Author Topic: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here  (Read 3855 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2015, 10:07:53 PM »
great in terms of freedom and opportunity

horrible as far as politics and mind control

its worse in other countries, much much more worse.

this is coming from someone that has to go to china and india at least 1-2 times a year for both countries.

USA is literally the best country in the world, Politics wise, Cost and standard of living, freedoms, opportunities, salary.

We can purchase cars without a hassle, you know how much it is to even get a license plate in shanghai? 11 Grand, just to be in a raffle to be able to get a car. Not to mention if you have money or if u know someone you can just bribe your way to it, good luck if you don't.

No freedom of speech, everything is censored.

and no matter where you go europe, asia, where ever. nobody beats the quality and price of US beef.

australian beef is trash.

lol racism in america? its there, but hardly a relevant topic. No ones truly a blatant racist and truly believes others are inferior.  all that fergeson shit is bull shit if its straight up "racists" shit, every minority gets fucked with respectively.

being black in compton, korean in korea town, prob being armenian in glendale. you're  going to get fucked with. lol racist white america was in the 50s and 60s, and a little bit into the 70s.

its non-existent now, hell you can't even say gay or fag anymore without someone being condescending to you even if you mean it in a way where it isn't insulting faggots.

no offense, but just like infinite, the countries you've traveled to have been your opinion on this is skewed. america is definitely better than the shitholes out there, but there are also countries in the world wit better overall's just that you wont get sent off to these countries for work ala you and infinite.

which countries? like iceland ? Netherlands? Irrelevant countries with true free markets?

What countries are much better? UK is no more different then the US, the corruption is there as in EVERY country. But our country is still better then most if not, the best.

Look at Mexico, its in a state of civil war because of the drug cartels, Bribery is much more common and blatant, and if you're talking about 2nd and 3rd world countries (basically, let me remind you BASICALLY, not all.) the corruption is much more severe, and shit is much more fucked up

just sayin, you havent been to enough top-notch countries to declare that..

israel > america

what is considered top notch to you?

I've been to South Korea, considerably the most modern Asian Country in the world with Japan. Also Hong Kong which its in its own category (shouldn't be considered part of mainland china)

Canada, England, Paris, Italy,

China, the worlds next dominant super power which already exceeded US spending power.

India, the next china.

Malaysia, Japan, Mexico,

Whats more top notch then USA, UK, France, South Korea, Japan, and Canada? lol the smaller european countries? Eastern europe? the middle east? hardly.

i just named 6 countries part of the G8 Summit (Canada, UK, France, Japan, China, US) the biggest economic powers in the world. with Italy under the 'EU' representatives.

i beg to differ, i have been to enough countries to declare that. The price of beef, no hassling to get an automobile, the cleanliness, free speach, land, real estate, opportunity, there is nothing that compares to the US.

besides western europe, japan and south korea, the rest of the world wants to come to the US.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #31 on: February 09, 2015, 10:15:52 PM »
All this homosexual stuff makes me laugh. My son is 4, and right now all he knows is that boys and girls are together. He got in trouble for kissing another 4 year old girl... LOL. The US is really pro-heterosexual it's unreal. The music is all straight, the music videos, the movies, the last time we had a movie about a gay couple it was a cowboy movie which no one watches.

As for mind control. I was talking to a girl from China at my work. I was talking about how I stopped being a socialist when I realized it would never happen in the US. She straight up said, that's why China makes you believe in communism from a young age, to get rid of people's greedy thoughts. Then I just reminded her that China has the best capitalist in the world.

Heterosexual? You do know in other countries its basically against the law, we are one THE most tolerant countries when it comes to homosexuals and feminism. In terms of law and culture. What makes you think its so pro-heterosexual? compared to what countries? Please step into asia or the middle east. Western nations are much more tolerant.

I had to literally LMFAO on what i highlighted in bold. OF COURSE thats what she says, SHES BRAINWASHED BY THE GOVERNMENT!

LOL, dude, you're talking about a place that has no freedom of speech, news is censored to dust. Everything promotes propaganda.

LOL greedy thoughts? you know how selfish and greedy chinese grown in china are? you obviously have no idea dude. I've been coming here for well over 6 years and this place is nothing like what you think it is.

How do you think  Shanghai and Shenjen became capitalist cities? Because of trade with western world and its allies (japan, south korea) Other cities are not capitalist cities. there is no free trade there.

Not to mention how much bribery there is and corruption. LOL to teach em nnot to be greedy? thats straight up nationalist propaganda programmed to their heads. These guys have no class, and drive bentlys, lambos, maybachs. and theres TONS of them more then i'd ever seen in beverly hills or manhattan.

LOL government officials go eat monkey brains as a bribe to keep other factories alive, which go for 10,000 us dollars, among other luxuries the rich spend on bribes or just themselves. 

ALL they care about is MONEY here. When you get into a car crash here, the first thing a dude does is look at his car and sees the damage, no matter how hurt the other person is, looks at the person, and tries to say its their fault.

The whole "teaching not to be greedy" is definitely a misconception and brainwashed nationalist propaganda.

lol socialism? in other places in china there is practices of that sort, Where a factory pays a village to set up their buildings and such and villagers get half a million in chinese and never have to work, while in the village next over works their ass off their whole life and they can't ever afford an iPhone or a car.

MDogg i might come off strong, but its just truly a misconception, and this is coming from another american, who of course criticized our government, i was a ron paul supporter before, i wanted more small government less big. Just to let you know i can be capable of critical thinking and come to an unbiased analysis.

But you think its bad here? its far more worst in china. Far more worst. Dudes hate tibet without even knowing the history or reason why.

Lol you can't even vote for your own officials here, look what happened to hongkong, they promised the british government and the hongkongese that wouldn't meddle into their affairs for 50 years.

20 years later, they only allow them to vote for "beijing" approved officials. which created all those riots in hongkong, because at this point, every generation that live there'd live in democracy, they don't  never experienced the corrupt communist party of the central government.

lol its like the feds saying "you can only vote for these presidents" "you can vote for only these senators and congressmen" "these are the only approved governors and mayors that you can vote for"

That would create riots in every city and state in our country. LOL china is no where near being a great country as we are.

And US imperialism? Policing the world? We should thank god or the germans every day that we're the ones to do so and not russia or china. These guys are ruthless, Atleast we TRY to give out an image of caring about other countries.

Russia and china don't give a fuck. LOL at china trying to claim the whole south china sea with 2,000 year old map. thats how petty their culture, people and country is.

its truly appalling. I don't want to generalize of course there are humble good people, but again they have no idea of politics and if they are westernized shanghainese its very few.

First, homosexuality. I'm actually okay with the GLBT and would like to see gay marriage in all 50 states and DC. So to me, in terms of the US being heterosexual friendly, especially as a father, it's very heterosexual friendly. Like, it's not Africa we're going to kill gays, it's not Asia and this is illegal. It's more like, the cultural norm is boys and girls like each other and if your different, then your weird but we wouldn't kill you. I mean, and at least this hasn't happened in the US....

Now to the second part. Did you read my last sentence....

Then I just reminded her that China has the best capitalist in the world.

It's what we talked about, I wouldn't go into detail as there is some student confidentiality. But basically she said how China has ingrained them as youth to be part of a communal society that was pro-socialism. I pointed out to her that China has the best capitalist in the world and how many broke out of that teaching and decided they wanted to be like the US capitalism. She agreed with that. I just pointed out that you can't brainwash people to ignore the natural human desire to have more. It's human nature to want more, it's how we evolved and why we are as advanced as we are now. We've done it through communities and partnership, but our end goals are completely selfish.

Side note, I was talking to a spoken word poet, Javon Johnson. He was talking about how he got into poetry, and as he said, it was to impress girls. He played football, one beautiful girl thought he did poetry, he didn't. That night he wrote his first poem for her and she started dating him, and he quit football to write poetry to get girls. He is now an English professor, but he didn't get into English and poetry for his love of poetry. It was all selfish, it was all to get girls. Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook to get girls. We act to get more as a natural instinct.

sorry i guess i misinterpreted your post.

but she's brain washed if she saying that they teach communist goals to make them less greedy. yeah you can't, it certainly didnt work. The culture here is so selfish its appalling. Majority as in 90% of people here have absolutely no class or patience. Have no knowledge of basic respect.

Chinese citizens have been labeled the worsts tourists for the past 2 years because of this.

man, watch when india develops and gets more money. you're gonna have a bunch of indians that just wiped their shit with their hands sitting next to you on a 13hr plane ride, let alone just a 1hr or 2hr.

The shit smell doesn't come out, especially using those airplane bathroom sinks, not to mention theres shits stains everywhere from cleaning the shit off their hands. While the toilet paper remains untouched by everyone except me.

lol the look on the flight attendant faces is priceless on flights out and to india. I assume this is flights where all the rookies and fuck ups are stationed.


Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


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Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #32 on: February 10, 2015, 01:53:09 AM »

what is considered top notch to you?

I've been to South Korea, considerably the most modern Asian Country in the world with Japan. Also Hong Kong which its in its own category (shouldn't be considered part of mainland china)

Canada, England, Paris, Italy,

China, the worlds next dominant super power which already exceeded US spending power.

India, the next china.

Malaysia, Japan, Mexico,

Whats more top notch then USA, UK, France, South Korea, Japan, and Canada? lol the smaller european countries? Eastern europe? the middle east? hardly.

i just named 6 countries part of the G8 Summit (Canada, UK, France, Japan, China, US) the biggest economic powers in the world. with Italy under the 'EU' representatives.

i beg to differ, i have been to enough countries to declare that. The price of beef, no hassling to get an automobile, the cleanliness, free speach, land, real estate, opportunity, there is nothing that compares to the US.

besides western europe, japan and south korea, the rest of the world wants to come to the US.

He stated above that Israel is better than the US because of its Energy (i.e the feeling of the country as I understand it).
Then it all comes down to personal preference and what you resonate with. You seem to judge things from a materialistic standpoint.
Like yourself I have been to many countries (more than 40) and the one that sticks in my memory as a highlight is Montenegro. It is a poor country but has great energy.
The Faroe Islands (not independent yet but I consider it a country) also impressed me and I hope to return one day. It was like lovely mix of Ireland and Iceland.
I have been to Israel and although it has strong energy it is of the painful kind for me.
To comment on the US as a whole is difficult since it is so vast but I do consider it great.


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Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2015, 07:00:58 AM »

what is considered top notch to you?

I've been to South Korea, considerably the most modern Asian Country in the world with Japan. Also Hong Kong which its in its own category (shouldn't be considered part of mainland china)

Canada, England, Paris, Italy,

China, the worlds next dominant super power which already exceeded US spending power.

India, the next china.

Malaysia, Japan, Mexico,

Whats more top notch then USA, UK, France, South Korea, Japan, and Canada? lol the smaller european countries? Eastern europe? the middle east? hardly.

i just named 6 countries part of the G8 Summit (Canada, UK, France, Japan, China, US) the biggest economic powers in the world. with Italy under the 'EU' representatives.

i beg to differ, i have been to enough countries to declare that. The price of beef, no hassling to get an automobile, the cleanliness, free speach, land, real estate, opportunity, there is nothing that compares to the US.

besides western europe, japan and south korea, the rest of the world wants to come to the US.

He stated above that Israel is better than the US because of its Energy (i.e the feeling of the country as I understand it).
Then it all comes down to personal preference and what you resonate with. You seem to judge things from a materialistic standpoint.
Like yourself I have been to many countries (more than 40) and the one that sticks in my memory as a highlight is Montenegro. It is a poor country but has great energy.
The Faroe Islands (not independent yet but I consider it a country) also impressed me and I hope to return one day. It was like lovely mix of Ireland and Iceland.
I have been to Israel and although it has strong energy it is of the painful kind for me.
To comment on the US as a whole is difficult since it is so vast but I do consider it great.

i see, but materialistic or realistic?

Like i said, I'm a city boy. I need running water, working toilets, toilet paper, common decency, among those things.

If i go into the wilderness or some shit, i have to do that with some type of tourists group. Im straight on wiping my shit with my ass and taking dumps in holes in the dirt.

I've experienced poor countries and rich countries (like the ones most of us live in US, Western Europe, etc etc), being in a rich country is much better.

its like the saying, "I've been poor and I've been rich, trust me being rich is much better"

theres one thing going to a poor country and staying at nice hotels and only going out for fun, another thing is going there for work and living there for month or two at a time.

Taking public transportation, eating a local spots, and sleeping at local inns or hotels. Yeah, it aint great. I wish i can be staying at a Sheraton the whole time I'm in India.

I see the US embassy in Chennai all the time, i just look at the marines there and just think "these mother fuckers done fucked up some how".

don't  get me wrong, some people enjoy that humble living. but it aint for me man, grown up in LA, hell no. shiet i don't even think if you were grown in the country (of US) you'd be able to handle India.

I hate the constant touching, grabbing, scheming/selling. I just yell out "NO", pretty much lets them know I'm not a first timer in the place if you're not nice. Only tourists and first timers in these 3rd world countries are "nice".

The whole culture of these places are so backwards, no value of human life. They don't give a shit, Poor are oppressed like no other, you think US is bad with police brutality or unfair treatment?

Caste system is horrible in India, not as severe as before, but a rich man can slap a police officer and the police officer apologizes, a poor man literally gets harassed by cops for walking with his wife and asks for their marriage certificate.

I'm good on backwards ass countries.


Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


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Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2015, 09:37:23 AM »

i see, but materialistic or realistic?

Like i said, I'm a city boy. I need running water, working toilets, toilet paper, common decency, among those things.

If i go into the wilderness or some shit, i have to do that with some type of tourists group. Im straight on wiping my shit with my ass and taking dumps in holes in the dirt.

I've experienced poor countries and rich countries (like the ones most of us live in US, Western Europe, etc etc), being in a rich country is much better.

its like the saying, "I've been poor and I've been rich, trust me being rich is much better"

theres one thing going to a poor country and staying at nice hotels and only going out for fun, another thing is going there for work and living there for month or two at a time.

Taking public transportation, eating a local spots, and sleeping at local inns or hotels. Yeah, it aint great. I wish i can be staying at a Sheraton the whole time I'm in India.

I see the US embassy in Chennai all the time, i just look at the marines there and just think "these mother fuckers done fucked up some how".

don't  get me wrong, some people enjoy that humble living. but it aint for me man, grown up in LA, hell no. shiet i don't even think if you were grown in the country (of US) you'd be able to handle India.

I hate the constant touching, grabbing, scheming/selling. I just yell out "NO", pretty much lets them know I'm not a first timer in the place if you're not nice. Only tourists and first timers in these 3rd world countries are "nice".

The whole culture of these places are so backwards, no value of human life. They don't give a shit, Poor are oppressed like no other, you think US is bad with police brutality or unfair treatment?

Caste system is horrible in India, not as severe as before, but a rich man can slap a police officer and the police officer apologizes, a poor man literally gets harassed by cops for walking with his wife and asks for their marriage certificate.

I'm good on backwards ass countries.

I have traveled through large parts of India (red line on map) and what you say is true but there is so much more to it than the negatives.

You have to take into account the desperation of a starving person when he/she approaches you, They do not see the person you are but a chance/hope for something to eat.
I struggled with that in the beginning as well but once I changed my perspective and saw them for people with worth instead of "enemies" they stopped bothering me.
You don't really experience the soul/feeling of an entire country from city life, neither is it necessary to sleep in the wilderness to do that.
But seeking comfort at all cost will never bring you much of worth as you only sedate yourself and limit your perspective.


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Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2015, 10:07:29 AM »

i see, but materialistic or realistic?

Like i said, I'm a city boy. I need running water, working toilets, toilet paper, common decency, among those things.

If i go into the wilderness or some shit, i have to do that with some type of tourists group. Im straight on wiping my shit with my ass and taking dumps in holes in the dirt.

I've experienced poor countries and rich countries (like the ones most of us live in US, Western Europe, etc etc), being in a rich country is much better.

its like the saying, "I've been poor and I've been rich, trust me being rich is much better"

theres one thing going to a poor country and staying at nice hotels and only going out for fun, another thing is going there for work and living there for month or two at a time.

Taking public transportation, eating a local spots, and sleeping at local inns or hotels. Yeah, it aint great. I wish i can be staying at a Sheraton the whole time I'm in India.

I see the US embassy in Chennai all the time, i just look at the marines there and just think "these mother fuckers done fucked up some how".

don't  get me wrong, some people enjoy that humble living. but it aint for me man, grown up in LA, hell no. shiet i don't even think if you were grown in the country (of US) you'd be able to handle India.

I hate the constant touching, grabbing, scheming/selling. I just yell out "NO", pretty much lets them know I'm not a first timer in the place if you're not nice. Only tourists and first timers in these 3rd world countries are "nice".

The whole culture of these places are so backwards, no value of human life. They don't give a shit, Poor are oppressed like no other, you think US is bad with police brutality or unfair treatment?

Caste system is horrible in India, not as severe as before, but a rich man can slap a police officer and the police officer apologizes, a poor man literally gets harassed by cops for walking with his wife and asks for their marriage certificate.

I'm good on backwards ass countries.

I have traveled through large parts of India (red line on map) and what you say is true but there is so much more to it than the negatives.

You have to take into account the desperation of a starving person when he/she approaches you, They do not see the person you are but a chance/hope for something to eat.
I struggled with that in the beginning as well but once I changed my perspective and saw them for people with worth instead of "enemies" they stopped bothering me.

You don't really experience the soul/feeling of an entire country from city life, neither is it necessary to sleep in the wilderness to do that.
But seeking comfort at all cost will never bring you much of worth as you only sedate yourself and limit your perspective.

yeah thats some bull shit. you aint been in no india bro.

LOL, from wha you said is straight up bullshit.  the bold had me rolling.

mother fucker, if you're anything but indian they swarm you for change, if you give them change they all swarm you and don't leave you, they grab you, touch you, and try to pick pocket you.

and it seems like you went through the country side too, i know for a fact you definitely got scammed, payed more then what you had to, bribe multiple dudes, etc etc. no mention of that, and no mention of the thousands of mosquito bites you probably got. Especially in the more dangerous northern side, they'd  probably take your passport and won't give it back for a pretty good amount of money.

nice trolling though, someone that hasn't been there might believe you, but you're full of shit.


Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


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Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2015, 10:26:54 AM »
Are you upset because I pointed out your low self esteem in the other thread?
Your reply above does nothing in your favor my friend.
Keep calling me a troll when you cannot handle the realness of what I say.

Enjoy India!


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2015, 10:35:03 AM »
Are you upset because I pointed out your low self esteem in the other thread?
Your reply above does nothing in your favor my friend.
Keep calling me a troll when you cannot handle the realness of what I say.

Enjoy India!

the fact is that trip would of been one of the dangerous and hard trips of you're life. you're talking about a near 5 month trip since cars over there literally go 40 MPH tops. considering you're coming off as "humble" i assume you didnt ride a BMW or mercedez around which would probably cost an arm and leg, regardless of the fact that you'd probably get robbed rolling around in that and the fact that you'd have to bribe MORE then you already have.

the money situation as well, you'd have to have a pretty damn relaxed job and enough money to be gone for those multiple months.

you leave no certain detail, but some vague philosophy of yours, which wouldn't work there.

did you enjoy the beautiful beaches there?


Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


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Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2015, 11:00:12 AM »
You don't know if my philosophy worked or not, you are just making assumptions that it didn't... It is not my job to prove anything for you.

It was neither dangerous nor particularly hard journeying (except when I had food poisoning for a couple of days).
I traveled by public transportation mostly (trains and buses), and by auto-rickshaw/taxicab in the innercities.
Had an Indian railway pass for 2 months. A fantastic way to see the country and meet people.
Beaches are not my thing but went to a couple in the Goa area, not very memorable.
My favorite place in India was hiking in the mountains outside of Gangtok (Sikkim). Sikkim is like a different country and I highly recommend it.
I also really enjoyed seeing the Modi Atash Bahram (Zoroaster Fire Temple) in Surat and The Golden Temple of the Sikhs in Amritsar.
Visiting Bodh Gaya was also worthwhile but too crowded to be enjoyed properly.
Did not care much for Madras (Chennai) but was pleasantly surprised by Calcutta (Kolkata).
A town I do not wish to return to is Potna but it was good to have experienced it.

As for money, it has never been a problem for me and traveling in India is very inexpensive.
Great food can be found everywhere and people are very hospitable, especially in the countryside.
My only advice if you visit India is not to have a strawberry milkshake (Like a proper fool I learned that from experience).



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Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2015, 11:29:42 AM »
You don't know if my philosophy worked or not, you are just making assumptions that it didn't... It is not my job to prove anything for you.

It was neither dangerous nor particularly hard journeying (except when I had food poisoning for a couple of days).
I traveled by public transportation mostly (trains and buses), and by auto-rickshaw/taxicab in the innercities.
Had an Indian railway pass for 2 months.
A fantastic way to see the country and meet people.
Beaches are not my thing but went to a couple in the Goa area, not very memorable.
My favorite place in India was hiking in the mountains outside of Gangtok (Sikkim). Sikkim is like a different country and I highly recommend it.
I also really enjoyed seeing the Modi Atash Bahram (Zoroaster Fire Temple) in Surat and The Golden Temple of the Sikhs in Amritsar.
Visiting Bodh Gaya was also worthwhile but too crowded to be enjoyed properly.
Did not care much for Madras (Chennai) but was pleasantly surprised by Calcutta (Kolkata).
A town I do not wish to return to is Potna but it was good to have experienced it.

As for money, it has never been a problem for me and traveling in India is very inexpensive.
Great food can be found everywhere and people are very hospitable, especially in the countryside.
My only advice if you visit India is not to have a strawberry milkshake (Like a proper fool I learned that from experience).


thats a pretty good story you made there in 30 mins. crazy how you put that much effort into it.

a foreginer taking public transportation? in buses, trains, and autos? and saying it isn't dangerous or hard? i see at least 3-5 deaths everytime i go there. Aint no first time traveller in india is taking public transportation without a guide, and u said no word of it.

wiping your shit with your hands wasn't a hardship? Given that you were so "into india" why it the world would you take taxis in the cities? you only take taxis when 1. you're going to the airport, or two going to another city. anybody thats been to india especially, somebody like you that spend months there wouldn't call it an auto-rickshaw, its simply auto. Talking to me, somebody thats been into India, you could of said that and i would of probably believed you.

theres nothing you said that says you been to india. but kudos on the hard work. not one mention of open sewers, scam artists, pick pockets, corrupt police. One HUGE thing that gave off was absolutely NO mention of BRIBES. of course beaches aren't memorable, its a public toilet there. <------ no mention of that either, since you went to the beaches. You'd damn sure see people taking shits on the beach and wash away into the ocean.

but good job. nearly believable.


Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


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Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2015, 11:52:02 AM »
Actually I did not put much effort into it, but you sure put plenty effort into trying to discredit it with your ignorant assumptions.
If you want to focus on your negative experiences in India that is fine but please don't expect me to go that route.

J. B A N A N A S

Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #41 on: February 10, 2015, 04:13:48 PM »
I'm not gonna read all this shit, are posters here actually trying to make the argument that America is not a great country?


Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #42 on: February 10, 2015, 04:58:05 PM »
I'm not gonna read all this shit, are posters here actually trying to make the argument that America is not a great country?

not that it's not a good country, just that there are better


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Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #43 on: February 12, 2015, 08:33:24 PM »
Actually I did not put much effort into it, but you sure put plenty effort into trying to discredit it with your ignorant assumptions.
If you want to focus on your negative experiences in India that is fine but please don't expect me to go that route.

its pretty clear you're bullshitting. But your life must be pretty pathetic to take 30 mins to make up a whole india trip.

first of all you, you don't include all the little things, and certain shit you say doesn't make sense.

it wasn't a hard trip? it wasn't dangerous? lol yeah right. Indians themselves can't go back there, nor do they want to. Its a pretty horrible country. Not to mention all he roadside deaths that are so common on the highways and cities. India is a very difficult country, even for people that go there often. a First timer and you said it was ok? yeah right.

No mention of taking toilet paper with you everywhere, especially in the trains. You don't mention wiping your shit with your ass, other wise you'd at least mention it bringing toilet paper with you every where.

the living conditions are very horrible, and for a first timer in India you'd be going through hell. especially if you were traveling every where, and the way you described, it doesn't seem like you stayed at 5 star hotels (in the cities that have them, a lot of cities you mentioned don't), so you'd stay in bug infested, dust every where local hotels. which are segregated by gender. No mention of a thousand mosquito bites.

No mention of a guide, which will try to scam you and take you to his friends/relatives shops and give you over priced shit. No bribing of local country ass police officers.

none of the little stuff you mention. Everything you said can just be taken out of some tourist website. Not to mention you said you gave money to beggers. LOL aint nobody does that over there. They swarm you like bees, Simply put if you're not indian everyone from beggars, to store shops, to the government owned alcohol shops see you as money bags.

and who the hell calls an auto a rickshaw in india, considering you claim to be there for "months" you should of known this. No mention of people shitting and pissing on the streets or on the beaches.

You visit all these places, including chennai and you don't visit  Mahabalipuram? Nor did you visit pondicherry? Of course you wouldn't mention much about chennai, i'd catch you red handed.

At this point i just feel sorry for you bro. You're life must be really pathetic to be doing shit like this at this age.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 09:58:43 PM by LooN3y »

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.

Hack Wilson - real

Re: US is a great country, anybody that says it isn't come battle me here
« Reply #44 on: February 12, 2015, 08:44:04 PM »
I'm not gonna read all this shit, are posters here actually trying to make the argument that America is not a great country?

Brian used to