Author Topic: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide  (Read 1025 times)

David Mack

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British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« on: December 16, 2009, 09:06:37 PM »

December 13, 2009 (LPAC)—The official British policy for the Copenhagen conference is now out, in explicit language: Massive population genocide, on a scale that would make Adolf Hitler blush. The London School of Economics, the anchor of the Fabian Gordon Brown government, has produced a study for Copenhagen, released by the British organization Optimum Population Trust (OPT), calling for the reduction of world population by between three to five billion people between now and 2050. This flagrant call for mass extermination is based on the argument that the single greatest cause of global warming is over-population, and that the most "cost-effective" cure for global warming is radical population reduction.

According to a recent OPT study, the so-called global warming crisis can be solved, most cheaply, by reducing the world population by 500 million between now and 2050. Since linear population projections put world population at well-over 9 billion by that date, the proposal to cut back world population to just over 6 billion people, would mean the elimination of 3 billion people. Indeed, an OPT press release, dated March 16, 2009, titled "Earth Heading for 5 Billion Overpopulation?" reported, "Based on ecological footprint and biolgoical capacity data which have become available over the last decade, OPT estimates the world's sustainable population currently at 5 billion and the U.K.'s at 18 million (the U.K.'s actual current population is 61 million).

"However," the release continued, "these figures are predicated on present levels and patterns of consumption. Greener lifestyles in the U.K. could push up its sustainable population; by contrast, if the world as a whole grows richer and consumes more, this will reduce the planet's carrying capacity. If present trends continue, by 2050, when the UN projects world population will be 9.1 billion, there will be an estimated 5 billion more people than the Earth can support."

A later OPT report, prepared for Copenhagen, called "Fewer Emitters, Lower Emissions, Less Cost," spelled out London's solution: Place population reduction at the top of the agenda. OPT "called on climate change negotiators to ensure that population restraint policies are adopted by every state worldwide to combat climate change."

The UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, gave its de facto blessing to this mass murder scheme on Nov. 18, when they featured Optimum Population Trust director Roger Martin, as a presenter of the UN's own "State of World Population 2009" report, a document geared to the now-ongoing Copenhagen conference on global warming. While the UN report, itself, makes the same link between global warming and population growth, it is the OPT study and its "Pop Offsets" program of targeted population reduction in the world's poorest countries, that defines the true London agenda at Copenhagen. It is the agenda spelled out, repeatedly, by the Royal Consort Prince Philip, for decades: Reduce the world population by 80 percent, create a global feudal dictatorship, eliminating the nation-state system altogether.

Officer Perez

??? I don't know this guy so fuck you!


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Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2009, 10:49:54 PM »
Its a controversial topic.. its up to our generation to basically decide whether our species survives or collapses. Our population has grown at an exponential rate for the last 300 years... its obvious that we are reaching the Earth's carrying capacity.. There are only so many nutrients in the land/ocean to support the food chain..and we're taking them out at an unprecedented rate. Until we have the technology to colonize other planets, our only option is to stabilize our birth rate or will will inevitably see a dramatic population collapse.

The only solution I can see is to adopt a global one-child policy.  It has had some success in China..  The downside is there has been widespread forced abortions, sterilizations, corruption etc.  But really its our only option, there must be a way of doing it ethically.
Maybe offering the first-born free education/health care if the parents have a historectimy/vasectomy after the birth...  or giving free education to couples who choose not to have kids at all.   The problem is how to punish couple who 'accidentally" have  2nd or 3rd kids...  a $$ fine might have to be good enough. The money can go towards green initiatives.  The rich get to have more kids..  Problem??  Fuck that, at least they can support the families.. and eventually they arent so rich anymore because the money gets spread out over more descendants.  Its bullshit that the poorest families in the world have the highest birthrate.. when they have no hope of supporting so many kids. (I know in some cases they dont have access to birthcontrol.. thats something that needs to be addressed) Obviously I'm against genocide and exterminations... but our current global birthrate isnt sustainable

How can a child-limiting policy be enforced on a global scale?  A binding international treaty? A global government? I dont know..  but if there's a better idea out there.. I'd like to hear it

If we don't bring our population to a sustainable level.. Mother Earth will do it for us.. with disease and starvation.

also..  I thought i'd point out that if all humans became vegetarians... the Earth could support waaaaaaaaay more people, every step up the food chain loses 90% of the energy - thats a simple biological fact.
been rockin' longer than niggas twice my age
back in the days before Bob Marley was rockin' a fade
before Honest Abe signed the paper that freed slaves
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before Christ created Christmas, I been in lyrical fitness
the Canibus is spittin' til' he's spitless - Canibus

David Mack

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Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2009, 11:49:38 PM »
Its a controversial topic.. its up to our generation to basically decide whether our species survives or collapses. Our population has grown at an exponential rate for the last 300 years... its obvious that we are reaching the Earth's carrying capacity.. There are only so many nutrients in the land/ocean to support the food chain..and we're taking them out at an unprecedented rate. Until we have the technology to colonize other planets, our only option is to stabilize our birth rate or will will inevitably see a dramatic population collapse.

The only solution I can see is to adopt a global one-child policy.  It has had some success in China..  The downside is there has been widespread forced abortions, sterilizations, corruption etc.  But really its our only option, there must be a way of doing it ethically.
Maybe offering the first-born free education/health care if the parents have a historectimy/vasectomy after the birth...  or giving free education to couples who choose not to have kids at all.   The problem is how to punish couple who 'accidentally" have  2nd or 3rd kids...  a $$ fine might have to be good enough. The money can go towards green initiatives.  The rich get to have more kids..  Problem??  Fuck that, at least they can support the families.. and eventually they arent so rich anymore because the money gets spread out over more descendants.  Its bullshit that the poorest families in the world have the highest birthrate.. when they have no hope of supporting so many kids. (I know in some cases they dont have access to birthcontrol.. thats something that needs to be addressed) Obviously I'm against genocide and exterminations... but our current global birthrate isnt sustainable

How can a child-limiting policy be enforced on a global scale?  A binding international treaty? A global government? I dont know..  but if there's a better idea out there.. I'd like to hear it

If we don't bring our population to a sustainable level.. Mother Earth will do it for us.. with disease and starvation.

also..  I thought i'd point out that if all humans became vegetarians... the Earth could support waaaaaaaaay more people, every step up the food chain loses 90% of the energy - thats a simple biological fact.

But who are we to play the role of God? If this one child policy is adopted, do you think the elite and powerful will adopt this policy? Hell Naw. It will be the poor and average joes gettin their balls pinched. What makes the elite have this right over everyone else? Just cuz they got money and power? I think many countries are overpopulated but many countries are underpopulated such as Canada, Russia, parts of Europe and Africa. I think its vastly exaggerated just so the elite can carry on with their operations of Eugenics and world domination. Why don't they outright come out and say the world is too populated? Why are they hiding behind Global Warming? Deception just shows how evil the men behind the curtain really are and how they try to play God's role.

Officer Perez

??? I don't know this guy so fuck you!


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Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2009, 12:50:27 AM »

It doesn't get any more hard core than the government controlling life itself, fuck these fantatics wet dreams.
However some people are clearly begging for tyranny so let them sign a pledge and be bound by it.


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Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2009, 01:08:57 AM »
isnt this part of agenda 21? overpopulation is a big problem, but when it comes down to it the western democracies are probaly the last thatll be hit with a nationwide starvation.

but i think the whole vegeterian thing is gonna happen later on in a 500 or 1000 years, its already known that in 50 or 100 years beef is going to be luxury because of the cattle and human population ratios. chickens going to be basically the main meat on the market.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.

David Mack

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Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2009, 03:06:00 AM »
Population reduction is already being put in place with wars, disease, famine and severe weather. Obviously war and famine is intentionally done. But there is beliefs that diseases are gentically modified and that weather is being controlled by Haarp in Alaska to create Tsunamis, hurricanes etc. A more drastic step will be taken if they plan on fulfilling the goals of reducing the population by 3 billion in the next 40 years or so.

Officer Perez

??? I don't know this guy so fuck you!

The Overfiend

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Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2009, 03:59:31 AM »
when it comes down to it the western democracies are probaly the last thatll be hit with a nationwide starvation.



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Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2009, 04:36:32 AM »
isnt this part of agenda 21? overpopulation is a big problem, but when it comes down to it the western democracies are probaly the last thatll be hit with a nationwide starvation.

but i think the whole vegeterian thing is gonna happen later on in a 500 or 1000 years, its already known that in 50 or 100 years beef is going to be luxury because of the cattle and human population ratios. chickens going to be basically the main meat on the market.

The vegetarian issue is another control freaks wet dream, the english made the indians vegetarians, gee i wonder why  ::)

The Overfiend

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Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2009, 05:03:18 AM »

Most Indians are Hindus. They don't eat beef, or pork, and some dont eat any animal products at all because of their religion.  Hinduism is the world's oldest religion; it began around 5,000 BC its older than the British.

LOL @ 'Copenhagen is all about genocide'.

That thinking is too simple moving at an unexceptional pace

« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 05:18:31 AM by Illuminati Clique »


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Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2009, 10:27:06 AM »
That's simply not true to state that Hindu's do not eat meat in fact Ghandi was a hindu all his life and realised one of the greatest holds the occupying english force had over the indians was the fact that many indians were vegetarians and he realised that made them less hungry for change, more docile, weaker more passive individuals. However I wrote it in incorrectly, I should have said the british loved the state of affairs, easier to control millions when they don't have the strength to fight.

Copenhagen is not the finish, in the end the aim is for complete centralised globalised control of everyone, which is a panopticon dystopian nightmare. These control freaks are sick perverts and i feel for their lack of humanity.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 10:56:53 AM by virtuoso »


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Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2009, 07:07:39 PM »
I still haven’t heard anybody come up with an alternative to population control...  Yes it seems like it is an infringement of civil liberty to say you cant breed, but to demand the right to have more than 2 kids is downright selfish when the Earth has finite resources and there isnt enough food/water to go around for the community as it is.

I understand that the idea of another level of government is scary,  politicians are corrupt.. blah blah blah,  but its an inevitable step. Eventually ( could be 50 years, could be 500) as we begin to step further into space.. we will have to do so as united as possible...  We are all humans, as long as we always divide ourselves by religion, race or even country.. there will never be peace.
We already have several layers of government..  here in Canada its Municipal, Provincial, Federal... each with their own responsibilities, whats another one on top? Especially if it prevents war, enforces sustainable environmental policy and facilitates the distribution of food, water and medicine.  I'm not saying it will be easy, we will have to fight to make sure its democratic and our civil liberties remain intact... but we've done it in the past. If we don’t even try then our species is doomed.
That's simply not true to state that Hindu's do not eat meat in fact Ghandi was a hindu all his life and realised one of the greatest holds the occupying english force had over the indians was the fact that many indians were vegetarians and he realised that made them less hungry for change, more docile, weaker more passive individuals. However I wrote it in incorrectly, I should have said the british loved the state of affairs, easier to control millions when they don't have the strength to fight.

Copenhagen is not the finish, in the end the aim is for complete centralised globalised control of everyone, which is a panopticon dystopian nightmare. These control freaks are sick perverts and i feel for their lack of humanity.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you.. but are you saying that vegetarianism is a conspiracy?  It should be common knowledge that there are other ways of getting protein..  and like I said in my last post.. using land to raise cattle is a waste of space, 90% of the energy cattle consume is wasted..   we wouldn’t need to cut down entire rainforests to create farm land, or soak our crops in fertilizer if more people were vegetarians. We also wouldn’t need to rely on steroid-pumped beef for protein.

I’d also to point out that sometimes for things to get done, somebody has to be in charge. The constant bickering between nations doesn't get us anywhere

Something has to change.. and it has to happen soon.  I still can’t believe that some people don’t think climate change is happening and think its a hoax... literally tens of thousands of highly-educated people are working on this problem, but because of ‘climate-gate’ or whatever they ignore the rapidly expanding deserts, the loss of %50 of the rainforests,the rapidly dying coral reefs (the rainforests of the ocean), the mass extinctions of the Earth’s species and on and on and on

Y'know what the definition of a parasite is? Its an organism that lives off its host, slowly killiing it. Humans are a fucking parasite.. its about time we started taking better care of our host
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 07:10:24 PM by Westcoastin' »
been rockin' longer than niggas twice my age
back in the days before Bob Marley was rockin' a fade
before Honest Abe signed the paper that freed slaves
before Neanderthals was drawing on walls in caves
I existed, in the garden of Eden gettin' lifted
stickin' dick to Eve before she was Adam's mistress
before Christ created Christmas, I been in lyrical fitness
the Canibus is spittin' til' he's spitless - Canibus


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Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2009, 12:45:45 AM »

No I am stating what Ghandi also stated, that vegetarians are weaker, mentally softer individuals, who are more frail, usually fraught with bad health because they don't get the right mix of nutrients. I didn't say vegetarianism itself was a conspiracy, merely that it plays into the hands of those who would look to control if you can make everyone a vegetarian.


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Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2009, 12:50:08 AM »

There are no state democratic means when a nation signs on the line of a legally binding international treaty. That is a top down implementation where future elected governments are then powerless to do anything about the already introduced global government laws. Secondly new borns in the west are actually at a low level, particularly white people and in regards to Africa, they have so many children because they lose so many children at a young age. The state (whoever the state may be) has no business controlling life itself and when it does, you have no freedoms, it simply becomes a word.


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Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2009, 02:49:52 AM »
it probably sound stupid but what is copenhagen? is is the bankers? top economist advisers? some sort of american or british aristocracy? corporation ceos?

my understanding is something of that sort

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.

Digital Pimpin'

Re: British Admit: Copenhagen Is All About Genocide
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2009, 05:25:13 AM »

December 13, 2009 (LPAC)—The official British policy for the Copenhagen conference is now out, in explicit language: Massive population genocide, on a scale that would make Adolf Hitler blush. The London School of Economics, the anchor of the Fabian Gordon Brown government, has produced a study for Copenhagen, released by the British organization Optimum Population Trust (OPT), calling for the reduction of world population by between three to five billion people between now and 2050. This flagrant call for mass extermination is based on the argument that the single greatest cause of global warming is over-population, and that the most "cost-effective" cure for global warming is radical population reduction.

Haha, I studied at the London School Of Economics and it's anything but an anchor for a Labour government, not since Prof Tony Giddens left anyway.

No I am stating what Ghandi also stated, that vegetarians are weaker, mentally softer individuals, who are more frail, usually fraught with bad health because they don't get the right mix of nutrients. I didn't say vegetarianism itself was a conspiracy, merely that it plays into the hands of those who would look to control if you can make everyone a vegetarian.

A lot of Indians have been vegetarian since way before the British came in to power. It's not really a religious thing, although when it comes to Hinduism, culture and religion blur into one. Basically, if you're a poor family in India you can usually afford one cow or buffalo to cart your goods around the streets and provide milk for the children. However, if that cow was to be killed for meat or by accident, that family has lost a key part of their livelihood. Hence why cows are seen to be 'sacred' by Indians, as everyone gives them right of way on the roads, because you could condemn a family to starvation if you knocked into it.