Author Topic: Letter my friend wrote on why we aren’t friends anymore...  (Read 276 times)

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Letter my friend wrote on why we aren’t friends anymore...
« on: February 08, 2022, 06:26:43 PM »
This guy was even supposedly a Libertarian in fact when I met him years ago he was a Bernie Sanders socialist and after becoming friends with me he became a staunch Libertarian in fact he was more towards the conservative/Republican side... well once the heat started really coming two years ago with coNvid and freedom lovers started being accused in society of being “selfish” and attacked in the mainstream media propaganda daily well this guy suddenly claimed he was “apolitical” when he’d always been the most political guy I knew.  More political than me in fact he was the type that would describe people he’d just met according to their assumed political stance like “oh yeah that fucking liberal Canuck down the hall” or “yeah that moderate Democrat we met the other day” well check out this fucking shit he sent me after months of not talking...

(Note, I can refute everyone of his points—for example the comedy piece of it is actually me trying to have a sense of humor about things I could just go right up to people and be like “you fucking asshole how dare you side with Authoritarian Govt and the forced injecting and masking and locking down of the people” but I try to incorporate humor out of generosity)


“I'm sorry I haven't responded sooner. I needed time to myself. I've been spending a lot of time thinking. Thinking about the last couple of years, but especially this last year. I've thought about our differences, our agreements, our commonalities and our disagreements. I wanted to make sure I was making what I believe to be the right decision.
I honestly think we're no longer compatible as friends. After 7 years, I believe our friendship has run its course. Whether we've both changed, stagnated or become who we really are underneath Is up for question. But I can't keep quiet on the fact that the character that you've embraced recently is not someone I want to, or can be friends with.
Referring to your colleagues with arrogance, condescension and contempt ("everyone around me is a moronic liberal and deserves to get trolled"), your contempt for altruism, your refusal to accept constructive criticism, not to mention your attitude towards me trying to step back from politics and not get worked up over shit I can't control. "oh dont give me that, "why should i get worked up if i cant cotnrol it?"."

Taking a step back from the political has showed me what I truly value in life, and it isn't petty political battles/arguments or trolling. It seems to me that you don't want to be proven wrong, you wanna be validated. In all fairness who doesn't on some level or another? But your stubbornness with regards to any kind of constructive criticism and insistence on receiving praise even when you're in the wrong, is not something I can or will indulge. It'll mean I've changed from a friend to a sycophant. That's the shit petty tyrants are made of and I won't be a part of that.
You've picked some strange hills to die on lately, especially with regards to your flat earth stuff and your trolling of those around you. And you're perfectly free to do so, but I don't have to die on that hill alongside you, nor do I want to watch from the sidelines. If you truly believe the path you're on is the path that's right for you, if you believe this is your true purpose and this is what is gonna provide you with peace of mind, then by all means pursue that path. But I won't be a part of it, and no amount of "aw come on" "you're bustin my balls" or whatever is gonna change my mind.

I learned a lot from you over the years, libertarianism, capitalism, islam; hell, the experiences you've had over the course of your life which you've shared with me have been insightful and worthwhile. The person you are now however, I gotta admit, I extremely dislike. You come across as angry, arrogant and only interested in scoring points and putting down those around you, "can't disprove it?" "nah troll till i die man" Remember, as far as your flat earth shit is concerned, the burden of proof is on you, not me. I've put off writing this and responding to you because I'd hoped that taking a step back for a while would put things somewhat back to normal for me. It hasn't.

Your message to me regarding, exclusively discussing comedy because of our disagreements is exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about. I can't sweep everything else under the rug and just talk about comedy, I just can't. I've spent time polling my friends and various acquaintances regarding constructive criticism and whatnot, because I considered the possibility that maybe that my particular view was unreasonable (constructive criticism and trolling). Thus far, no one has taken to your view. In fact, most have described it as toxic to say the least.

I'll close with this, as far as comedy goes, you're a bill Maher kinda guy and you stick by that. I'm a norm guy and I stick by that. I think that's probably the best analogy I can use. So I'll leave you with this video, I may have sent this to you before, idk. But if this video can't demonstrate my point of view to you in a way you can understand and respect, then nothing will. If I feel as if you've responded to this in haste, I'll automatically assume you didn't properly weigh and consider everything that I've said and I will cut off ties and block you then and there. Actually take the time to weigh everything that I've said and come back to me. If you do decide to get back to me later on and I detect even a slight hint of insincerity or a half baked apology, or any kinda attempt to deceive me, I will block you and never speak to you again. I'll also be clear about this,  I wish you nothing but the best, I hope you and your son reconnect in a meaningful way, I hope you meet a woman who's right for you and I hope that you'll ultimately find peace in life.

And if your response to that is to scoff and say "yeah right" then that's a reflection of you. Everything I've written here I've written with nothing but sincerity and respect, respect for the friendship we had and MAY continue to have. The same respect me and my friend had and still have even when he called off our friendship. Take care of yourself Brian. Goodbye.”
« Last Edit: February 08, 2022, 07:20:08 PM by Infinite Trapped in 1996 »
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)

Duck Duck Doggy

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The irony is how arrogant he comes off in that message. I have friends who I’ve grown apart from during the last two years too simply because I’m not vaccinated (the only reason) but I’ve never sent a message saying oh I can’t be friends with you or vice versa. We just communicate less. This guy sounds really full of himself. Instead of being offended or whatever it is you’re feeling I’d say good riddance

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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The irony is how arrogant he comes off in that message. I have friends who I’ve grown apart from during the last two years too simply because I’m not vaccinated (the only reason) but I’ve never sent a message saying oh I can’t be friends with you or vice versa. We just communicate less. This guy sounds really full of himself. Instead of being offended or whatever it is you’re feeling I’d say good riddance

Word.. and thx for the comment...

Yeah it struck me too as very pretentious—he got some shrink a few months ago he sees regularly and she told him to cut out “toxic” people in his life and he’s taking these prescription psych meds now and whatnot...

It came off to me sort of like when someone suddenly gets religious notice he uses the word “altruism” which means he believes he is a part of some greater good now that goes beyond the bounds of selfishness—and he now looks down on me from his Ivory Tower and has deemed me to be “toxic” when actually my comedic antics were only a way to make light of differences and try to find humor and not at all any result of childishness as he would now see it now that he has reached the heavenly realm
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)

Duck Duck Doggy

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Word.. and thx for the comment...

Yeah it struck me too as very pretentious—he got some shrink a few months ago he sees regularly and she told him to cut out “toxic” people in his life and he’s taking these prescription psych meds now and whatnot...

It came off to me sort of like when someone suddenly gets religious notice he uses the word “altruism” which means he believes he is a part of some greater good now that goes beyond the bounds of selfishness—and he now looks down on me from his Ivory Tower and has deemed me to be “toxic” when actually my comedic antics were only a way to make light of differences and try to find humor and not at all any result of childishness as he would now see it now that he has reached the heavenly realm

 :mjlol: just let these people be man. Sometimes it’s just worth it like when I almost got into a fist fight with a meth head going through trash cans while I was walking my dog down the alley by my house. Sometimes your emotions get the best of you but in retrospect I’m glad I didn’t lower myself to his level. He kept saying he remembers me from when I used to live across the street from him. I was like I’ve never seen you before my entire life you fucking psychotic meth head

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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:mjlol: just let these people be man. Sometimes it’s just worth it like when I almost got into a fist fight with a meth head going through trash cans while I was walking my dog down the alley by my house. Sometimes your emotions get the best of you but in retrospect I’m glad I didn’t lower myself to his level. He kept saying he remembers me from when I used to live across the street from him. I was like I’ve never seen you before my entire life you fucking psychotic meth head

Well he’s already cut me off some months ago so it’s already a done deal.. he just sent this letter explaining why a couple weeks ago.  He pretty much backed me into a corner because to uphold the friendship I was basically like “okay fine you don’t wanna be political anymore then we can just chat comedy (because we used to write standup bits together)” but even that wasn’t good enough for him... if I speak serious issues he’s like “Can’t you see I don’t wanna be political or divisive” and if I make it light and comedy he’s like “you’re failing to see the critical issues” lol

Lol funny story bout the Meth head
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)

Duck Duck Doggy

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Well he’s already cut me off some months ago so it’s already a done deal.. he just sent this letter explaining why a couple weeks ago.  He pretty much backed me into a corner because to uphold the friendship I was basically like “okay fine you don’t wanna be political anymore then we can just chat comedy (because we used to write standup bits together)” but even that wasn’t good enough for him... if I speak serious issues he’s like “Can’t you see I don’t wanna be political or divisive” and if I make it light and comedy he’s like “you’re failing to see the critical issues” lol

Lol funny story bout the Meth head

That reminds me of one of my friends from college who was like “yeah I enjoy talking to others with differing views”
Fast forward a week or two and he says “listen man I don’t want to talk politics anymore because I’m afraid it might upset you or myself let’s just talk about movies”
So I say ok
Fast forward a few months
We never talk anymore. Lol fuck em. People are really shallow and self centered. I doubt anything I say can change them so let them be the idiots that they are


The irony is how arrogant he comes off in that message. I have friends who I’ve grown apart from during the last two years too simply because I’m not vaccinated (the only reason) but I’ve never sent a message saying oh I can’t be friends with you or vice versa. We just communicate less. This guy sounds really full of himself. Instead of being offended or whatever it is you’re feeling I’d say good riddance

who stopped being your friend because you’re unvaccinated?

Duck Duck Doggy

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who stopped being your friend because you’re unvaccinated?

Your mom


Your mom

remember when u pretended to wanna buy a house so you can have my mom show u some properties

then your wife caught on to your creep vibes and had to start babysitting u at the meetings


Duck Duck Doggy

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remember when u pretended to wanna buy a house so you can have my mom show u some properties

then your wife caught on to your creep vibes and had to start babysitting u at the meetings


Rofl nah but for real we were tryin to move. Just wasn’t the right time


Rofl nah but for real we were tryin to move. Just wasn’t the right time

Space RockStar SkyStalker Machine

Re: Letter my friend wrote on why we aren’t friends anymore...
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2022, 01:03:22 PM »
F*ck you
Pay me

Your favorite posters favorite poster

remember when u pretended to wanna buy a house so you can have my mom show u some properties

then your wife caught on to your creep vibes and had to start babysitting u at the meetings


Think I watched a porn that started out that way

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Re: Letter my friend wrote on why we aren’t friends anymore...
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2022, 07:03:25 AM »
Also sounds like your friend realized you're piece of shit like the rest of us


Think I watched a porn that started out that way

that’s probably where he got the idea
