Author Topic: I predicted the Global Financial Crisis  (Read 602 times)

Kween Kockroach Killa

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I predicted the Global Financial Crisis
« on: June 15, 2015, 09:29:17 AM »
InIn 2007 I was living in a run down old mansion in Hawthorn, which is a suburb of Melbourne... I was working in an aged care facility in Kew, which is just up the road...
It took me a while to get the hang of things...
I was a caterer, which is a glorified name for a kitchen hand...
After a while I became very good at my job, and could spend a few extra moments with the residents whilst doing my rounds...
I met one of the cleaners, an old Italian man, and we started talking on our lunch break...
We would talk about food and somw language and what not...
One day I says to him, I say " I don't know anything about the stock market, but I've got a feeling there's going to be a big crash."
He says " what makes you say that? "
I said " I don't know! I know nothing about the stock market, but I think there's going to be a little drop, and no one will take notice, and then BANG! its just going to crash."
I said " it will be like the depression, except people won't be lined up for rations. The people on the bottom won't feel it, cos we're used to living within our means. But the people up top will feel it."
Then we carried on eating our lunch...
A little while later, in 2008 the head chef touched me, which he had done before, and I backhanded him, and then I reported him...
The head chef had two weeks off and they bought a new girl in and had me train her, then after two weeks they said I had to go to another facility...
I said I didn't want to because I would loose my Sunday shift because I could walk to Kew and if I went to the other facility I would have to catch a tram and the trams don't start early enough on Sundays...
They said either I go to the other facility or I don't have a job...
I said I'm not going.
They said, your fired.
I moved up to Queensland to my mother's...
I had a big fight with my mum and became crazy and moved back down to Melbourne...
Then I see someone on the news talking about  Global Financial Crisis and a big stock market crash...

I was talking to my superannuation consultant the other day about claiming my insurance, for permanent disability, and we were talking about the high and low risk aspects of my fund and how the company invests in shares...
He said, if you could predict the stocks, you would be very wealthy....
How wealthy I wonder!!!

Oh to be crazy n carefree!!!

J. B A N A N A S

Re: I predicted the Global Financial Crisis
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2015, 05:17:00 PM »
Bitch -

Do you think it's funny or subversive to use a screen name with the initials KKK?!?

While you're chuckling to yourself about how edgy you are, the KKK continues to strive for the destruction of my people.

I don't ever want to see you writing on this forum about the struggles of oppressed minorities AGAIN.

You may be able get away with stealing our culture from the safety of your isolated continent, but you will never be free to exploit the atrocities against our culture for your own amusement.

Kween Kockroach Killa

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Re: I predicted the Global Financial Crisis
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2015, 08:23:50 PM »
I know you think you got a monopoly on corruption n sufference but the same people that perpatrate violence, prejudice, genocide, intimidation, segregation, tyranny, superiority, totalitarianism, and expect you to adopt a defeatist attitude are the same muthafuckas fucking with me....
These practices are practiced in all cultures....
White man fuck with me for the same reason he fuck with you....
He ain't shit less he making someone else feel smaller...
He to lazy to work hard so he exploit others n disable them from being able to practice self defence through evil n threats of the type of torture that can only be described as sadistic....
He fuck his own over with vain intent n a classist attitude as he employs the attitude of a racist against your people....
He makes the inferior feel superior by giving them a taste of control over others, forcing people to commit atrocities against others and watches on deriving pleasure through the spectacle of sufference....
He plants the seed of hate which blooms into resentment having us seeking a sense of belonging to that which we believe only we can identify with n relate to....
He instills a mindset of profiteering through abuse n degradation in all nations, nationalities n cultures....
I apologise again, and regret offending you with no recognizance of your belief and how my sarcastic attempt to make a positive out of a negative, which, through my own life experience, without seeking an understanding from others, I have found myself to be a victim of the same mindset that afflicts you and all people who have a history of oppression....
I will change my name....
I will recognise that you may think its karma or justice when I experience oppression, corruption, abuse, prejudice and sufference for that which I have no control over....
Yes, I am white, yes I can understand why my screen name could be deemed offensive....
I could also recognise how you may find my birth name offensive as it is a name that makes one recall images of the beauty of blackness n black women n black culture n black power....
I apologise for my mistake of being ignorant n disrespectful...
I apologise on behalf of my mother for giving me a beautiful name that I may have insulted through typical ignorance practiced by white people....
I apologise for what my people have done to your people and continue to do until this day...
I apologise not only because it is so obviously wrong and evil, but also because I and my people have benifitted from it, continue to benefit from it and have yet to even attempt to rectify, compensate ( not that it could ever be compensated ) or recognise that they are in fact the inferior one for they would not have anything if it weren't for that which they have unjustly reaped from others....
I can't own your history or experience or even begin to comprehend what its like to be you....
I can only be me...
Flaws n all....
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 11:40:10 PM by Ebony Bree Caple »

Kween Kockroach Killa

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Re: I predicted the Global Financial Crisis
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2015, 04:23:45 AM »
I dont think all white ppl r devils....
I do think a lot of us are ignorant or more to the point, ignoratios, as in, we don't want to learn...
I am quite aware of the fact that I could incurred genuine torture for my broad derogatory language n statements in relation to race relations just I am aware that I too am responsible for putting negative propaganda out there about those I deem to be my enemy...
I am but a source of amusement for ppl with evil intentions, a source of profit n I will assume a source of others sick sense of self satisfaction...
I don't want to point out the evil doers in other peoples cultures, I only want to remark on the acts committed by ppl I can identity with, regardless of the fact that I feel no familiarity or something akin to a sense of belonging...
I have been blessed to have had the privilege of submersing myself within another mans culture....
I was treated as family to an extent....
I knew not the consequences of my waywardness but did benefit greatly from the experience, learning a sense of community, love, respect n true knowledge, as well as cultural practices that some may deem contrary to what we term civilized....
I was encouraged....
I was mocked if I acted white....
I was respected whilst young and incurred abuse when I allowed my moral sense to wane into a carefree behavioural pattern of substance abuse, sexual procosiousness, and lack of appreciation for the privileges I was allocated....
I know good white, black brindle n everything in between...
If I suffer, I will dedicate my suffering to those who have suffered at the hands of my people, knowing that although it does not justify anything, and its all about profit, I have benefitted from the injustices imposed apon others in the name of profit...
I do not experience the conflict and prejudice imposed apon others at the hands of my people....
I am witness to its prevelance within society and am ashamed of the privileges I have been born to through appearance and culture....
I am on a continent which is traditionally a land of people who have shown me a kindness and generosity I never experienced within my own culture....
There are corrupt ppl within all cultures, but how can I point the finger when I recognise the influence and impact my ppls presence has had upon those of other cultures....
I do not come to another man and expect him to adhere to my will and determination of right and wrong...
I experience the difference of beliefs, incurred or appreciate what I will and add my new found knowledge to the store and wealth of cultural beliefs I choose to adopt....
I choose not to disrespect by blatantly ignoring the lines of separation that keep us safe within our communities, but do acknowledge, that if reciprocated, a healthy respect for others cultural practices can be a source of joy, not withstanding the negatives, merely an appreciation of something once alien and now favored like an exotic fruit....
Apologies for being so narrow minded and pigeon holing ppl with my use of terminology...