Author Topic: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...  (Read 714 times)

Ebenus Supremus

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Just had a week long fling wit the most handsome Sudanese fella....
Friend hooked me up...
Felt whipped after two days n actually contemplated staying with the cutie....
Then I realised, after some soul searching, that although it was great sex, which I haven't had in nine years, it wasn't a very compatible partnership due to differing mindsets....
Some people call it standards....
But he was polite to me, just rowdy with others, and thoutough in bed, so all in all, I owe my friend a favor for the hookup....
Later pussies!!!


Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2015, 08:23:11 AM »
sometimes u have to compromise to make things work

J. B A N A N A S

Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2015, 04:07:40 PM »
I felt happy for you until you said Sudanese.

Bitch you got AIDS

That guy is back in his hut, eating some rat meat and mud water, cackling like a hyena about how he's poisoning the white race one dumb cow at a time.

Ebenus Supremus

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Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2015, 01:27:31 AM »
I felt happy for you until you said Sudanese.

Bitch you got AIDS

That guy is back in his hut, eating some rat meat and mud water, cackling like a hyena about how he's poisoning the white race one dumb cow at a time.

Fuck you you backwater, degenerative, stereotype spouting, wanna be, reminiscent of a redneck, swamp donkey, no good, two bit bitch ass motherfucker!!!

More fool me for not using protection if I've inadvertantly acquired a lifelong reminder of a week long fling....

By the way, you wanna talk shit bout Sudanese ppl I suggest you start telling your crew, if you have one, that you need backup...

They a strong, proud, i industrious, close knit ppl, n I won't stand for no motherfucker talking smack bout my handsome African fling...

I met one of the Lost Boys too you fucking reject...
Anyone survive that should be bestowed the highest honors, regardless....
If you don't know what I'm talking bout, get off your tragically privileged ass, go to the library n do some research on South Sudan n the Lost Boys...

If I got anything off this handsome young man, its a good memory of what could quite possibly be my last sexual encounter...

I could go to my grave happy instead of ignorant, arrogant n bitter like you...



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Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2015, 10:52:26 AM »
Ebenis your a faggot like Sccif and Infinitive.

Ebenus Supremus

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Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2015, 08:08:23 PM »
Ebenis your a faggot like Sccif and Infinitive.

Cali, you the bitch taking it like a faggot...
I'm a proud heterosexual who questions the morality of homosexuality as it goes against personal taste, and I'm speaking from experience, but I sympathise with gays who refer to their sexuality as a natural desire and don't believe they should have to justify it to anyone.
Just as I shouldn't have to justify my infatuation with men of different cultures, but I keep in mind it is offensive to some people.

Triple OG Rapsodie

Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2015, 07:22:41 PM »
Is this Queen


Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2015, 07:55:56 PM »
Is this Queen

i thought it was til i seen her videos

Ebenus Supremus

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Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2015, 08:23:08 PM »
Is this Queen

i thought it was til i seen her videos

Is that a diss sccit???
Cos I got plenty of spare time to rerecord them all...


Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2015, 08:24:41 PM »
Is this Queen

i thought it was til i seen her videos

Is that a diss sccit???
Cos I got plenty of spare time to rerecord them all...

no, it's not a diss...i don't think i've ever dissed you, i actually like u whole lot.

Ebenus Supremus

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Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2015, 08:31:36 PM »
Is this Queen

i thought it was til i seen her videos

Is that a diss sccit???
Cos I got plenty of spare time to rerecord them all...

no, it's not a diss...i don't think i've ever dissed you, i actually like u whole lot.

I'm a sucker for sweet talk...
I kinda wish you would of acknowledged them more n dissed me back stead of acting so above it n not paying any mind...

I don't know you, but you come across as quite formidable in this forum, n when I'm not challenging authority figures I'm usually trying to respect them...

Props kid!!

Ebenus Supremus

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Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2015, 08:43:19 PM »
I was gonna go out last night n look for john number 2 but its my time of the month so I didn't...
Instead I'm having a long distance phone relationship with this Sudanese guy where he rings me drunk n threatens to come visit or prank calls me n tells me he's in the city then breaks up with me n tells me its over even though we not in a relationship then apologizes after I block his calls n asks me to come back down to him then puts his cousin on the phone n gets him to try n convince me to come back...

It was fun, but he drinks to much, n I'm not the type to be chasing a man who got so much baggage...
Sure we both got issues but I'm not looking for someone to fix mine n mask em with some heated between the sheets moments n an everyday drinking cheap wine habit....

Besides, he to young for me....

But it is nice to be chased a little, n its even nicer that I can either be cheeky or chaste n he still likes me...

Either way, I told him, we best just get over it cos I'm never going back to my hometown, when all he does is work n drink n a lot of my old friends are hooked on ice n I've got such a comfortable life up here that I'm not giving it up for a regular fuck...

I told him, I need local dick, not dick that lives 800kms away...

He still threatening to come up... But I know he'll never get his act together so I'm cool...

As for the celebacy issue....

I gotta admit, it was a lot better taking it out the box n playing with it than trying yo maintain a sense of wholesomeness...
No cunt respected my celebacy anyway... So I mayswell slut around a bit n make up for lost time...

Next weekend I might find a captain for my vessel...


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Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2015, 04:17:02 PM »
Ebenis your a faggot like Sccif and Infinitive.

Cali, you the bitch taking it like a faggot...
I'm a proud heterosexual who questions the morality of homosexuality as it goes against personal taste, and I'm speaking from experience, but I sympathise with gays who refer to their sexuality as a natural desire and don't believe they should have to justify it to anyone.
Just as I shouldn't have to justify my infatuation with men of different cultures, but I keep in mind it is offensive to some people.

Your a man who gets fuccedup da ass. That's NOT Hetero. Faggot.

J. B A N A N A S

Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2015, 12:30:15 PM »
Fuck you you backwater, degenerative, stereotype spouting, wanna be, reminiscent of a redneck, swamp donkey, no good, two bit bitch ass motherfucker!!!

First of all, I'm the King of Northern New Jersey, Pebble Beach and Seattle on here you can ax anybody.

By the way, you wanna talk shit bout Sudanese ppl I suggest you start telling your crew, if you have one, that you need backup...

They a strong, proud, i industrious, close knit ppl, n I won't stand for no motherfucker talking smack bout my handsome African fling...

Paged my crew, awaiting your next threat.

I met one of the Lost Boys too you fucking reject...
Anyone survive that should be bestowed the highest honors, regardless....

This I'm actually jealous of. The Lost Boys is top 3 all time vampire movies for me. I used to surf and hang out near the filming locations.

tragically privileged ass

I realize privilege is the new insult for angry leftists, but I'd rather live that way than not.

If I got anything off this handsome young man, its a good memory of what could quite possibly be my last sexual encounter...

Well, you have my sympathy. Maybe when you start to have sex again in 10 years he will finally be 18 years old.

I could go to my grave happy instead of ignorant, arrogant n bitter like you...

You got 2/3 right. I'm not bitter, but am very ignorant and arrogant. Tony Soprano is a role model.

All in all, I didn't mean to get you riled up. The Sudanese boy probably had a great time just like you, and is probably comparing his experience with you to the person who he is raping now before hacking her to death with a machete, wishing she was as good as you. Do your thing baby girl, you might not have the respect of anyone here, or your family or your peers but at least you can say you had that hot fling with an African honor student.

Ebenus Supremus

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Re: I am no longer celibate or my celabacy starts now. I don't know...
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2015, 04:53:27 PM »
Fuck you you backwater, degenerative, stereotype spouting, wanna be, reminiscent of a redneck, swamp donkey, no good, two bit bitch ass motherfucker!!!

First of all, I'm the King of Northern New Jersey, Pebble Beach and Seattle on here you can ax anybody.

I'm calling my connect in Jamaica Queens n telling him to take a left at the turn pike n pay your troll ass a visit. I'm not surprised at your affiliation with Seattle, I hear its the #2 bum fuck city of brotherly love!

By the way, you wanna talk shit bout Sudanese ppl I suggest you start telling your crew, if you have one, that you need backup...

They a strong, proud, i industrious, close knit ppl, n I won't stand for no motherfucker talking smack bout my handsome African fling...

Paged my crew, awaiting your next threat.

See previous threat.

I met one of the Lost Boys too you fucking reject...
Anyone survive that should be bestowed the highest honors, regardless....

This I'm actually jealous of. The Lost Boys is top 3 all time vampire movies for me. I used to surf and hang out near the filming locations.

Seriously need to watch back to the future for tips on how to return your retarded ass to the 80's where it belongs. Along with fluro n hypo color t shirts n crimped/teased hair.

tragically privileged ass

I realize privilege is the new insult for angry leftists, but I'd rather live that way than not.

First I'm a liberal, now I'm a leftists. Whatever whatever jack, I'm your do gooder Jill n there's a hole in my bucket n Henry's to busy fuckin Liza to fix it...

If I got anything off this handsome young man, its a good memory of what could quite possibly be my last sexual encounter...

Well, you have my sympathy. Maybe when you start to have sex again in 10 years he will finally be 18 years old.

I save my chances of getting done for defiling a minor with sending ugly nudes to my Ghanian, Nigerian or Bangladeshi toyboys on Facebook.... He was five years younger. Go back to school n learn how to count.

I could go to my grave happy instead of ignorant, arrogant n bitter like you...

You got 2/3 right. I'm not bitter, but am very ignorant and arrogant. Tony Soprano is a role model.

All in all, I didn't mean to get you riled up. The Sudanese boy probably had a great time just like you, and is probably comparing his experience with you to the person who he is raping now before hacking her to death with a machete, wishing she was as good as you. Do your thing baby girl, you might not have the respect of anyone here, or your family or your peers but at least you can say you had that hot fling with an African honor student.

All in all I don't want the respect of someone who idolises overweight middle aged television gangsters or fuck boys who think gangster rap is a respectable source of entertainment. I do however appreciate your feedback as I always get a well needed laugh out of your blatantly obnoxious n degenerative replies....
N for your information, he's not an honor student, he's a half impotent yet very tall, dark n handsome lying drunk who knows how to please, although I rejected his attempt at cunninglingus as I no longer enjoy a mans head between my legs having got greedy with it in my late teens after discovering what an orgasm was....
To sum it up, have a great day cocksucker, in Seattle.