Author Topic: corruption within australia  (Read 487 times)

Ebenus Supremus

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corruption within australia
« on: May 05, 2015, 07:26:16 PM »
I have experienced corruption in the areas of policing and hospitals and detention and organised crime....
From being overdosed in hospital, waking up strapped to a table with the nurses rubbing defibrillators together and being told it was because I was aggressive.... Having a blood test which consisted of a nurse sticking a syringe in my arm, drawing out the blood then injecting the blood back into me.... Going on about the stolen generation in an ambulance then being questioned about my knowledge of the stolen generation by government workers at the unemployment office... Being assaulted and not being able to give a statement, the only thing the officer was interested in was what my nationality was.... Receiving fines for offences I did not commit and no description in the paperwork of where when or what these offences were or occurred.... Being given the option, via my parents of being taken out the back of the police station and beaten up to teach me a lesson. A choice my friends weren't given, rather they were just assaulted... Watching someone be injected with morphine dressed in a nurses uniform in a hospital waiting room... Going to sleep in hospital with blood on my jeans and waking up and they were clean... Waking up with a broken foot after verbally abusing a Nazi in hospital... Loosing a day and a night, having gone to sleep in hospital one night and waking up two days later.... Being told alcohol would affect me the same way it does aboriginal people under the assumed medical belief that aboriginal people are genetically intolerant of alcohol... Going to sleep my first night in detention, then waking to find the entire level had been swapped with another during the night and I was the only one that didn't get moved, then being told how to escape by one of the correct tional officers... Being subjected to humiliating and defamatory language by a female police officer when trying to have someone charged with sexual assault... Being drugged by police after being picked up for a drink driving offence... Being made aware of the police inability to make a firm difference in the activities off organised crime due to association with criminals and a fear of such organisations having a violent impact on said police.... Waking up to two police officers in my bedroom having committed no offence.... My mother being shown a picture of me to the police, dressed in a short skirt, which I one do not wear that kind of attire and two have no knowledge of the photo ever being taken... My brother being abused and subject to a cousin who chose to associate with outlaw criminals... Reporting on the so called boss of said cousin and the only question the police had was, do you know what his nationality is.... And many other instances of corruption and coercement into being submissive when faced with the potential consequences if not willing to practice complacency when faced with such malicious and degrading practices..... And they say, only in America....
This world is so corrupt, from the beginning of time, to the present day, and now we got cube coming out with Everythangs Corrupt and so far all he has exposed is the fact that he is a willing participant... Willing to demean and exploit another in return for personal or material gain.... Where are the true hustlers, willing to expose shit for what it is, regardless of consequence, and use their knowledge of corruption as a means to overcome these exploitative tyrants and criminals and support a system based on justice rather than infamy and prejudice....


Re: corruption within australia
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2015, 01:18:00 PM »
the perks of schizophrenia

J. B A N A N A S

Re: corruption within australia
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2015, 11:22:51 AM »
the perks of schizophrenia


Ebenus Supremus

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Re: corruption within australia
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2015, 03:01:09 AM »
The perks of schizophrenia are a garunteed pension, tactile hallucinations that's sometimes bring me to orgasm and voices in my head that make me laugh.
The downside is I can't hold a job cos I'm in hospital every six months, sometimes it feels like I'm being molested, sometimes the voices say scary shit and I've visually hallucinated ice cube sitting on my mommas arm chair with a grin on his face like the joker out of batman....
Ya win some, ya loose some....
Corruption in Australia on the other hand is a very serious issue....
I just had to pay a $290 fine for hitting a white south African in self defence, or the cops were gonna take my licence.
I didn't even get charged with assault, they called it public nuisance n when I tried to have him charged with assault I was given a price of paper n a blue pencil n told to write my own statement....
The only question the cops asked me was "what's your nationality?"
I told em, I'm Caucasian n you can spell it with a j....
Obviously you boys are either into corruption or have never been the victim of it...
Let me tell ya a lil something....
If such practices continue everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY is susceptible to being oppressed by the same laws which are meant to govern and protect...
Fuck outa here with ya pathetic, childish attempts at wit...
This is grown folks business...