Author Topic: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)  (Read 8998 times)


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Re: NBA Playoffs: Round 2 (Clippers vs. Suns)
« Reply #270 on: June 06, 2006, 01:53:42 PM »
You Said:
You were ballin' Jews outta their yamachas? Wow, so original and funny. Why don't you come play me one-on-one for $500, you dumb muthafucka? Knowing you, you played basketball in a special-olympic program and are dumb enough to believe you were on the real team...I really wanna play you though. Doggy (AKA Sunset Marley) will be the middleman holding the money, we balled just yesterday and he comes over my house once in a while...What do you say, dumbfuck?
I Said:

COME FUCKIN DOWN!!!!! (lower it to $100, not everyone is a spoiled rich kid like yourself)
Pioneer Park Courts
Monday Nights
Address: Corner Of Cataract And Bonita Ave. In The City Of San Dimas
Mapquest it, Googlemaps it, DO IT!!!
anyone on Dubcc in the So. Cali Area, this will be something you will NOT want to miss, come on fuckin DOWN!!!!!!


Then You Go All Crazy Crying that you choose the place and all

I Can't Believe your still crying, Your a huge fuckin baby man, Grow up.

What do you think COME PLAY ME constitutes...That I wanted to go to Pioneer Park Courts? It's called common sense. I specified for your small brain in my next post after that...
Keep Crying Elior, Keep Crying

Print out my offer and paste it up on your wall, just so you don't forget...It remains the same... :-*
Forever known as the Dubcc Baby, waaa waaa, lol

Shut up and come play me, Microskr****n. :-*
Make it fair, you big pussy :)
OH MAN, YOU CALLED ME KRONDON, OH MAN, lol....your so funny elior, so funny!!!

I didn't call you Krondon, I'd get banned for hurting your feelings. Funny how you always claim I try getting the last word when you pretty much do that in every thread. Practice what you preach, micro-
Practice what I preach? what am i Preaching? that "Im not trying to get the last word?" LMMFAO! I AM trying to get the last word, proving my point to you, that you will fight and die and do anything to try and get it because your a big crybaby. Keep Crying NIK, Keep Crying
14 Pages
Any bets on this thread?

LOL. So you're admitting to posting without saying anything. That's called spamming. That can result in a ban.

 :spam2: :sign_banhim: :spam:
Saying something directed towards a person = not spam
Crybaby = Elior
(waiting for the comparison Krondon = Ecrazy)

oh man he got me there again! lol, classic comedy by elior, priceless

You said you're posting just to get the last word to "make me mad"...Well, that's considered spamming. I'm only posting to make points, as I'm doing right now... not to get the last word and flood threads like you're currently doing, you dumb child.

Im making a point, that point is to "Get you mad" LMAO @ you trying to justify yourself.

Honestly Seer, How great and better was the board without him?
Think about it..