Author Topic: Who watches the Wire?  (Read 659 times)

J Bananas

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Who watches the Wire?
« on: September 29, 2006, 05:18:41 PM »
if not, catch up on the first three seasons. hbo's best next to curb your enthusiasm and sopranos. a lot of rappers jack ideas from this show for videos and stuff

Season 1

Episode 1: "The Target"
Baltimore Homicide Detective Jimmy McNulty drops in on the murder trial of a young drug dealer named D'Angelo Barksdale. From his vantage point in the back of the courtroom, McNulty observes who is there and is himself observed, by associates of Barksdale and by the presiding Judge Phelan.

A witness to the murder, William Gant, is called to testify and positively identifies Barksdale as the shooter at the crime scene. Next on the stand: a security guard who witnessed the killing and who, despite having previously identified the killer, is suddenly unable — or unwilling — to finger Barksdale. In short order, D'Angelo is acquitted of the murder.


Episode 2: "The Detail"
Detectives McNulty and Bunk visit the city morgue to view the body of William Gant, the state's witness in D'Angelo Barksdale's ill-fated murder trial. McNulty is convinced that Gant was murdered by the Barksdale organization, to send a message.

Lieutenant Daniels, who's been given a mixed bag of cops to create a case against Avon Barksdale, leads several members of his team to their new "office," a dungeon-like space in the basement of Mitchell Courthouse.


Episode 3: "The Buys"
In the fallout from the ruckus at the Towers — including a looming Grand Jury investigation — Lieutenant Daniels reluctantly covers for his detectives, saying he sent them to the projects in the middle of the night. "If I tell you I knew they were going, I screwed up," he says to Deputy Commissioner Burrell. "If I tell you I didn't, I get my officers in trouble...I screwed up." However, Daniels does insist that Prez be placed on desk duty. Major Valchek, Prez's father-in-law, says he owes Daniels for helping Prez, and promises Daniels two new cars and a surveillance van as well as some recording equipment to further the investigation.


Episode 4: "Old Cases"
Detective Mahon dramatizes his injuries sustained during the unproductive low-rise bust and, resisting Daniels' plea that he continue, says he wants out on a medical disability.

Meanwhile Bodie, who's incarcerated at the Juvenile Services Boys Village, escapes by simply walking out the unattended door to the facility. At about the same time, Carver and Herc, with dreams of glory, head for Boys Village hoping to sweat Bodie until he begins to squeal. "Then we break the case wide open," Herc says.


Episode 5: "The Pager"
Avon Barksdale is paranoid, and begins to worry that his phones are tapped. Stringer Bell visits D'Angelo and urges him to keep his boys alert in the wake of Omar stealing the stash at the Pit. Stringer also hatches a plan with D'Angelo to smoke out what Stringer and Avon believe is a snitch in D'Angelo's crew. "Don't pay your team," Stringer says. "The ones who don't ask for an advance when their money runs out obviously have another source of income, and those are your snitches."


Episode 6: "The Wire"
D'Angelo's boy Wallace awakens to a grim scene outside the abandoned rowhouse that he shares with a group of parentless children. The brutalized corpse of Omar's boy Brandon is splayed across the hood of a car. Wallace gets all the kids off to school, handing each of them a juice box on their way out the door. As the police arrive and cordon off the crime scene and Wallace realizes it is Brandon's body, it dawns on him that it was his phone call that set in motion this killing.

D'Angelo has hooked up with Shardene, the stripper from Orlando's, who is in his kitchen preparing breakfast and sees pictures of his son on the fridge. She asks if D'Angelo is friendly with his son's mother. Dee tries to play down their relationship but also manages to offend Shardene with his answer.


Episode 7: "One Arrest"
Prez, it turns out, has another unexpected gift: the ability to decipher the slurred, streetwise slang of the drug dealers. In the Detail Room, he's the undisputed champ of grasping the meaning of the wiretapped conversations, a talent he developed, he explains, from listening to the Rolling Stones' "Brown Sugar." "I used to put my head to the stereo speaker and play that record over and over."

Rawls presses Santangelo to come up with something negative on McNulty but Santangelo resists, saying, "It's not my job to fuck another cop." Rawls says he better come through with something he can use against McNulty, and in the meantime assigns Santangelo to the unsolved Denise Redding murder case for him to close.


Episode 8: "Lessons"
Sleuthing apparently runs in McNulty's family. When the detective encounters Stringer Bell in a grocery store while shopping with his kids, he has his sons play a spy game in which one leads and one follows the target. The kids tail Bell to his car and write down his license number, but not before McNulty loses track of his boys in the market.

With both phones at the low rise ripped out, detectives continue surveillance there to determine which phones the drug crew is using. When the taps reveal that some sort of pickup is being scheduled, the team makes plans to intercede. After observing a bag passed to a man in a fancy car, detectives stop the car a few blocks away and discover the driver, has received $20,000.


Episode 9: "Game Day"
Avon and Stringer watch basketball practice at a local junior college and pay $10,000 to one of its players so he'll play for them in an upcoming game between the East and West projects. Afterwards the player leaves, they discuss Omar. Stringer again advises that they call a truce and wait for Omar to emerge. Avon is concerned about the message that would send about his standing in the community.

Wallace tells D'Angelo that he wants out of the game. At 16, he feels there's still hope for him, and he says he wants to go back to school and finish the 9th grade. D'Angelo gives him some cash, and Poot later observes Wallace buying drugs.


Episode 10: "The Cost"
After his failed attempt to kill Avon, Omar lays low, afraid even to go to a hospital because Avon's boys, he believes, will be waiting on him in the parking lot when he gets out. Avon at last seems willing to take Stringer's advice, and Omar receives word that Barksdale wants a truce. Omar agrees to meet Stringer in person to discuss the terms. Stringer meanwhile tells Avon he should give up his phone, not touch any drugs, make no money runs and replace his pager with a New York pager number. "We gotta build a wall around you, B," Stringer says to him.


Episode 11: "The Hunt"
Greggs is in the hospital unconscious from gunshot wounds in her neck. At the crime scene, Bunk discovers that her gun, which she'd hidden under the seat of the car in which she was shot, had slid away and she was unable to retrieve it to defend herself when the shooting started. Rawls finds that the street signs nearby have been tampered with, which meant Greggs was unable to radio her proper location.

Wee-Bey beeps Stringer from a pay phone near the shooting. The call is traced to the pay phone later, connecting Stringer to the crime, and while there are no fingerprints on the phone, a soda can nearby yields the prints of Little Man, one of Barksdale's crew. Wee-Bey reports to Stringer that the heist went well, but Stringer informs him that the woman they shot was a cop.


Episode 12: "Cleaning Up"
Greggs' condition has stabilized but McNulty is distraught and determined to feel guilty about her being shot. Drinking heavily, he's been unable to bring himself to visit her in the hospital or even call. "Avon Barksdale," he tells Daniels, "was just a way for me to show everyone how smart I was and how fucked up the department is. It was never about Avon Barksdale; it was just about me." Daniels calls him on his self-pity and says the case will move forward with or without McNulty.

Stringer arrives at the Pit and collects beepers from everyone in the operation. He gives cell phones to D'Angelo and Bodie and orders everyone else "off the air." And when they do use a cell phone, he instructs, use it just to set up a meeting and then talk face to face.


Episode 13: "Sentencing"
Bunk goes to the hospital to visit Greggs, who is conscious and though weak, able to name Little Man as her assailant. Pushed by Bunk to ID Wee-Bey, she refuses. "The other one was out there in the dark," she says.

The squad arrests 20 other people in the Barksdale case and Avon is quickly out of jail on a quarter-million-dollar bail. He and Stringer meet Levy in an underground garage. "It's "the only place we can safely talk," says Levy, who urges Avon to consider a structured plea: "That means you gotta deliver all your people-all of them-down to a man." Later, Avon and Stringer go to the funeral parlor they own and begin setting up a new office. "We gotta be back up quick," says Avon, "'fore we lose the Towers."


Season 2

The Wire - S2E01 - Ebb Tide
Jimmy McNulty has been demoted and reassigned to the Baltimore Police Harbor unit as Colonel Rawls' revenge. On this dread detail, the big excitement of the day is a yacht with a dead motor, adrift while a corporate party moves into high gear. McNulty is depressed about his new assignment, even as his new partner Diggins tells him: "In a couple of months, you're gonna realize the bosses did you a favor, McNulty. This is the sweetest detail in the whole damn department if you give it a chance."

The Wire - S2E02 - Collateral Damage
At the cargo terminal, with no apparent evidence of foul play, the death of the 13 women is ruled an accident. "No need to open an investigation on this," says a Port Authority cop. "No crime. All you got here, Officer Russell, is a lot of paperwork."

Sobotka is enraged by the 13 deaths and at the diner demands an explanation from Vondas. Vondas tells him it's all a big mistake, but Sobotka demands advance notice the next time people are shipped through his port on a container.

The Wire - S2E03 - Hot Shots
Omar is stationed outside the apartment building where drug dealer Darnell lives, awaiting Darnell's little brother. Omar has established that Darnell's kid brother leaves the building twice a day with a laundry basket in which the day's drug earnings are stashed. Omar plans to take out the kid and steal the cash. "We don't have to blast our way to the top floor, we just wait," Omar explains to Dante, his lover. Astonishingly, before his eyes, two black women — Kimmy and Tosha — who've been lounging around the doorway, spring into action, drawing guns and making off with the cash. "That's something you don't see everyday," Omar says.

The Wire - S2E04 - Hard Cases
An angry Sobotka meets his nephew Nick by the harbor, telling him his theft of the cameras is further jeopardizing the port's diminished cargo business. Nick says it's too late; the cameras have been fenced. And Nick explains that he can't survive with the little bit of legitimate work he's getting at the dock. "I'm on my ass. I can't get by on five days a month." Sobotka tells him if he needs money, "you come to me."

The Wire - S2E05 - Undertow
Ziggy attempts to collect money from a white drug dealer named Frog he's been supplying, but Frog won't pay, saying the stash was hit. Frustrated but too soft-hearted to get tough with the dealer, Ziggy leaves, only to be surrounded suddenly by Cheese and his gang. Ziggy owes Cheese for the package he was fronted, and since he hasn't paid up, Cheese drags him from his car, slaps him around and take his leather coat. Cheese warns he'd better pay up by Friday or he'll be dead on Saturday. The dealer takes off in Ziggy's car, leaving him stranded on the corner.

The Wire - S2E06 - All Prologue
Omar on the stand during Bird's murder trial is a prosecutor's nightmare. "I rob drug dealers," he says when asked his occupation. Asked how he survives in such a dangerous profession, he tells the court: "Day at a time, I suppose." He does identify Bird as the shooter in the Gant murder, however, and even manages to get a rise out of Bird by implying he's too stupid to dispose of his gun after a murder. Under cross-examination, Maurice Levy calls Omar a parasite living off of the culture of drugs, to which Omar responds: "Just like you man. I got the shotgun, you got the briefcase." The statement impresses a stunned courtroom.

The Wire - S2E07 - Backwash
Bodie buys flowers for D'Angelo's funeral, explaining to the florist that his friend "hung himself, string himself up over at The Cut" — slang for the prison. He asks for an arrangement of flowers in the shape of The Fremont Towers, with the numbers 221 signifying the address that was Dee's turf.

The Wire - S2E08 - Duck and Cover
McNulty is wasted after a night of drinking and from a bar calls Elena, who hangs up on him. Barely able to sit behind the wheel, he leaves the bar to drive home and sideswipes a bridge abutment while making a turn. Undaunted, he backs up to try the turn again, to improve on his technique, but crashes his car even harder, damaging the front end severely. Nursing a bleeding hand, he goes to a nearby restaurant, and proceeds to pick up a waitress, spending the rest of the night having wild sex at her apartment.

The Wire - S2E09 - Stray Rounds
On the new drug corner they commandeered from their rivals, Bodie and crew sell their repackaged dope, newly named WMD. In an apartment overlooking the scene, a young mother readies her children for school, but soon hits the floor when the rival gang shows up and shooting begins. Both gangs fire wildly, dispersing only when police sirens are heard. Upstairs, the mother discovers that one of her kids has been killed getting ready for school.

The Wire - S2E10 - Storm Warnings
At the Towers, the joint is jumping, with dealers and junkies crawling all over the courtyard for the first time in months. So Bodie is puzzled when Stringer stops by to tell him that henceforth, dealers from the east side of Baltimore will be working three buildings formerly controlled by the Barksdale crew. Bodie is instructed to be courteous to them and let them do their work. Puzzled, he questions Stringer, who explains that this is part of an agreement that's brought good-quality dope back to the neighborhood.

The Wire - S2E11 - Bad Dreams
At 6 a.m. sharp, the police action begins. The cops storm Glekas's appliance store but find the place utterly cleaned out, with only a bloodstain where Glekas died left behind. The cops also burst into Nick's row house, rousting his parents and Aimee from their beds, although Nick is nowhere to be found. They do find a large stash of both heroin and cash, handcuff Aimee and toss the rest of the house. The cops also nab Serge and Eton at their houses and White Mike and the Russian madam at theirs. Sobotka, emerging from his house, is followed but not arrested, Valchek having sent word that he wants to perform that chore personally. After finding his son accused of murder in the morning paper, Sobotka tellingly drives to the union hall, not the jail where Ziggy is incarcerated.

The Wire - S2E12 - Port in a Storm
At the cargo terminal, stevedores and checkers gathering at dawn for a day of work notice a police launch idling in the harbor, a policeman struggling with another floater. About the same time, Nick knocks on his uncle Frank Sobotka's door and learns he never returned home the previous evening. Fearing the worst, he races to the desolate spot under the Key Bridge where Sobotka was to meet Vondas and The Greek the evening before and finds Sobotka's truck parked and locked. At the dock, the longshoremen — including Sobotka's colleagues Ott, Maui, Moonshot, Little Big Roy — meet the police launch. Nick arrives at the same moment and sees, as the policemen lift off a body — Frank Sobotka — stabbed, throat slashed and blue from 18 hours in the water.

Season 3

The Wire-S3E01-Time After Time
The Franklin Terrace housing project — the infamous Towers where the Barksdale drug gang operates — are razed, with a promise from Mayor Royce that low and moderate-priced housing will eventually replace them. Poot is upset, nonetheless: "I'm kinda sad. Them towers be home to me," he tells Bodie, who derides his sentimentality. "You gonna cry over a housing project?" he asks. Poot responds that he has a lot of good memories growing up there, including losing his virginity to Chantay in 7th Grade. Bodie suggests that she gave Poot the clap — more than once. "Don't matter how many times you get burnt," he says. "You just keep doin' the same."

The Wire-S3E02-All Due Respect
Omar makes a dramatic reappearance, disguised as an old man in a wheelchair just out of the V.A. hospital. With friend and partner in crime Kimmy, the two con their way into a Barksdale stash house, and in a heist that's almost too easy, make off with the drugs and the cash.

The Wire-S3E03-Dead Soldiers
The brutality at Police Headquarters continues as Rawls and Commissioner Burrell terrorize Department Commanders over their failure to reign in the city's crime stats. After being raked over the coals in front of his peers, Major Marvin Taylor, the Eastern District Commander, is further humiliated as Burrell publicly relieves him of his duties and names Taylor's second in command to replace him.

The Wire-S3E04-Amsterdam
Cops and City Council members meet with angry residents of Baltimore's West Side to reassure them that the police are on top of the drug war in their neighborhoods. The cops also encourage the residents to report drug activity, but the West Siders are having none of it. "My cousin Billy Gant cooperated," one resident reports. "Went downtown and testified. He deader than Tupac today." Jumping into the fray, Major Colvin takes over the podium and tells the gathering there are no easy answers to the drug problem. "Truth is, I can't promise you it's gonna get better," he says. "We can't lock up the thousands that are out on those corners. There's no place to put them if we could... This here is the world we've got, and it's time that all of us had the good sense to at least admit that much." When asked what the answer is, Colvin responds: "I'm not sure. But whatever it is, it can't be a lie." As Colvin leaves, the room erupts into angry chaos.

The Wire-S3E05-Straight And True
Johnny pressures Bubbles to stop snitching for the Detail. "We getting by with the capers, ain't we?" he asks. "Oh yeah," responds Bubbles. "We getting by. Out here every damn day, rippin' and runnin' and ain't got shit to show for it." As if on cue, Johnny spots a ladder with a man atop — working on a house — and persuades Bubbles, who is fed up with it all, once more to enact their sure-fire scam — a two-act drama in which Bubbles shakes the ladder, threatening to topple it, until Johnny and races in to the "rescue," shooing Bubbles away. The victim — grateful, naturally — coughs up a tenner for Johnny, but when he sets out to meet up with Bubbles afterward, his friend is nowhere to be found.

The Wire-S3E06-Homecoming
Major Colvin along with Mello, Carver and the other cops observe the so-called free zone they've created on Vincent Street in West Baltimore. They're encouraged but not satisfied with what they see: a modestly busy open-air drug market in a deserted neighborhood, a neighborhood the dealers refer to as Hamsterdam. When Carver informs Colvin that some dealers are resistant to the free zones, Colvin urges his cops to "bang them senseless. Anything you need to do, you do. Up to a body that can't walk itself out of an emergency room, I will back you and your men."

The Wire-S3E07-Backburners
Avon Barksdale, out of prison and on the prowl, rides the West Side with Slim Charles, who shows him how the cops are out in force on the drug corners. "Likely 'cause we been dropping bodies," explains Charles. He also tells Avon that Marlo — following Barksdale's attempted hit on it — has closed up shop and is working as a drug wholesaler instead a retailer. Barksdale is amazed at Marlo's hasty retreat: "An' I was just beginning to respect the motherfucker for showin' heart." Herc, on duty in the free zone, is amazed when he spots Avon Barksdale, riding by in an SUV.

The Wire-S3E08-Moral Midgetry
The open-air drug market at Hamsterdam appears to be flourishing. Prostitution thrives, dealers sell, junkies overdose and coeds make buys as drug paraphernalia sellers ply their trade and common criminals are drawn to the action. One gang lures dealers into an abandoned rowhouse with the promise of gold jewelry at bargain-basement prices, only to rob them when they step inside to survey the wares.

The Wire-S3E09-Slapstick
McNulty is awaked from a dead sleep sometime before dawn by Theresa D'Agostino, who has checked into a Baltimore hotel and wants the detective's company. He awakens Sean, his oldest boy, and tells him his cell number is on the table, and that he'll be back later, and heads into the night for a tryst with his lover. Returning home, he tries to interest himself in the talking heads on TV, ruminating about politics, but it's just too boring, and watches an old movie instead.

The Wire-S3E10-Reformation
New York enforcer Brother Mouzone and Lamar arrive at the scene of the demolished towers. With Lamar questioning the disappearance of the buildings, Mouzone explains it simply, "Reform, Lamar. Reform." But with revenge on his mind Mouzone immediately sets about finding Omar. On the streets of the West Side, the war between Marlo and Barksdale continues to draw blood. Fruit muscles through the spectators of a crime scene to find one of his men dead. A few blocks away, Justin and Jamal finds Latroy shot to death moments earlier beside the driver's side of Marlo's Denali. Minutes later, Slim Charles and crew report in to Avon that two more are gone.

The Wire-S03E11-Middle Ground
Brother Mouzone confronts Omar on a dark West Side street, and after a tense standoff, reveals what's on his mind: How can he get to Stringer Bell?

In the Detail Office, Freamon, McNulty and Officer Caroline Massey begin reaping the fruits of their scheme to sell burners to the Barksdale gang. Soon, however, they're frustrated again when they realize that Stringer Bell is still out of reach. He has his own cell phone, and doesn't use a burner like his soldiers do. McNulty, remembering an FBI device that plucked a phone number off a cell tower during the waterfront investigation, visits his old pal Agent Fitzhugh and asks if he can borrow it. He's stunned to learn that his own department has three such devices, provided by Homeland Security. Sure enough, he finds them unopened, in the department's storage room.

The-Wire-S3-E12-Mission Accomplished
Bunk investigates the murder of Stringer Bell, determining that two shooters were involved. But when he asks the only eye witness—Bell's contractor Andy Krawczyk — what he saw, Krawczyk responds: "I told you I saw only the one. I know he was black. Big, I thought. With a large weapon." "BNBG," responds Bunk, dredging up an old detective adage: Big Negro, Big Gun.


  • Guest
Re: Who watches the Wire?
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2006, 05:27:47 PM »
how do u dl this mofos?

J Bananas

  • Guest
Re: Who watches the Wire?
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2006, 05:30:01 PM »
its down in the bottom half of tha page (the link)


  • Guest
Re: Who watches the Wire?
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2006, 05:35:16 PM »
Props man I just started watching it this season, good show.