the McMahons = no prediction submitted = 0 points
Flair vs. Foley = Foley wins = 0 points
Hogan vs. Orton = Orton wins = 0 points
Chavo vs. Rey = Rey wins = 0 points

Still Dre’s Predictions:
Edge vs. Cena = Cena by pinfall = 0 points
Booker vs. Batista = Batista by pinfall = 1 point
Show vs. Sabu = Sabu by DQ = 0 points
DX vs. the McMahons = DX by DQ = 1 point
Flair vs. Foley = Foley = 0 points
Hogan vs. Orton = Hogan by pin = 2 points
Chavo vs. Rey = Rey by pinfall = 0 points

E-Crazy’s Predictions:
Edge vs. Cena = Edge by pin = 2 points
Booker vs. Batista = Batista by pin = 1 point
Show vs. Sabu = Sabu by pin = 0 ponts
DX vs. the McMahons = McMahons by pin = 0 points
Flair vs. Foley = Foley = 0 points
Hogan vs. Orton = Orton by pin = 0 points
Chavo vs. Rey = Rey by pin = 0 points

Lil HD’s Predictions:
Edge vs. Cena = Cena by DQ = 0 points
Booker vs. Batista = Booker by pin = 0 points
Show vs. Sabu = Show by pin = 2 points
DX vs. the McMahons = DX by pin = 2 points
Flair vs. Foley = Flair = 2 points
Hogan vs. Orton = Orton by pin = 0 points
Chavo vs. Rey = Chavo by pin = 2 points

M Dogg’s Predictions:
Edge vs. Cena = Cena by submission = 0 points
Booker vs. Batista = Booker by pin = 0 points
Show vs. Sabu = Show by pin = 2 points
DX vs. the McMahons = DX by pin = 2 points
Flair vs. Foley = Flair = 2 points
Hogan vs. Orton = Hogan by pin = 2 points
Chavo vs. Rey = Chavo wins = 1 point

MTL the Dub OG’s Predictions:
Edge vs. Cena = Cena by DQ = 0 points
Booker vs. Batista = Booker by pin = 0 points
Show vs. Sabu = Show by pin = 2 points
DX vs. the McMahons = DX by pin = 2 points
Flair vs. Foley = Foley = 0 points
Hogan vs. Orton = Hogan by pin = 2 points
Chavo vs. Rey = Chavo by pin = 2 points

Order of Entrance:
1. Funk
2. Dre
3. E-Crazy
4. HD
5. M Dogg
6. MTL

Order of Elimination:
1. Funk by MTL
2. E-Crazy by HD
3. Dre by M Dogg
4. HD by MTL
5. MTL by M Dogg

*Memorable moments of the match:
- Funk being throw head first into of the cells by MTL.
- Funk spearing HD back into his cell when he was about to enter the match.
- E-Crazy being DDT’d on the steel outside by HD.
- E-Crazy delivering a cross-body slam on MTL, Dre and Funk.
- Dre getting a piledriver on the steel outside by M Dogg.
- Dre giving a hurricarana to M Dogg, causing him to go through one of the cells.
- HD getting 3 german suplexes from Funk.
- HD throwing Dre backfirst into the steel wall.
- MTL given the Outsider’s Edge by E-Crazy into one of the cells.
- MTL raking Funk’s face across the steel wall till he bled.
- M Dogg being double-dropped kicked by MTL and HD while he was on the top turnbuckle; he went crashing face-first to the outside.
- M Dogg delivering a powerbomb to MTL from the top turnbuckle to the steel floor.

The Finish:

M Dogg and MTL are battling out, both covered in blood. MTL tries sending M Dogg into the turnbuckle, but M Dogg counters. M Dogg puts MLT on the top, and delivers a fatal powerbomb from the top the steel floor outside. M Dogg covers up MTL and gets the win.

Winner of the Match for that special prize: M Dogg

*Armando Alejandro Estrada comes out as the chamber is lifted with a special package in his hand.*
Everybody listen…haha…to me!!
My name is Armando…Alejandro…ESTRRRRRRAAAAADAAAA!! Haha!
And I got a special surprise for YOU M Dogg.
Since you knocked out Mr. Dizzle before, he told me to give you this special prize…
And here it is!!

*Armando pulls out a new title from the bag*
You, M Dogg, are the brand new and first ever WCC US Champion, Haha!!
That is all for me!!

*Some theme music plays; on the titantron we see the name “Dollar Bill”
A voice is then heard*

Enjoy the US Title as much as you can M Dogg, because in a week’s time, Dollar Bill will be making his debuting. And Im gonna be turning the WCCWF upside down!!
*The show goes off-air as JR is questioning who this Dollar Bill guy is; we see M Dogg looked a little puzzled, but he is still celebrating his newly won title.*
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #296 on: August 21, 2006, 03:11:54 PM »
I dont undertand all this lol i gave who i thought would win next thing yuo know im in a fantasy eliminaion chamber??lol

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #297 on: August 21, 2006, 03:22:28 PM »
M Dogg, here is the US Title for you:

And here are the pictures for the EC Match to show the entrance of each competitor with the timing and everything for proof and all taht ish it was done fairly lol:

look at the numbers posted above and you'll see it works out

SummerSlam took me a while; I'm gonna need to start this all  beforehand now and make it easier lol
« Last Edit: December 18, 2007, 06:34:48 PM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #298 on: August 21, 2006, 03:24:19 PM »
I dont undertand all this lol i gave who i thought would win next thing yuo know im in a fantasy eliminaion chamber??lol

i just create a storyline and stuff
i don't mind doing it just plain matches, but it gets boring that way IMO
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #299 on: August 21, 2006, 03:57:58 PM »
I still dont get all this. I thought i was giving you my predictions now im in matches too??