Author Topic: RIP Chris Benoit  (Read 3681 times)

Mo Z. Dizzle

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Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #150 on: June 27, 2007, 07:41:04 PM »
anyone else catch Bret Hart on Fox News?

nah, what'd he say?

i read / saw some other things he said though
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #151 on: June 28, 2007, 09:12:15 AM »
i still cant get over how crazy this is, aparantly he couldnt handle the pressure of his son having this condition! shame on the wee lad,

ther is still talk tht his wife had killed his son then he arrived home, but i seriously cant beleive tht, i can barely believe he did it


Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #152 on: June 28, 2007, 09:56:13 AM »
Damn JR talks sooo much sense, i try to read his blog as much as possible and he seems so down to earth, heres what he had to say on the benoit thing

RAW color commentator Jim Ross released the following comments concerning the Chris Benoit Tragedy, the media, and this past Monday's RAW on his web site:

The senseless and tragic death of the 3 people in the double murder-suicide that occurred over the weekend in the Benoit’s home in an Atlanta suburb is a nightmare that one still wants to awake from. For those of us that knew Chris, Nancy, and Daniel on a personal level it is still hard to believe that this horrific event could even occur much less why.

The last time I saw the three of them together was at Wrestlemania 23 and my wife and I had a long visit with the Benoits and at no time could one detect that there were any issues whatsoever. I even had the occasion to speak at length privately to Nancy and she said things were fine at home. As well as Nancy and I knew each other, if that had not been the case, she would have inferred otherwise I assure you. Like so many others who attended the event on that night, the Benoit family was happy and enjoying the moment.

So what happened? I do not know. No one knows. We will hopefully know more when the toxicology reports are completed. Until then all anyone has, including the media, is supposition based on speculation. To garner ratings, the media will continue to make this as huge a story as possible, even without all the facts. That’s the business in which they are involved. Remember when the media, without all the facts, essentially convicted the Duke Lacrosse team several months ago only to find out that there was no case but in the spirit of ratings and to scoop the competition, the three young men from the Duke Lacrosse team were in essence ruled guilty by the media?

I know this damn sure isn’t a Duke Lacrosse matter or even remotely close, because two innocent people are dead. But again we hear the media rush to judgment about why and how this horrific chain of events came to pass, but still without the evidence or a valid motive. So then why are three people dead? What caused this irrational and totally uncharacteristic behavior from an individual who hereto for had never demonstrated such tendencies in his workplace, not even once? I don’t know and neither does anyone else until the medical examiner can provide more information and then there will be most likely questions in this matter than may never be answered. I know this, God knows and he will deal with this matter accordingly.

Plus, some of those who have or are loosely associated with wrestling and who are making statements with little or no background of the facts of this matter or who simply want another 15 minutes are in a large sense pathetic.

The bottom line is that a woman and a small child are dead of murder and that is an utter shame. That act is inexcusable. The victim’s families need to be held close to our hearts and in our prayers. Let’s consider putting forth as much passion and effort in prayer and reflection as some are in playing amateur detective and wannabe investigative reporters. Let’s spend a little more time with our own families while we are at it, because there are no guarantees about tomorrow and we should covet every day we are blessed to have with our loved ones. I know this, I am going to do all I can to spend more time with family and friends than ever before as this sad situation has slapped me in the face in more ways than one.

I have had friends who questioned the Benoit-themed Monday Night Raw, especially in light of the events that occurred in the Benoit home. For all those who seem to know all the answers and seemingly like to give the appearance of having 20/20 vision after the fact let me add this; when we went on the air at 7 p.m. central time, all we knew was that the police, at the WWE’s urging, had gone to the home and had found three dead bodies in the Benoit home Monday afternoon. This information was confirmed to us late in the day Monday in Corpus Christi and that was all we knew. There was no talk from the authorities themselves of a double murder suicide that was relayed to us in Texas. The facts came out as the night progressed and more facts are still being released several days after this unspeakable nightmare.

Obviously, and in my opinion, if the WWE had known the information of what had actually happened in suburban Atlanta over the weekend, a different decision regarding Monday’s three hour retrospective to Benoit’s career would have obviously been different.

I know that Benoit’s behavior was totally uncharacteristic of him, as I knew him over so many years as he was one of the most professional and polite men with which I have ever been associated. I don’t know why this sickening chain of events happened, but murder, especially taking one’s own child’s life, is unpardonable. I am anxious to read the results of the toxicology reports as the next curious individual but the bottom line is that 3 people are dead including a mother and her son.

It is not too late for all of us to change how we deal with our own families and our friends and to honor every day we have the privilege of being on this earth. Remember, we are all only passing through, so take every day as a gift and continue to count all one’s blessings.

Today can truly be the first day in the rest of our lives. God Bless all of you that are suffering. Lean on God…He can handle it.


Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #153 on: June 28, 2007, 10:07:21 AM »
lmao at fuckheads that dont have a clue about wrestling but try to act like they do!

From Dr. Keith Lipinski: Nancy Grace to Bret Hart from earlier tonight: Bret, I know that Mr. Benoit went from being one of the elite in the business wrestling in the 4 horsemen and recently got demoted to Raw. Was that affecting him?


Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #154 on: June 28, 2007, 01:07:15 PM »
lmao at fuckheads that dont have a clue about wrestling but try to act like they do!

From Dr. Keith Lipinski: Nancy Grace to Bret Hart from earlier tonight: Bret, I know that Mr. Benoit went from being one of the elite in the business wrestling in the 4 horsemen and recently got demoted to Raw. Was that affecting him?

lmao what a dumb bitch
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Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #155 on: June 28, 2007, 01:07:38 PM »
Damn JR talks sooo much sense, i try to read his blog as much as possible and he seems so down to earth, heres what he had to say on the benoit thing

RAW color commentator Jim Ross released the following comments concerning the Chris Benoit Tragedy, the media, and this past Monday's RAW on his web site:

The senseless and tragic death of the 3 people in the double murder-suicide that occurred over the weekend in the Benoit’s home in an Atlanta suburb is a nightmare that one still wants to awake from. For those of us that knew Chris, Nancy, and Daniel on a personal level it is still hard to believe that this horrific event could even occur much less why.

The last time I saw the three of them together was at Wrestlemania 23 and my wife and I had a long visit with the Benoits and at no time could one detect that there were any issues whatsoever. I even had the occasion to speak at length privately to Nancy and she said things were fine at home. As well as Nancy and I knew each other, if that had not been the case, she would have inferred otherwise I assure you. Like so many others who attended the event on that night, the Benoit family was happy and enjoying the moment.

So what happened? I do not know. No one knows. We will hopefully know more when the toxicology reports are completed. Until then all anyone has, including the media, is supposition based on speculation. To garner ratings, the media will continue to make this as huge a story as possible, even without all the facts. That’s the business in which they are involved. Remember when the media, without all the facts, essentially convicted the Duke Lacrosse team several months ago only to find out that there was no case but in the spirit of ratings and to scoop the competition, the three young men from the Duke Lacrosse team were in essence ruled guilty by the media?

I know this damn sure isn’t a Duke Lacrosse matter or even remotely close, because two innocent people are dead. But again we hear the media rush to judgment about why and how this horrific chain of events came to pass, but still without the evidence or a valid motive. So then why are three people dead? What caused this irrational and totally uncharacteristic behavior from an individual who hereto for had never demonstrated such tendencies in his workplace, not even once? I don’t know and neither does anyone else until the medical examiner can provide more information and then there will be most likely questions in this matter than may never be answered. I know this, God knows and he will deal with this matter accordingly.

Plus, some of those who have or are loosely associated with wrestling and who are making statements with little or no background of the facts of this matter or who simply want another 15 minutes are in a large sense pathetic.

The bottom line is that a woman and a small child are dead of murder and that is an utter shame. That act is inexcusable. The victim’s families need to be held close to our hearts and in our prayers. Let’s consider putting forth as much passion and effort in prayer and reflection as some are in playing amateur detective and wannabe investigative reporters. Let’s spend a little more time with our own families while we are at it, because there are no guarantees about tomorrow and we should covet every day we are blessed to have with our loved ones. I know this, I am going to do all I can to spend more time with family and friends than ever before as this sad situation has slapped me in the face in more ways than one.

I have had friends who questioned the Benoit-themed Monday Night Raw, especially in light of the events that occurred in the Benoit home. For all those who seem to know all the answers and seemingly like to give the appearance of having 20/20 vision after the fact let me add this; when we went on the air at 7 p.m. central time, all we knew was that the police, at the WWE’s urging, had gone to the home and had found three dead bodies in the Benoit home Monday afternoon. This information was confirmed to us late in the day Monday in Corpus Christi and that was all we knew. There was no talk from the authorities themselves of a double murder suicide that was relayed to us in Texas. The facts came out as the night progressed and more facts are still being released several days after this unspeakable nightmare.

Obviously, and in my opinion, if the WWE had known the information of what had actually happened in suburban Atlanta over the weekend, a different decision regarding Monday’s three hour retrospective to Benoit’s career would have obviously been different.

I know that Benoit’s behavior was totally uncharacteristic of him, as I knew him over so many years as he was one of the most professional and polite men with which I have ever been associated. I don’t know why this sickening chain of events happened, but murder, especially taking one’s own child’s life, is unpardonable. I am anxious to read the results of the toxicology reports as the next curious individual but the bottom line is that 3 people are dead including a mother and her son.

It is not too late for all of us to change how we deal with our own families and our friends and to honor every day we have the privilege of being on this earth. Remember, we are all only passing through, so take every day as a gift and continue to count all one’s blessings.

Today can truly be the first day in the rest of our lives. God Bless all of you that are suffering. Lean on God…He can handle it.

extremely well written
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Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #156 on: June 28, 2007, 04:32:20 PM »
Wow can this shit get any more fucked up? someone in Stamford, Conn. where WWE is based edited Chris Benoit's wikipedia page and said that he missed his match on Saturday night because he was stemming from the death of Nancy 14 HOURS before authorities went to the Benoit home for the first time. Someone else has to have something to do with this.

Mo Z. Dizzle

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #157 on: June 28, 2007, 04:57:50 PM »
damn, I hope they discover who wrote the Wikipedia thing soon
might be able to answer some questions
The WCCWL is always looking for new members; take a chance at becoming a champ!! PM Mo Z. Dizzle if interested!!


Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #158 on: June 29, 2007, 09:16:25 AM »
Wow can this shit get any more fucked up? someone in Stamford, Conn. where WWE is based edited Chris Benoit's wikipedia page and said that he missed his match on Saturday night because he was stemming from the death of Nancy 14 HOURS before authorities went to the Benoit home for the first time. Someone else has to have something to do with this.

surely anyone is not dumb enough to do that, ther has to be someone else involved

theres a picture up at and probably other websites too of benoit at the doctore smiling a couple of hours before he supposidly went home and killed his wife! shocking as he looks quite content


Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #159 on: June 29, 2007, 09:27:51 AM »
the wikipedia thing is totally fucked first i thought benoit did it (in a sick and twisted way) but i guess it couldn't of been him since it came from Stanford, Ct...hopefully they find out who this is (i'm guessing they will, they got the IP address) and it helps answer some questions..
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Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #160 on: June 29, 2007, 09:55:09 AM »
the wikipedia thing is totally fucked first i thought benoit did it (in a sick and twisted way) but i guess it couldn't of been him since it came from Stanford, Ct...hopefully they find out who this is (i'm guessing they will, they got the IP address) and it helps answer some questions..

they found out it was some little turd starting a rumour which came true, hes posted a sorry note, stupid faggot


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Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #161 on: June 29, 2007, 10:02:51 AM »


Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #162 on: June 29, 2007, 10:15:36 AM »
The following is from

The anonymous individual responsible for suggesting, 14 hours before police discovered the body, that WWE wrestler Chris Benoit's wife was dead is confessing, saying his/her comment was a "terrible coincidence."

The anonymous editor left a lengthy apology to the Wikimedia community, explaining, "I hope this puts an end to this speculation that someone knew about the tragedy before it was discovered."

Below is the full, unedited apology:

"... Hey everyone. I am here to talk about the wikipedia comment that was left by myself. I just want to say that it was an incredible coincidence. Last weekend, I had heard about Chris Benoit no showing Vengeance because of a family emergency, and I had heard rumors about why that was. I was reading rumors and speculation about this matter online, and one of them included that his wife may have passed away, and I did the wrong thing by posting it on wikipedia to spite there being no evidence. I posted my speculation on the situation at the time and I am deeply sorry about this, and I was just as shocked as everyone when I heard that this actually would happen in real life. It is one of those things that just turned into a huge coincidence. That night I found out that what I posted, ended up actually happening, a 1 in 10,000 chance of happening, or so I thought. I was beyond wrong for posting wrongful information, and I am sorry to everyone for this. I just want everyone to know it was stupid of me, and I will never do anything like this again. I just posted something that was at that time a piece of wrong unsourced information that is typical on wikipedia, as it is done all the time.

Nonetheless, I feel incredibly bad for all the attention this got because of the fact that what I said turned out to be the truth. Like I said it was just a major coincidence, and I will never vandalize anything on wikipedia or post wrongful information. I've learned from this experience. I just can't believe what I wrote was actually the case, I've remained stunned and saddened over it.

I wish not to reveal my identity so I can keep me and my family out of this since they have nothing to do with anything. I am not connected to WWE or Benoit at all in anyway. I am from Stamford as the IP address shows, and I am just an everyday individual who posted a wrongful remark at the time that received so much attention because it turned out to actually happen. I will say again I didn't know anything about the Benoit tragedy, it was a terrible coincidence that I never saw coming.

I hope this puts an end to this speculation that someone knew about the tragedy before it was discovered. It was just a rumor that I had heard about from other people online who were speculating what the family emergency Chris was attending to. I made a big mistake by posting this comment on his page, since all we had were what we thought was going on and nothing about what actually was going on yet, and sadly what happened turned out to be my speculation at the time. I assumed wiki would edit out my information, which they did, so thats why I didn't go back to edit it out myself.

I know I keep repeating it but I feel terrible about the mainstream coverage this has received, since it was only a huge coincidence and a terrible event that should of never happened. I am not sure how to react, as hearing about my message becoming a huge part of the Benoit slayings made me feel terrible as everyone believes that it is connected to the tragedy, but it was just an awful coincidence. That is all I have to say, I will never post anything here again unless it is pure fact, no spam nothing like that. Thank you, and let this end this chapter of the Benoit story, and hopefully one day we will find out why this tragedy ever actually happened."


Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #163 on: June 29, 2007, 10:34:09 AM »
the guy was being a moron clearly^

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Re: RIP Chris Benoit
« Reply #164 on: June 29, 2007, 01:08:35 PM »
he should be investigated