Author Topic: 2012 End of the World  (Read 478 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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2012 End of the World
« on: December 02, 2010, 07:14:24 AM »
What do you all think about this?

Heres an article/info i found

When do we truly expect the world to end? In 2012, when world awaits a disaster of unimaginable proportions or even before or later! The world shall not end in 2012... Or 2014 as envisaged by most Visionaries... astrologers... soothsayers world over! 2012 is not something that must be made fun of! A horde of movies on 2012 spell attraction for money ... nothing more!

If death of 1200 million people world over means end of the world in 2012, so it shall be! The gloom that awaits mankind is our own karma. The destiny of mankind was written by mankind itself... not God Almighty! If humanity is going to face the worst scenario in coming times... everything results from mass karma performed by humanity in the past!

To undo the same is not possible but we can definitely contribute towards reducing the impact of bad times! By indulgence in positive karma... good karma all the time... humanity can still salvage whatever best possible in present circumstances! In present times of strife... nothing much can be expected from human beings who sometimes behaved worse than animals!

Whenever a calamity of gigantic proportions meets mankind... the whole community feels like a family! But in a Kali Yuga... the Dark Age... the metal age... one is to cater for self! Invested with a bloated ego... most human beings clung to their own welfare than community or their country! Death is the most feared of all symptoms that effected mankind!

We have pursued materialistic goals of life for long! Time is shortly approaching to do or die! It shall be a fight to finish... the mother of all wars between Christianity and Islamic Dharma! Both these fanatic religions of world shall annihilate each other! It is destined... it is the word of God! As of today... not even God Almighty can change destiny of mankind!

Destruction of the world is writ large but not as depicted in various 2012 movies! In most parts of world huge waves... as high as 1000 feet shall cause utter destruction... something totally unfathomable by present mankind! Still, human beings continue indulging in adharma (lawlessness) every given moment of time!

Who wants to stop... perhaps we may not get another chance to accumulate more! Our bloated ego tells us all the time to hoard more and more and become the richest of all! We all the time failed to realize that it is not materialistic riches that get carried to next life... but virtues earned following spiritual path!

How many world over truly understood the meaning of spirituality? Perhaps one or two but not more! One who truly understood the meaning of spirituality... became enlightened in ones lifetime... reached the portals of God Almighty... became one like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed!

Spirituality... the path of spirituality is not to be confused with religion! Spirituality is understanding our true inner self... the truth of our soul atman... the spirit within! Religion is following teachings of an enlightened one! Following religion we never reach God. For reaching God... for gaining enlightenment in ones lifetime... one needs traveling path of pure spirituality!

Only when human beings clearly understood definition of spirituality... veil of illusion... veil of ignorance that surrounded most human beings unveiled itself! The prime reason why many human beings world over termed 2012 as year of enlightenment! The onslaught of coming world war 3 shall be so massive that humanity would find it difficult to forget for millenniums to come!

The theory of mass karma would finally call the last shots! As we sowed... so shall the humanity reap... nothing less or more! In the domain of God there are no free lunches. Everything results from karma performed by individuals at large! In present times terrorism is baring its fangs quite often! The Day of Judgment is near!

To eradicate evil from society... re-establishment of Dharma (righteousness) is necessitated... The reason why mankind awaits coming of an avatar of era! It is not within the might of man gods like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed to put the society back on its pedestal!

Only an avatar (God manifest in human form) can achieve this feat! Till date humanity has witnessed only one Avatar in the entire history of mankind! Lord Krishna... an Avatar of Dwapar Yuga had the embodiments of a man God coupled with powers of Chanakya (the most able administrator in the history of mankind)!

In the present people await coming of Bhagavan Kalki... an avatar of present era! In absence of an avatar... the present mankind in aftermath of world war 3 could not sustain deep wounds inflicted by world war 3 coupled with natural calamities! It is only words of wisdom contained in sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism that provide the requisite balm!

Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism is one such document that shall provide reprieve to ailing mankind in the aftermath of 2012! Nothing other than Bhagavad Gita shall come to rescue of mankind! And the wisdom of Bhagavad Gita... the essence of Bhagavad Gita is only known to Bhagavan Kalki... an avatar of present era!

As per Hinduism... society comes full circle every 3500 to 5000 years! Lord Krishna came about 3600 years before now and in present all await coming of Bhagavan Kalki! The aftermath of 2012 was rightly envisaged by Albert Einstein... the most famous physicist of present times! Albert Einstein predicted the fourth world war shall be fought with sticks and bamboos!

Such would be the destruction in world war 3 that things like computers and Internet would become passé for years to come! In absence of pure air to breathe... with no sunshine for weeks together... mankind would ultimately realize its folly of pursuing things materialistic! So much so that a pot of gold found lying in backyard would not find a claimant in aftermath of 2012!



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No I don't have tunnel vision
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2010, 03:54:21 PM »
The world is ending in 2012 metaphorically.  As u can see alot of the world's economy (oh so extremely important to tha sustaining of life) is crumbling with very little 2 make up 4 tha unraveling for which we've already done.  Money (and Love) is key, but obviously Money's fist has a little bit thicker iron in it.  We can retract from it and default on everybody's "loans" but that can only happen if we can get a majority of people (ALL ACROSS THE WORLD) to act on it (including Politicians, Major Politicians, Career Politicians, and Politician Hopefuls).  

There's just way too much division coming from the top and they're brainwashing tha people on tha bottom (and just blatantly fucking us in broad daylight).  It's not really up 2 Obama, we can all see he's good 4 it, it's tha Rednecks and Politician's at tha top who are the 1's we have 2 worry about.  Honestly I think Barack is just representing himself and isn't really to attached to tha whole Democrat/Republican brand but since he's Black it's obvious whut he needs 2 do.  

I don't hate em all but white people truely have fucked this world up.  Slaves from Africa was 1 thing but it carried on way past that and now look at everybody (all becuz of "white greed").  The Chineses are just as fucked up in a way but at least they're jah like separate from everybody, all on the Westside of the Hemisphere is nothing but white people fuckin' everybody (some white people too but obviously not as much/drastically not as much).  Love me, hate me, but at least I'm keepin' it 100, if u think I'm lying ask how many people darker than Emanuel Lewis are at tha top (Africa excluded).  The lighter the higher (sounds like weed doesn't it lol) and that's how it goes, the closer you are to them the better off your chances are.  If there's such things as Aliens then it's obvious that they are white (just sayin)...

Troubled Genius

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Re: No I don't have tunnel vision
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2010, 11:15:22 PM »
The world is ending in 2012 metaphorically.  As u can see alot of the world's economy (oh so extremely important to tha sustaining of life) is crumbling with very little 2 make up 4 tha unraveling for which we've already done.  Money (and Love) is key, but obviously Money's fist has a little bit thicker iron in it.  We can retract from it and default on everybody's "loans" but that can only happen if we can get a majority of people (ALL ACROSS THE WORLD) to act on it (including Politicians, Major Politicians, Career Politicians, and Politician Hopefuls).  

There's just way too much division coming from the top and they're brainwashing tha people on tha bottom (and just blatantly fucking us in broad daylight).  It's not really up 2 Obama, we can all see he's good 4 it, it's tha Rednecks and Politician's at tha top who are the 1's we have 2 worry about.  Honestly I think Barack is just representing himself and isn't really to attached to tha whole Democrat/Republican brand but since he's Black it's obvious whut he needs 2 do.  

I don't hate em all but white people truely have fucked this world up.  Slaves from Africa was 1 thing but it carried on way past that and now look at everybody (all becuz of "white greed").  The Chineses are just as fucked up in a way but at least they're jah like separate from everybody, all on the Westside of the Hemisphere is nothing but white people fuckin' everybody (some white people too but obviously not as much/drastically not as much).  Love me, hate me, but at least I'm keepin' it 100, if u think I'm lying ask how many people darker than Emanuel Lewis are at tha top (Africa excluded).  The lighter the higher (sounds like weed doesn't it lol) and that's how it goes, the closer you are to them the better off your chances are.  If there's such things as Aliens then it's obvious that they are white (just sayin)...

thats real.

the illuminati is preparing for a hostile take over because people are catching on to their new world order scheme. the internet backfired on them and allowed alot of information about them to be put out there. its coming.


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Re: No I don't have tunnel vision
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2010, 12:48:18 PM »
The world is ending in 2012 metaphorically.  As u can see alot of the world's economy (oh so extremely important to tha sustaining of life) is crumbling with very little 2 make up 4 tha unraveling for which we've already done.  Money (and Love) is key, but obviously Money's fist has a little bit thicker iron in it.  We can retract from it and default on everybody's "loans" but that can only happen if we can get a majority of people (ALL ACROSS THE WORLD) to act on it (including Politicians, Major Politicians, Career Politicians, and Politician Hopefuls).  

There's just way too much division coming from the top and they're brainwashing tha people on tha bottom (and just blatantly fucking us in broad daylight).  It's not really up 2 Obama, we can all see he's good 4 it, it's tha Rednecks and Politician's at tha top who are the 1's we have 2 worry about.  Honestly I think Barack is just representing himself and isn't really to attached to tha whole Democrat/Republican brand but since he's Black it's obvious whut he needs 2 do.  

I don't hate em all but white people truely have fucked this world up.  Slaves from Africa was 1 thing but it carried on way past that and now look at everybody (all becuz of "white greed").  The Chineses are just as fucked up in a way but at least they're jah like separate from everybody, all on the Westside of the Hemisphere is nothing but white people fuckin' everybody (some white people too but obviously not as much/drastically not as much).  Love me, hate me, but at least I'm keepin' it 100, if u think I'm lying ask how many people darker than Emanuel Lewis are at tha top (Africa excluded).  The lighter the higher (sounds like weed doesn't it lol) and that's how it goes, the closer you are to them the better off your chances are.  If there's such things as Aliens then it's obvious that they are white (just sayin)...

thats real.

the illuminati is preparing for a hostile take over because people are catching on to their new world order scheme. the internet backfired on them and allowed alot of information about them to be put out there. its coming.

right.  i don't really get into tha whole "illuminati" thing but I do agree that there is a group(s) of people who are at tha top who do perpetuate tha cycle daily and so on, why, idk, I know I wouldn't be trying to keep my Family at tha top for Centuries (for whut, they probably don't even like you like that and wouldn't genuinely really appreciate it).   The US is just like China and all of tha Communist (or whoever they say are over there), the only difference is our 1st Amendment which is flawed anyway. 

The simple thing to do is just end it and call it a day (literally just that simple) but they don't do it becuz of that good ol' "white greed" (i hate to sound like a "black militant" but u can only come up with so many excuses after a while).  When 2012 comes the world (at least the Westside) will truely be in a different place than it was in the previous generations/times before.  I mean u can see it now, you could see it 6 years ago, what's happening now with the world is inevitable 4 whut had been going on before.  I mean, why are we fighting over rocks and paper still? 


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: 2012 End of the World
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2010, 01:11:21 PM »

Illuminati = a group of people who consider 99% of to be their slaves, too stupid to notice, too powerless to care, therefore as they are intellectually superior, feel it is their right to rule. Their playground is a large pool of slaves to enrich their lifestyles and by crippling the west, the middle class included, they are premeditatively looking to smash any opposition and demoralise people to the point where their hierarchy is strengthened and ensured. After that, things get really dark, because as they intend to essentially empower themselves as god's and as you can see from mindset of the social engineers, when people are reduced to that kind of worthlessness, then what purpose do they serve?.

This is exactly the reason why they cannot be allowed to succeed but of course this is the reason they they look to divide and conquer us, whether it's by class, lifestyle choice, race, anything and everything as a distraction. Politicians are their best are well to do people who realise their ability to effect the larger arena is at best severely undermined and at their worst, they are just creature, puppets. The republicans, the democrats, they are basically the latter, Obama is just a puppet, massively funded by the banks, controlled by lobbyists, aint shit new there.

2012 will likely be the collapse of the west and so yes, the end of the world in the way in which we knew it. In it's place, they will advise that the only solution to this problem is a one world government. Everything to be centrally regulated and so we go from unquestionably corrupt sovereign states and yet, instead of trying to fix this, we are drawn further into their grasp.

The collapse is inevitable, but we can not allow them to get their way, i.e. after the collapse, they must be rejected and indeed there must be punishments. What sadly many people have simply dismissed as a conspiracy theory, is happening and now it's apparent to so many, this is the time in which we will see just how much people are prepared to simply accept that they should live in a state of destitution. Whether you consider yourself to be a left winger, or a right winger, it doesn't matter anymore, it's about time to burn these tags and derail this divide and conquer bullshit.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2010, 04:16:24 PM by virtuoso »


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Re: 2012 End of the World
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2010, 02:22:12 PM »
True that


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Re: 2012 End of the World
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2011, 02:48:15 PM »
people who see illuminati everywhere are just plain stupid, if there ever were an illuminati they would never reveal themselves or take over the world because they would have already possessed the world.

Why does there always have to be something bigger? People who are so paranoid about the illuminati are as bad as religious people. Shut the fuck up and live your lives.
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Re: 2012 End of the World
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2011, 10:36:24 PM »
you know how many fucking years ppl had said that in (insert date here) it's gonna be the end of the world and nothing happend


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Re: 2012 End of the World
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2011, 12:05:14 PM »
by the way no where has it been said 2012 would be the end of the world.. it is the beginning of a new era..

this shit is as wack as people were back in the day saying tupac will be back from the dead bla bla bla..
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