Author Topic: Gerard pique day in his own micro blog  (Read 317 times)


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Gerard pique day in his own micro blog
« on: December 14, 2010, 06:48:33 PM »
 such as pique and carles puyol is iron, buddy, although neither age differ greatly. Gerard footballjerseys is very good at using social tool, although he pushed open special account it on Wednesday, but a very short period of time there were already 20,000 follower, these fans are watching closely peek in the eye of the beholder, and pique also rapidly meet their demands. coach outlet pique day in his own micro blog, said he was hungry, but I don't know where to lunch. In the exclusion of several possible, give the information sent puyol: "my last ammunition is card of Cyrus - carles puyol home. ugg boots sale elder brothers, your home? I need help!" Among them, "I need help" is written in English. While carles puyol and quickly responded with Barcelona's captain Catalan language replied: "yes, mate, now I am at home. What would you like? Welcome to my home."After seeing the carles puyol invitations, pique take carles puyol coach purses and young model girlfriend poked fun, he mixed the Catalan language and English language wrote: "good, let MaLeiNa costa for us to prepare some delicious, I had no way out, really quick coach handbags."
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Carles puyol how out of nothing, a delicious dinner outside change, pique revealed no, we don't know. coach outlet see, Barcelona player relations between the really good, carles puyol and whether in court or off-court Gerard pique, all together harmoniously
In ESM (European sports media alliance) selection of the best team 11 November, Barcelona become the biggest winners Barcelona, there were five player nominated best team, including messi gain admission. cheap gucci sunglasses with a 1-1 draw began in November, then a wave of six wins, and with 5-0 defeat to real Madrid ended November's schedule. In seven games, a total of 28 goals scored, Barcelona only lost four goals. Massey, coach purses, iniesta, carles puyol, alves respectively with outstanding performance, nominated for best team.
Among massey become the biggest winner, he won 11 votes from all the votes, Harvey won 10 cheap dior sunglasses, Last month in the champions league in the limelight bell, won seven such votes, In addition, in serie a strong ibrahimovic earned four tickets, become striker best. Manchester united's evra, nemanja vidic, berbatov also nominated best team. The Spanish league now not only abounds in goal, abounds in genius, also abounds in offspring, in recent chi flat iron, there are many players through the micro bo announced the news of her son, cristiano ronaldo is one of them. Real Madrid for auxerre game, bernabeu protagonist besides hat-trick this yzma, and a mysterious visitor, he chi turbo cristiano Ronaldo, the son of small cristiano Ronaldo Crisitiano Junior) (.
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 Although injured cristiano ronaldo is still very active,. This yzma's first goal from his assists, 49 classic argyle knit, cristiano ronaldo has helped real Madrid to expand, with a ball after cristiano ronaldo to show themselves off for parent warmth, he made a suction bubbup action, will this beautiful goal to at the bernabeu, VIP box by grandmother holding small cristiano ronaldo. chi pink, a start cristiano ronaldo family doesn't want small cristiano publicity, however cristiano ronaldo oriented to suck VIP box bubbup celebrations, let his son became full the center of attention. Since cristiano ronaldo through micro bo released her son of news, people to cristiano ronaldo son has ghd iv styler strong curiosity, although cristiano ronaldo has been urging media respect his privacy, but still have the media in the track shoot his son.