Author Topic: A Sub Clockwork Orange  (Read 88 times)


  • Lil Geezy
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A Sub Clockwork Orange
« on: October 17, 2013, 09:20:06 PM »

Sydney based Sub Conscious Records presents SUB CINEMA...

Episode 1 of the Sub Clockwork Orange Trilogy [R18+]*.

Over this series we run a fair amount of disturbing filth... Portraying ourselves as a part of Alex's Droogs, on a mission to cause random mischief to suppress our undeniable ultra-violent, sexual urges.

By taking inspiration from Stanley Kubrick's film A Clockwork Orange, we ironically contradict the common blame on rap music filling teenagers minds with profanity laced slurs, which are focused on negative issues such as drug taking, misogyny and cop killing... And turn the blame on Stanley for our rancid thoughts.

Episode 2 coming soon...

* The next Sub Cinema series will be [G], based on a happy and uplifting movie filled with sunshine and rainbows.