Author Topic: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread  (Read 1618 times)


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So I live In area which is predominantly white, there are areas nearby which have a high concentration of Asians (Bangladesh, Pakistan) and there are a scattering of Indians. On my doorstep is a growing number of Africans and at the moment there are no problems. Well, just to qualify that, there area Asians which have been specifically targeting white girls to abuse them, ply them with drugs, and generally carry out their sickness and depravity and in these neighbourhoods others have looked the other way.

Anyways, I have black friends, Asian friends, heck, I have no problem with anyone but as a white person you know there are areas which you don't venture into some parts of Birmingham for example, and some parts In the North, some parts of London. This isn't necessarily because you will be singled out but more so because black gangs dominate these areas, I guess these are the offspring of single parent households who couldn't cope with their children, hit the drugs, hit the alcohol or whatever and somehow these kids got seduced into this sickness which is the gang life style.

There is, for the most part, a peace here, this area is one of the top 20 most deprived areas, but unless you go looking for trouble, trouble rarely comes your way here. I was talking to a friend of mine who acknowledged that whilst there is an area nearby which has many Africans they are peaceful people and all is well. However he said he fears what their offspring will be like because it's part of the African culture to breed and then abandoning their kids. He also said well, we all know that Africans are more aggressive and volatile anyway, so when you add that to the single mother whose kid is abandoned by the father, you are going to get a swarm of black kids terrorising these neighbourhoods before too long.

Agree, disagree? with either of course, please elaborate.


Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2013, 12:56:18 PM »
Hey Virtuoso, didn't know you was from the UK!
I'm from s.e. london, and know what you mean about some areas being no-go.

I know there is an issue with grooming with part of the muslim community of non-muslims girls.
I'm from a sikh family, and heard stories about this from over 10 years ago & i've always taken them with a pinch of salt, but it's now come out to be true (I must stress that not all muslims are like this).

There are numerous problems in the country (especially in the inner cities) with high unemployment, rising cost of living, immigration, ghettoisation, family breakdown etc, which are all intertwined. The various cultures also add another dimension to the problems that are being faced.

I don't think race has that muh to do with anything, except that certain races are effected by racism more than others, so find it harder to get a good job, so it becomes a viscous cycle. They are just the first victims of this 'new world order' system, as they are the most vunerable.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 01:03:22 PM by heyyou »


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Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2013, 01:14:40 PM »

Yeah, born and raised here : )
The stories about paedophile muslims targeting white children has been circulating for decades but my understanding was that the police were scared to do anything because of the fears of being seen as racist, so instead they allowed these poor girls to continue being victims to these bastards (the bastards perpetrating) and the bastards looking the other way.

I am not going to lie, I was brought up around racist people but not openly racist, more a distrust of black people, but yes, there are no definitive no go areas for whites in this country and there are just areas in which anyone would want to stay the hell away from. The press likes to soft soap these things, ignore them, or white wash them, but they are very real.

The level of violent crime in this country exceeds that of the U.S (gotta love that) and most of it comes from the inner city areas, that's not opinion, that's just fact and recently we have heard the revelations from current cops and ex cops that the crime statistics are wholly fraudulent through various ways of cooking them, thus are much worse.

My question I guess is what is causing this? when people cite simply poverty (something I had accepted before) I tend to think they are barking up the wrong tree, if we look at the last hundred years of this country, there has been desperate poverty throughout the North (The North South divide) when it was essentially just whites living there but not the kind of violence and terrorising that is going on today.

So I guess my question is what is the cause of this? can it simply be that black people are far more volatile and aggressive? I don't think so but there is clearly a cultural reason for this, or a sub cultural influence on this right?

M Dogg™

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Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2013, 01:41:27 PM »
Poverty is the root, but eventually its because of escalation. In the US, it starts from slavery and then goes on and on, some call it post slave syndrome. Though it should be long done with, racism is carried on from generation to generation and same with other stuff like dads leaving the home and males not knowing how to act like men. It will take a huge social reconstruction of communities to fix the problems. In the US, also having a prison industry contributes, but it's because of a long tradition of having families torn apart that feeds it. And people are not even knowing they are pawns in a system until it's too late.


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Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2013, 01:48:16 PM »

The type of racism you are alluding to mdogg is the exception not the norm here, if you are instead alluding to any form of racism, then I would suggest you are just being very liberal and pc in your response since there is A LOT of racism against white people and you know it, it just doesn't fit snugly into the white man bad, non white good idea paradigm which so many covet


Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2013, 01:49:51 PM »
I think there's always been violent crime, it's just that the media report & manipulate it more to their agenda.
So example, you had the gangsters on the east end of london decades ago, yorkshire ripper etc

Also society is being manipulated to become more materialistic & sexual (films & music play a big part) and the crime seems to reflect that.
Also some of the immigrants that come from war torn countries (Somalia, Sudan etc) bring the same mentality over with them.

To generalise an say all blacks are like this or that would be wrong. Certain African counties are very similar to say Indian (strict family unit, high emphasis on education etc).
It's the same with Europe, you have different areas like western europe, then you have eastern europe that have suffered the effects of communism.


Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2013, 01:59:55 PM »
Also society is being manipulated to become more materialistic & sexual (films & music play a big part) and the crime seems to reflect that.
Also some of the immigrants that come from war torn countries (Somalia, Sudan etc) bring the same mentality over with them.

To generalise an say all blacks are like this or that would be wrong. Certain African counties are very similar to say Indian (strict family unit, high emphasis on education etc).
It's the same with Europe, you have different areas like western europe, then you have eastern europe that have suffered the effects of communism.

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Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2013, 02:02:10 PM »
Well of course, you have always had gangsters but they were gangsters with a different mentality. It was not the norm for them to gang rape young girls, or to intimidate the neighborhood. Unless you crossed them, then of course it was a different matter. I wasn't saying black people are inherently bad, if I thought that I would say it. You make a good point concerning the mentality of warn worn refugees but am surprised you haven't mentioned the single mother's pandemic. Definitely the gangster lifestyle is poisoning the youth but why is it so appealing to black youths especially?


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Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2013, 02:04:45 PM »
I want to challenge one premise though, many of these black youths of today were born and raised here. They have not known war


Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2013, 02:24:58 PM »
I agree with you that father-less children is a huge huge problem.

The lack of a father figure is having such a detrimental effect on society.
Again, there are many factors which contribute to this.

Why are black youth look up to the gangster culture? Again I would say not all are. It would be a part of the black community in the inner city that's poor and with out a good father figure. This also applies to the white/asian community too.
Look at the music videos, tv, films, sports etc. That's where black people are SHOWN to be successful (again the elite manipulating society), the quick rich, materialistic, instant success etc.
Again this also applies to some poor white people too (the X-factor/big-brother/TOWIE generation) where being an ignorant idiot is celebrated & aspired to!


Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2013, 02:29:31 PM »
I want to challenge one premise though, many of these black youths of today were born and raised here. They have not known war

Maybe not, but they are more likely to be born in a poor family, without a stable family unit, and brought up in a constant state of survival pushing them towards crime and once they get caught in the justice system it's pretty much certain that they stay in it.


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Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2013, 02:59:14 PM »

I know there is something really fucked up about the upbringing of said black youth when they shoot a baby in the face
How do you ever really resolve that though?
It is a cultural norm for an African to have more than one wife and many kids with several women, surely, you can't simply arrest that norm?

By the way I never said all but there are over tens of thousands of these fucked up youths, but there is a stark contrast in the levels of crime and violence predominantly in the black/Caribbean areas population and so, while there is no definitive answer, I was interested to see how others viewed this.



Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2013, 03:25:50 PM »
I want to challenge one premise though, many of these black youths of today were born and raised here. They have not known war

Maybe not, but they are more likely to be born in a poor family, without a stable family unit, and brought up in a constant state of survival pushing them towards crime and once they get caught in the justice system it's pretty much certain that they stay in it.

And it's not easy to ignore the reservations people have just cause you look different. Of course not everybody is a racist. But just assuming that there's only one out of ten for whom different is bad, even then you can expect to experience a lotta shit in your time. My best friend is black and I have heard things... In his words, that means that you have to realize that you mustn't even consider that people could be racist, if it's not just obvious. Otherwise you will go mad, cause everybody who's acting a little weird for whatever reason is potentially a racist then. But of course PoC are no better than white people and that's why there are many who get alienated from the majority society, cause they feel rejected in every situation. Cause people are stupid. Aside from the fact that there is indeed a whole bunch of racists out there.
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Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2013, 03:41:01 PM »

Sorry, I am just not buying that, you go to Tottenham and in the predominantly black areas they are predominantly targeting black people.
The violence is so bad that they have specialist police units just for those areas, therefore to bring racism into this just doesn't cut the mustard and furthermore there is plenty of racism directed towards white people too, it cuts both ways.


Re: If you are politically or racially sensitive don't join this thread
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2013, 05:12:42 PM »

Sorry, I am just not buying that, 1 you go to Tottenham and in the predominantly black areas they are predominantly targeting black people.
The violence is so bad that they have specialist police units just for those areas, 2 therefore to bring racism into this just doesn't cut the mustard and 3 furthermore there is plenty of racism directed towards white people too, it cuts both ways.

1 That I didn't get. Who is targeting black people?

2 I simply explained how an alienation from the majority society can happen. "you have to realize that you mustn't even consider that people could be racist... Otherwise you will go mad, cause everybody who's acting a little weird for whatever reason is potentially a racist then." Then I called those visible minorities, who can't see that they're hurting themselve before anyone else with mentioned mentality, stupid. Didn't justify anything, didn't blame anyone in particular.

3 I don't know about plenty but that doesn't matter, anyway. You're right, there is racism directed towards whites. And because most people are stupid, no matter what color, they too develope an aversion regarding "immigrants" or "muslims" or so, cause they can't differenciate. I mean if anything, that should make even clearer how that works for the others, as well, no?

I hope you don't take offense when I say that regarding this topic imo you are just as biased as those leftys who think PoC are better people. In the sense that you are emotionally invested which e.g. leads to what you made of my post.

i don´t need any medicate shit im 100 normal.