Author Topic: Ron Paul.... Mason??  (Read 736 times)


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Re: Ron Paul.... Mason??
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2009, 04:53:28 AM »
so if Jay-Z's a mason, or trying to be a mason, his trying to corrupt the youth, but if Ron Paul is a mason then his just a gentleman.

The bills Ron Paul put out were never going to pass, that's like me sighting the Obama bill to end the war in Iraq. He put it out there, and well, it never passes and now his president and we are still there. Paul is the same thing. His a part of the beast, the part that is now who the Republicans are copying to get back power. You don't see it but Paul is a pawn, he was used to see if people would like his ideas. His someone who's been in the government for over 30 years, so why now try to end the Fed. His never tried that stuff when Reagan was president. His a smoke screen.

i see what your saying fam

people have to understand, jay z ain't illuminati, thats ridickulous

1.jay dosen't have there bloodlines

2.jay is really from the streets, he's really from the roads, you get me cuz, he came up in one of the worst parts of bk or ny period in he 80's when it was crazy, a lot wilder than now, you get what i'm saying, he really lived that life and came up wit legends, rolled wit credible brare's(guy), back when it wern't fashionable to be hood, or living the roadlife was looked down upon as a society as a whole, you get me,
like the bougie corny niggas that battyride the hood now, would have been blatant cocunuts(uncle toms) back then, you see the point i'm getting at, jay is an natural bizness man, entrepreneur, it's natural like, you get me, if you study, research the illumnati, you will know that they are not gully enough and have a certain natural nasty culture that real niggas would have clocked onto and switched on, if they were to have tried to have got down like that, they couldn't front that long, at best, they could only be customers in the hood, if that was the scenario, there square punks, simple as

3.jay studied under the great and framed malachi z york as a kid, he taught the kids there, he taught younga's there all about the system, the illuminati, but i heard jay wern't really into that stuff, but the point i'm getting at is, he's up on certain shit, but from a purely 100% biznessman point of view, he respects biznessmen that have got that money on a big boy level, you see what i'm saying, he don't or dosen't seem to be interested in the political side of things, it dosen't look like he's up on that type of shit, he's a purely 100% bizness man and thats it

4.if he is with the masons, the mason at the bottom and most of the middle are not illuminati, but the illuminati have infiltrated that group, but at the higher levels, people at the bottom join that shit for purely bizness reasons, to network, get more bizness opportunities, it's a bizness thing, you see what i'm sayin, but don't get it twisted, me personally now, i'm not into that mason shit either

5.ron paul is a fruitcake, he talks a good game most of the time, but he will always show why he's a republican for a reason(and i ain't left or right, i'm left on certain things and right on others, i'm into common sense), like he's the only congressman that didn't vote for the civil rights bill, on goofy property rights reasons, he's true colours will always show and i doubt he's a mason on bizness grounds, if he is a mason and i doubt he's at the bottom level of that click


Finally somebody that knows what they are talking about regarding this shit...But I have to ask, how do you know that stuff about Jay? 

And I don't disagree with you on most of your points.  I def believe that Jay is all about his business, he really doesn't get politcal (intentionally anyway), and being from Brooklyn, he's prolly been exposed to 5%'ers who put him up on a lot of stuff regarding the Illuminati. 

All I'm saying is, he's very susceptible to falling into it.  Once you start getting to that level of money and power, it's easy to be corrupted.  And Jay is def rubbin elbows with big dogs these days. 

As for Ron Paul, he's not a Mason.  His vote on the Civil Rights thing is largely smeared, as is his viewpoints of most everything you hear about him on TV.  He votes like that because he believes in a very fragmented, republic establishment in the US which is how the founders envisioned it.  They were escaping the Illuminati, but unfortunately they were very quickly infiltrated and corrupted...anyways, Paul strongly opposes a strong central government, he thinks it's too bloated and has itself involved in way too much stuff that they shouldnt be messing with. 

There was also another thing simliar, and I may be confusing my story a bit...there was some vote in congress to do an official bill so that Rosa Parks could be given a medal or plaque or something....Paul voted against that, and stood up and said if we all think she is worthy of such an award, lets all personally contribute to it and give it to her.  He said he would be the first one to contribute to the fund.  The reason he opposed the bill because it further bloats government proceedings and propagates political favoritism.  He does the same thing for white people too, it doesn't matter.  He's easily the most consistent voter in the house over the last 20 years...

And if you think Ron Paul is bad because he is a Republican, keep in mind that fox news hates him with a passion.  That alone should reinforce the fact that he's not playing their neo con games.


Re: Ron Paul.... Mason??
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2009, 08:09:49 AM »
so if Jay-Z's a mason, or trying to be a mason, his trying to corrupt the youth, but if Ron Paul is a mason then his just a gentleman.

The bills Ron Paul put out were never going to pass, that's like me sighting the Obama bill to end the war in Iraq. He put it out there, and well, it never passes and now his president and we are still there. Paul is the same thing. His a part of the beast, the part that is now who the Republicans are copying to get back power. You don't see it but Paul is a pawn, he was used to see if people would like his ideas. His someone who's been in the government for over 30 years, so why now try to end the Fed. His never tried that stuff when Reagan was president. His a smoke screen.

i see what your saying fam

people have to understand, jay z ain't illuminati, thats ridickulous

1.jay dosen't have there bloodlines

2.jay is really from the streets, he's really from the roads, you get me cuz, he came up in one of the worst parts of bk or ny period in he 80's when it was crazy, a lot wilder than now, you get what i'm saying, he really lived that life and came up wit legends, rolled wit credible brare's(guy), back when it wern't fashionable to be hood, or living the roadlife was looked down upon as a society as a whole, you get me,
like the bougie corny niggas that battyride the hood now, would have been blatant cocunuts(uncle toms) back then, you see the point i'm getting at, jay is an natural bizness man, entrepreneur, it's natural like, you get me, if you study, research the illumnati, you will know that they are not gully enough and have a certain natural nasty culture that real niggas would have clocked onto and switched on, if they were to have tried to have got down like that, they couldn't front that long, at best, they could only be customers in the hood, if that was the scenario, there square punks, simple as

3.jay studied under the great and framed malachi z york as a kid, he taught the kids there, he taught younga's there all about the system, the illuminati, but i heard jay wern't really into that stuff, but the point i'm getting at is, he's up on certain shit, but from a purely 100% biznessman point of view, he respects biznessmen that have got that money on a big boy level, you see what i'm saying, he don't or dosen't seem to be interested in the political side of things, it dosen't look like he's up on that type of shit, he's a purely 100% bizness man and thats it

4.if he is with the masons, the mason at the bottom and most of the middle are not illuminati, but the illuminati have infiltrated that group, but at the higher levels, people at the bottom join that shit for purely bizness reasons, to network, get more bizness opportunities, it's a bizness thing, you see what i'm sayin, but don't get it twisted, me personally now, i'm not into that mason shit either

5.ron paul is a fruitcake, he talks a good game most of the time, but he will always show why he's a republican for a reason(and i ain't left or right, i'm left on certain things and right on others, i'm into common sense), like he's the only congressman that didn't vote for the civil rights bill, on goofy property rights reasons, he's true colours will always show and i doubt he's a mason on bizness grounds, if he is a mason and i doubt he's at the bottom level of that click


Finally somebody that knows what they are talking about regarding this shit...But I have to ask, how do you know that stuff about Jay? 

And I don't disagree with you on most of your points.  I def believe that Jay is all about his business, he really doesn't get politcal (intentionally anyway), and being from Brooklyn, he's prolly been exposed to 5%'ers who put him up on a lot of stuff regarding the Illuminati. 

All I'm saying is, he's very susceptible to falling into it.  Once you start getting to that level of money and power, it's easy to be corrupted.  And Jay is def rubbin elbows with big dogs these days. 

As for Ron Paul, he's not a Mason.  His vote on the Civil Rights thing is largely smeared, as is his viewpoints of most everything you hear about him on TV.  He votes like that because he believes in a very fragmented, republic establishment in the US which is how the founders envisioned it.  They were escaping the Illuminati, but unfortunately they were very quickly infiltrated and corrupted...anyways, Paul strongly opposes a strong central government, he thinks it's too bloated and has itself involved in way too much stuff that they shouldnt be messing with. 

There was also another thing simliar, and I may be confusing my story a bit...there was some vote in congress to do an official bill so that Rosa Parks could be given a medal or plaque or something....Paul voted against that, and stood up and said if we all think she is worthy of such an award, lets all personally contribute to it and give it to her.  He said he would be the first one to contribute to the fund.  The reason he opposed the bill because it further bloats government proceedings and propagates political favoritism.  He does the same thing for white people too, it doesn't matter.  He's easily the most consistent voter in the house over the last 20 years...

And if you think Ron Paul is bad because he is a Republican, keep in mind that fox news hates him with a passion.  That alone should reinforce the fact that he's not playing their neo con games.

i know about jay being down wit malachi z york camps through prodigy from mobb deep exposing that and me doing my research

that thing about ron paul from abstaining from voting for the civil rights issue over property rights just dosen't sit well me, whatever he arguments are, on a principle level, too many human beings lost there lives and went through blood, sweat and tears for my people, so he's a bit of a fruity loop to me, my opion on that aren't gonna change on that stuff
"get this money by any means nessassary"


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Re: Ron Paul.... Mason??
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2009, 09:27:50 AM »

So you think the Civil Rights Act was written perfectly and could not have been improved in anyway.

Personally I agree with the notion of property rights. It's not a crime to not want to associate people because of what they are. If I owned a store and I didn't want to sell to blacks, or latinos, or arabs, for whatever reason then I should have the right to refuse service. I'm the one taking the hit economically. I'm the one putting my business in jeopardy. I shouldn't have to lose my right to be an asshole just because some people have hurt feelings. All this PC shit just creates a bunch of phonies and you never know where anyone stands. Eventually any store that says "No Blacks Welcome" would go out of business and any businessman would know that. But the stupid fucking government thinks they have to force these things down our throats or else blacks or whoever wouldn't be able to shop anywhere. Bullshit. The government starts the problems and then attempt to fix them by taking away the rights the country was built on.

If I owned a weapons store and bunch or Arabs came in on September 12th 2001 and wanted to buy guns I'd say no fucking way. And when they take me to court using the Civil Rights Act chapter 2, and won, I'd still say no fucking way. And yes I realize in this case the government itself would have take these dudes to guantanamo before the first paper was filed, but my pint is the principle behind it.

If I lived in a small town and a well respected old woman was raped by some local punk and he got out after 8 years and decided to frequent my pub and have fun with his buddies there every night, I should have the right to say "I don't want your scumbag ass in my bar". And he should not have the right to force me to serve him just because I said that. If he can't find a place to drink, that's his fucking problem, not mine.


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Re: Ron Paul.... Mason??
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2009, 12:20:42 PM »

M Dogg™

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Re: Ron Paul.... Mason??
« Reply #19 on: October 31, 2009, 10:52:08 AM »
What I like is Jrome, know how long I've been here, thinking I don't know what I am talking about. For reals? You know me better than that. but it's all good. I didn't even post much thought. Actually I use to argue with virtuoso all the time about how is Paul any different if his not done shit in his 30 plus years in congress. It's all relative. I'm just bringing up questions, getting debate going, not expressing my opinion, YET.