Author Topic: some of my views on assylum/immegration  (Read 317 times)

Don Rizzle

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some of my views on assylum/immegration
« on: April 06, 2004, 07:13:29 AM »
why should we accept large amounts of people from countries who are unfriendly to us? (for example the majority of the middle east, westeners who do live there usual perform a valuable job and have to have security n shit)

extra help should be given to those who are coming to fill positions we can't (for example nurses, as long as their not depriving their world countries of their nurses)

most poeple should come from nations to which we are closest to

geniune assylum seekers to be given the help they need, however since britain is an island, in theory we shouldn't get any due the fact assylum seekers often go thru serveral SAFE countries before coming to us. I do also understand we should do our bit especially if they are fleaing a country where we have a miltary presence.

arrest and deport economic migrants claiming they are assylum seekers

assylum seekers should claim assylum pretty much as soon as they get here, otherwise i would be suspicious of their motives for coming here.

if they are claiming benefit or living in government housing counsils could find them a job (if they are able) to work un paid or for little money to help pay for the service they use

rejections can't be appealed

we can kick them out if we suspect them of wrong doing or if they abuse the system, without having to go thru the courts or lots of red tape.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 07:16:32 AM by Don Rizzle »

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


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Re:some of my views on assylum/immegration
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2004, 07:34:51 AM »
I agree with what you say mate but your ideas will never get off the ground due to poncy, left-wing, PC loving, social worker types. You probably saw the cunts that burnt the English flag and WERENT done for inciting racist behavior. Wonder how the Old Bill would react to me getting a Koran (fuck the spelling) and burning it infront of a mosque.

Theres been a march arranged in London for Good Friday. Its been organised by the NF, whos views I don't necassarily agree with, but I can see lots of normal, hard-working, white english coming out and showing support, people who have no links with the NF's sort.

Don Seer

Re:some of my views on assylum/immegration
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2004, 08:04:26 AM »
i seriously think at some point the flag burners are going to cross a line.. somethings got to give..  sad, but i think its the only thing that'll cause people to do something.


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Re:some of my views on assylum/immegration
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2004, 08:43:46 AM »
Surely they have already crossed a line. Burning an England flag is disgraceful.

Don Seer

Re:some of my views on assylum/immegration
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2004, 11:05:40 AM »
nah its a childish act of rebellion for attention. why did he burn it? ohh thats right.. to get on TV :)

i don't normally support the NF in any way, but i'll be interested in the coverage they get when chasing these particular issues.

what matters is if people get hurt.

the english mentality (stupid to an extent maybe) will not take anti english violence on our soil, there will be rioting and anti-muslim attacks if something goes down here.


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Re:some of my views on assylum/immegration
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2004, 11:19:48 PM »
they should all get kicked out but were dumb enough to left them dumbass sleepers come in


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Re:some of my views on assylum/immegration
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2004, 01:59:00 AM »
they should all get kicked out but were dumb enough to left them dumbass sleepers come in

In that case, we should also kick out all the Mexican illegal immigrants. They don't like this country, except for its money. They come here and work. They make more money than they could make in 2 lifetimes in Mexico, and then they take the money back to Mexico and spend it there. They send it to their families, or just wait until they have enough money, and then go back to live there. They use our money to support Mexico's economy.

Real American

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Re:some of my views on assylum/immegration
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2004, 03:00:15 PM »
why should we accept large amounts of people from countries who are unfriendly to us? (for example the majority of the middle east, westeners who do live there usual perform a valuable job and have to have security n shit)

extra help should be given to those who are coming to fill positions we can't (for example nurses, as long as their not depriving their world countries of their nurses)

most poeple should come from nations to which we are closest to

geniune assylum seekers to be given the help they need, however since britain is an island, in theory we shouldn't get any due the fact assylum seekers often go thru serveral SAFE countries before coming to us. I do also understand we should do our bit especially if they are fleaing a country where we have a miltary presence.

arrest and deport economic migrants claiming they are assylum seekers

assylum seekers should claim assylum pretty much as soon as they get here, otherwise i would be suspicious of their motives for coming here.

if they are claiming benefit or living in government housing counsils could find them a job (if they are able) to work un paid or for little money to help pay for the service they use

rejections can't be appealed

we can kick them out if we suspect them of wrong doing or if they abuse the system, without having to go thru the courts or lots of red tape.

I agree with you completely. The West (Europe, Australia, Canada, the US) is pretty much at a point where they have to say no to immigration from Muslim countries. The cost of allowing them to move into our countries is simply too high. Think about all the lives that are going to be lost to future acts of terrorism that is now an inevitable part of our lives. Think about all the money we are spending on security, FBI, CIA, police etc to protect us from Muslim terrorists. Now tell me what benefits they provide us that outweigh these drastic costs.

It is good to see that British people are slowly starting to realize this. Despite all the nonsense that liberals want us to believe, the truth is that Muslims hate us and they hate our culture. As their numbers get larger and larger, they will do everything in their power to subjugate us and force us to adopt their way of life. Just look around the world, it happens whereever they are a majority. Now we in the West are very open and tolerant, but there is no rule that says we have to tolerate those who want to destroy us.


Real American

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Re:some of my views on assylum/immegration
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2004, 03:03:26 PM »
I agree with what you say mate but your ideas will never get off the ground due to poncy, left-wing, PC loving, social worker types. You probably saw the cunts that burnt the English flag and WERENT done for inciting racist behavior. Wonder how the Old Bill would react to me getting a Koran (fuck the spelling) and burning it infront of a mosque.

Who exactly was burning the British flag? Was it Muslims or was it just regular Brits?


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Re:some of my views on assylum/immegration
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2004, 03:20:55 PM »

I agree with you completely. The West (Europe, Australia, Canada, the US) is pretty much at a point where they have to say no to immigration from Muslim countries. The cost of allowing them to move into our countries is simply too high. Think about all the lives that are going to be lost to future acts of terrorism that is now an inevitable part of our lives. Think about all the money we are spending on security, FBI, CIA, police etc to protect us from Muslim terrorists. Now tell me what benefits they provide us that outweigh these drastic costs.

It is good to see that British people are slowly starting to realize this. Despite all the nonsense that liberals want us to believe, the truth is that Muslims hate us and they hate our culture. As their numbers get larger and larger, they will do everything in their power to subjugate us and force us to adopt their way of life. Just look around the world, it happens whereever they are a majority. Now we in the West are very open and tolerant, but there is no rule that says we have to tolerate those who want to destroy us.


1. More people die at the hands of your own "westerners" than they do at the hands of "Islamic terrorists". If you don't believe me, look up the numbers.

2. Think about all the money your country is spending on controlling a region for its oil. I bring up the words of Henry Kissinger: "Oil is too damn important of a commodity to be in the hands of the Arabs." That's what our foreign policy in the Middle East is based on, if you want I will prove myself right on this in another thread.

3. Show me how Muslims living in America are trying to force you to live their lifestyle? Another case of you talking out of your loose asshole.

4. You say the West is tolerant and doesn't want anyone to destroy its culture. Go back some years, and you will realize that that is exactly what "westerners" did to the Native Americans, Aztecs, etc. Western culture is actually a combination of all the cultures combined in our melting pot. The only thing is, westerners robbed the Natives of their culture, and here is your hypocritical ass talking about Muslims in the West trying to change the culture.

Real American

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Re:some of my views on assylum/immegration
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2004, 04:14:31 PM »

3. Show me how Muslims living in America are trying to force you to live their lifestyle? Another case of you talking out of your loose asshole.


Didn't you read the article that someone posted a week ago about Muslims living in Europe. It talked about all the problems they are causing, like trying to make Arabic an official language, male university students refusing to take classes with female professors, skyocketing numbers of attacks against Jewish people, burning British flags, etc. Plus there is the fact that whenever Muslims get large enough in number, they attempt to overthrow the existing governments and impose Islamic law (Nigeria, Phillipines, Indonesia, etc)

Now why on earth would I want all those problems, let alone all the terrorist attacks, to come to America? Seriously man you sound very ignorant. Quit  being brainwashed by the BBC and join the real world.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 04:16:15 PM by CWalker187 »


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Re:some of my views on assylum/immegration
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2004, 04:41:14 PM »
The real world? LOL. Oh, you mean CNN, FOX, ABC, and all those networks that give us the truth and nothing but. Shut the hell up.

They want Arabic as an official language in an area where there are a lot of Arabs, why not?

They don't want to take classes with female professors? Isn't the tolerant west based on ideals where one can choose.

Attacks against Jews... that's not them trying to change your culture.

Burning British flag... same as above.

Muslims are nowhere fucking near to being the majority. There are well over 250 million people in the U.S., and about 6 million are Muslim. You do the Math. Do you really, in your honest opinion believe that the Muslims in this country have the power to overthrow the government and impose Islamic law? If you do, you're 1 stupid person. I mean not even the most conservative, right-wing moron would believe such a thing.

Don Rizzle

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Re:some of my views on assylum/immegration
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2004, 06:39:13 AM »
omg this better post cos i tried to reply twice and an advert keeps coming up about my router grrr :(

ok try going to a muslim or arab state and do the thing u said see wat happens

if you burn their flag they will string u up by you balls for everyone to see
try attacking one of them even if you suceed u'll only get lynch after

try changing their language or any aspect of their culture and they will wipe u out

try telling them u can't have a male lecturer only a female one at the very least they will tell u to fuck off

don't get me wrong i have friends who are muslim but we accept too many ppl form the middle east who can speak little or no english, who don't like us, who live off our taxes, who plot against us, who don't provide any thing of value to our country. we should focus more on letting eastern europeans into our country to help integrate them more within the eu, and genuine assylum seekers which i'd guess is about 10% of the ones we currently accept

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?