Author Topic: The Nu American Agenda  (Read 5000 times)


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The Nu American Agenda
« on: November 12, 2012, 12:40:18 PM »
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Now that we the people Elected Barack Hussien Obama twice we as a North American society need to start getting our shit together and start some Nu Wars and end the Old Wars.  


Like, lets start with this whole issue of Same-Sex Marraige.  Im so fuckin tired of hearing about and talking about Gay people in the News everyday.  Its getting redundant (which is obviously the point).  I dont care if Maxwell wants to fuck Eric Benet in the ass and live happily ever after, as long as they dont start flirting with Me then I dont give a damn.  Let T-Boz eat Chili's pussy for the rest of her life, she only has a few more years left anyway (fuck it, let her do her).  And if Snoop Dogg wants to fuck RuPaul in drag then let that man do that.  Im so fuckin tired of Gay people taking over the airwaves nowadays that its starting to seep in the streets and Niggas be bringin that shit up, like Really?  Its kinda starting to bleed a little too much into my Hip Hop Music. The people still love Wayne, Murs still has a core fan base I presume, Queen Latifah can still get the dick.  Lets keep Hip Hop Alpha-Male, thats the way it was designed and thats the way it should always be (no disrespect to anybody)

So Please, lets  Im with Torae on the shit (no pun).  Same-Sex Marraige shouldnt even be on the ballads and up for Vote.  The Fed should just jump in and allow anybody to marry who they want.  This shit is retarded.  We're better than this.  It gets pretty uncomfortable when somebody starts talkin about faggs.  Like i get it, you dont neccessarily wanna hang around em, i feel u (nh), but stop talking about it, that shit is weird.  History has shown time and time again that the people who have the most negative shit to say about faggies are the ones who are the most deepest in the closest.  Its not a new pheonomenon, its been going on.  And lets not act like Vikings werent fucking each other on them boats, we dont have shit bad to say about Vikings do we Minnesota?  From now on lets stop trying to force this issue down our throats.  Thx

Women & Men:

Next, when it comes to Women we need to give these bitches some Ackrite.  I believe in Equal Pay, I believe in Abortion Rights (for whatever the reason), I believe in Maternal Time Off The Clock, I believe in all of that.  I definitely believe that "50 Shades of Grey" should be a Mandatory Read in Freshmen Year in College but thats a whole nother story for an entire different Topic.  I agree that they need Equal Representation in Congress.  We should have an Equal mix of Race and Gender instead of just "all is fair" aka mostly all white men.  It should be in tune with the Demographics of The U.S. (somehow, someway and i have an idea how).  And while Im at it, let them walk outside with their tits out too if they want, its their bodies.  I don't find anything wrong with that, and I'm sure i wouldn't have trouble finding serious support on that either.  Lets decriminalize and regulate Prostituition too, its always been here and ain't goin nowhere

And then u know what.  At the same time we do that, we as Men should be able to get more Rights and Liberties too, especially in the Court of Law.  No more of this "if u wife her she gets Half" bullshit, no more of this 16 year old girl gets a fake ID and sneaks into the Club and gets caughtup somehow with a 31 year old and now dude's a Sex Offender for life shit.  And speaking of that, we should kinda tone down on those Laws too.  Lets move the Rapist and Child Molestors out of the same category as the dude who gets caught pissin on the side of a store and the guy who tapped some chick's butt lightly.  We can change that shit to something else besides a Sex Offense (that label just sounds so dirty), especially considering that u'll have to be labeled 1 for life and all some folks did was piss in the alley becuz no toilets were around or they weren't suitable for use ((((crae))))

Men should be able to go to Bars and occasionally get into a fight with each other too.  Lets face it, we're Men and we fight, there's nothing wrong with that becuz its in our nature and as we all know God and Mother Nature rules over all.  


When it comes to Stimulants and Depressants we need to fall back on the strictness of it all.  Let the people get high, free our people, lets all get fucked up.    Im tired of fighting my Grandfather's War on the Law and Marijuana in particular.  That was their issue during their time.  Weed isnt even a big deal and in real life the biggest Pothead will tell u the same damn thing "it ain't that serious" (literally).  Lets just smoke and vape away, I mean who gives a damn, seriously.  This conflict is very very childish and petti.

The Purpose Of Life:

Which brings me to the end of this particular tirade (jobs are next).  I hope soon the Baby-Boomer generation ends this War against Human Liberty and Free Will.  Generation X has bigger shit to worry about like Economics in the new Millennium in North America, Medical Explorations,  Cures for Life Threatening diseases like HIV/AIDS and Cancer, Global Trade/Economics, Space Travel, Global Warming, and Education Reform.  And imo (and i could very well be wrong) but I think the Elections of 2012 is the start of the rise of the Independent Party.  I think after Obama/Biden is out and they (possibly) get Hillary to run I think its going to make some people look elsewhere and to Self for Leadership and Representatives.  I'm not banking on Democrats and Republicans leaving anytime soon but I can see people starting to get more knowligable on shit.  It'll take a while for the masses to actually get it without their head stuck up their ass but shit'll be a little different in 100 years.  The U.S. as a whole is finally siding with The Progressives, just wait 'til the Economy gets fixed and Entitlements get outta wack.

And most importantly, we need to teach Society how to love again.  Our society is becoming to focused on Self rather than Togetherness.  I love that birds are finally getting over their Sexual Phobias, I love that Guys are finally starting to wife sum of these SlutBucketSlores (there are too many Single Parent Households in this world, and way too many here in our Country alone, way way too fuckin many).  So lets push for Equality so we have less Gold Diggers and lets stop making Gay people feel so awkward in Public so the pickings will get clearer.  This is how we stay on the path to a more perfect Union.

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2012, 02:27:52 PM »

You are one of those labotomised chimp's who has escaped the lab as evidenced time and time again, but I will let your own words prove it

Why is this fagg so disrespectful and why are there Quotation Marks around Baracks's name and why did he use the word "reneg"?


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2012, 02:44:39 PM »
if im a chimp youre the yeast infection on an 81 year old white bitch and u get your dick sucked by catfish.  

thats what i dont get about u and ur lame ass character u play on Dubcc.  u have everything to say about American Government Conspiracies (yawn) but when it comes to actual real life issues and ideas u'd rather play the silly anonymous shit talker who hides behind a computer screen.  good luck in life

Russell Bell

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2012, 02:59:51 PM »
Hiring or electing someone to do a job using their race as a qualification wont tell you how well they can do the job.  On the contrary, it will promote people because of the color of their skin, kinda how white folk got hired over blacks in the south and everywhere in our country's past much to people's dismay - but the reverse of that is ok with you? 
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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2012, 03:08:49 PM »
if im a chimp youre the yeast infection on an 81 year old white bitch and u get your dick sucked by catfish.  

thats what i dont get about u and ur lame ass character u play on Dubcc.  u have everything to say about American Government Conspiracies (yawn) but when it comes to actual real life issues and ideas u'd rather play the silly anonymous shit talker who hides behind a computer screen.  good luck in life

You clueless, mindless drone, firstly you know the entire fraudulent takedown of the world' economies is a real life issue, an issue which you are too simple to really even begin to understand. I didn't want to use conjecture, and in fact your stupidity is so pronounced that those words which display just how utterly retarded you are should have their place in a hall of fame. Only a simplistic zombie like you would equate papa Bush (one of the top political generals of the elito scum) with what you then go on to rabbit about. You make yourself the target of my derision (you might want to look that up) because your brain is trash and yet far from acknowledging that and staying out of conversation you respond back with incoherent babble and show yourself to have a stunning lack of understanding of the english language. That would be fine if english wasn't your first language but you are a poster child of dumbed down america. You are the type of clown that "feels" it when the president delivers words with a certain timbre, a certain gusto, never stopping to realise that his tone of voice is addressing 5 year olds (you won't get that either). I don't hold it personally against you, it's not your fault that you are a retard but I do find it utterly laughable that you bask in your own lack of understanding.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 03:12:37 PM by virtuoso »

Russell Bell

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2012, 03:15:24 PM »
if im a chimp youre the yeast infection on an 81 year old white bitch and u get your dick sucked by catfish.  

thats what i dont get about u and ur lame ass character u play on Dubcc.  u have everything to say about American Government Conspiracies (yawn) but when it comes to actual real life issues and ideas u'd rather play the silly anonymous shit talker who hides behind a computer screen.  good luck in life

You clueless, mindless drone, firstly you know the entire fraudulent takedown of the world' economies is a real life issue, an issue which you are too simple to really even begin to understand. I didn't want to use conjecture, and in fact your stupidity is so pronounced that those words which display just how utterly retarded you are should have their place in a hall of fame. Only a simplistic zombie like you would equate papa Bush (one of the top political generals of the elito scum) with what you then go on to rabbit about. You make yourself the target of my derision (you might want to look that up) because your brain is trash and yet far from acknowledging that and staying out of conversation you respond back with incoherent babble and show yourself to have a stunning lack of understanding of the english language. That would be fine if english wasn't your first language but you are a poster child of dumbed down america. You are the type of clown that "feels" it when the president delivers words with a certain timbre, a certain gusto, never stopping to realise that his tone of voice is addressing 5 year olds (you won't get that either). I don't hold it personally against you, it's not your fault that you are a retard but I do find it utterly laughable that you bask in your own lack of understanding.

Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2012, 03:15:41 PM »
ok Russell MDogg Virtuoso Belle I figured u'd freak out.  but whatever u gotta say to make urself feel a little less crazy and a little less bitter then Im all for it.  

im liking this new Media Approach 2 shit.  do something and blame the other person for doing it.  gotta luv it

white folks stay bitter lol.  my dad always did say "stay away from the unhappy and the unlucky, they'll get u killed". hmm
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 03:17:41 PM by Hollywood Bilderberg Group™ »

Russell Bell

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2012, 03:18:44 PM »
ok Russell MDogg Virtuoso Belle I figured u'd freak out.  but whatever u gotta say to make urself feel a little less crazy and a little less bitter then Im all for it.  

im liking this new Media Approach 2 shit.  do something and blame the other person for doing it.  gotta luv it

white folks stay bitter lol.  my dad always did say "stay away from the unhappy and the unlucky, they'll get u killed". hmm

LOL at you having a Dad

Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2012, 03:20:34 PM »
ok Russell MDogg Virtuoso Belle I figured u'd freak out.  but whatever u gotta say to make urself feel a little less crazy and a little less bitter then Im all for it.  

im liking this new Media Approach 2 shit.  do something and blame the other person for doing it.  gotta luv it

white folks stay bitter lol.  my dad always did say "stay away from the unhappy and the unlucky, they'll get u killed". hmm

LOL at you having a Dad

LOL at u talkin shit behind a computer 24-7 trying to get in people's feelings.  Something tells me that u've suppressed alotta urges over the years.  How many aliases do u have anyway, youre pretty weird

LOL at my Dad living a better life than you and yours (assuming that u even have a life and u kno ur father, or is ur father ur brother?)


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2012, 03:25:56 PM »
And before u reply becuz i know u'll see this before u can Enter your "reply".  Dont u feel the slightest bit gay in a chat room with only 1 other person who's a guy?  

or do things like that not catch ur attention and u feel totally comfortable around sausage fests?  i c u typing, all u gotta do is click the green icon at the bottom of the homepage, im sure u know that tho

Russell Bell

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2012, 03:27:56 PM »
ok Russell MDogg Virtuoso Belle I figured u'd freak out.  but whatever u gotta say to make urself feel a little less crazy and a little less bitter then Im all for it.  

im liking this new Media Approach 2 shit.  do something and blame the other person for doing it.  gotta luv it

white folks stay bitter lol.  my dad always did say "stay away from the unhappy and the unlucky, they'll get u killed". hmm

LOL at you having a Dad

LOL at u talkin shit behind a computer 24-7 trying to get in people's feelings.  Something tells me that u've suppressed alotta urges over the years.  How many aliases do u have anyway, youre pretty weird

LOL at my Dad living a better life than you and yours (assuming that u even have a life and u kno ur father, or is ur father ur brother?)

Youre just that fat kid who thinks hes cooler and smarter than everyone to hide his insecurities thats a fucking riot to pick on and antagonize

Sorry man it aint personal really

Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2012, 03:29:10 PM »
im sure catfish head man
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 03:33:51 PM by Hollywood Bilderberg Group™ »

Russell Bell

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2012, 03:31:51 PM »
And before u reply becuz i know u'll see this before u can Enter your "reply".  Dont u feel the slightest bit gay in a chat room with person who's a only 1 other guy?  

or do things like that not catch ur attention and u feel totally comfortable around sausage fests?  i c u typing, all u gotta do is click the green icon at the bottom of the homepage, im sure u know that tho

LOL your insecurities coming out, no, pouring out right here

Like the fupa fat of your last girlfriend pouring out the front of her purple spandex pants
Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2012, 03:34:07 PM »

Russell Bell

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2012, 03:55:50 PM »
im sure catfish head man


Your sig is either a sign of real bad butt pain administered by a white America which has laughed at you and not taken your ramblings serious, or some kind of weird fetish involving naked white men.  Care to elaborate?
Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup