Author Topic: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling League  (Read 93094 times)

M Dogg™

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1635 on: November 12, 2010, 03:46:45 PM »
<a href=";amp;hl=en_US" target="_blank" class="new_win">;amp;hl=en_US</a>

*As the song Hero plays over the loud speakers, M Dogg walks out and the crowd goes CRAZY!! M Dogg gets into the ring and graps the mic and waits 5 minutes until the crowd calms down,then the long time Canadian Champion speaks*

WHAT UP GREAT BRITAIN!!! The Latino who hold the Canadian Championship IS NOW IN ENGLAND!!! Now how's is that for international!! I have done it all here in WCCWF, I have defeated everybody, won every title, and my goal is to now hold the Canadian title for at least one year. BUT in that time I actually lost a match. I lost to Lucifer. But that's okay, we win some we lose some, that's not why I'm out here tonight. You see, feud with the Brothers of Death withstanding, I will not stand to see cowards try to run what I helped built!

*Loud pop as he crowd approves of this message!*

You see, it seems that Mo Dizzle has gone mad with power. That's okay, we remember when he decided to team with the greatest duo ever, and dump his Brothers of Dead back then. So it's no wonder now his teaming up with half of the WCCWF retirement home. You old men should have stayed retired. This is NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN!!! Dizzle, let me guess why no one would help you, you are an asshole! You have stabbed everyone in the back, you screwed everyone over just to be with a winner time and time again. Well this time they all see right past you. As for me, I really don't care, as I only want to do one time, destroy your old men once and for all.

*From no where The Outlaws come out and rush the ring to attack M Dogg. M Dogg rolls outside and graps a chair and comes back into the ring, until Syxx-Pac sneaks up from behind and nails a spinning heel kick to the back of M Doggs head. Syxx-Pac then rolls M Dogg to the ring were the Outlaws just stomp a mud hole into M Dogg... then .....

<a href=";amp;hl=en_US" target="_blank" class="new_win">;amp;hl=en_US</a>

*Konnan, Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero, La Parka, Psychosis, Juventud Guerrera, El Dandy, Silver King, Hector Garza and Super Crazy all rush the ring... the 9 Lucha stars clear the ring quickly as the Wolfpac leaves the ring. Konnan graps the mic*

Yo Yo Yo LET ME SPEAK ON THIS!!! As you can tell from my song, I use to fucks with the nWo or Wolfpac back in the day. They were my Boys, then this happened.

<a href=";amp;hl=en_US" target="_blank" class="new_win">;amp;hl=en_US</a>

Since then Rey Rey and I have been planning this for along long time. You guys know Survivor Series is coming up, and my man M Dogg has been fighting you guys for along time. So what we want a Survivor Series classic match. You guys get your 5 men, we will get our 5 guys and we will have a classic Survivor Series match.

Medical is carting M Dogg out of the ring as El Dandy, Silver King and Hector Garza surround the streacher. Then from no where Kevin Nash's boot lays out Silver King and Stings bat strikes Garza. El Dandy turns around to punch Nash but is meet with a Steinerliner from Scott Steiner. Konnan orders the attack and the Outlaws and Syxx-Pac comeback, as does Booker T. It's out of control, Silver King is POWER BOMBED OFF THE STAGE INTO THE ELECTRICAL WORK!!! El Dandy is caught in the Steiner Recliner, Rey and Juvi fly off the speakers to take out the Outlaws, Super Crazy flys to attack Booker T but instead hits nothing as Booker moves!! The credits end as the Wolfpac is getting the upper hand!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1636 on: November 15, 2010, 09:49:53 AM »
*We go backstage where we see a big commotion going on. Lauren is on the scene and as she approaches closer, we see the Outlaws assaulting P. Nelson. Lauren tries to get a word in the Outlaws.*

Lauren: Oh my goodness! Outlaw,s why are you attacking P. Nelson?!

Nash: Its pretty simple sweet cheeks! Like we've said, we're going to beat some respect into everyone of the WCCWF superstars!

Lauren: But if you guys continue to assault the WCCWF stars, there won't be any event this Sunday for Survival of the Sadistic!!

Sting: I'm glad you brought that point up. Because you see, Mo Dizzle is going to be making an announcement later tonight regarding the card. And in his announcement, he'll also be responding to M Dogg's challenge. SO get ready folks, because I promise you all; Survival of the Sadistic is an event that you will all remember FOREVER!!

*The Outlaws walks off as EMTs check on P. Nelson. Lauren also has a look of panic on her face.*
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1637 on: November 16, 2010, 10:53:26 PM »
*The Wolfpac theme hits the speakers as we see the Outlaws making their way out, being led by Mo Dizzle. The fans boo them heavily as wee see Syxx-Pac and Savage taunt the crowd. The Outlaws enter the ring and Mo Dizzle grabs a mic.*

Mo Dizzle: This Sunda, the WCCWF will host its Survival of the Sadistic event!! And as Sting mentioned before, its going to be an event that none of you all will be able to forget!!

In the opening match, we will see M Dogg defend his WCCWF Canadian Championship in a Feral Fourway Match. His opponents will be Grim, Booker T, and Scott Steiner!! And as an extra stipulation, if either Booker or Steiner wins then M Dogg and Grim will never get a shot at the WCCWF Canadian Title while Booker or Steiner are champion!!

In the second match, we will see a six-person elimination match for the WCCWF US Title. It will be King Lucifer defending his WCCWF US Title against P. Nelson, Syxx-Pac, Kevin Nash, Wykid, and MGA. And if Nash or Pac win, then neither Lucifer or Nelson will get a shot at the WCCWF US Title EVER!!

And in the main event, we're going to have a six-on-six classic Survival of the Sadistic match. You see, M Dogg laid out a challenge. But me being the genius I am one-upped it!! So at Survival of the Sadistic, it will the Outlaws going up against WCCWF. And who is being represented by the WCCWF? The WCCWF Champion Sikotic; the US Champion Lucifer; the Canadian Champion M Dogg; P. Nelson; Grim; and finally, a partner of their choosing from the WCCWF roster. If they cannot find a suitable partner, then it will be a six-on-five match.

Oh and of course the added incentive--whoever loses will be fired!! So WCCWF, be prepared to pack your bags, Because after Survival of the Sadistic, you're going to have stat bagging groceries for money when the Outlaws win!!

*The Wolfpac theme plays again as the Outlaws leave the ring and make their way to the back, again taunting the crowd.*
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1638 on: November 17, 2010, 06:36:02 PM »
*We hear Sikotic's theme hit the speakers. The fans start cheering heavily for the WCCWF World Heavyweight Champion as he makes his way down to the ring. Sikotic enters the ring, climbs to the second turnbuckle, and holds the WCCWF World Title high in the air with his right arm. Sikotic then gets off the turnbuckle and grabs a mic.*

Sikotic: You know in this business, you should always expect the unexpected. But when you give your blood, sweat, and tears to launch a company from the ground, you expect a bit of loyalty. Mo Dizzle crossed all limits when he stabbed not only me, but all the other WCCWF superstars in the back. But rather than me preach to all of you, Mo Dizzle I want you to get out here so I can tell you something to your FACE!!

*After a few seconds we hear 'Beware' hit the speakers. Mo Dizzle makes his way out with Steiner and Booker. The fans boo them heavily as they enter the ring. Mo Dizzle has a huge smirk on his face. He grabs a mic from a ringside crew member.*

Mo Dizzle: Make it quick. I got a lot of pink slips to get ready for you and the other WCCWF superstars.

Sikotic: You know Dizzle, you and I have never always seen eye to eye. Hell, you've never always been on the same side as any of the superstars, including Grim and Lucifer, the two guys you brought in. But there was one constant that remained within the WCCWF that we all had mutual respect for one another. Because without you and the WCCWF, none of us would be here. But at the same time, the WCCWF also wouldn't be what it is with all time and effort we all put in. We worked through injuries and illnesses JUSt so that the WCCWF wouldn't falter.

Mo Dizzle: *Sarcastic tone* Aww, is Sikotic going to cryyy?? Do you want a bottle Sikotic?? *Normal tone* You know what Sikotic, everybody has to sometimes work when they aren't at their best. What's your point?!

Sikotic: My point is that you spat in all our faces when you turned your back on the people who built this company and aligned youself with these washed-up dinosaurs who are still trying to hold on to their spots!!

Mo Dizzle: See Sikotic, that's EXACTLY the attitude that caused this in the first place!

Sikotic: What attitude? Why are you beating around the bush?!

Mo Dizzle: You want me to quit beating around the bush?! Fine! Its that attitude of disrespect that has aligned me with the Outlaws. These guys here are wrestling legends!! They paved the way for all of us to do what we do!!

Sikotic: That's fine. And don't be mistaken, we all ARE grateful. Hell, we all grew up watching these guys. From the WCW & WWE days during the whole Monday Night War and even prior to that, we all watched and knew since the first day we started watching we wanted to be in this business! But there comes a time when guys have to step aside and let others rise! And on top of that, I don't see what their legendary status has to do with you!

Mo Dizzle: It has a LOT to do with me!! Because if punks like you can disrespect legends like the Outlaws, then you can easily disrespect me too! And that's exactly what's been happening!! With all you punks running around, demanding this and demanding that!! At first when these guys approached me, I was hesitant because of the WCCWF roster. But they pointed out to me one simple fact: t WrestleRampage when Grim destroyed me, these so called guys that respect me didn't even bother to help me out!! If you think that's respect, then you're grossly mistaken!!

Sikotic: That's something M Dogg pointed out. Its because you always have your own agenda and tend to screw everybody over for your own benefit. And also because you act like an asshole!!

*The crowd starts an "Asshole" chant directed at Mo Dizzle. Dizzle looks on irate at the crowd and Sikotic. Booker and Steiner tell the fans to shut up but to no avail. Sikotic stares on with a smirk on his face.*

Mo Dizzle: YOU SEE!! This is exactly the DISRESPECT I'm talking about!!! How DARE you call me an ASSHOLE!! You piece of monkey crap!!

*Mo Dizzle then slaps Sikotic across the face. Sikotic holds his face for a few seconds before glaring at Mo Dizzle, who now has a worried look on his face.*

Sikotic: Big mistake Dizzle!

*Sikotic drops the mic and grabs Dizzle by the collar. We see Steiner and Booker go after Sikotic. Sikotic has the momentum briefly but the numbers game catches up. We then see Pac and Savage run out to assist Booker and Steiner. For a few moments, it looks like its going to be a 4-on-1 assault. We then see Lucifer, Nelson, and Wykid run down to the ring to even the odds. The WCCWF stars start working over the Outlaws while Mo Dizzle cowers in the corner. We then see Sting run out with his bat and Nash make his way to the ring with brass knuckles. Sting nails Lucifer with the bat while nash goes after Wykid. It looks like a 6-on-4 assault till we see MGA, Dollar Bill, Still Dre, and M Dogg with a chair also making their way to the ring. M Dogg nails Booker right in the head with the chair to knock him to the outside. Meanwhile DB and SD double-team Steiner to send him outside the ring. Lucifer grabs Nash and chokeslams him. Nelson hits a spear on Savage to knock Savage to the mat. Savage then rolls out of the ring. MGA grabs a hold of Pac and hits an F5 on him to take out all the member of the Outlaws.

We see Mo Dizzle slip out of the ring and start tumbling his way to the back as the WCCWF stars look on from the ring. As Mo Dizzle walks backwards up the stage, the lights go out in the building. We then see the pyro explode on the stage. The lights come back on ad we see Grim standing right behind Mo Dizzle. Mo Dizzle has a huge panic look on his face. As he turns around, Grim grabs him by the collar while the fans cheer on heavily. Grim then drags Mo Dizzle back to the ring, who is yelling. In the ring we see Sikotic waiting for Mo Dizzle. Grim tosses Mo Dizzle into the ring. Dizzle stands up and tries to beg for the WCCWF stars to let him be. As Dizzle turns to his side, we see M Dogg nail a left hand jab on Dizzle. Lucifer then nails an uppercut on Dizzle. Finally, we see Sikotic grab a hold of Dizzle and hit a Sik Bottom. Mo Dizzle is laid out in the middle of the ring

Grim then enters the ring and sets off another pyro. Sikotic's theme then plays as the WCCWF stars briefly celebrate and stand tall in the middle of the ring.*
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 02:02:57 PM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1639 on: November 18, 2010, 12:35:17 AM »
This is war.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1640 on: November 18, 2010, 09:49:47 AM »
This is war.

Indeed. One more promo coming tonight for the event this Sunday.
I'll make an official post for the WWE card tonight. But for anybody who wants to start getting their predictions together, here is a link w/ all the matches:

Predict the same way as usual. For the Classic Survivor Series match, just predict the team.
I'll also post the rank importance, etc. for any tie purposes.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1641 on: November 19, 2010, 10:07:58 AM »
I'll cut a promo tonight; here are the cards

WWE Survivor Series Card (written in order of importance)

WWE Title Match - Cena is referee
Orton (c) vs. Barrett

World Title Match
Kane (c) vs. Edge

Classic Survivor Series Match
Team Mysterio (Mysterio, Big Show, MVP, Kofi, Masters)
Team Del Rio (Del Rio, Swagger, McIntyre, Rhodes, Reks)
***Just predict which team wins

Divas Title Match: Handicap Match
LayCool (c) vs. Natalya

Sheamus vs. Morrison

US Title Match
Bryan (c) vs. DiBiase

IC Title Match
Ziggler (c) vs. Kaval

Tag Title Match
Slater/Gabriel (c) vs. Kozlov/Marella

WCCWF Survival of the Sadistic Card

WCCWF Canadian Title - Feral Fourway Match
M Dogg (c) vs. Grim vs. Booker vs. Steiner

WCCWF US Title - Six Man Elimination Match
King Lucifer (c) vs. P. Nelson vs. Syxx-Pac vs. Nash vs. Wykid vs. MGA

Classic Survival of the Sadistic 6-on-6 Elimination Match
Outlaws (Sting, Nash, Pac, Savage, Booker, Steiner)
WCCWF (Sikotic, Lucifer, M Dogg, P. Nelson, Grim, ??)


Due date: Sunday November 21st, 2010 at 7PM EST (4PM PST)
Reminders being sent Saturday evening and Sunday morning
« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 03:34:14 PM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1642 on: November 20, 2010, 03:23:08 PM »
*A video clip shows the brawl that took place between the Outlaws and the WCCWF superstars. The clip ends showing the Sik Bottom Mo Dizzle received while the Outlaws were all laid out. Back to ringside, we hear "Beware" hit the speakers as Mo Dizzle makes his way out to a negative reaction from the fans. Mo Dizzle has a neck brace on and gingerly makes his way to the ring. Dizzle slowly enters the ring and grabs a mic. Dizzle begins to talk somewhat softly.*

Dizzle: You know, Sikotic and the rest of the WCCWF proved my point right that they are disrespectful little jackasses! But that's not the reason I'm out here. I'm here to address the Outlaws. So if you six gentlemen would make your way to the ring, it would be appreciated.

*We hear the Wolfpack music hit the speakers as the Outlaws make their way out in suits and with a more somber expression on their faces. The Outlaws enter the ring and we see Booker grab a mic.*

Dizzle: You know guys, a lot of things happen in this business. We've all been through. What happened a few nights ago though was probably the worst night of my life. And it caused me to do a lot of soul searching. I sided, aided, supported, and joined the Outlaws to be protected. And after doing my soul searching, the first thought in my head was....WHAT THE HELL?!

Booker: *English accent* Excuse me, what do you mean by that Mr. Dizzle?

Dizzle: I mean that you guys were suppose to ensure that nothing was to happen to me! But you guys failed and now I have this damn neck brace!! So what the hell happened with you guys?!?!

Booker: *English accent* Now calm down Mr. Dizz...

*Dizzle cuts off Booker.*

Dizzle: Oh shut up and quit that phony accent!! We all know you aren't English!! Hell, you're from Houston!!

*Booker looks frustrated and irate as we see Steiner grab the mic.*

Steiner: See this is wah happn'd Dizzle. We weren't expeccin so many of those fat asses from the WCCWF to come. An wen all dem showed up and all that, it cause some maj'r probs man.

*Dizzle also cuts off Steiner.*

Dizzle: I have no idea what the hell you just said. Stop mumbling like a dummy and speak clearly.

*Steiner gets pissed off but Nash calms him down before taking the mic.*

Nash: You see Dizzle when you joined us against the WCCWF stars, we were only fighting five guys at that time. All those other jobbers and no-namers weren't involved. So we were a little under prepared so to speak.

Dizzle: Well your "under preparation" has caused me a strained neck!!

Nash: And I can understand the frustration. But you gotta take some of the blame too man. You didn't keep in mind about the other guys!!

Dizzle: Well you guys are suppose to have my back!! And you all failed MISERABLY!!

Nash: Now Dizzle, calm down and listen to me...

Dizzle: No; you listen to ME Nash!! I'm the reason you guys are still here!! And if you guys don't get your act together, I'm also going to be the reason you guys are gone!!

Nash: You know, you sound awfully a lot like AG the last time we saw him. And we all know what happened to AG. We're the reason for his early retirement!!

Dizzle: Big whoop! You won't be any position to do anything if I fire your asses right now!!

*We see Sting whisper something to Syxx-Pac. Pac walks around the ring as Sting takes the mic from Nash.*

Sting: No Dizzle, you won't be firing any of us right now.

Dizzle: Oh yeah? What makes you think that?!

Sting: We'll show you right now.

*Pac delivers a kick to the back of Dizzle's head as the Outlaw pounce onto Dizzle and start assaulting him. Nash rips the neck brace off Dizzle, kicks him in the gut, and delivers a Jackknife. Nash then drags Dizzle over to the corner and sets him up on the bottom turnbuckle. Pac goes to the opposite corner and delivers the Bronco Buster. Booker then grabs Dizzle, gets him to his feet, and delivers a Book End. Booker then sets Dizzle up in the corner as we see Savage climb to the top turnbuckle. Savage then delivers  a flying elbow drop right to heart of Dizzle. Savage then deliver multiple punches to Dizzle's head, busting him open. We then see Steiner drag Dizzle across to the centre of the ring. Sting then applies the Scorpion Deathlock. We also see Steiner apply the Steiner Recliner on Dizzle. Dizzle is caught between two excruciating submission holds. We see Dizzle start bleeding from the mouth while the blood pours out of his head.

As this goes on, we see all the WCCWF superstars make their way out lead by Sikotic. Before the WCCWF stars can enter the ring, we see the Outlaws exit the ring and make their way through the fans. Officials and EMTs come out to check on Dizzle while the WCCWF share words with the Outlaws. We see Sting with a mic.*

Sting: This Sunday at Survival of the Sadistic, the Outlaws take over the WCCWF!!


*The Outlaws and the WCCWF stars continue exchanging words as Dizzle is helped on to a stretcher and to the back.*
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1643 on: November 20, 2010, 03:33:01 PM »
Grim's Predictions:

Orton vs. Barrett = Barrett wins; pin
Kane vs. Edge = Kane wins; pin
Team Mysterio vs. Team Del Rio = Team Mysterio wins
LayCool vs. Natalya = Natalya wins; submission
Sheamus vs. Morrison = Morrison wins; DQ
Bryan vs. DiBiase = Bryan wins; submission
Ziggler vs. Kaval = Ziggler wins; pin
Slater/Gabriel vs. Kozlov/Marella = Slater/Gabriel win; pin


King Lucifer's Predictions:

Orton vs. Barrett = Barrett wins; pin
Kane vs. Edge = Edge wins; DQ
Team Mysterio vs. Team Del Rio = Team Del Rio wins
LayCool vs. Natalya = Natalya wins; submission
Sheamus vs. Morrison = Sheamus wins; pin
Bryan vs. DiBiase = Bryan wins; submission
Ziggler vs. Kaval = Ziggler wins; pin
Slater/Gabriel vs. Kozlov/Marella = Slater/Gabriel win; pin


Due date: Sunday November 21st, 2010 at 7PM EST (4PM PST)
Submitted by: Sikotic; Grim; King Lucifer
Waiting on: M Dogg; P. Nelson
Reminders being sent Saturday evening and Sunday morning
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1644 on: November 20, 2010, 04:16:27 PM »

Steiner: See this is wah happn'd Dizzle. We weren't expeccin so many of those fat asses from the WCCWF to come. An wen all dem showed up and all that, it cause some maj'r probs man.

LMAO @ the way Steiner talks. Just  like him.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1645 on: November 21, 2010, 03:19:57 PM »

Steiner: See this is wah happn'd Dizzle. We weren't expeccin so many of those fat asses from the WCCWF to come. An wen all dem showed up and all that, it cause some maj'r probs man.

LMAO @ the way Steiner talks. Just  like him.

Lol, I'm gonna look back at some of his real life promos and do something for Survival of the Sadistic.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1646 on: November 28, 2010, 10:27:44 PM »
Results will be up sometime this upcoming week.
I'm including some promos and such for storyline purposes, plus writing out the Elimination Match.

Sorry for the delay but I hope you guys enjoy them when they get up.

Sorry again for the delay; the final match is taking a while. Writer's block is annoying lol.
I'll get it up tonight though as There's just a couple of things I need to finish for it.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 09:30:13 AM by Mo Z. Dizzle »
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1647 on: December 07, 2010, 11:56:21 PM »
WWE Survivor Series Results

Orton vs. Barrett = Orton wins; pin
Kane vs. Edge = Tie
Team Mysterio vs. Team Del Rio = Team Mysterio wins
LayCool vs. Natalya = Natalya wins; submission
Sheamus vs. Morrison = Morrison wins; pin
Bryan vs. DiBiase = Bryan wins; submission
Ziggler vs. Kaval = Ziggler wins; pin
Slater/Gabriel vs. Kozlov/Marella = Slater/Gabriel win; pin


WCCWF Survival of the Sadistic Results

*A video package shows the recent events between the Outlaws and the WCCWF, starting with Mo Dizzle joining the Outlaws at Road to Prestige. The video then goes on to show the assaults carried out by the Outlaws. Next, we see Sikotic’s promo which resulted in the WCCWF getting the upperhand and also getting their hands on Mo Dizzle. The video goes on to show the assault the Outlaws carried out on Mo Dizzle after he insulted them for not protecting him. The video moves on to show the WCCWF roster coming out to help Mo Dizzle. The video ends showing Sting stating that the Outlaws will takeover at Survival of the Sadistic.

Back to ringside, we see fireworks explode in the building while the theme song, Runaway by Hail the Villain, plays in the building. Sean Mooney & JBL welcome every to Survival of the Sadistic while the fans cheer in the background. The duo runs down the card as the fans settle into their seats. The camera goes backstage for pre-match interviews, starting with Grim.*

Match 1: WCCWF Canadian Title – Feral Fourway Match
M Dogg vs. Grim vs. Booker T vs. Scott Steiner

*We go backstage where Lauren was supposed to be with Grim, but instead we see some commotion going with WCCWF staff members in the picture. Upon a further review, we see the Outlaws attacking Grim and laying him out before the WCCWF staff somewhat intervene. We see EMTs arrive on the scene to check on Grim. Lauren then approaches the Outlaws to do an interview.*

Lauren: What is your problem?!?! Why did you guys assault Grim right before the match?!

Sting: If you don’t know why by now, then you’re pretty stupid!! It’s the old strategy of divide & conquer!! You see, tonight, we’re going to capture both the WCCWF Canadian & US Titles. By tonight, you’ll see Booker as the new Canadian Champ and Nash as the US Champ. And after the Outlaws are done taking over, you’ll see a major change in the WCCWF!

Lauren: Scott, you’re also in the match. Sting just said though that Booker will be the new Canadian Champion. Why didn’t he mention you?

Steiner: Y’see, its dumb blondes like you that tryna break up the Outlaws!! The reason I won’t be Canadian Champ because I don’t rep trash like Mexico north!! With all those redneck, moose-humping, uneducated, dumb fat asses, I decided that its best not to be no champion of no stinking country!! I’m highly educated and if I rep a country that don’t speak no good English, it highly screws up my reputation!!

Lauren: Booker, based on what Scott said, why do you want to be Canadian Champion?

Booker: *English accent* While I don’t agree with Scott on his opinion about my minions in Canada, I respect him as a person. As for becoming the Canadian Champion, well it will add on to my glorious legacy! And I will proudly represent the great white lumberjacks known as Canadians!

Nash: That’s enough questioning Lauren, now its time to take action!!

*The camera angle goes back to ringside where the Wolfpac theme hits the speakers. The fans boo Booker and Steiner as hey make their way out. SM & JBL summarize what just happened in the back. Booker and Steiner enter the ring and await the arrival of M Dogg. We go backstage again where we see Lauren with M Dogg.*

Lauren: M Dogg, a few minutes ago we just saw the Outlaws take out Grim. By the looks of it, it may just be a handicap match now.

M Dogg: This is exactly what the Outlaws are known for. But they didn’t take out the biggest threat to them because you see, I’m still standing here. And tonight despite the odds, I’ll make sure that not only the WCCWF wins, but that I remain the Canadian Champion!!

*The camera view goes back to the ring as we hear M Dogg’s theme hit the speakers. M Dogg is greeted by cheers from the fans. M Dogg has the WCCWF Canadian Title around his waist. SM & JBL note that this match has seemingly turned into a Triple Terror Match. M Dogg enters the ring & takes off the title while glaring at Booker & Steiner. M Dogg hands the belt to the ref; the ref holds the belt high in the air to signal it as a Canadian Title match. The ref hands the belt to the time keeper. The bell rings to begin the match…*
M Dogg’s Predictions (none submitted; default using Lucifer’s predictions):
Orton vs. Barrett = Barrett wins; pin = 0 points
Kane vs. Edge = 2 points
Team Mysterio vs. Team Del Rio = Team Del Rio wins = 0 points
LayCool vs. Natalya = Natalya wins; submission = 2 points
Sheamus vs. Morrison = Sheamus wins; pin = 0 points
Bryan vs. DiBiase = Bryan wins; submission = 2 points
Ziggler vs. Kaval = Ziggler wins; pin = 2 points
Slater/Gabriel vs. Kozlov/Marella = Slater/Gabriel win; pin = 2 points

Grim’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Barrett = Barrett wins; pin = 0 points
Kane vs. Edge = 2 points
Team Mysterio vs. Team Del Rio = Team Mysterio wins = 2 points
LayCool vs. Natalya = Natalya wins; submission = 2 points
Sheamus vs. Morrison = Morrison wins; DQ = 1 point
Bryan vs. DiBiase = Bryan wins; submission = 2 points
Ziggler vs. Kaval = Ziggler wins; pin = 2 points
Slater/Gabriel vs. Kozlov/Marella = Slater/Gabriel win; pin = 2 points

Finish of the Match:
In a match where Booker & Steiner have had the upperhand, we see the duo working over the champion in the corner. They whip M Dogg over to the opposite corner. Scott tries to follow up with a clothesline, but M Dogg ducks and causes Steiner to crash chest first into the corner. Booker tries a Harlem Sidekick, but M Dogg grabs him and slams dwn to the mat. M Dogg turns his attention to Steiner with a few left hand jabs. M Dogg then nails a few back hand chops on Steiner to send him into the corner. M Dogg then sets Steiner on the top turnbuckle and looks to hit a suplex from the second turnbuckle. Before M Dogg can muster any more offense, we see Booker nail a chop block to the left knee of M Dogg. Booker then nails a couple of forearm shots to the back of M Dogg’s head. Booker whips M Dogg into the ropes and tries a back body drop, but is met a kick to the face instead from M Dogg. Booker holds the side of his face and walks to the ropes. M Dogg runs off the opposite ropes and clothesline Booker over the top to the outside. Steiner tries to sneak up from behind M Dogg but is given a sidekick to his gut from M Dogg. M Dogg grabs Steiner by the back of the head and throws him over the top as well. Steiner abd Booker are both back on their feet and try to work out a strategy. As this happens, M Dogg charges off the opposite side off the ring and jumps through the ropes to deliver a suicde dive on both Booker & Steiner! All three of the participants are on the mat outside of the ring now. M Dogg is the first to get to his feet, followed by Booker and Steiner. M Dogg drills some jabs on Booker and some chops on Steiner. M Dogg grabs Steiner by the back of the head and slams his face on the edge of the ring. M Dogg then scoops Booker up and drops him chest first across the barricade. M Dogg turns his attention to Steiner again, scooping him. As this happens, we see Savage making his way out. M Dogg releases Steiner and goes towards Savage. The ref exits the ring and stops Savage and M Dogg from brawling with each other. The ref is telling Savage to go backstage. With the distraction, we see Steiner grab a steel pipe from under the ring. As M Dogg turns around, Steiner nails him right across his skull with the pipe. Steiner then grabs a knocked out M Dogg and places his head across the steel post. We see Booker back in the picture. Booker nails a Harlem Sidekick on M Dogg, with his head pressed up against the steel post because of Steiner. M Dogg falls flat to the ground, being knocked out. The ref checks on M Dogg and signals for EMTs to come out. Meanwhile in the ring, Booker and Steiner share a laugh as it seemingly looks like the Outlaws have captured the WCCWF Canadian Title. As M Dogg gets put on a stretcher and starts being carted out, we see a pyro explode from the ring posts!

A bandaged Grim makes his way out with a scythe in hand! Booker and Steiner looked shocked and prepare for Grim to enter the ring. Grim slides in and ducks a double-team attempt. Grim turns around, turns his scythe sideways, and uses the scythe to knock Steiner and Booker simultaneously. Grim tosses the scythe to the outside and goes to work on the duo. Grim nails uppercuts on both of them. Grim grabs a hold of Booker and whips him into the rope, following up with a big boot to the face. Steiner nails a forearm shot from behind on Grim. Steiner whips Grim into the ropes and tries a clothesline but Grim ducks; Grim charges off the opposite ropes and nails a jumping clothesline. Grim then waits for Steiner to get up, looking to hit the Chokeslam. Steiner gets to his feet and is given a Chokeslam by Grim! Before Grim can cover though, Booker attacks Grim from behind as well. Booker tries to hit a Book End on Grim, but Grim blocks the hold. Grim then nails a couple of elbows to break the hold. Grim then grabs Booker and nails a Chokeslam on him as well! Grim then covers Booker and gets the three-count to win the match and become the new WCCWF Canadian Champion!!


After the Match:
The ref hands Grim his newly won WCCWF Canadian Title and raises his arm. The ref and other staff help Booker and Steiner out of the ring and to the back. Grim’s theme plays in the building as SM & JBL recap the match. Grim sets off a pyro before exiting the ring and making his way to the back with his newly won Canadian Title.

The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1648 on: December 07, 2010, 11:59:15 PM »
Match 2: WCCWF US Title – Six-Man Elimination Match
King Lucifer vs. P. Nelson vs. Syxx-Pac vs. Kevin Nash vs. Wykid vs. MGA

*We go backstage where Nash and Pac are with Lauren.*

Lauren: Syxx-Pac, Sting earlier said that Kevin Nash will be the new US Champion.

Pac: Look, I already know where you’re going with this. The fact remains that it doesn’t matter whether it’s me or Big Sexy as the champ. What’s important is that the Outlaws take over tonight!!

Lauren: Kevin, we just saw what happened in the Canadian Title match. Do you feel concerned at all?

Nash: Lauren, when you have as much experience in the business as I do, you know there’s never room to worry. Yes, the Outlaws lost the first match. But remember, when we win the main event tonight, that fire-wielding freak is gone from the company! Which means that the Canadian Title is still ours!! Now, we better go out and kick some respect into the WCCWF!

*The camera view goes back to ringside where we see Wykid and MGA already in the ring. The Wolfpac music hits the speakers again as Pac & Nash make their way to the ring. The fans boo them heavily as SM & JBL mention the careers of both stars. Nash and Pac enter the ring and do the Wolfpac hand gesture. We then hear Nelson’s theme hit the speakers as the former US Champion is also met with boos from the fans. SM & JBL mention how Nelson had always fell on step short of winning the Canadian Title and hopes to turn things around tonight. Nelson enters the ring and climbs to the second turnbuckle to taunt the crowd before preparing for the match. The lights go out in the building as King Lucifer’s theme plays. The fans cheer the WCCWF US Champion as he makes his way down to the ring in his royal attire and with the US Title around his waist. Lucifer climbs the steps and raises his arms to turn the lights back on in the building. Lucifer enters the ring and takes off the royal attire. Lucifer then takes off the US Title and hands it to the ref. The ref holds the US Title high in the air to signal it as a WCCWF US Title Match. The bell rings and the match begins…*

King Lucifer’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Barrett = Barrett wins; pin = 0 points
Kane vs. Edge = 2 points
Team Mysterio vs. Team Del Rio = Team Del Rio wins = 0 points
LayCool vs. Natalya = Natalya wins; submission = 2 points
Sheamus vs. Morrison = Sheamus wins; pin = 0 points
Bryan vs. DiBiase = Bryan wins; submission = 2 points
Ziggler vs. Kaval = Ziggler wins; pin = 2 points
Slater/Gabriel vs. Kozlov/Marella = Slater/Gabriel win; pin = 2 points

P. Nelson’s Predictions:
Orton vs. Barrett = Barrett wins; pin = 0 points
Kane vs. Edge = 2 points
Team Mysterio vs. Team Del Rio = Team Mysterio wins = 2 points
LayCool vs. Natalya = LayCool wins; pin = 0 points
Sheamus vs. Morrison = Sheamus wins; pin = 0 points
Bryan vs. DiBiase = Bryan wins; submission = 2 points
Ziggler vs. Kaval = Kaval wins; pin = 0 points
Slater/Gabriel vs. Kozlov/Marella = Slater/Gabriel win; pin = 2 points

Order of Elimination:
1.   MGA by Kevin Nash
2.   Wykid by Syxx-Pac
3.   Syxx-Pac by P. Nelson
4.   Kevin Nash by King Lucifer
5.   P. Nelson by King Lucifer

Finish of the Match:
In an action-packed match, we see Nash, Pac, Nelson, & Lucifer in the match. We see Nash and Lucifer brawling with each other on the outside of the ring. In the ring, we see Nelson working over Pac. With both stars on their feet, we see Nelson with a headlock applied on Pac. Pac manages to counter with a chin-breaker. As Nelson holds his chin, Pac tries a small package but only gets a two-count. As both get to their feet, Pac nails a few kicks to Nelson’s gut and chest. Pac then nails a few chops to Nelson, sending him into the corner. Pac nails a roundhouse kick on Nelson to knock him onto the mat. Pac then sets Nelson onto the bottom turnbuckle and looks to hit the Bronco Buster. Pac goes to the opposite corner, then charges towards Nelson. As Pac approaches Nelson, Nelson rolls out of the way, causing Pac to crash on to the bottom turnbuckle. Nelson then grabs Pac by his hair and slams his head onto the mat. Pac slowly gets to his feet. Nelson charges off the ropes and hits a spear. As this happens in the ring, on the outside we see Nash scoop Lucifer up and slam him face first across the announce table. Back in the ring, Nelson covers Pac and gets a three-count to eliminate Pac!!

Nash slides into the ring and goes right after Nelson. Nash nails a few elbow shots to the back of Nelson’s head. Nash then sends Nelson into the turnbuckle and follows up with a big boot to the face. With Nelson in the corner, Nash delivers a few knee strikes to Nelson’s gut; Nash then follows up with an elbow shot the side of Nelson’s face. Nash brings Nelson towards the middle of the ring, kicks him in the gut, and delivers a Jackknife Powerbomb! As this happens, we see Lucifer slip back into the ring. Nash tries a cover on Nelson. As the ref is counting, Lucifer runs over and hits a leg drop to the back of Nash’s head. Nash gets to his feet holding his head. Lucifer drills a few punches to Nash. Lucifer scoops Nash up and drops him face first across the top turnbuckle. Lucifer then turns Nash around, grabs him by the throat, and delivers a Chokeslam! Lucifer then covers Nash and gets the three-count to eliminate Nash!

Lucifer then turns his attention to Nelson, who gingerly gets to his feet. Lucifer approaches Nelson and drills a few right hands to him. Lucifer whips Nelson into the ropes and delivers a clothesline to the mat. Lucifer then looks to end the match with another Chokeslam. As Nelson gets to his feet, Lucifer grabs him by the throat. Nelson nails a couple of elbow shots to break the hold. Nelson charges off the ropes and tries to hit a spear, but Lucifer kicks him in the face. Lucifer grabs Nelson by the throat and delivers a Chokeslam! Lucifer covers Nelson and gets the three-count to win the match and retain his WCCWF US Title!


After the Match:
The ref hands Lucifer his WCCWF US Title and raises his arm. The ref then helps Nelson out of the ring and to the back where he’s going to be checked quickly before the six-on-six elimination match. The fans cheer Lucifer as his theme plays. Lucifer briefly celebrates while SM & JBL summarize the match. Lucifer then exits the ring and makes his way to the back. SM & JBL note that there will be a brief, 15-minute break for the two teams to prepare.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
  • *****
  • Posts: 6145
  • Karma: 877
  • Mo Z. Dizzle, the CEO of WCC Wrestling League
Re: KOTR Tournament/WCC Wrestling Foundation
« Reply #1649 on: December 08, 2010, 12:06:27 AM »
Match 3: Six-on-Six Elimination Match for control of the WCCWF
The Outlaws vs. WCCWF

*We see the same video that aired at the beginning of Survival of the Sadistic play again in the building to remind the fans for what’s at stake tonight. We go backstage where we see the Outlaws.*

Sting: Alright guys, we didn’t win any titles. But that doesn’t matter right now. As long as win this upcoming match, we can worry about the titles after. We’re ring veterans and we all know that our experience will pay off. Gentlemen, let’s go out there and take over the WCCWF!!

*The Outlaws do the Wolfpac hand gesture before exiting their locker room. We then see Lauren standing with the WCCWF Champion, Sikotic.*

Lauren: Sikotic, you’re the de facto leader tonight for the WCCWF. However, your team right now is 2 people short. On top of that, we’ve been told recently that there was suppose to be a guest General Manager for tonight, who would choose 2 people, but there has been no sign of him. What are your thoughts heading into tonight?

Sikotic: Well Lauren, its gut-check time. The WCCWF team suffered a big blow when M Dogg was taken out. But at the same time, there are still some other WCCWF members who’ll need to step it up big tonight. Because if not, then the WCCWF will be doomed. And as for the guest gen…

*As Sikotic is speaking, he stops and looks to the left of Lauren. We see a small smirk develop on his face. The camera also turns and we see Bret Hart!*

Bret Hart: As for the guest general manager, well it’s nobody other than the Hitman! Mo Dizzle left me this responsibility because I know those guys better than most other people. So tonight, the WCCWF will show what it’s made of! And as for the other two members, well you’ll see who they are!

*The Hitman and Sikotic walk off for the match. Back to ringside, we hear the Wolfpac music play a third time as the whole Outlaws crew make their way out. The fans boo them all heavily. SM & JBL mention that most of the Outlaws and WCCWF members have competed already tonight. The Outlaws enter the ring and await the arrival of the WCCWF superstars.

We hear Sikotic’s theme hit the speakers as the WCCWF World Champion makes his way out to the ring. Following behind are the Brothers of Death, the WCCWF US Champion King Lucifer and the new WCCWF Canadian Champion Grim. Behind them, we see P. Nelson make his way out. The four stars stop outside of the ring as the Outlaws taunt them. We then hear Bret Hart’s music hit the speakers. “The Hitman” makes his way out with a mic in hand.*

Bret Hart: I’m going to keep this short & sweet. The fifth member of the team should have been M Dogg. But because of what happened earl…

*A video pops on the screen and we see M Dogg with his head heavily tapes making his way through the arena with a pissed off expression. After a couple of minutes, we see M Dogg makes his way to ringside as the fans explode in cheers for the former WCCWF Canadian Champion. M Dogg asks Bret for the mic.*

M Dogg: Hitman, I’m not going to let anything stop me from kicking their ass tonight!!

*M Dogg gives the mic back to Hart and heads on down to join the WCCWF stars.*

Bret Hart: Well that takes care of one member. As for the sixth member, well he was the reason why I was late because I had to make sure he was ready. And he’s somebody that you’re all familiar with, especially the Outlaws. So the final member of team WCCWF ladies and gentlemen is…..AG!!

*AG’s theme hits the speakers as the fans start cheering for AG. We see AG make his way out, looking as pissed off as M Dogg was. AG shakes hands with Bret before making his way down to the ring. AG joins the WCCWF team and all the members slide into the ring. The have a brief face off with the Outlaws before the ref gets between them. We see a couple of other WCCWF officials come out to keep some stability in the match. To start the match we see M Dogg and Savage. The bell rings and the main event is underway…*

Order of Elimination:
1.   Syxx-Pac by M Dogg
2.   M Dogg by Booker T
3.   Randy Savage by P. Nelson
4.   P. Nelson by Kevin Nash
5.   Kevin Nash by King Lucifer
6.   King Lucifer by Scott Steiner
7.   Booker T by Grim
8.   Grim by Sting
9.   Scott Steiner by Sikotic
10.   Sting by AG

The Match:
M Dogg and Savage lock up in the middle; Savage applies a headlock on M Dogg. M Dogg shoves Savage into the ropes and knocks Savage down with a shoulder block. Savage looks upset as he gets to his feet. The two lock up again and Savage gets M Dogg in another headlock. M Dogg again shoves Savage into the ropes and knocks him to the mat. Savage gets up again more upset. Savage signals for a test of strength. As M Dogg raises his arm, Savage kicks him in the gut. Savage then twists M Dogg’s arm and delivers an elbow shot the M Dogg’s left shoulder. Savage then tags in Pac. Pac nails a couple of kicks to M Dogg. M Dogg responds with a few hard backhand chops. Pac rakes M Dogg in the eyes. Pac then goes to the top turnbuckle and looks to hit a crossbody. As Pac flies off, M Dogg catches him and lifts him onto his shoulder. M Dogg then delivers the Running Powerslam on Pac! M Dogg covers Pac and eliminates him!
Booker enters the ring and hits a Harlem Sidekick on M Dogg.  M Dogg falls to the mat. SM & JBL mention that M Dogg hasn’t fully healed from the attack before. As M Dogg slowly gets to his feet, Booker runs off the ropes and hits a scissor kick to the back of the head. Booker then pins M Dogg to eliminate him!
Lucifer enters the ring and goes after Booker with a few right hands. Lucifer then scoops Booker up and drops him face first across the turnbuckle. Lucifer runs off the ropes and delivers Snake Eyes to Booker. Lucifer tries a pin but only gets a two-count. Lucifer then looks to hit the Chokeslam. As he waits, we see Nelson reach over and tag himself in. Lucifer looks at Nelson wondering what he’s doing. The two exchange words. As this happens, we see Booker tag Savage in. Lucifer exits the ring; Savage enters and nails a double axe-handle on Nelson. Savage then starts deliver a couple of jabs to Nelson. Savage scoops Nelson up and slams him to the mat. Savage goes to the top and looks to hit the flying elbow drop. As Savage flies off, Nelson moves out of the way. Savage crashes to the mat; Savage gets to his feet, holding his elbow. Nelson also gets to his feet, kicks Savage in the gut and delivers the Nelson Bomb! Nelson covers Savage and gets the three-count to eliminate Savage!!
Nelson then gets to his feet and turns to the WCCWF stars and taunts them. We see Nash enter the ring. Nelson continues taunting his teammates till Lucifer punches him in the face. As Nelson holds his face, Nash grabs a hold of him and delivers a Jackknife Powerbomb! Nash then covers Nelson to eliminate him and make it a 4-on-4 match!
Lucifer enters the ring next and goes after Nash. Nash and Lucifer exchange punches with other. Lucifer starts getting the momentum in his favour till Nash nails a knee strike to Lucifer’s gut. Nash then sends Lucifer into the corner. Nash tries to follow up with a clothesline, but Lucifer gets his boot up into Nash’s face. Lucifer then grabs Nash’s arm and applies Hell’s Gate! Nash quickly taps out and is eliminated from the match! The camera angle shows the Outlaws corner, who all look frustrated.
As Lucifer releases the hold, we see Steiner enter the ring. Lucifer gets to his feet and is about to lock up with Steiner when we see Nelson grab Lucifer’s leg. Lucifer turns his attention to Nelson and the two start trading words. The ref tells Nelson to go to the back but he continues to jaw with Lucifer. Steiner comes from behind delivers a German suplex on Lucifer. Steiner tries a pin but gets only a two-count. Steiner then nails a couple of forearm shots to the back of Lucifer’s head. Steiner gets Lucifer to his feet and hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Steiner gets Lucifer to his feet again and tries another –belly-to-belly suplex, but Lucifer blocks off the move and counters with a couple of headbutts. Lucifer then knocks Steiner to the mat with a clothesline. Steiner crawls towards the ropes and starts talking to the ref. The ref checks on Steiner; as this happens, we see Nelson slip into the ring and deliver a spear onto an unsuspecting Lucifer. Nelson rolls out of the ring and makes his way to the crowd as the other WCCWF officials try to get a hold of him. Back in the ring, Steiner trots over and covers Lucifer to get the pinfall victory and eliminate Lucifer!
Grim enters the ring next and we see Steiner quickly go over and tag Booker in. Booker and Grim exchange words before trading punches with each other. Grim starts getting the upperhand till Booker nails a thumb to Grim’s eye. Booker grabs Grim’s arm, twists it, and hits a sidekick. Booker goes for a cover but only gets a two-count. Booker then goes up to the top turnbuckle, looking to hit a missile dropkick. As Booker flies off, Grim catches Booker. Grim then slams Booker to the mat and tries a cover but only gets a two-count. Grim gets Booker to his feet and tries to deliver the Chokeslam. Booker blocks the hold off by delivering a couple of elbow shots to Grim. Booker grabs Grim and tries to hit the Book-End. As he lifts Grim up, Grim is able to escape. Grim turns Booker around, scoops him up, and delivers a Tombstone Piledriver! Grim then covers Booker and gets the pin to eliminate Booker! It’s now a 3-on-2 match!
Sting quickly enters the ring and goes after Grim, kicking him in the back of the knee. Sting grabs Grim and whips him into the corner. Sting then follows up with the Stinger Splash. Sting grabs Grim and sends him to the opposite corner. Sting tries another Stinger Splash but is met with an uppercut from Grim. A groggy Grim scoops Sting up and tries a Tombstone Piledriver on him too, but a fresh Sting counter the move and instead is able to set Grim up for the Scorpion Death Drop. After delivering the Scorpion Deathdrop, Sting covers Grim to eliminate him!
Sikotic enters the ring next. Sting and Sikotic trade punches with other. Sikotic starts getting the upperhand and delivers a couple more punches. Sikotic whips Sting into the ropes and tries a back body drop. Sting counters with a DDT; Sting tries a cover but only gets a two-count. Sting gets to his feet and stomps a couple of times at Sikotic. Sting then grabs Sikotic by the legs and catapults him into the corner. Sting goes over and tags Steiner into the match. Steiner enters the ring and delivers a couple of forearm shots to the back of Sikotic’s head. Steiner turns Sikotic around and kicks him a couple of times into the gut. Steiner grabs Sikotic and whips him into the opposite corner, and follows up with a clothesline. Steiner then sets Sikotic up onto the top turnbuckle. Steiner then climbs the turnbuckle and tries to deliver the Frankensteiner. As Steiner delivers the move, Sikotic counters on the mat into a sunset flip. Sikotic is able to keep Steiner’s shoulders down to eliminate him from the match! its now a 2-on-1 match!
Sting re-enters the ring and goes after Sikotic right away, delivering multiple stomps. Sting gets Sikotic to his feet and nails a couple of backhand chops. Sting whips Sikotic into the corner and follows up with a Stinger Splash. Sting then grabs Sikotic and nails a spinebuster. Sting tries for another cover but gets a two-count again. Sting starts to get frustrated. Sting grabs Sikotic by the legs and drags him into the middle of the ring. Sting tries to apply the Scorpion Deathlock, but Sikotic is fighting out of it. Sikotic eventually Sting back and crawls over to his corner. Sikotic then tags in AG and the fans explode in a huge cheer. AG enters the ring and hits a couple of clotheslines on Sting. AG follows up with an inverted atomic drop. AG nails a couple of punches and a headbutt on Sting. As Sting holds his face, AG goes to the second turnbuckle. AG flies off and tries to deliver a double-axe handle, but Sting counters with a punch to AG’s gut. Sting drills a couple of backhand shots on AG before whipping him into the corner. Sting then delivers another Stinger Splash. As AG staggers towards the middle of the ring, Sting grabs AG from the back of the head delivers a one-arm bulldog. Sting then grabs AG by the legs and applies the Scorpion Deathlock. AG screams in pain but refuses to tap out. AG tries crawling to the ropes to break the hold. Sting prevents this and again drags AG to the middle of the ring. AG continues to yell in pain but won’t tap out. After a few brief moments, AG tries twisting and turning to get of the hold. A few moments later, we see AG reverse the hold and turn the Scorpion Deathlock into a Sharpshooter applies onto Sting! Sting yells in agony as well; after a few moments, Sting taps out to give the win to the WCCWF!!

Winners of the Match = TEAM WCCWF

After the Match
The ref grabs the WCCWF World Title as Sikotic enters the ring. The ref hands the belt to Sikotic and raises both Sikotic and AG’s arm. We see a couple of WCCWF officials and security come out to have Sting escorted out as the Outlaws are now gone from the WCCWF. Sting tries to fight out, but security grabs a hold of him. As Sting is being escorted to the back, he yells and says he’ll return. Back in the ring, we hear AG’s theme hit the speakers as the fans cheer him and Sikotic on. SM and JBL summarize the main event as Sikotic and AG celebrate separately in the ring. The two then end up meeting face-to-face in the middle of the ring. AG signals that he’s coming after the WCCWF World Title while Sikotic tells him to bring it on. SM and JBL thank everybody for watching WCCWF’s Survival of the Sadistic event. The show ends showing Sikotic holding his WCCWF World Title high in the air while him and AG stare off with each other.
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!