Author Topic: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...  (Read 246 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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To all who can grasp this thinking, you are walking the inner pathway of freedom. To those who fight it, you are only battling yourself.

The Abyss of Thinking,

God, Most High, Creator as defined by itself is absolutely, unquestionable beyond human comprehension. ALL we truly know is that we (as in the whole universe) exist because it exists. God, as defined by humans, is a concept. For it is the human spirituality that brings it to life. Humans create God in his or her image.

This is evident in ALL cultures both ancient and current....

1. Christianity was developed by European male scholars and the image of a God source that represents that religion is a European male.

2. Buddhism was developed by Asian male scholars the image of a God source for that religion is an Asian male.

3. Ancient Mayans was developed by Mayan male scholars and the God source for that religion was the image of a Mayan male.

4. Ancient Meta Netur was developed by Black male and female Kemet scholars and the God source for that religion was the image of black male and female Kemetians (mentionable note: this was the first culture that developed a God source for this current civilization) Ect.,

For if the God source is the same to all humans, then there would be absolutely no debates on the origin, vision, or principle the God source represents. All humans would see God as is, just as all humans see the sun as light and the sky as blue. Each human visualizes God by the use of his or her intuitive nature.

No two people’s visions are the same. They may use another persons' vision (like Leonardo Da Vinci's painting of Jesus) to influence their perception, but the reality is if that person never had a picture supplied by the painter, his or her vision would be quite different. Because people don’t visualize and think exactly the same, the God source identifies, communicates, and dwells within each individual human and relates to that human exactly as that human perceives God to be. Then humans with similar not exact perceptions create organized groups, join together, develop, and practice rituals.

All humans seek pleasure in his or her perceptions to obtain the ultimate feeling of well being within his or her own spirit. Humans will seek ideas, stories, data, information, science, mathematics, ect., to support their perceptions. Then humans actually live what they have perceived. You are only subject to your perception. It is man who creates the conditions to support his perception (heaven, hell ect.,)

Many who read this post will think this is blasemphy, but if you truly attempt to synthesize rather than analyze or use Holistic thought rather than rational thought, then one can obtain the lesson of knowledge based on the wisdom of divine universal law. Now I realized this will not be comprehended by most, but a few of you should of be able to get...the more advanced souls.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2006, 06:58:08 PM by Merovingian »

J Bananas

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Re: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2006, 02:29:47 AM »
i am outraged by this trash writing


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2006, 06:42:19 AM »
i am outraged by this trash writing

Not trash writing, a known fact.


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Re: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2006, 11:53:35 AM »
im not angry at you but what you are trying to say is that we made up God with our minds?

my opinion is that God created us and not us created him becuase i have seen alot of mircles read quite a bit of the bible and have been taught some things on it

And chrisitianity wasnt created by europeans it was created by God and given to the jewish people to spread around the world. the remaining Disciples went into Europe (mainly Greece) to preach the word of God (the bible). Europeans couldnt of created it because they (mainly the Roman army) used to kill christians after Jesus died, round about 64 A.D. Thats were the name martyr comes from. the bible was only interperated/translated by europeans later on thats why we have a king James version.


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2006, 12:36:00 PM »
im not angry at you but what you are trying to say is that we made up God with our minds?

my opinion is that God created us and not us created him becuase i have seen alot of mircles read quite a bit of the bible and have been taught some things on it

And chrisitianity wasnt created by europeans it was created by God and given to the jewish people to spread around the world. the remaining Disciples went into Europe (mainly Greece) to preach the word of God (the bible). Europeans couldnt of created it because they (mainly the Roman army) used to kill christians after Jesus died, round about 64 A.D. Thats were the name martyr comes from. the bible was only interperated/translated by europeans later on thats why we have a king James version.

That's what an enslaved mind would say. Are you even aware of the biblical revisions that took place in Europe? My guess is no. Throughout history, humans have created dieties and made them relevant to their circumstances. This is no different with Christianity or Islam. They are based on pre-existing myths which preceeds them by centuries. The bible is nothing more than an embellished version of these pre-exisitng myths.

Your perception of God is based on the words of other men. Do you ever wonder why biblical stories are inconsistent with archeological evidence?
« Last Edit: November 15, 2006, 12:37:57 PM by Merovingian »


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Re: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2006, 04:55:46 PM »


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Re: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2006, 12:11:35 PM »

Merovingian i got a couple of questions:

You written alot of things but wheres is your proof? this is just your view

i know buddhaism was created in Asia but how do you know chritianity was created by europeans?. Just because Jesus is percieved as a white male in the western part of the world, it doesnt mean that he was created by europeans, in ethiopia he is black, in other parts of the world he looks different.

enslaved mind? really i dont think so. maybe you the enslaved one

what pre-existing myths are christianity based on?

and the biggest question of all have you ever read the bible? and understand whats inside. or have you just heard about it and made up your mind already

And by the way archeologists have found things that are in the bible "the remains of the tower of babel, the remains of king solomons temple (they actually want to rebuild it)

people always make judgements about things without hearing the other side of the story

like you for example, you're probably an atheist or anostic right? and you have already made your mind up that God isnt real and the "human mind" made him up without even hearing the other side of the story. do you ever wonder why chrisitanity is so big, why every country knows about Jesus, why there are so many chrisitians out there, not because they are enslaved and use religion to hide from their problems or make them feel good, (if that was the case then christianity would'nt of survived long) but maybe because they have found something that you havent found yet.

i agree that alot of religions/cults are taken from christianity (jehovah witness etc) and then have been twsited to suit them or some of them are made up (wicca etc) but God isnt made up, you just dont understand christanity.

im not trying to start an argument but this is just how I feel. just like you wrote how you feel

I can tell that your a very intelligent person but maybe thats the problem.


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2006, 04:39:06 PM »
I have most certainly read the bible. Spent most of my youth in the church. However, I was never the kind of person to just simply believe without question. I had many questions that my pastor could not answer. Therefore, I did my own research into the origins of Christianity and many other religions both ancient and current. And what I've found made a profound impact on how I view life and religion. I've learned that this religion was not the religion our ancestors practiced in Africa prior to the slave trade. It was forced upon our slave ancestors by their oppressors. There are many verses in the bible they used as a justification for slavery.

Why we, the oldest people on the planet, are studying a history cloaked in Jewish lineage? Denomination without investigation is foolish. Many are afraid to venture outside of biblical boundaries that may cause them to act upon their discoveries. They are afraid they will discover something historically plausible that may cause them to change their view. It is often easier to consider new information blasphemous or even bluntly reject it.

Most will say that you got to have faith. Well, here's what I say: If faith requires no proof, then imagination becomes a great thing. If you were told to have faith in an almighty polka dot monkey, how could anyone dispute such an idea, especially since we do not have to provide any evidence of the monkey's existence? One can have faith that the wheels on their car won't fall off when they are riding. People give power to that which they focus their energy on. This is precisely the reason there are thousands of religious and belief systems in the world. Many of these beliefs are based on mythology, which is simply a timeless expression of the human imagination. People, places, and things are real if we believe them to be.

Constantine, one of the most influential figures in Christianity, helped determine what books and passages were to be admitted, omitted and altered in the Bible. There were 30 gospels in circulation prior the Council of Nicea however, only four were included in the bible. Much of the Christian principles on which we stand were actually laws put in place by this Roman Emperor. He was an ungodly man who had his son publicly executed and his wife boiled alive. He played a major role in writing, omitting, and editing the books of the Bible. His first order of business once he conquered Rome was to change the day of worship from Saturday to SUN-DAY.

I believe the story of Jesus was created in order to unite the Roman Empire under one religion. Prior to the adoption of Christianity, Mithraism was heavily practiced in Rome and other surrounding countries.

Other than the Bible, there are no non-biblical references to the existence of Jesus eventhough there were several notable Jewish historians living during the supposed life of Jesus. Jesus shares many characterisitics with pagan dieties of several ancient cultures particularly Mithra and Horus (Born Dec 25th in a manger, visited by 3 wise men, died on a cross, ect.) which preceeded Christianity by centuries. Also, many of the miracles performed by Jesus defy the natural and physical laws that make up our Earth and the Universe. So, if Jesus were in fact a man, it would be impossible for him to perform these miracles for man cannot supercede natural law. Lastly, many of the biblical references to Jesus are not eye-witness nor first-hand accounts. They were written long after Jesus' supposed death. I could go on and on.

Based on this and many other historical and archeological inaccuracies, I can only conlcude that the story of Jesus and many other stories referenced in the Bible are not true.




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Re: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2006, 07:03:31 PM »

Merovingian if your pastor could'nt answer your questions then he isnt a good pastor

Jesus wasnt born on the 25th of December it doesnt say that anywhere in the Bible that was made up by someone (Constantine i think) so that we would have atleast one day to acknowledge/remember Jesus being born for us. its better than having no day at all

There werent 3 wise men that visited jesus. It doesnt actually say how many people visited Jesus in the bible, it just says they brought gold frankisense and mrryh. the three wise men was made up

Jesus died on a cross because thats how they used to kill criminals back then. it wasnt just Jesus that died on crosses many people before and after Jesus were crucified. Jesus was percieved as a criminal and blasphemer so he was killed.

The reason why the miracles of Jesus defied the laws we have on earth is becase Jesus wasnt a man. Yes his physical appearance was a man because he was born from a virgin woman. but inside the bible says was God "God came to this world but the world did not recognise him". because God could not come to this Earth without a body. He came to make a sacrifice for us, to show us what he is like and what we should be like and so that he was able to use his powers (miracles healing etc) through Jesus' human body

The stories were written after Jesus died by the disciples of Jesus (Matthew, John, Luke etc) the men who were the closet to him. and it says the reason why they could write the scriptures in such detail was because the holy spirit was within them

if you need so much proof that God exists then it isnt really faith is it. Isnt being alive, the miracles of child birth, the workings of the holy spirit (people being healed, speaking in tongues,etc), the mechanics of the human body, child birth, the bible, life itself, enough proof that God exists

Of course i question things but then i go out and find answers to support my questions i dont just give up and say that "there is no God" "nothing in the bible is real"

it even says that Constantine adopted chirstianity and was baptized on his death bed. he legalized christianity.

have a read through this if you have time

he didnt make sunday a day of worship by himself. he embraced the christian/jewish tradition given in "Exodus" to Moses that said the day of worship should be Sunday. so he changed the pagan ways of the Romans by embracing Christanity

a lot of this contradicts a lot of the things you are saying

you say that they were 30 gospels but ive heard that these are rumours, werent meant to be in the bible and alot of them are fake (the book of Judas etc)


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2006, 04:10:59 PM »
I've searched that site extensively. You will never find objective, unbiased answers on a site that allows you to edit its material. There is far more to your religion that you don't know my friend. I suggest you start reading debunking texts.

None of the gospels were written by their purported author and no mention of any New Testament text can by found in any writings prior to the beginning of the second century of the Common Era. The gospels are all forgeries over a century after their pretended dates. No Christian writer of the first half of the second century even quotes the gospels or their reputed authors. Christianity's history is rife with forgery and fraud. Forgery during the first centuries of the Church's existense was rampant with fraud. The church historian Mosheim acknowledges that Christian Fathers deemed it a pious act to employ deception and fraud. This is just a start.

None of what you say proves the existence of God or Jesus for that matter. Your perception of God is based from a book that has been interpolated over the centuries and word of mouth. Child birth, being alive, and speaking in the tounges does not prove its existense. If all it took was God to reveal itself to us, then we would ALL have the same vision of God. Therefore, the revelation of being revealed is soley based on what we percieve the revelation to be. We create the illusion that presents itself neither right nor wrong, but rather a personal experience. One can say God lays out the blueprints and we decide on what paths to walk but make no mistake, we can only create, percieve, and visualize what has already been programmed inside us.

Personally, I don't believe the WHOLE bible is wrong. I believe its the way people read it literally. It's just a tool of many. If a story in the bible can inspire you based on your OWN experiences, then so be it but, to take it word for word will drive you into a state of madness which is evident in most who do so. The writers used ancient stories (told before) and their own experiences and put together a collection of stories used to help inspire the reader for change nothing more, nothing less.

The inner divine is not in a book. It has no rules, no conditions. It just is and it works through every man. People read the bible, take it literally, and start looking for God outside themselves and that's where they fail because they start to look for a heaven (happiness) when they die rather than while they are living.

I case you're wondering, here's what I believe:

I believe in a higher power. I do not believe that higher power is accessed outside of me but rather inside of me. I believe the love of ones self is what gives us a direct relation to that energy and through that energy, we can love others and have divine empathy for others and treat others with love. I worship my creator by loving and helping others as I do not believe that higher power judges us at all. I believe we judge ourselves therefore, we are subject to our actions and reactions (cause and effect). We learn what not to do by what we have done and gotten negative reactions from. Because of this belief, I take my creator out of a box with conditions and restrictions and live a very enlightening life.

I posted this topic not to disrespect the bible, as I don't see that as the issue. It is the way people take every word literally. People fail to just think for themselves or better yet, build a relationship with the Inner GOD. They would rather take the experience of another man(people in the bible) and then apply it to their direct situation and actually expect results. If GOD is omni in nature then no book is ever neccessary to communicate with its presence.


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Re: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2006, 06:48:19 AM »
Men first, God next.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2006, 02:46:48 PM »
well if u know any thing about ancient egyptian religion . a lot of shit from the bible is based on it Osiris ,Isis ,Horus are almost the christian trinity
United Arab States

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Re: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2006, 04:55:25 AM »
im still blown away buy this completely non christian outlook. dont you know everyone in America thinks exactly the way you described?


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: The Abyss of Thinking, A Deep Penetration, A Hard Pill to Swallow...
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2006, 08:00:58 AM »
im still blown away buy this completely non christian outlook. dont you know everyone in America thinks exactly the way you described?

Don't be, people are starting to think for themselves instead of letting their pastors or a book dictate how they should live their lives.