Author Topic: The Nu American Agenda  (Read 4995 times)


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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2012, 03:58:25 PM »
youre the one with a big face picture of a black guy smiling back at u and another 1 with Black guys running around in tights.  U know more about shit like that than i do

care for a rebuttal (i hope that word didnt get u hard)

Russell Bell

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2012, 04:10:10 PM »
youre the one with a big face picture of a black guy smiling back at u and another 1 with Black guys running around in tights.  U know more about shit like that than i do

care for a rebuttal (i hope that word didnt get u hard)

Appreciation of sports is gay now huh.  You are a sad dude.  I bet you have nightmares of titty twisters in the locker room and not being picked for the team right?

Poor arthur, all you got is your appreciation for trap rap, political ramblings that we just mock, fat sweaty women, and cheap malt liquor.  Oh, and some still unexplained appreciation for naked white men.  Strange.
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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2012, 04:12:54 PM »
Do u kiss that picture everytime u log on for good luck?  Jungle Fever?

Russell Bell

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2012, 04:14:27 PM »
Do u kiss that picture everytime u log on for good luck?  Jungle Fever?

The titty twister thing was a shot in the dark but looks like i hit the nail on the head.
Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup


Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2012, 07:53:51 AM »
Honestly, Arthur, that might be the most sensible post you ever made. Try staying sober, it could work out quite well.
i don´t need any medicate shit im 100 normal.

M Dogg™

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2012, 09:46:36 AM »
Okay, let's keep it friendly people. Hollywood, why you always so quick to make this personal. Everyone here is on that nWo shit, and that Killuminati shit. Me, I voted for Barack Obama, and these fools all know it and they want to talk about that, like I voted for Santa Claus or something. Trust me, if that nWo stuff really did exist, we are getting to the point in our information age that we'd have no doubts about it and we'd fine solid evidence. But anyways, every, play fuckin' nice.


Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2012, 10:46:52 AM »
Okay, let's keep it friendly people. Hollywood, why you always so quick to make this personal. Everyone here is on that nWo shit, and that Killuminati shit. Me, I voted for Barack Obama, and these fools all know it and they want to talk about that, like I voted for Santa Claus or something. Trust me, if that nWo stuff really did exist, we are getting to the point in our information age that we'd have no doubts about it and we'd fine solid evidence. But anyways, every, play fuckin' nice.

Because he's TAKING it personal. You might have voted for Obama and I might critisize him, but I'm guessing that you're not idolizing the man, so why would you be offended by that? :) And there's the difference! Plus Arthur takes all the racist shit people say about Obama personal and is at a point where he thinks every criticism is racially motivated. Now he attemps to offend people on that very level (e.g. his sig).

It's sad but also funny and, like I said before, I'd recommend not engaging in a actual conversation with him but just watch the show. Everything else won't be very fruitful.
i don´t need any medicate shit im 100 normal.


Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2012, 01:14:53 PM »
I supported Obama all the way until he signed the NDAA about a year ago. Fuck that pawn now. He could be black, white, purple with yellow polka dots. Don't matter to me.
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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2012, 01:31:37 PM »
I supported Obama all the way until he signed the NDAA about a year ago. Fuck that pawn now. He could be black, white, purple with yellow polka dots. Don't matter to me.

Exactly, if that didn't wake people up to realise what an evil puppet he is, then nothing will

Though to reiterate any individual can be accused of being a terrorist and once you have been accused you have ZERO rights. You lose your right to trial, your right to a jury, your right to even know why you are being held You can be held forever without trial. In doing so he and the other evil fucks in congress and the senate (that voted for it) have taken away all rights from americans. America is now a hardcore dictatorship, and ANY time they want, they can now use this dictatorial power.

Yet M Dogg still voted for this man, the same M Dogg who insists there is no move to centralise the world, well if you won't acknowledge what is in front of your very eyes, then you won't acknowledge what is slowly creeping up on you.


Russell Bell

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #24 on: November 13, 2012, 05:12:01 PM »
Okay, let's keep it friendly people. Hollywood, why you always so quick to make this personal. Everyone here is on that nWo shit, and that Killuminati shit. Me, I voted for Barack Obama, and these fools all know it and they want to talk about that, like I voted for Santa Claus or something. Trust me, if that nWo stuff really did exist, we are getting to the point in our information age that we'd have no doubts about it and we'd fine solid evidence. But anyways, every, play fuckin' nice.

Because he's TAKING it personal. You might have voted for Obama and I might critisize him, but I'm guessing that you're not idolizing the man, so why would you be offended by that? :) And there's the difference! Plus Arthur takes all the racist shit people say about Obama personal and is at a point where he thinks every criticism is racially motivated. Now he attemps to offend people on that very level (e.g. his sig).

It's sad but also funny and, like I said before, I'd recommend not engaging in a actual conversation with him but just watch the show. Everything else won't be very fruitful.

Obama being elected has brought out a lotta shit from different types of people.  Some black people and minorities take it as a personal affront to them and their ethnicities when the man is even questioned.  Some white folks have all but donned the white hoods in protesting his presidency.  I chose to criticize him for being a globalist, elitist, hypocrite who uses rhetoric and IDing people in groups (blacks, poor, women, gays) to get elected and act like hes different.   
Money like Draymond Green.....yuuup


Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #25 on: November 13, 2012, 06:08:10 PM »
Its crazy how much Barry mirrors Dubya in more than just his agenda.

In the evangelical christian and southern white man's eyes, Bush could do no wrong and their support got him a second term amidst discontent with his first four years.

Like wise, in the eyes of minorities, homosexuals and uber liberal young whites, Obama can do no wrong and their support got him a second term amidst discontent with his first four years.

I can't really blame the men behind the movements though. The people themselves buy into this polarizing bullshit and pick candidates over non-critical issues like abortion and gay marriage instead of focusing on the economy and reversing the deficit (which neither Romney or Obama have a working plan for). Classic divide and conquer strategy on the part of the government.
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J. B A N A N A S

Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #26 on: November 13, 2012, 07:17:14 PM »
I like how Arthur spelled "new", "nu".
Starting a rap metal band anytime soon there lunchbox?

M Dogg™

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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #27 on: November 13, 2012, 07:47:25 PM »
Its crazy how much Barry mirrors Dubya in more than just his agenda.

In the evangelical christian and southern white man's eyes, Bush could do no wrong and their support got him a second term amidst discontent with his first four years.

Like wise, in the eyes of minorities, homosexuals and uber liberal young whites, Obama can do no wrong and their support got him a second term amidst discontent with his first four years.

I can't really blame the men behind the movements though. The people themselves buy into this polarizing bullshit and pick candidates over non-critical issues like abortion and gay marriage instead of focusing on the economy and reversing the deficit (which neither Romney or Obama have a working plan for). Classic divide and conquer strategy on the part of the government.

I was talking about this with another person. I did vote for Obama, but if you remember in 2008 I was fully behind him, I was knocking on doors and doing phone banks. This year I just voted, and I voted Obama because as a person Obama is closer to my politics than the other candidates. I am not a Libertarian, I ain't voting Republican, and Jill Stein was as crazy to me as Ron Paul is. So I voted for the person that was closest to my political leaning.

But my main point is this. Party politics right now are designed to divide and drive votes. Karl Rove mastered this in 2004, he felt the election is 2000 was close because Evangelical Christians didn't show up so in 2004, 2006 and 2008 there were tons of same-sex marriage bans on ballots to drive Christian vote. Democrats, have their issues too, but for so long their base has been a minority, but that too is by design. Right now the Democrats are designed to hold the majority for 35-40 years since 2008. James Carville, the mastermind behind Bill Clinton, predicted in 2002 that in 2008 the Democrats will take over as the majority party and then his book was on how the Democrat Party can keep that majority for 40 years. He was right, in 2008 Barack Obama was elected and in 2012 the Democrats proved their decades of addressing minority issues has placed them as the party which should be the majority party for the next 35-40, or until the Republican Party stops being dumb.

This is all a set up. Click the video on my signature. I am not completely dumb. But at the end of the day, my actual political beliefs are closer to Barack Obama than anyone else. Jill Stein, crazy leftest even for me. Gary Johnson, way too little government. But all in all, as I've posted here before. I believe the presidential race is just a dog and pony show. The real election is local government. More REAL change happens in local government than anything the federal government does. Presidential race gets the attention, but local government actually are the ones taxing the shit out of you.


Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #28 on: November 13, 2012, 10:57:16 PM »
A lot of great points. i can't see the Republican party becoming dominant again due to the rise of the minority population. The Republicans know it too, which is why you got Bill O'Reilly saying this isn't a "traditional" America anymore and Paul Ryan blaming the "urban" population for Romney losing the presidency. Just those comments alone are condescending since they seem to think the minority and urban voters can't decode what the fuck that means. Evidently, they haven't learned their lesson.

Although Obama is a puppet and has carried on the Bush policies as well as committed treason on America by okaying the NDAA, I think its safe to say the same shit woulda happened even if McCain won and whatever backstabbing policies Obama will put into place within the next 4 years, Romney woulda likely done anyways. The only good thing coming out of democratic fatoritism among Americans is the progressive attitude socially. That's about the only silver lining I really see.
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Re: The Nu American Agenda
« Reply #29 on: November 14, 2012, 04:32:19 AM »
Obama's policies mirror your own.....flood the administration with bankers and answer ONLY to Wall Street, protect Wall Street at all costs, impoverish the people to enrich the bankers.

Start more wars, have a kill list every Tuesday morning, no judge no jury, no right to appeal just "kill him or her"

Attack sovereign nations with drone attacks, and then decry others for terrorism.

Support terrorist networks around the world including jihadists in order to cause chaos murder huge scores of people and destabilise the world.

Increase military spending markedly because you know, it's the anti war thing to do.

Allow for the tentacles of lobbyists to become ever more tightening despite campaigning originally on an anti lobbyist platform.

Sign into law the most depraved violation of humans rights possibly ever witnessed.

Don't repeal the glass steagalz act, do not regulate the derivatives market.

Push through a health system which is supported by the insurance lobby Oh but wait he cries that's not true it came from fox news!!, now if it had come from msnbc I might have believed you but not from fox. Unlike you I am sick of the bullshit of the so called left and the right, it's 101 fox news will tell you the truth about the opposing team while denying and ignoring the criminality of their side and vice versa for the democrat cheerleading bitches that operate from msnbc and co.

Campaign to do away with the military commissions act but then betray people again, not only retaining it but adding the NDAA into it too, just to really show who is a dictator.

Debt has doubled under Obama, and that's right, a lot of this debt is bank debt which has come from bank fraud.

I could go on but man, the teams, they make me sick, he is much WORSE, than Bush was and yet he is revered for it by large sections of the American population. Yet it not about him or Bush or Clinton, all are SCUM, but it's getting worse because they are just following an agenda. The racist fucks voted for Obama, the dumbed down core that said "well it would be worse under the republicans" the white bitches who said no I have to vote for him I am not racist, the women voted for Barry because you know "oh he is so handsome and his words move me". Meanwhile the republicans actually bought into the football issues of abortion and such YET AGAIN so voted for Romney, voted for Romney because of the debt, voted for Romney because he makes some vague promise of a tax reduction, maybe voted for Romney because they are racist, voted for Romney because "well we can't take 4 more years of the democrats".

How about just NOT voting or voting for someone other than the red and the blue who are fighting against not with the people.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 04:56:37 AM by virtuoso »