Author Topic: Death  (Read 1123 times)


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Re: Death
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2008, 09:04:10 AM »
..the Bible and was astonished at all the bullshit...

Yet it's one of the most influential books that built this f'in world. From words, from sayings everyday people USE, to fuckin' scientific theories.

'Yeah, we came from living organisms out the ground'

Yeah? Yeahhh? No shit sherlock, we was made from the dust of the ground. If you don't want to believe the Bible, don't be so close.

And don't come back wit it being how 'logic' it is, how we formed into humans from organisms, becuz it looks like God was a little logical too.

LOL, you're a barely-literate wigger with almost no future prospects in life, and yet you have the nerve to question science? Boy, you got no idea what you're up against right now...


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Re: Death
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2008, 10:11:32 AM »
virgins, lots and lots of virgins.

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Re: Death
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2008, 12:37:59 PM »
The Bible was written by humans. So even if what they are talking about happened, it is all but into the perspective and bias of the people who wrote it. People sat down and decided what should be put into the book. What is so sacred about that? Same with any religious book. But you can't necessarily write it off completely, because it is still a historical document. All that stuff Eihtball was talking about regarding homosexuals, Sabbath breakers, etc. was written by people who at the time agreed with that message and put it in the Bible. It serves as no meaning as to the nature of God or whether he exists.
As far as life after death. I think all the evidence I need to believe it is from life itself. We couldn't have just got here without someone or something putting us here. The universe was never just "there". It had to be created and shaped by some force.


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Re: Death
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2008, 01:46:19 PM »
The Bible was written by humans. So even if what they are talking about happened, it is all but into the perspective and bias of the people who wrote it. People sat down and decided what should be put into the book. What is so sacred about that? Same with any religious book. But you can't necessarily write it off completely, because it is still a historical document. All that stuff Eihtball was talking about regarding homosexuals, Sabbath breakers, etc. was written by people who at the time agreed with that message and put it in the Bible. It serves as no meaning as to the nature of God or whether he exists.
As far as life after death. I think all the evidence I need to believe it is from life itself. We couldn't have just got here without someone or something putting us here. The universe was never just "there". It had to be created and shaped by some force.

Props +1


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Re: Death
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2008, 02:30:58 PM »
..the Bible and was astonished at all the bullshit...

Yet it's one of the most influential books that built this f'in world. From words, from sayings everyday people USE, to fuckin' scientific theories.

'Yeah, we came from living organisms out the ground'

Yeah? Yeahhh? No shit sherlock, we was made from the dust of the ground. If you don't want to believe the Bible, don't be so close.

And don't come back wit it being how 'logic' it is, how we formed into humans from organisms, becuz it looks like God was a little logical too.

LOL, you're a barely-literate wigger with almost no future prospects in life, and yet you have the nerve to question science? Boy, you got no idea what you're up against right now...

Says an athiest who pretends to be Islamic, to have fun, as a game, who's supposed to be a grown ass man? Nigga grow up..

The King

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Re: Death
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2008, 05:57:58 PM »
Religion is a crutch. Simple as that. People can't accept the fact we are just another species, which will one day die out. People need to feel like their's a purpose to their lives, they need to know when they die, thei'rs something after. Well, we'll never know, because when you're dead, you're dead. Back when the Bible was written, it explained the unknown. Now, scieince and physical observation have answered some of our questions, like Cosmology, Evolution, etc.

I tend to believe that as a species, we have a purpose. That purpose is the progression of science and knowledge. If everyone person has a purpose, then why do some go out and murder random individuals? What purpose is that? Oh.. It's god's will. No. Free will exists. Right this second, I could sit here and continue writing, or I could go outside and murder someone. We all have choices, and destiny as they call it, doesn't really exist. 

Atheism just doesn't make no sense to me. Not to be disrespectful at all, but, I mean it doesn't..

Many people often confuse Atheists with Agnostics. If believing in god gets you through you're day, then that's fine. But a persons faith should be private, and their actions affecting other people should be independent of that faith. Too many times does religion interfere with science and  politics. Bush says he looks to God for guidance. Really.. did God tell him going into Iraq was a good idea? Organized religion, and the actions of some individuals really bothers me. A man who murders his wife can call himself a Christian, and a soldier of God. Same as a housewife making an apple pie.

Many people follow the Bible without question. It's the Bible, it's true, end of story. Like Evolution, for example. Evolution never happened because God says so. Or the earth was created 3000 years ago. Well, I'll show you a 3 billion year old fossil, where the fuck did that come from? Where did all the oil come from? God? It's about common sense versus religious beliefs. Common sense says one thing. The Bible says the opposite. Why do people believe in something they can't even see? Because their not smart enough, or open minded enough, to educate themselves on the truth. It's pretty easy to say, God did it, compared to getting a degree in Evolutionary Biology. But that's how many people think these days.

Open a Science text book, you can read something, then go out somewhere, and reproduce the observation, or result. Open the Bible, read it, and try to find any sort of proof. You won't find it.

People can believe in a higher power, but why does that higher power need to be God. Can't a higher power simply be striving to be a good person? The Bible, the Koran, whatever, it gives people false hope. It gives people something they can believe in, whether it's real or not. I would like to believe "24" is a real life ride along with a anti-terrorist agent. But my brain says, "No... it's just a story." And that's what the Bible is, a story.

Faith can be a great thing, which strives people to do good things. But more often then not, you're average Christian is beating his wife, or sleeping with his secretary, or lying to his children. Organized religion doesn't make sense. How is Bush a Christian, if he lied to the world about invading Iraq. It doesn't make sense. How can you just ignore the Bible when it's inconvenient, then just repent you're sins later. Which is why I prefer Islam, because as many agree, if you don't follow the Koran every second of you're life, you're not a Muslim. Most Muslims tend to not sin, rather then sin, and feeling bad about it later. The Koran is your life, it tells you how to live a good life. The Bible doesn't, it tells you, you can live a horrible evil life, as long as you feel bad about it.

You die, than what?

The world continues on without you. We're just big bags of atoms bumping around. What could possibly happen. You're brain shuts off, and you're dead. Our thoughts and our subconscious end when our cells die. Simple as that. You're just gone. It's hard to fathom, but it's simply true. When a plant dies, does it go to plant heaven? No. It's the whole idea that humans are special. We can't just die.. no no, but everything else around us can.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 06:02:01 PM by The King of Mitt Romney's Fan Club »


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Re: Death
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2008, 07:09:29 PM »
Religion is a crutch. Simple as that. People can't accept the fact we are just another species, which will one day die out.

Personally, I think there is very likely a scientific reason that intelligent life came into existence (as opposed to a "creator"), but that our current knowledge simply isn't enough to explain it. I don't think human beings are "just another species"; I think we're the most advanced development in biological evolution. Whether something better replaces us, I can't say, but I do think it's likely to be humans who eventually conquer just about all of the mysteries of the universe.

Free will exists. Right this second, I could sit here and continue writing, or I could go outside and murder someone. We all have choices, and destiny as they call it, doesn't really exist.

Careful with those terms. As an atheist, I don't believe in "free will" because our personality IS a product of many things which aren't completely under our control - like the genes we're born with. On the other hand, I would argue that this is indistinguishable from "free will" in practice because it still feels like you have free will, so you think nothing of it. That's one of the cases where perception makes the reality (which is completely the opposite of what religion expects).

Which is why I prefer Islam, because as many agree, if you don't follow the Koran every second of you're life, you're not a Muslim. Most Muslims tend to not sin, rather then sin, and feeling bad about it later. The Koran is your life, it tells you how to live a good life. The Bible doesn't, it tells you, you can live a horrible evil life, as long as you feel bad about it.

Although I agree with what you say about Christianity and the Bible, I don't think you can say Islam is better. Islam's history is far more bloody than that of Christianity and Judaism (which are both extremely bloody to begin with), and I don't think Islam is at all morally superior to either of them. Like I said, I almost became a Muslim before I started to realize just how messed up so many Islamic converts in this country really are.


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Re: Death
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2008, 07:23:26 PM »
Religion is a crutch. Simple as that. People can't accept the fact we are just another species, which will one day die out. People need to feel like their's a purpose to their lives, they need to know when they die, thei'rs something after. Well, we'll never know, because when you're dead, you're dead. Back when the Bible was written, it explained the unknown. Now, scieince and physical observation have answered some of our questions, like Cosmology, Evolution, etc.

I tend to believe that as a species, we have a purpose. That purpose is the progression of science and knowledge. If everyone person has a purpose, then why do some go out and murder random individuals? What purpose is that? Oh.. It's god's will. No. Free will exists. Right this second, I could sit here and continue writing, or I could go outside and murder someone. We all have choices, and destiny as they call it, doesn't really exist. 

Atheism just doesn't make no sense to me. Not to be disrespectful at all, but, I mean it doesn't..

Many people often confuse Atheists with Agnostics. If believing in god gets you through you're day, then that's fine. But a persons faith should be private, and their actions affecting other people should be independent of that faith. Too many times does religion interfere with science and  politics. Bush says he looks to God for guidance. Really.. did God tell him going into Iraq was a good idea? Organized religion, and the actions of some individuals really bothers me. A man who murders his wife can call himself a Christian, and a soldier of God. Same as a housewife making an apple pie.

Many people follow the Bible without question. It's the Bible, it's true, end of story. Like Evolution, for example. Evolution never happened because God says so. Or the earth was created 3000 years ago. Well, I'll show you a 3 billion year old fossil, where the fuck did that come from? Where did all the oil come from? God? It's about common sense versus religious beliefs. Common sense says one thing. The Bible says the opposite. Why do people believe in something they can't even see? Because their not smart enough, or open minded enough, to educate themselves on the truth. It's pretty easy to say, God did it, compared to getting a degree in Evolutionary Biology. But that's how many people think these days.

Open a Science text book, you can read something, then go out somewhere, and reproduce the observation, or result. Open the Bible, read it, and try to find any sort of proof. You won't find it.

People can believe in a higher power, but why does that higher power need to be God. Can't a higher power simply be striving to be a good person? The Bible, the Koran, whatever, it gives people false hope. It gives people something they can believe in, whether it's real or not. I would like to believe "24" is a real life ride along with a anti-terrorist agent. But my brain says, "No... it's just a story." And that's what the Bible is, a story.

Faith can be a great thing, which strives people to do good things. But more often then not, you're average Christian is beating his wife, or sleeping with his secretary, or lying to his children. Organized religion doesn't make sense. How is Bush a Christian, if he lied to the world about invading Iraq. It doesn't make sense. How can you just ignore the Bible when it's inconvenient, then just repent you're sins later. Which is why I prefer Islam, because as many agree, if you don't follow the Koran every second of you're life, you're not a Muslim. Most Muslims tend to not sin, rather then sin, and feeling bad about it later. The Koran is your life, it tells you how to live a good life. The Bible doesn't, it tells you, you can live a horrible evil life, as long as you feel bad about it.

You die, than what?

The world continues on without you. We're just big bags of atoms bumping around. What could possibly happen. You're brain shuts off, and you're dead. Our thoughts and our subconscious end when our cells die. Simple as that. You're just gone. It's hard to fathom, but it's simply true. When a plant dies, does it go to plant heaven? No. It's the whole idea that humans are special. We can't just die.. no no, but everything else around us can.

but there is a creator. life and universe was created just like everything in this world was created, like the planet was created.

i dont remember seeing the bible that the eart was 3000 years old.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.

The King

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Re: Death
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2008, 07:34:57 PM »
but there is a creator. life and universe was created just like everything in this world was created, like the planet was created.

i dont remember seeing the bible that the eart was 3000 years old.

There is a creator? Just because something was created, doesn't mean their was a creator. We don't know how life formed, or really how the universe formed, but how and when our planet formed is more or less scientific knowledge.

That site you posted is complete bullshit, and is exaggerated propaganda. Kind of like Nostradamus.


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Re: Death
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2008, 07:37:53 PM »
well somebody made us, u guys didnt hear about the microorganism that has a built in motor inside it? it wasnt man made and it couldnt of been made by nature.

what about that ^, if not god thatn that must prove existence of aliens.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.

The King

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Re: Death
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2008, 07:54:13 PM »
well somebody made us, u guys didnt hear about the microorganism that has a built in motor inside it? it wasnt man made and it couldnt of been made by nature.

what about that ^, if not god thatn that must prove existence of aliens.

A built in motor? Like an electric motor inside of a cell made of metallic elements? Do you have a scientific reference for it? Like a Journal article or even a news source? I think you need to be a little more critical of things you read on the internet. I guess religious people have a track record for lack of skepticism. Post a source, because I would love to read this.

Why did someone have to make us? What was Homo habilis, or Homo erectis? I greatly advice you take a course on human evolution or evolution in general. We are not descendants from modern apes, as many ignorant people try to say. No scientist thinks this. It's a vastly interesting subject, which many people over simplify. We are not that different from many of genus which we descended from.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 08:03:44 PM by The King of Mitt Romney's Fan Club »


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Re: Death
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2008, 08:00:11 PM »
well somebody made us, u guys didnt hear about the microorganism that has a built in motor inside it? it wasnt man made and it couldnt of been made by nature.

what about that ^, if not god thatn that must prove existence of aliens.

A built in motor? Like an electric motor inside of a cell made of metallic elements? Do you have a scientific reference for it? Like a Journal article or even a news source? I think you need to be a little more critical of things you read on the internet. I guess religious people have a track record for lack of skepticism. Post a source, because I would love to read this.

ill post it once i find it it wasnt on ther internet though it was in a science amagazine my dad had.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.

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Re: Death
« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2008, 08:09:30 PM »
Probing a Biological Motor

By Kate Wong
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Like many machines, cells have motors that help them carry out essential tasks. In the case of division�a process that goes horribly awry in cancer cells�a protein motor known as dynein plays a critical role. Indeed, dynein appears to ferry chromosomes and other materials to the appropriate locations within a cell before it splits in two. To get a better understanding of this motor, Ohio University researcher Elisar Barbar and her colleagues recently studied a few of its 12 components, which they described yesterday at the annual meeting of the Biophysical Society in Boston.

The scientists found that in order to function properly, dynein's components must have a certain form and must fit together in a particular way. Problems with even a single component, it turns out, can have disastrous effects. In studies of fruit flies, Barbar's team found that mutations in one of the dynein pieces, called LC8, can cause sterility, neural defects and even death. The team also examined where dynein's pieces link together and how the protein latches on to its cargo.

Much more work is needed before scientists fully understand how dynein operates. But when they do, they may then be able to disarm the protein to halt cancerous growths. If researchers can prevent dynein from transporting chromosomes, team member Michael Hare explains, cells won't divide. In fact, the anticancer drug Taxol is based on a related approach: it destroys the pathways on which the dynein motor travels. "You can either pull up the train tracks or destroy the engine," Hare observes. "It will have the same effect."

---- Many scientists love to throw in words like motor or machinery or other fancy terms for complicated cellular interactions. A flagella is essentially a "motor" but not in the same sense we know it as. It's not metallic based, it's just a series of protein interactions which act in a similar manner to a motor. Our cells have these "motors", every living thing has these.

The bacterial flagellum is driven by a rotary engine made up of protein (Mot complex), located at the flagellum's anchor point on the inner cell membrane. The engine is powered by proton motive force, i.e., by the flow of protons (hydrogen ions) across the bacterial cell membrane due to a concentration gradient set up by the cell's metabolism (in Vibrio species there are two kinds of flagella, lateral and polar, and some are driven by a sodium ion pump rather than a proton pump[15]).

They refer to it as a rotary engine, which is just an analogy. It's just a buzz word people add to scientific papers so they get noticed, and therefore get more funding. Like the word "Self-Assembly" in Supramolecular journals, just a fancy word for a common phenomenon.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 08:13:04 PM by The King of Mitt Romney's Fan Club »


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Re: Death
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2008, 08:17:48 PM »
^^^The Church claimed for quite some time that the Earth was only 10,000 years old.

The thing about gods is a sense, they are mortal.  I mean, who the fuck worships the old Greek or Roman gods anymore?  Right? All gods are like that; they basically come and go as new religions are formed. Whereas we still remember the great philosophers like Galileo and Copernicus.

No matter how much the religious want to deny it, atheism is the next logical step. Think how long humanity centered around polytheism before moving towards monotheism. Doesn't it make so much sense that atheism will replace monotheism?

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Re: Death
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2008, 09:08:56 PM »
^ Completely agree. How was Zeus any less of a God, then the current God people follow now? How is Allah different from the god Christians worship? When the Greek civilization fell all those years ago, so did the faith in their gods. And their Gods became interesting stories and myths we all enjoy learning about today.

The real problem I have is most religious people, aren't even religious. Most teenagers in America drink, do drugs, and sleep with strangers. Aren't those sins? And don't most Americans claim to be "Christians"? If you're going to be a Christian, be a real fucking Christian. Most religious people today are casual, when they need god, when it's convenient to them, they pray. But when their drunk, passed out, they forget what the Bible even is. I have no respect for the Christian faith. Islam on the other hand, every Muslim I've met, prays, doesn't drink, doesn't lie, and are nice, respectable people. It's their lives. And devoting yourself to something larger then you, is highly respectable and should be encouraged. And that can be anything. Is a faith in science, and a devotion to science, any different? I'm not religious, but I have faith that science can and eventually will answer all our questions. What's religion done for our world? What's science done for our world? A hell of a lot more. Science progresses society, not religion. The whole stem cell thing is very troubling, a direct conflict between whats best for science/medicine and religious morals.

The other problem with religion is, it's usually not a choice. When you're born, usually you're parents decide you're faith for you. They baptize you, force you to go to Sunday school. Religious people are usually just born into it. What kind of freedom is that? I'm completely against the notion that people are born religious. You can become religious, that's fine. If a faith in God keeps you from drinking and driving, that's fine. But how can an infant make an important decision like deciding it's future faith?

Ideally, a child is not educated enough to make that choice, and usually by default, the parents are not educated enough to make that choice. A child should be born atheist, given a proper education up to high school, completely religion free. Let the child figure it out for himself. And once he completes that education, and gets his high school diploma, he can make an informed choice and which religion he wants. He can go to college, or different churches and learn which religion may be best for him. The ignorance between religions is remarkable. Only an educated person should be making the decision on his faith, after he's been educated about all faiths, including science.

If my parents told me God created life and the planet, and controls the weather, and all this other crap, maybe I would believe it. But you're basically screwing up your kids mind. How could any parent tell their kids God controls everything. God controls nothing. It removes the accountability, and the willingness to learn. If God did it, and that is a fact, why should I educated myself on a completely alternative theory? You're basically telling your kids, Science is a lie. It's the wrong message to be teaching a growing mind.

Did God move the continents or do Plate Tectonics? One is provable, and observable, the other is nonsense. I can't understand why religion exists the way it does today. Religion needs progressive leaders, to modernize religion. They need to put God in a modern context which is fluent with science, instead of contradictory. In it's current form, a person who believes in science is at odds with the specifics of the Bible. Why can't someone believe in God and science? Religion needs to change, become more modernized, or simply just go away. I would love to believe in a higher God, but I can't, because doing so and joining a religion, and accepting what the Bible says, would contradict every ounce of common sense I have. Atheism is the future if religion doesn't keep up with the times.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 09:13:27 PM by The King of Mitt Romney's Fan Club »