Author Topic: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life  (Read 397 times)


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Fuck man its murphys law for me lately.I can't find another job because the economy is fucked.My ei won't be another couple weeks and my phones going to get cut off so I won't be on this forum for a while most likely.My girl and I broke up a few days.we only went out for a few months but we were friends for a few years so its like more then just the relationship.two weeks ago a good friend of mine killed herself over her best friend and his wife got laid off in the same week.nothings going right in my I'm fucked up about my girl and our friendship being gone I try to cry but I can't I just get a tightness in my chest and feel like shit.I haven't slept or eaten in 3 days.I got completly drunk two nights ago thinking that would help me sleep but I just ended up laying in bed feeling like shit.yesterday I went for a 3 hour walk and still nothing just laid in bed until the sun came up.tonight I listened to all 5 cds in my changer still awake.I mean I know everyone has problems but its like the whole universe turned against me this last while.out of nowhere my father calls me after about 5 years and all he wanted was to borrow money.he's a fucking crack head best friend and I split ways because he got addicted to coke severly.I grew up in poverty so I've always had to deal with shit but just I've never felt worse then I have right now.shits got me looking at my gun like its my way out


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Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2009, 08:15:08 AM »
Hey man, i know exactly how you feel man. Seems like every time things start going wrong in our lives, its only the beginning of some huge chain reaction of bad shit. But really man, its all in your head. You just gotta stay positive. I have been through a LOT of shit in my life, so i can relate to the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. I am STILL going through mad shit, and i have always been very bad at dealing with my problems. To be honest, i couldn't even tell you how i get by now. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst i guess.

Its true what they say - Only you can make things better. Everyone has problems, but it really sucks when a lot of shit goes bad all at once. Its the worst actually. But it happens to everyone at one point or another. You just gotta stay active. It won't help to try and drink or just sit around and listen to music, that will just make you think about things even more. That is probably the worst thing you can do. Hit the gym and try working out some of your stress i guarantee you will feel a little better.

But most importantly - Stay strong. Because once you get over this bad feeling, you will look back on it and try to see what it is that made you happy again. And when you pinpoint the turning point - you will see that even though things seemed so bad, it only took something very small to turn that all around. Keep your head up playa. Chuuch  :bandit:


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Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2009, 04:00:52 PM »
I mean my whole life is one depressing act after another and lately just feel like giving up and doing dumb shit.its much appreciated though your words.its darkest right before the sun comes out and shit like that.fuck the world.


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Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2009, 05:10:41 PM »
Haha. I feel you. Fuck Adam Sandler  :firedevil:


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Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2009, 05:12:37 PM »

im sure after you read a couple of these peoples stories, your life wont sound so bad


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Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2009, 05:18:43 PM »
Oh don't get me wrong I know people have it a lot worse then I do in this world.but thinking about how much worse someone else life is doesn't exactly make you feel better


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Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2009, 05:22:52 PM »
Today, everyone at school was talking about some guy that had sex with another girl while he was going out with someone. I started to spread the rumor myself, until someone told me that that guy was my boyfriend. The other girl was my best friend. FML

Today, I was presenting a powerpoint. As I plugged in the cord that connected my computer to the projector, I had forgotten what my boyfriend had set my desktop picture to the night before. I opened my laptop and projected on the wall was me nude. I go to Catholic school. FML


Nah but really though ¥øüñg Þ®in©€™ made a real good post. He hit on every point. The only thang you can say is 'Such as life'.


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Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2009, 05:29:31 PM » just seems like if you didn't come out of a rich pussy or aren't currently cumming in one your pretty much fucked


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Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2009, 05:55:38 PM »

Haha that site is pretty funny.

"Today, I called my boyfriend crying to tell him I had the most terrible day. He said I should come over, and he would make me feel better. I said I just want to snuggle, and I was impressed with his sincerity. Then he said, "can we snuggle... with my dick in you?" FML"


"Today, I was running by a school and saw that a deer had caught his antlers in the fence. I felt bad for it so I tried to help it free. Finally, he became unstuck. Then he rammed his antlers into my hip. Now I can't run in the marathon I have been training for a year to race in. FML"

"Today, after class I was chatting with my teacher, a really cool and stylish old black guy. I tell him he reminds me of one of those soul dudes from those 70s movies, right down to the pimp-walk. He tells me he walks that way because he was beaten for drinking out of the wrong fountain as a kid. FML"
« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 06:05:36 PM by ¥øüñg Þ®in©€™ »


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Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2009, 08:01:52 PM »
Today, I told my boss I was bored of being a cashier and would rather go to food prep. He told me I couldn't because my arms were too hairy. I'm a sixteen year old girl. FML

Today, I stopped at a lemonade stand on my way to work. A cute little girl handed me a mouthwash-sized cup of juice, and her adorable little brother told me it would be $.25. All I had was a $20. He shoved it into his overalls pocket, looked up with huge brown eyes and just said "Thank you." FML

Today, me and my girlfriend were watching some show about sex on the discovery channel. The topic of female orgasms came up and she said, "Wow, I wonder what that's like?" We've been dating and sexually active for three years. FML

Today, I'm reading in the subway sitting one leg over the other. An old lady sits down next to me. After quietly examinating me for about two stations she leans over to me and whispers in my ear: "Girl, sitting like all the time will make you end up with a crooked c**t". I'm a man. FML

Today, I was running by a school and saw that a deer had caught his antlers in the fence. I felt bad for it so I tried to help it free. Finally, he became unstuck. Then he rammed his antlers into my hip. Now I can't run in the marathon I have been training for a year to race in. FML


Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2009, 02:54:35 AM »
Lol @ the site posts , but seriously Jaydc555 hope thingz get better for ya man.


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Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2009, 04:13:16 PM »
Site is crazy.


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Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2009, 04:20:05 PM »
I understand ur going through tough times right now but I honestly think  that the more u keep talking about it, making posts about it, living in it, giving it more and more energy the more this will happen to u.. I suggest u learn about the laws of attraction and watch the secret...  :)


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Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2009, 04:25:55 PM »
The secret is a bunch of bullshit nonsense for people with weak really think that shits true?what about all the children starving to death in the world?or born with aids?if you don't let your shit out its going to eat away at you.I feel better after getting shit off my chest.the secret was a bunch of bullshit to make some money plain as that.


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Re: A follow up to my other thread quite possibly the worst week of my life
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2009, 04:29:40 PM »
Exactly. Homie, everythang happens for a reason. Trust in that son.