Author Topic: Alien Encounters  (Read 2597 times)


Re: Alien Encounters
« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2014, 11:32:41 AM »
That's cool Matty. Glad to see some people with knowledge of these things.

thanks bro. i think it's gonna be a lifelong thing for me now, practicing this stuff, healing and letting go. there's no reason why anyone, with the right teacher and enough effort, can't take this stuff pretty damn far. the key seems to be living a simple enough life that's based around love and positivity, as well as doing the practice. that way you always go forward and gain insight at a faster pace. plus there's so many benefits to calming the mind and cultivating concentration than being able to see 'beyond' or get superpowers or what have you. besides the amount of people who've gone that far is only a handful and they aren't interested in putting it out there or doing anything for mundane purposes. super powers are for real though, i can say that for certain.

more than anything ordinary experiences become amazing, its like feeling reality in HD (i had this for a while after coming off a retreat) and better than any drug imaginable. time also seems to move a lot slower. it's a blissful state to be in and ironically, our default too. but it's so easy for our energy to become misorganised via landing experiences badly that few people ever get back to it. i know i'd rather spend my life feeling like that than chasing things i don't need and inevitably suffering. no brainer, literally. the problem with society is that we're becoming increasingly obsessive and our experience of the world is nearly all cerebral. people don't seem to be able to feel anymore, or maybe it's too uncomfortable. technology seems to be a big part of it and how easy it is to get wrapped up in stimulating our minds 24/7. or easier still, being driven by chasing physical pleasure.


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Re: Alien Encounters
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2014, 12:43:05 PM »

Hmmm where to start with this thread....

If I could not personally relate my rationale would pour scorn on these ideas you speak about, but my own reality is that throughout my childhood years I had that kind of out of body experience which jrome referred to. t was crazy sometimes it happened at home, other times whilst sitting down in a shop waiting for my mum to finish. I wasn't even necessarily deeply relaxed, just in a state of calmness and quiet.

As for lucid dreams, yes, I have had many of them, I control entirely the direction of the dream, it's very strange to be so conscious of your own dream and yet not be able to wake from the dream either.

My mum is a healer, well, let me qualify that, she has healing abilities, the craziest thing she ever told me is that this group she goes to can channel their energy's when together and had through this channeling pushed a table from one side of the room to the other. My reaction was to greet it with scepticism and still is and yet, if that happened and let's face it, she has no reason to have lied to me about it, then you begin to ask yourself what energy's the evil at the top of this pyramid can channel.

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: Alien Encounters
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2014, 03:52:48 PM »
Very interesting virtuoso. I believe those types of things are taught in the mystery schools, that is the hidden knowledge that only select few really know about.

Matty, sounds like you're on a cool journey man. Ever done DMT?


Re: Alien Encounters
« Reply #33 on: August 12, 2014, 04:32:55 PM »
Very interesting virtuoso. I believe those types of things are taught in the mystery schools, that is the hidden knowledge that only select few really know about.

Matty, sounds like you're on a cool journey man. Ever done DMT?

nope only shrooms, definitely interested to try it some time. shrooms were actually what led me to this stuff recently, the spiritual practice/healing. had an intense experience where i cried a load and chucked up a load of phlegm and saw the bigger picture of life-love, the way we should conduct ourselves in this world to spread light etc. one thing i'll say about the shrooms is you get a load of healing/peeling back the ego all at once and it's kinda a lot to understand. you feel great afterward but it's hard to connect all the dots and can be a bit of a shock when you come back to reality.

meditation on the other hand you're actually training your ability to see on a permanent basis and getting deeper insight as a result. you can connect the dots precisely, down to a day to day routine level. you more closely feel the connection between states of mind/activities that interfere with a calm mind. and it's always that we have to do less, either letting go or accepting more freely. simple really. i think it's a superior way to enter into healing/purifying the mind than psychedelics, but both have their uses. some people need that breakthrough experience to feel/see things for the first time, some are more stubborn like me and need to understand very clearly what's going on before they'll drop their shit.