Author Topic: more rumors added.... nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!  (Read 568 times)


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more rumors added.... nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« on: February 09, 2004, 06:34:57 PM »
Nintendo postpones next-gen console?

[UPDATE] Japanese reports say the game giant has bowed out of the next-gen console race. However, Nintendo of America officials say such reports are "speculation."

This morning shock waves were sent through the game industry after an article in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun quoted Nintendo officials as saying that they had put plans to release a next-generation console on hold. The article quoted Nintendo president Satoru Iwata as deeming Nintendo's current GameCube as not having yet reached its full potential. "Customers are fully satisfied with the performance of the current model," said Iwata.

According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Nintendo management had decided to forgo development on the GameCube's successor to focus on peripherals that will enhance gameplay, including further interactivity with the Game Boy Advance and (presumably) the upcoming Nintendo DS. The article says that Nintendo would release the first of these peripherals in 2005, when Microsoft is expected to release its next Xbox. The next Sony console is not expected until 2006.

The article said Nintendo would still continue development of "a new home-use game machine for release in the future," but the earliest that machine would be released would be 2007.

However, according to Beth Llewellyn, Nintendo of America's director of corporate communications, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun article is erroneous and based on "a lot of speculation." She also said that the Iwata quote was from another article and was taken out of context.

Regarding the status of Nintendo's next console, Llewellyn told GameSpot, "We will launch at the same time as our competitors. Our status hasn't changed." However, Llewellyn did shed some light on its functionality. "While our competitors are focusing on being everything in the living room, we're focusing strictly on gameplay," she said, thus indicating that Nintendo's next console would not aspire to be a home entertainment center, like Sony's PSX. Llewellyn did say that Nintendo may be readying a new crop of peripherals for the GameCube. "We're always looking at accessories that enhance the GameCube."

If Nintendo does put its next-gen plans on hold, analysts say such a strategy shift would not be the desperate move some console-war partisans have (already) made it out to be. "Concentrating on the Game Boy Advance and new handheld systems to defend against serious competition from the Sony PSP is a sound strategy," said the Zelos Group's Billy Pidgeon.

However, Pidgeon also admitted that the gambit was not without risk. "It will be difficult to sustain third-party participation as the GameCube ages and newer home consoles are released," he said. Pidgeon also pegged the main beneficiary if Nintendo were to beat a temporary retreat. "Nintendo's decision to effectively abstain from the next generation of home consoles is better for Microsoft than Sony, as Nintendo's regrouping will help defend Nintendo handhelds against the PSP."


« Last Edit: February 13, 2004, 10:56:37 PM by smerlus »


Re:nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2004, 09:16:42 PM »
However, according to Beth Llewellyn, Nintendo of America's director of corporate communications, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun article is erroneous and based on "a lot of speculation." She also said that the Iwata quote was from another article and was taken out of context.

Regarding the status of Nintendo's next console, Llewellyn told GameSpot, "We will launch at the same time as our competitors. Our status hasn't changed."

The only part you need to read is right there, since it's the only part from an official at Nintendo.  Why even speculate if she's straight up telling you it's not true?

The Big Bad Ass

Re:nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2004, 09:17:02 PM »
I personally am glad they are going to concentrate on the cube a while longer. Shows they are more interested in pleasing thier customer than knocking off the next competitor. Props to Nintendo.


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Re:nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2004, 10:50:20 PM »
i remember a runor came out saying SEGA was going third party and sega of america said that wasn't true because the owner or sega is a bigtime multimillionaire and he had enough money to back sega through anything and look what happened to them

nintendo of america has hardly any say when it comes to it's japanese counterpart


Re:nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2004, 07:18:22 AM »
^ Here we go with that game again.  "Nintendo's JUST LIKE Sega!!!!" We'll just see what happens.  


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Re:nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2004, 10:00:10 AM »
^ Here we go with that game again.  "Nintendo's JUST LIKE Sega!!!!" We'll just see what happens.  

first off let me say once again that i have every nintendo system and i plan on getting any system that they come out with so i'm not sitting here being biased against nintendo.

However, according to Beth Llewellyn, Nintendo of America's director of corporate communications, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun article is erroneous and based on "a lot of speculation." She also said that the Iwata quote was from another article and was taken out of context.

Regarding the status of Nintendo's next console, Llewellyn told GameSpot, "We will launch at the same time as our competitors. Our status hasn't changed."

The only part you need to read is right there, since it's the only part from an official at Nintendo.  Why even speculate if she's straight up telling you it's not true?

a little common sense with this one...they can name people that say positive things and defend thier company cause that's just basic....however if you worked for a company such as Nintendo...i don't think if you were to leak some news out to the press that you weren't supposed to, you would give your name....not only would you lose your job, you could also face some hefty fines and maybe even a little jail time

so they're not going to say "Hiero Yamamoto said that nintendo's plan is going to put the next nintendo on hold" not only would they lose a nice source of information this guy would be in big trouble

oh and why speculate if something isn't true? ask all the Enron heads, the CEO of adepelphia cable or Martha Stuart....why the concept of people being greedy, evil that are capable of doing anything they want to reach thier goals is so hard to grasp is beyond me...

japanese business is run on a more honerable system...if a company isn't doing to good because of a decision...the president steps down....he doesn't lie to the people, drive the company into the ground and try to bail out. americans will lie to the consumer for profit

now of course this could be all false and just rumors, but it can also be just as true

and putting thier next system on hold isn't such a bad idea, like one of the last paragraphs said, they can counter the PSP better...then see what microsoft and sony has planned....then try to go one better...

i'm not bashing nintendo, i'm just questioning thier latest move


Re:nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2004, 09:09:54 PM »
I think in the console market, Nintendo has taken a backseat to microsoft and sony, and everybody's 'intrigued' by it.  It gives people something to talk about.  The high and mighty have fallen.  Now, if Nintendo stays where they are, there's nothing to write about.  Instead, people want to try and be a prophet and predict the future by saying that Nintendo's going under.  Then, they can say "We saw it coming!" and have even more to write about.

Bottom line, there's no news coming out of Nintendo, so some got made up.  Rumours like this about every little thing in the console world come up every day, this is just another one of them.  


Re:nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2004, 09:12:17 PM »
Ahem, as I was saying, here's the latest from Nintendo.


Japanese game giant refutes reports the GameCube's successor is on hold.

TOKYO--Nintendo announced today that it will be releasing its next-generation console as originally planned, contradicting yesterday's Nihon Keizai Shimbun article that said Nintendo is postponing its plans to release a next-generation console. A report in the Mainichi Daily also revealed that Nintendo will be unveiling its next-generation console at E3 next year (in 2005).

According to Bloomberg Japan, Reuters, and various other publications, Nintendo's public relations chief Yasuhiro Minagawa said that Nintendo is still planning to release a next-generation console to succeed the GameCube in the same period as its competitors.

Referring to the recent Report by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun that Nintendo will be postponing the release of a next-generation console, Minagawa commented that, "It was supposed to mean that Sony and Microsoft are expected to release their next-generation consoles from 2005 to 2006, and we also won't be releasing one until that period." This echoed a statement given to GameSpot yesterday by Nintendo of America's director of corporate communications, Beth Llewellyn, who said that the Nikkei’s report was erroneous and based on "a lot of speculation."

Bloomberg Japan reports that Nintendo saw its late start in the current console wars as one of the reasons why GameCube sales fell behind the PlayStation 2's. In order to compete, out of the gate, with the next Xbox and the PlayStation 3, Nintendo says it is already developing a next-generation graphics processor with NEC and ATI Technology. ATI Technology is Nintendo’s current manufacturer of graphic chips for the GameCube console, which utilizes a DRAM process technology from NEC. Nintendo is developing its next-generation console's CPU in conjunction with IBM, who is also helping to develop the next Xbox CPU, in addition to the Cell processor that will be used in the PS3.

Nintendo also confirmed that new peripherals for the GameCube console will be released in 2005, but these will not affect the next-generation console's release. While no details on the devices have been revealed, Nintendo says the peripherals will expand the capabilities of the GameCube. Furthermore, Nintendo will release new games that will take advantage of them.

By Hirohiko Niizumi, Tor Thorsen, GameSpot  [POSTED: 02/10/04 11:08 AM


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Re:nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2004, 11:33:02 AM »
congratulations, you got rid off a rumor...pat yourself on the back

the facts are still that nintendo has "new gaming periphials" slated for release in 2005, 2006

and the next gen console's release dates are supposedly around this time frame

so i can see why this rumor came about....maybe nintendo plans on showing thier hand last


Re:nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2004, 04:34:33 PM »
The point is... it was just a useless rumour, with no basis in fact, like a lot of rumours are about any company, you gotta watch what you believe.


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Re:nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2004, 04:55:14 PM »
it's not useless, i bet you a donut nintendo ships it's console last...

1. nintendo always drains the last drop out of thier systems

2. rumors are often based a little bit on fact

3. look at the last consoles released, it was dreamcast > PS2 > then gamecube (xbox wasn't announced until all next gen consoles were already well into thier production cycles) before that was Saturn > PS > N64

so the next console cycle will probably be PS3, NeXt box, Nintendo's system



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Re: more rumors added.... nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2004, 10:56:55 PM »
RUMOR #1: Nintendo is not releasing a next-generation console.

Source: The Japanese newspaper Nihon Keizai Shimbun and its sister publication, the Nikkei Sangyou Journal.

The official story: "We will launch at the same time as our competitors. Our status hasn't changed."--Beth Llewellyn, Nintendo of America's director of corporate communications.

What we heard: By now, only a few pygmy tribesmen in the Congo basin haven't heard about Nintendo's very public flip-flop on its next-generation console's status. On Monday, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported that Nintendo had postponed the launch of its GameCube successor until 2007. Hours later, Nintendo of America reps shot down the rumor, and their Japanese counterparts followed suit Tuesday. Then today, the statement that sparked the rumor surfaced in its entirety in the Nikkei Sangyou Journal:

"As for game consoles, [we are] aiming to reveal something new at next year's E3, which will use the GameCube as its parent body. We won't release a high-tech machine that's commonly referred to as a 'next-generation game console'. People who talk about next-generation consoles are those that don't know about games, considering that customers aren't demanding for leading edge technology."

This almost deranged-sounding quote--whose authenticity was confirmed by multiple sources and translations--came from none other than Former Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi. While no longer at the reins of the game giant, Yamauchi still has a lot of influence over its boardroom, meaning that his statement might very well be true. Yamauchi also claimed he came up with the idea for the Nintendo DS, as opposed to the rumored "Game Boy Enhanced" portable GC game deck, which is what most people actually wanted (and a fan-made mock-up for which is pictured).

Bogus or not bogus?: Officially, it's bogus. But Yamauchi's comments will be keeping many-a-GameCuber up a night...


Re: more rumors added.... nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2004, 03:32:43 PM »
I like that idea of no new system but new enhancements for Gamecube which it turn makes it into a new system.  That would be weird to see the next market be PS3>NeXt Box>GCN Enhancement/DS



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Re: more rumors added.... nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2004, 04:44:18 PM »
nintendo would really have to market this thing if it doesn't come out with a new system and makes the gamecube defend itself for awhile....people will pay $400 for a new system but are really turned off by the idea of paying extra for a console add-on


Re: more rumors added.... nintendo's next console on hold ?!?!
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2004, 07:40:09 PM »
True, but at the same time it can really expand on the Gamecube's fanbase, lower price than all the new systems, new peripherals, better games, I still prefer the Gamecube to the other two, lets just hope the new Peripherals don't cost $400 that'll be pretty redundant.