Author Topic: Islam so peaceful(115 Nigeria schoolgirls still missing after kidnap)  (Read 4088 times)


Why do we have so much immigration and why do immigrants get special treatment and favoritism and we have to be so sensitive as to be compassionate and all that yet the media dose often have news head lines and stories that cause racism and conflict

This is why. They may look like they're being given a better deal, and perhaps some legislation makes it easier for them to get a better spot on the housing lists but in the grand scheme of things, there are many being exploited.

Take the UK for example. We have a lot of hatred towards Eastern Europeans. This is because Polish, Romanian and Ukrainian are allowed to flock over and do jobs at cheaper rates. The relaxed immigration policies make it easy for them to come over and do jobs at a lower cost. So British hate them, and coupled with the fact that the media fuel it, they then become the ones to blame as to why there are no jobs, the ones to blames why our healthcare system can't cope, why crime is high, why there isn't enough housing, why welfare is cut etc etc etc.

The truth of the matter is, the elite bring in these groups to give us a minority to blame, because THEY are the ones doing the robbing, the stealing, hoarding the wealth and resources and they play us.

We have been taught to look at these foreigners as "strangers" with malicious intent. Many are simply trying to live. 2 families living in one house with all adults working their asses off, and eating the cheapest tinned foods known to man, and this is them living the life of luxury at our expense?? One snowy winter, we had 2 polish people in my parents street literally shovel the entire close, which took them 3 hours. Very hard working people.

We need to stop looking at others, and looking at our masters and see beyond the veil
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I guess it just seems that every single Muslim nation is an unsafe, unstable, dangerous place. But again i cant say from personal experience.

These places are generally unsafe due to sponsored terrorism. If it weren't for the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel trying their best to destabilize these countries then there would be peace in the middle east. Just look at Libya now. Iran is very peaceful, this is due to the fact that neither of the above have been able to get their terrorists in, like they did with Syria
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 I hear you BUT, its bullshit that some of these people get priority to housing and get given extra benefits and the like. I mean it un fair to struggling Australians, and iam not just talking white people. Its unfair to pensioners also whom get less than some of these immigrants.
 of course immigration is required and expected but only to an extent.
 Australia would have been facing an aging population and a skill shortage without immigration.
 But, why in the fuck are we bringing in all of these unskilled mother fuckers? people who dont speak English or are of no particular benefit to our society?
 They do put a strain on medi care/ the health system, cost the tax payer a fuck load and contribute to higher rates and taxes(we have enough Australians already whom cheat teh system or make full advantage of it or that are too lazy to work, etc), there are housing shortages here, there has been droughts(water shortage), etc.
 But having said all of that i do agree that most immigrants do seem to be hard working, i mean Asians/Indians work their arses off and i admit alot of this people take jobs that Aussies dont want, such as cleaning and driving taxis, picking fruit, etc(low paid jobs or hard/unpleasant work, etc).
 So you can understand that when we have poor and unemployed and homeless , struggling Aussies already and pensioners very poor, of course it causes dislike towards people when outsiders get given a roof over their heads and receive more money/benefits that white people or any race who was actually born here,  i have hared that they get their kids sent to school for free and receive interest free loans and that some receive a hand out as a head start when they arrive here, etc.
 Now, i agree with what you say about hard workers and you are absolutely right about alot of these people having fuck loads of people living in one house all together but i do not believe this to be because they are poor. I believe it is because that is how they like to live, its how they are used to living back home and they are smart mother fuckers, very smart and wise with money, often stingy but that's smart.
 Having said that, the cost of living in Australia is very very high. rent is high, houses are extremely expensive.
 Lots of Italians and Greeks seem to live at home till quite old, but that's becoming more common with white Aussies too. And i live in a shit area at the moment and there are alot of houses around here where shit loads of people all live in one house together. many are white Australian, some are Aboriginal and i notice the Indians always live in large numbers(even in apartments/units).
 But iam not buying it man, i cant speak for the UK but here foreigners/immigrants so not seem to be poor. They dont seem to have any problem at all buying and building house and driving nice cars.
 The Africans that are suddenly common here now are always very nicely dressed. The kids looking like G unit and the adults always in suits n shit. 
 The Asians are Italians and Greek, Europeans, etc all are very hard working people no doubt! They work hard and earn their money, pay their tax, own businesses and shops everywhere.
 The Indians work hard and drive all the taxis and there's Indian food places everywhere.
 But these type of people have generations of living in Australia. It was always lots of Asians and Greeks and Italians. Then the Indians have just BOOMED big time, next the Arabs/middle eastern, next the Africans.
 I've gone to school with and worked with all races pretty much but i haven't worked with an Arab yet. Ive worked with Africans. I see them have jobs, Arabs iam not really sure. there alot of middle eastern food places and shit around.

 In Australia if you have a big family you get fuck loads of government aid an alot of these people have BIG families so i dont think they be eatin no tinned food lol. When io go out to the city there all out partying and throwing $ around just like everyone else. Well Arabs dont drink but they do what they do.
 Some places be looking more like America now(wasn't like that when i was a kid). Australia is pretty much Asia though so there isn't a massive Arab problem(Indians and Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc technically Asian i know), but i hear in Sydney its bad.
 Anyways this has gone massively off topic and Ive lost my whole point i guess lol. It interesting hearing about different places around the world though.
 And i have no doubt that you are at least somewhat right in what you say. Its not these peoples fault. I dont blame them. Why not come here where its peaceful and safe and you can live a good life with opportunity and if our own stupid fucking government is stupid enough to hand you everything and treat you better than our own then why the fuck wouldn't you?

 This is where the whole "if you dont like it then fuck off back to your own country" comes into play.
 "this is Australia mate" ( i actually said that to an African that was picking on some small little white guys in the city)  :laugh:
 he and his mate looked at me like wtf? They didn't know what to say. SK the peace maker! erm


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Socrates — 'Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak
minds discuss people.'

Why is this happening?
Why did Europe slaughter each other by the tens of millions?! (WW1 & WW2)

Why is Europe destined again to slaughter each other by the millions?
Do we got an anwser?

You know mine.. I have discussed them many times.
What is yours?

nigga aint nobody say only islam is wicked


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^TRUE, they just seem more ahh "wicked" than some.

 to V2Dheart, our new government just released the new budget and we are getting pretty royally fucked over and this is indeed partly due to over immigration and foreign aid.
 Our previous government was very big on spending and giving hand outs and "compassionate" to asylum seekers and etc, where as the new government here is trying to fix the budget/economy/get Australia out of debt.
 This the sort of shit i am talking about, Australia is changing, our way of life is changing, it is being ruined and its def partly to do with the high amount of immigration. its inevitable that as the population grows, the standard of each individual life will suffer. The cost of living goes up, etc.
 Fuel goes up, medication/visiting the doctor goes up, the minimum wage reduced, the retirement age(before you can revive the pension) has been increased to 70(from 65) you also have to wait later before you can claim your superannuation, the cost of education is going up, it will be tougher for unemployed people , etc.
 Now you cant help but partly blame immigration. We basically are becoming America slowly.
 BUT, all of that said some of the policies put into place will effect people who are abusing the government benefits(but this effects all families), unemployed lazy cunts(but will also effect genuine people struggling), people abusing disability benefits(again, will effect genuine disabled people), if your old, your young, your sick, your effected by this new budget.
 One thing that i am happy to say is that we are cutting foreign aid by 7.5 billion. Thanks fuck for that! We have plenty of people suffering here within our shores yet we donate BILLIONS over seas?..
 lol heres some anti government pics from the previous government supporters and the and fuckwitts from "the greens"(scarey cunts).

 lol so we are all getting screwed but at least this government has the balls to take care of Australia and not suck up and bend over like other parties. But we all getting hit hard..

 OOps turned the thread into a thread about Australian politics.

 back on topic i hear them dudes offering to return the girls in exchange for captured soldiers..

 Oh and i have respect for this guy!

The Scots know how to deal with Suicide bombers!

As two Islamic suicide bombers, both engulfed in flames, desperately attempted to detonate the car bomb they had rammed into Glasgow airport they were set upon by brave Scotsmen who battered the burning terrorists senseless before they died! Got to love the Jocks.

 Another example of this shit is world wide.
 Quick question, for all of you authentic Muslims that are about peace, would you guys fight against these false Muslims that are tainting the name of Islam? say this shit went dowen infront of you, would you fuck them up or ?


But, why in the fuck are we bringing in all of these unskilled mother fuckers? people who dont speak English or are of no particular benefit to our society?

Your reaction is exactly why they do it. They do it to distract you from the real truth and to give you an "enemy" to blame while the governments and banking elite rob you blind and take the p*ss out of you. If they wanted to stop immigration, they could stop it very easily, but they allow it, because it allows governments to go unscathed while they exploit, rob and steal from the people..... Most are too busy swallowing up the propaganda and blaming the poor to see what's going on.

America - Just like Australia are preaching about immigration, forgetting that they themselves are the biggest immigrants in their countries. Whites are not indigenous to the US and Australia and don't really have a right to talk about it.

Can you see any borders on the picture below??


We are all one race. The human race but there have, for hundreds, and almost thousands of years been a select few hell bent on hoarding the wealth and resources of this entire planet. We are too busy being distracted by "immigration". But how can anyone be immigrants at all when we're all human and inhabit planet Earth? You begin to see that immigration is nothing other than control of slaves and restriction / permission of where on this earth they can and can't go
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Foreign aid is something which we are led to believe is money that is generously donated to impoverished countries to help them out

This is not how it works. They have a United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, as well as several advisory committee's throughout NATO countries that look into the financial benefits of "investing" money into impoverished nations. What this means is that a country that has something of long term value such as an attractive mining sector, or non-renewables or even if they are strategically placed next to enemies of the West that can house military bases, then these are countries that will generally be granted "loans" at interest. This is called "foreign aid" to the rest of us, but it is not charity. They do a good job making it look as though it is. By doing so, they believe it provides us with yet another explanation as to why we have so little...... "oh I know why, it's because they GIVE billions to other countries" when the reality is, they receive at least 6x that amount back. There's only a small group of people getting super rich here, and it's not the little immigrant worker, cleaning toilets or driving taxi's. It's time we woke up
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 I see your points. And believe me i realize that we are getting fucked in arse hard in Australia. Just google the cost of living here, the cost of everything and the price of land and the amount of tax that we pay. But our dollar is strong and we do earn decent money so it somewhat balance it self out.
 And iam not buying that shit, infact it pisses me off when people make comments like that. The world was a different place still being discovered. American and Australia were not established countries, they were undeveloped and undiscovered and largely vacant.
 It was inevitable. that may sound harsh and make me sound like  hypocrite but you cannot compare the world being discovered and established with now, established nations that were built and developed by the ones whom discovered them being flooded and over whelmed and the ones who built it all being out numbered and out bred and becoming the minority.
 Its actually a bit scarey. Not that it matter's to me as far as in my life time but i fear for future generations.
 But i guess its like that shock g album "fear of a mixed planet" I have lots of Asian friends but i cant ever see white Aussies hanging out with Muslim Arabs. Not sure about the Africans yet. Australia is so different now.
 There are Islamic leaders here whom public speak and announce that eventually all Australians will live under Islam and sharia law. Fuck that shit i say.
 I have beers with other races often but will i ever have a beer with one of them? And beer is basically Aussie culture lol.
 Oh and do you see white people flooding to non white nations? no. You could argue Zimbabwe and South Africa but looked what happened in Zimbabwe....

 But i feel you, we are all one species and it is one world. (like that John Lennon song was sayin).

 Yep Australia changing rapidly and for the worse. Big time. I was actually hanging out with a good Vietnamese mate of mine just before so dont get the wrong idea.

 And i really do want one of you guys to answer me. if some Islamic terrorists caused some shit to go down in say America or the UK, would you guys that are Muslim side with them or your fellow Americans and British men?

 One of my best mates says all of the stuff you are saying. he is right into all that conspiracy theory stuff and he hates it when i say bad things about Muslims lol. I have a few mates right into all of that and the Illuminati and all that. Iam not a total non believer but i am a skeptic at times i guess.



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Foreign aid is something which we are led to believe is money that is generously donated to impoverished countries to help them out

This is not how it works. They have a United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, as well as several advisory committee's throughout NATO countries that look into the financial benefits of "investing" money into impoverished nations. What this means is that a country that has something of long term value such as an attractive mining sector, or non-renewables or even if they are strategically placed next to enemies of the West that can house military bases, then these are countries that will generally be granted "loans" at interest. This is called "foreign aid" to the rest of us, but it is not charity. They do a good job making it look as though it is. By doing so, they believe it provides us with yet another explanation as to why we have so little...... "oh I know why, it's because they GIVE billions to other countries" when the reality is, they receive at least 6x that amount back. There's only a small group of people getting super rich here, and it's not the little immigrant worker, cleaning toilets or driving taxi's. It's time we woke up
Yeah i always had my suspicions and fears that a lot of that money would end up in the wrong hands, as with Charity's where the money goes over seas. All them third world countries ripe with corruption)not saying only third world countries are but they are very obvious corrupt as fuck).
 I feel Australia give money also to prevent other nations attacking us lol. We are right next to Indonesia.
 And it pisses me off we apparently so racist despite all the foreign aid and immigration.
 I know Australia aint building no bases around the world but yes it is common knowledge that the yanks(Americans) are doing/have done that(South Korea, Japan, ETC).
 They want to build bases here too. We caught in the middle being great mates and allies with both China and the US.
 I guess i haven't looked into the foreign aid thing that deeply but i figured it was indeed charity, a hand out. No problem helping lesser off nations when they need help but dont do it at the expense of your own. So your right i do feel that way.
 There is actually a group here trying to get Aussies to do bigger group protests to get the peoples voices heard. Weve never really been like the rest of the world in that regard.


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@V2DHeart Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I salute your posts.

@ Krazy, when somebody is about to commit some evil deeds.  And you are aware of it.
It is your responisbility to try to stop it.
Wheter the one who is about to commit the evil deed is Christian, Hindu, Atheist, Muslim or whatever.
Wrong is wrong.


I think there's some confusion over history. It's far more than just outbuilding and outbreeding inside a nation. It was genocide. The greatest genocide ever committed. On American soil, when around 70 million native Americans were murdered for their land. That number however can be anywhere to 100 million or anywhere from 20 million. When I looked into this several years ago, I got to a verifiable 18 million before giving up, but nonetheless, it's sickening.

Britain tend to get overlooked. Indigenous Australians murdered by the British imperialists saw tribes like the Tasmanians wiped out. They don't mention the genocides and mass murder in Africa, in China, in India and other parts of the world. Stripping the land of anything of value and slaughtering anyone in their way. Countries like the US & Australia were built on mass murder. British colonizers decapitating black babies by kicking, and shooting pregnant women is just one of many sickening acts carried out. We all know the standardised story of how Australia was used as a place to send convicted British criminals but the history needs to be addressed.

The people have never forgave our masters / rulers, because they still sit at the top, draining nations. Only now, rather than do it through the use of blood (counting out the Middle East invasions) they do it through suits and politics (IE; EU agenda, and merging of countries through debt enslavement and phoney trade agreements) They say 1% of the population own over 80% of the global wealth and resources. That's just insanity when you really think about it. So everytime I open a paper and see them try to smear immigrants that may earn an extra 2p an hour or because some single mother on welfare gets a little extra help with food and attempt to get me angry and blaming them, I laugh because when you have 1% owning almost the entire wealth of the planet and RESTRICTING it from everyone else, it's wrong. This picture below says it all:

We need to focus our energy towards the real culprits of why we have so little, why free energy is suppressed, why our foods and water are contaminated, why natural cures for cancers are restricted and why we fight among ourselves. It's time we seen the real enemy
« Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 10:15:27 AM by V2DHeart »
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 Yeah i do hear you. I mean the past is the past, not saying it dont matter but it cannot be changed and the world is a very different place now but i do hear you. I have done some research into neo feudalism.

 Theres a group here in Australia trying to unit to the people to stand together and find voice.

 I find this of relevance too


The last triangle image is pretty accurate. We are enslaved by birth the minute our parents sign us over to the government and receive a berthing certification. Then by manipulating the Cestui que Vie (or Cestui Que in the US) they have sole ownership of our estate within 7 years. This thing stems way back before the US was even created or widely 'discovered'. We are slaves without our knowledge
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 To quote Nas "we are all slaves" and i know for a fact that i am indeed a wage slave. Ive watched documentaries on this shit too. Basically now instead of us having swords n bow and them having the same, we have swords n bows(or guns) and they have surveillance and unmanned drones...

Sir Petey

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so peaceful... ;D