Author Topic: Questions for those who aren't religious...  (Read 1371 times)


Re: Questions for those who aren't religious...
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2006, 02:08:28 PM »
If the homie shares weed with me, then I thank the homie, not God or a higher power.
As for life in general, I'm not thankful to anyone but myself, family or friends. I or somebody related to me worked for everything that I have, one way or the other.
Why people feel the urge to thank a higher power for something they achieved on their own is beyond me. It's like "Yes, I'm so damn important, there's this whole fucking universe I know nothing about and the earth is only a small part of. Then there's that big earth humans are only a part of, and then there is my ass who's one of 6 billion people alive. Yet, God really helped me to do good in that test, cause that was such a big issue to him in the grand scheme of things."

What about this... if you are thankful to God for what you have... doesn't that mean that you think you have CONTROL OVER GOD? If he responds to your worship, prayer and faith with blessings, doesn't that mean you can control him, manipulate his actions and basically USE him to your advantage? Don't you think that would be a little too much? LOL.

Alright, I'll address your arguments then, since you called me out on it.

You have no control over God.  God doesn't deal out punishment and rewards based on who prays to him.  You say you're not thankful to anyone other than those immediately around you... that's a childish, selfish mindset. 

"Why people feel the need to thank a higher power for something they achieved on their own"... is again a selfish, full of yourself concept.  You didn't achieve what you have.  For one, you have a lot of what you have simply by being born in a certain country.  If you were born in Indonesia, you might be dead in an earthquake right now.  You didn't choose where you were born.  You didn't choose your genetics.  You may have been born with sickle cell, or downs syndrome, etc., who would you thank then for that?  If you were born with Downs Syndrome, would you blame yourself? 

Anybody with half a brain can see there's bigger things than just yourself.  You're powerless.  You have absolutely zero effect on the universe as we know it.  We don't even know a fraction of the universe.  We're all miniscule little ants who walk around thanking ourselves and patting ourselves on the back because we fucked some other ant walking around, or because we have more pretty green paper in our wallet than some other ant walking around. 

If you'll just rise up about 100 feet over your head and look down at yourself and the others around you, you'll see how silly it is to think that there is no 'higher power'. 

Your exact argument that you gave for why people shouldn't thank a higher power is the exact reason people SHOULD believe and thank a higher power. 

Of course; lets take it back to where I was before all of this.  I said that either you believe or you don't believe.  I've pitched my idea at you; and still you don't believe.  I was right and you were wrong before I even started.


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Re: Questions for those who aren't religious...
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2006, 02:16:29 PM »
Where was I wrong? We're both right. It depends on how you look at things. Also, some people do believe that God deals out punishment and rewards. What I said about the control stuff was obviously aimed at those people, and not at the entire world.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin

Don Seer

Re: Questions for those who aren't religious...
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2006, 02:29:12 PM »
Do you ever take time out to reflect on your life? 

I consider life a permanent learning experience, in maturing to be a better more rounded person, geared towards nesting, procreating and having fun.

I am also person who puts a lot of weight in my own conscience, and try to be moral, but not PC to the point of idiocy ;)

Are you thankful for everything you have? 
I thank no one, but i'm humble and appreciative of the good things and people in my life. So I thank the good people around me, and some of the bad for making me stronger.

I also believe in a personal version of "manifest destiny". I've become a much more proactive person when working towards my personal goals, because I believe good things don't come to those who wait idly, but to those who set the wheels in motion and are patient and don't expect instant results. What I mean is.. I'm 'doing' the parts of what I want from life that I can in a pragmatic manner and the things I can't 'control' i'm not worrying about..

Who do you thank?
My lucky stars.

btw to comment on other replies.  Anyone who thinks they 'control' god is an egomaniac.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2006, 03:30:20 PM by Overseer »


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Re: Questions for those who aren't religious...
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2006, 03:28:30 PM »
Do you ever take time out to reflect on your life?

yeah, where i am going, why the fuck i want to go there

i try not to look back

Are you thankful for everything you have?


Who do you thank?

myself, my parents, the people who have fought in wars for me to have my freedom

and dr. dre

i'd like to believe in something like god, but i just cant do it, devote my life to something ive never seen, something that has never helped me in anyway shape or form

when i got that 40p raise i got, i worked hard, god didnt give it to me, my manager did because i was outside in freezing cold conditions digging a 1m3 hole in the dirt for it to be filled in with concrete, and then come back to carry on working whilst i have the flu

no one is telling me that some higher power helped me do that, because they just didnt


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Re: Questions for those who aren't religious...
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2006, 05:59:47 PM »
btw to comment on other replies.  Anyone who thinks they 'control' god is an egomaniac.

I don't believe someone can control god. I still think God controls you. :-\


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Re: Questions for those who aren't religious...
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2006, 01:26:25 AM »
God doesnt control us, we have free will...

but i think infinite is being controlled by a religion.


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Re: Questions for those who aren't religious...
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2006, 02:45:19 AM »
A lot of good replies to this thread, Me, personally, Im very Very open to a lot of religious points of views from friends and others, I was raised Catholic, Confirmed, but im very open to a lot of religious points of views when they make sense.

I thank God for what i have around me, I have faith that there is a God, I try to do good not just because any God says to, but because personally I believe its the right thing to do.

This whole thread reminded me of a good song by
Muse - Thoughts Of a Dying Atheist



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Re: Questions for those who aren't religious...
« Reply #22 on: June 01, 2006, 01:27:53 PM »
God doesnt control us, we have free will...

Forgot about that...I learned that in Bruce Almighty :-[.


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Re: Questions for those who aren't religious...
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2006, 01:36:40 PM »
determination throughout genes & environment >>> free will
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re: Questions for those who aren't religious...
« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2006, 12:24:31 AM »
Do you ever take time out to reflect on your life? 

About daily. I think I'm not doing a bad job at it.

Are you thankful for everything you have? 

Yes, see answer below.

Who do you thank?

I thank my parents for making love that one night in 1983.

I don't see what these questions have to do with religion :loco:  Believing is being sure you're in doubt.

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: Questions for those who aren't religious...
« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2006, 10:07:40 PM »
question 1: im always reflecting on my life and everything around me; long story short, i feel like right now is probably the worst time of my life where i feel as if im losing everybody and everything...and as much as i try to stay positive and try to make things positive, it tends to fuck things over even more

question 2: whatever i have left, i'm somewhat thankful for; thankful for my family (especially my nephew and neice) because they are what keep me somewhat motivated

question 3: i thank God for my family...everything else ive been thankful for has disappeared; i feel as if the more i rapy the worse things become

ill leave it at that
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Re: Questions for those who aren't religious...
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2006, 08:13:24 AM »
question 1: im always reflecting on my life and everything around me; long story short, i feel like right now is probably the worst time of my life where i feel as if im losing everybody and everything...and as much as i try to stay positive and try to make things positive, it tends to fuck things over even more

question 2: whatever i have left, i'm somewhat thankful for; thankful for my family (especially my nephew and neice) because they are what keep me somewhat motivated

question 3: i thank God for my family...everything else ive been thankful for has disappeared; i feel as if the more i rapy the worse things become
ill leave it at that

Damn. That sounds familiar.