Author Topic: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.  (Read 3169 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #105 on: November 26, 2008, 10:41:57 PM »

"My eyes have seen the glory of the trampling at the zoo,
We've washed ourselves in niggers' blood, and all the mongrels, too
We're takin' down the ZOG machine, Jew by Jew by Jew!
The White Man marches on!"

Lol....ur a fucking bitch....stfu

Jared Taylor

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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #106 on: November 27, 2008, 01:18:28 PM »

Lol....ur a fucking bitch....stfu

Aw, you mad?

Ali Tha Great

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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #107 on: November 27, 2008, 01:34:28 PM »

Lol....ur a fucking bitch....stfu

Aw, you mad?
naw...its emad...not mad...u forgot the "e"...but you're white...can't blame you for being stupid... ;)


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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #108 on: November 27, 2008, 07:09:56 PM »


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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #109 on: November 27, 2008, 07:11:28 PM »

LMAO! Moses came 100s of years after the last pyramid? come on, know that's bullshit. If the enslaved Jews weren't doing labor for the Egyptians, what were they slaves for? There's no way to prove any of this, so lets just leave it at that.

I'm speechless :D Bullshit? No way to prove? :laugh: NIK you're so ignorant it isn't even possible. Is it that difficult to accept that you're wrong?  I posted tons of proof, not just theory, just look up the dates I posted, they're legit. The jews were neither  in Egypt in 2500 BC, nor in 1800 BC, this are facts. Yeah, if you've read my text you would know that I said the jews did some labor, but they worked for Ramses II great monuments, 700 years after the last pyramid. Are you too stupid to get that? Neither the bible nor the Tora  says that the jews worked on pyramids. It was a theory of the Greek, but you could all read that in the articles I posted.
Believe what you want NIK, but next time keep such absurd assumptions for yourself or look it up before. I think now everybody can judge for himself, so I'll leave it with that.
Here is the full article again, and if you're too lazy to read and educate yourselves, this is not my problem.

Moses was there during the time of when the pyramids were being built and i believe that.

Read the article, and you know this is not correct. If you want to believe, go to church. History is not about belief
Please show me one article that says the jews were in Egypt at that time... But you can save your energy, you won't find any.

Here the dates again: Moses was born arround 1391 BC (according to the exodus account, which is of course not reliable-so it was certainly later ), and he was of the second generation of jewish slaves, the last pyramid was built during the reign of Amenemhat III  (1860 - 1814 BC)
Ramses II is widely believed to be the pharao of the Exodus (you know, the plagues and so on), he reigned from 1279–1213 BC. The date of The Exodus is not sure, but the time frame is definately between 1500 - 1208 BC,  no historian would claim they were there 1800 BC- or 2600 BC. The time about 1200  seems more plausible because of Ramses.  NO WAY MOSES LIVED DURING THE AGE OF THE PYRAMIDS, AND NO WAY THE JEWS BUILD ANY PYRAMID

Here are all:

Pyramid / Pharaoh    Reign    Field
Djozer            c. 2630 - 2612 BC    Saqqara
Sneferu            c. 2612 - 2589 BC    Dashur
Sneferu            c. 2612 - 2589 BC    Dashur
Sneferu            c. 2612 - 2589 BC    Meidum
Khufu             c. 2589 - 2566 BC    Giza
Djedefre            c. 2566 - 2558 BC    Abu Rawash
Khafre            c. 2558 - 2532 BC    Giza
Menkaure             c. 2532 - 2504 BC    Giza
Sahure            c. 2487 - 2477 BC    Abu Sir
Neferirkare Kakai    c. 2477 - 2467 BC    Abu Sir
Nyuserre Ini    c. 2416 - 2392 BC    Abu Sir
Amenemhat I    c. 1991 - 1962 BC    Lisht
Senusret I            c. 1971 - 1926 BC    Lisht
Senusret II    c. 1897 - 1878 BC    el-Lahun
Amenemhat III    c. 1860 - 1814 BC    Hawara

So now tell me, which of theses pyramids did the jews build?  :D
stop embarassing yourself NIK :(

LOL...this genius still doesn't get that everything on this subject is SPECULATION. None of those dates your posting are confirmed to be legit. I could provide you countless links that make it look like elephants built the pyrmaids without a doubt. the art of brainwashing is funny.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 07:13:25 PM by Now_I_Know »

Furor Teutonicus

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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #110 on: November 28, 2008, 04:14:51 AM »
believe what you want. You're a funny dude.  The dates when the pyramids were build are exact, and the dates about when the jews arrived are precise enough to exclude that they were there during the time. There is still speculation concerning certain thing aboutthe pyramids like the construction and technique, but the time when each pyramid was built is exactly determined. Please show me one modern source that claims the jews worked on the pyramids...
But you won't find any... Get some education,  and then you can come back and talk. You are obviously the one who is brainwashed, are you in a weird sect or something? Funny thing is, I used to believe things like this, but this was when I was a child and didn't know anything about history. Get some knowledge, and you'll realize your theory is outdated and proven wrong for 200 years...
I guess you didn't read the article again, but it called any historian who would claim today the pyramids were built by jews would simply be laughed at.
Get some education  idiot, you failed. I think you know that you're wrong but you are too childish too admit it...



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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #111 on: November 28, 2008, 12:46:41 PM »
believe what you want. You're a funny dude.  The dates when the pyramids were build are exact, and the dates about when the jews arrived are precise enough to exclude that they were there during the time. There is still speculation concerning certain thing aboutthe pyramids like the construction and technique, but the time when each pyramid was built is exactly determined. Please show me one modern source that claims the jews worked on the pyramids...
But you won't find any... Get some education,  and then you can come back and talk. You are obviously the one who is brainwashed, are you in a weird sect or something? Funny thing is, I used to believe things like this, but this was when I was a child and didn't know anything about history. Get some knowledge, and you'll realize your theory is outdated and proven wrong for 200 years...
I guess you didn't read the article again, but it called any historian who would claim today the pyramids were built by jews would simply be laughed at.
Get some education  idiot, you failed. I think you know that you're wrong but you are too childish too admit it...

Why do you feel the need to personally attack? that's usually what dipshits do when they get sensitive due to someone not agreeing with them...your punk ass still doesn't get that there's heavy speculation as to who and when the pyramids were built, so just forget about it, ya dumbfuck.

What's funny, though, is that you say no one claims the Jews built the pyramids anymore? I know FOR SURE that this is something you pulled out of your idiotic ass. the fucking Prime Minister of Israel, Netaniahu recently claimed that Jews built the pyramids...schools out there are still teaching students that the Jews built the pyramids (and were tortured if they didn't comply), so get the FUCK out of here, shitstain. Even my religion claims that our people were forced into labor to work on a monumental project made with bricks. Read the bible at the end of Genesis and the beginning of Exodus. What monumental Egyptian architecture of the period around 2000 - 1500 B.C.E. was made of brick? LOL. This is still heavily debated, and I am open to listening to any theories, because unlike your punkass, I've accepted the fact that anything regarding that time period is SPECULATION. There are people out there who still claim the holocaust didn't happen. Keep it real...PeACe

Furor Teutonicus

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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #112 on: November 28, 2008, 03:04:51 PM »
I said nobody with some knowledge would claim the jews built the pyramids. Netaniahu is not an expert, he should shut his stupid mouth. I said not even the majority of jews claim that, which is true. This theory was popular in the 19th century, but today, it is outdated and you can see from the articles I posted that it is no longer debated, atleast not among historians.
Also, science is far more advanced these days, so there's not as much speculation as you think. Don't you think they would have found some skeletons or any other hints that jews were there at the time?
You're right that these kind of things are still being taught at school, I visited  a school not too long ago and what they told little kids there in catholic lessons was shocking...
There also was a theory where Aliens built the pyramids, I would rank that as plausible as the 'jews built the pyramids' theory :-\

Here is a Israeli who has some knowledge about archeology, and he admits that this theory is pure bullshit.

"Baruch Brandel, the director of the Israel Antiquities Authority library, dismisses these claims. "The legend that the sons of Israel built the pyramids is not taken seriously by Israeli archeologists. No Israeli archeological handbook even makes the claim," he says. "The Torah only mentions that the Israelites built Pithom and Ramses during the New Kingdom period.

Speaking with The Jerusalem Post at the Egypt Museum in Cairo, Dr. Nawab Shoeab, a prominent Egyptologist, argues that claims that the Israelites were coerced into building the pyramids are not held up by historical research. She points out that the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt during the 19th Dynasty, under the reign of Ramses II, around 1300 BCE. The pyramids, she notes, were built some 1,400 years earlier, during the Fourth Dynasty. This is clearly too large a space in time for claims of Israelite involvement to be plausible, she says.

from Jerusalem Post

1400 years time difference, don't u think that is a little bit too much to speculate? I can only repeat myself, the dates of the pyramids and the dates of the jewish enslavment are widely accepted among historians.

The bible claims they made a brick building 2000-1500 BC? I highly doubt that, but I'll reread that again, the question is if  this  corresponds with our time calculation. Regardless, the bible is a book composed of lies/myths anyway.

Now why don't you post me a recent article that supports your theory, to show that this issue is still debated like you say.
PS: Netaniahu etc. doesn't count
PS 2: That Holocaust remark was unnecessary...

« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 03:25:54 PM by Dr. Ján Ďtor »


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #113 on: November 28, 2008, 06:53:57 PM »

Lol....ur a fucking bitch....stfu

Aw, you mad?
naw...its emad...not mad...u forgot the "e"...but you're white...can't blame you for being stupid... ;)


Jared Taylor

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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #114 on: November 28, 2008, 06:55:34 PM »
The irony is, Ali himself is white. He's just another self-hating white child who thinks himself clever, even though his grammar and sentence structure demonstrate that he's poorly educated and has no future prospects besides living in his mom's basement.


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #115 on: November 28, 2008, 06:56:02 PM »

LMAO! Moses came 100s of years after the last pyramid? come on, know that's bullshit. If the enslaved Jews weren't doing labor for the Egyptians, what were they slaves for? There's no way to prove any of this, so lets just leave it at that.

I'm speechless :D Bullshit? No way to prove? :laugh: NIK you're so ignorant it isn't even possible. Is it that difficult to accept that you're wrong?  I posted tons of proof, not just theory, just look up the dates I posted, they're legit. The jews were neither  in Egypt in 2500 BC, nor in 1800 BC, this are facts. Yeah, if you've read my text you would know that I said the jews did some labor, but they worked for Ramses II great monuments, 700 years after the last pyramid. Are you too stupid to get that? Neither the bible nor the Tora  says that the jews worked on pyramids. It was a theory of the Greek, but you could all read that in the articles I posted.
Believe what you want NIK, but next time keep such absurd assumptions for yourself or look it up before. I think now everybody can judge for himself, so I'll leave it with that.
Here is the full article again, and if you're too lazy to read and educate yourselves, this is not my problem.

Moses was there during the time of when the pyramids were being built and i believe that.

Read the article, and you know this is not correct. If you want to believe, go to church. History is not about belief
Please show me one article that says the jews were in Egypt at that time... But you can save your energy, you won't find any.

Here the dates again: Moses was born arround 1391 BC (according to the exodus account, which is of course not reliable-so it was certainly later ), and he was of the second generation of jewish slaves, the last pyramid was built during the reign of Amenemhat III  (1860 - 1814 BC)
Ramses II is widely believed to be the pharao of the Exodus (you know, the plagues and so on), he reigned from 1279–1213 BC. The date of The Exodus is not sure, but the time frame is definately between 1500 - 1208 BC,  no historian would claim they were there 1800 BC- or 2600 BC. The time about 1200  seems more plausible because of Ramses.  NO WAY MOSES LIVED DURING THE AGE OF THE PYRAMIDS, AND NO WAY THE JEWS BUILD ANY PYRAMID

Here are all:

Pyramid / Pharaoh    Reign    Field
Djozer            c. 2630 - 2612 BC    Saqqara
Sneferu            c. 2612 - 2589 BC    Dashur
Sneferu            c. 2612 - 2589 BC    Dashur
Sneferu            c. 2612 - 2589 BC    Meidum
Khufu             c. 2589 - 2566 BC    Giza
Djedefre            c. 2566 - 2558 BC    Abu Rawash
Khafre            c. 2558 - 2532 BC    Giza
Menkaure             c. 2532 - 2504 BC    Giza
Sahure            c. 2487 - 2477 BC    Abu Sir
Neferirkare Kakai    c. 2477 - 2467 BC    Abu Sir
Nyuserre Ini    c. 2416 - 2392 BC    Abu Sir
Amenemhat I    c. 1991 - 1962 BC    Lisht
Senusret I            c. 1971 - 1926 BC    Lisht
Senusret II    c. 1897 - 1878 BC    el-Lahun
Amenemhat III    c. 1860 - 1814 BC    Hawara

So now tell me, which of theses pyramids did the jews build?  :D
stop embarassing yourself NIK :(

LOL...this genius still doesn't get that everything on this subject is SPECULATION. None of those dates your posting are confirmed to be legit. I could provide you countless links that make it look like elephants built the pyrmaids without a doubt. the art of brainwashing is funny.


im guessing that they made the jews control the oxens and elephants had helped them move that shit.
til this day africa will use elephants and shit to move things


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #116 on: November 28, 2008, 06:57:08 PM »
The irony is, Ali himself is white. He's just another self-hating white child who thinks himself clever, even though his grammar and sentence structure demonstrate that he's poorly educated and has no future prospects besides living in his mom's basement.

ummm he isnt white bitch.

and i hope thats not a picture of u when ur talking about living in ur moms basement......


  • Lil Geezy
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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #117 on: November 28, 2008, 06:59:19 PM »
one thing u guys have to be is OPEN MINDED AND REASONABLE.


Jared Taylor

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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #118 on: November 28, 2008, 07:18:49 PM »

ummm he isnt white bitch.

and i hope thats not a picture of u when ur talking about living in ur moms basement......

Sure he is. And me live in my mom's basement? I started my own publication and have my own think tank. I am considered one of the leading white nationalist intellectuals in the country. I don't think Ali can say he has done anything nearly as important.

Ali Tha Great

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Re: Let's face it...white civilization is superior.
« Reply #119 on: November 28, 2008, 07:36:49 PM »

ummm he isnt white bitch.

and i hope thats not a picture of u when ur talking about living in ur moms basement......

Sure he is. And me live in my mom's basement? I started my own publication and have my own think tank. I am considered one of the leading white nationalist intellectuals in the country. I don't think Ali can say he has done anything nearly as important.
lol...I'm Iranian u idiot...and u just mad cause I busted a nut on u in the thread u made in TOT today,lol...

« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 07:43:31 PM by Ali Tha Great »