Author Topic: Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq  (Read 3221 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #75 on: May 13, 2004, 04:11:44 PM »
What it comes down to, and I didn't even read the replies, is Fuck an Iraqi citizen.  I want the American Army to go ahead and send the jets in, kill every man, woman, and child in site.  Fuck yall.  I'm sick of the bullshit... an Iraqi is inferior to an American, that's just the way it is now.  You're not even civilized in the Middle east, and as I knew it would be, it's war, motherfuckers.  I say we start leveling major Middle East cities immediately, killing whoever like the uncivilized dogs that they are, and then move on from there.  Lets see how long we get fucked with when there's nobody fucking left over there.  Period.  Say what you want, I don't give a fuck.  



Ure just another white boy glued to the TV screen....Ure basically sayin MY Family out there is not civilized and U would be happy if Ure 'people' kill em, I swear 2 god I'd beat yo ass senseless if U said that in my face CUZZIN....Start leveling MIDDLE EAST cities?? I thought the war was with Iraq?

Trauma, U HAVE NOT BEEN TO MIDDLE EAST, I HAVE.....U don't understand how it really is, it's portrayed WRONG on U.S basically been in HICKSVILLE all yur life and been brainwashed with that shit....How can U disagree here?? What do U kno about the middle east?? nothing.

U say why don't the people out there stand up against these terrorists?? HOW? They're scared just as much as we are with the EXCEPTION they they are neighbours with them and we live 100,000 miles away. Put yourself in their shoes for once goddammit. These terrorist groups/gangs ARE rich, America funded them REAL well, CIA showed em how 2 do it all, and they passed that on to their young recruits, therefore they are a FORCE. Those young recruits just don't kno any better because they come from broken families and they are a product of their environment, just like youngsters out here get confused in life and go join gangs etc and commit murders....There's always BEEN a civil war against these muthafucaz in the middle east, but the people can not get too far against em, the government can't either. They're basically too rich, have too many weopens and really don't give a fuck. THEY'RE THE ENEMIES. Not my aunts and uncles who work ALL fuckin day in the factories out there just 2 put food on the table for their kids. Those damm factories they work in get bombed all tha time. THE DEATHS in Middle East is NOT recorded. Do U kno how many people these U.S soldiers are killing??

Not many is against U.S, TRUST ME, I have hundreds of cuzzins out there, they are not against U.S, they are trying HARD AS FUC to get outta there and COME LIVE in U.S. That is their dream, their ultimate goal. It's the mother of all ghettos out there, everyone wants to get out of the ghetto right? just because some people kill in the ghetto doesn't mean they are all murderers rite?

I swear to god my cuzzins out there have good hearts, they ARE NOT participating in those marches out there screaming 'fuck america'. But U kno who is?? 1 of my uncles, know why? his 15 year old son got killed by a U.S soldier, now imagine if yur son got killed like that, what would U do? U HAVE NOTHING in your life, yur son was the only reason to live, and now he's gone, who's to blame? America. So they go against em cuzz they don't kno any better. Put yourself in their shoes. Dats how those marches come about.

KNOW YOUR ENEMY - Rage Against The Machine.

by tha way, would a 'religious' person like yourself be sayin all this shit? It just shows U how religion doesn't necessarily make U a better person. YOU and AL QAEDA are prime examples. U have EVIL intentions and have many demons around U. I just went to church this past Sunday, they actually had a moment of silence and prayed for the innocent victims in Iraq. go figure............

Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #76 on: May 13, 2004, 04:32:28 PM »
HICKSVILLE all yur life and been brainwashed with that shit....How can U disagree here?? What do U kno about the middle east?? nothing.
do you know what a hick is?

just like youngsters out here get confused in life and go join gangs etc and commit murders
yea but do our fucking gangs strap bombs to themselves and blow up public! there not the same.

THE DEATHS in Middle East is NOT recorded. Do U kno how many people these U.S soldiers are killing??
Hey guess what....Its called WAR. people die whether it be civilian or enemy. these things happen in war its the facts of life. not everything can be perfect in this world. shit happens get over it. and dont try and say this isnt war because boo hoo america just picks on little iraq. BECAUSE THE FACT IS the people in iraq attack our troops while there stationed in iraq. You think that our troops just go around shooting their m16 around killing people? no our solider do get attacked and they do fight back...otherwise there wouldnt be over 750 us solider deaths.

Not many is against U.S, TRUST ME, I have hundreds of cuzzins out there, they are not against U.S, they are trying HARD AS FUC to get outta there and COME LIVE in U.S.
please tell them not to come to bout any country in europe or canada. theres too many middle easterns coming to america....not to mention every other fucking culture. im not being racist, but its the truth. our country is getting flocked with all these fucking immagrints and there filling up the country.  

1 of my uncles, know why? his 15 year old son got killed by a U.S soldier, now imagine if yur son got killed like that, what would U do? U HAVE NOTHING in your life, yur son was the only reason to live, and now he's gone, who's to blame? America. So they go against em cuzz they don't kno any better. Put yourself in their shoes. Dats how those marches come about.

yea thats there problem....they dont know any better! ok so their son got killed. i feel bad for them but there again its war...accidents do happen, but you dont just go against america.

WHAT ABOUT THE 754 US SOLIDER DEATHS HUH?????? so according to you all the families of these 754 solders should pick up go to iraq and start blasting the fuck outta these iraqis.....why not? according to you "1 of my uncles, know why? his 15 year old son got killed by a U.S soldier, now imagine if yur son got killed like that, what would U do? U HAVE NOTHING in your life, yur son was the only reason to live, and now he's gone, who's to blame? America." lets just change that last word to Iraq

have a nice day :)



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #77 on: May 13, 2004, 04:41:18 PM »
so about the son of his cousin you dont care.. but about the white american you do care....

nuff said.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #78 on: May 13, 2004, 04:45:52 PM »
so about the son of his cousin you dont care.. but about the white american you do care....

nuff said.

what are you stupid? dont change my words around

you said. his son was killed by a us solider and thats why hes anti american
then i said so by your logic then the parents of the 754 soliders dead should be allowed to go to iraq and start fighting iraqis because "they lost a child"

i didnt say the white people can do it. im saying according to your logic then white people can too"

but thats stupid logic just cause they lost a child doesnt mean they can do that kind of thing. and thats why the white families arent being stupid.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #79 on: May 13, 2004, 04:52:09 PM »
so about the son of his cousin you dont care.. but about the white american you do care....

nuff said.

what are you stupid? dont change my words around

you said. his son was killed by a us solider and thats why hes anti american
then i said so by your logic then the parents of the 754 soliders dead should be allowed to go to iraq and start fighting iraqis because "they lost a child"

i didnt say the white people can do it. im saying according to your logic then white people can too"

but thats stupid logic just cause they lost a child doesnt mean they can do that kind of thing. and thats why the white families arent being stupid.

it's not about "killing the iraqis" or "killing the americans". for that, the situations are to different, it's just plain different if ppl come to your country and kill around than it is if your son goes to war more or less voluntary and is killed.
it is about feeling hate. some of yall felt hate when you heard about the beheading american. no imagine iraqis came to your country killing your son. you'd be the first ones to feel hate, I tell ya.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2004, 04:53:16 PM by 7even the Harbinger »
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #80 on: May 13, 2004, 06:03:21 PM »
the principle is still the same


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Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #81 on: May 13, 2004, 08:35:35 PM »
rampant, your another idiot, give me your address so i can sock you in the face


Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #82 on: May 13, 2004, 09:26:38 PM »


Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #83 on: May 13, 2004, 10:22:05 PM »
Damn, I signed on to see what Krayze Eyez Killah had said, and it was just a "Lol".  

Oh well... don't really care to read the other replies, can somebody conservative (read: not an al qaeda symphathizer) tell me if anything notable was said?  

P.S., does anybody (C-Walker?) have a link to a site that  can show me how many of these fuckin' Camel Jockeys we've killed since the war started?  I've got a link (CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc.) that shows me how many Good Americans have died fighting the cause, but I never get to hear how many of these bastard sons of bitches we've killed.  Why is that?  I understand their lives aren't as important, so it's not really newsworthy when we kill, say, 20 no-names in the middle of a desert somewhere leaving their families orphaned, but still, it'd be nice to know, since I'm constantly bombarded with the death toll of Americans.  Anybody?  I'm gonna estimate we've killed 10,000 or so so far... I hope it's much higher though, but I don't want to get excited.  


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Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #84 on: May 13, 2004, 10:57:24 PM »
lol, its funny how trauma can go from this peace loving positive type of guy to a neo-nazi type of guy in a matter of a few posts.


Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #85 on: May 13, 2004, 10:58:52 PM »
I'm still a peace-loving positive type guy.  Your young mind is confused, you don't understand someone who thinks clearly.  


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Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #86 on: May 13, 2004, 11:04:11 PM »
I'm still a peace-loving positive type guy.  Your young mind is confused, you don't understand someone who thinks clearly.  

LMAO, Now thats hilarious, making that post in the same thread you made all your hate posts.


Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #87 on: May 13, 2004, 11:12:11 PM »

Just because someone has hate in them, doesn't mean they don't love peace.  

Just because somebody spouts negativity, doesn't mean that they aren't positive.  

My hate is aimed at those who hate, and my negativity is aimed at those whom are negative.  That's a proper, balanced, mature way to handle your emotions.  

If I was to say, hate Mother Theresa, then yes, I would be hateful and negative.  I can love mother Theresa and hate terrorists, and still claim to be peace loving, and positive.  It's pretty fuckin' simple.  Slow your roll, you're getting embarassed by a being greater than you.  

I'll let you ruminate on the simplicity of that knowledge...


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #88 on: May 13, 2004, 11:51:41 PM »
So U wishing death on innocent people is a positive mind state? What if I was livin in Middle East right now, would U be wishin death on me?

god's watchin over yo punk ass trauma.

and rampant, just shut tha fuc up wit that childish ass mentality, this grown folks discussion here.....U will never be able 2 put yourself in their shoes, simple & don't even speak on it, I kno U luv typing and all but if U ain't got nothin 2 say with a point then don't say nothin.....Ure basically sayin his son is dead, but so what, it's war and he has 2 get over it?? fuc U, U ain't in that man's shoes, what if yur mother was killed by Iraqi soldiers? U gone get over it?? mann, U do not have the simple ability to put yourself in another man's shoes, I feel sorry 4 yo sorry ass...





Re:Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq
« Reply #89 on: May 14, 2004, 12:22:31 AM »
What it comes down to, and I didn't even read the replies, is Fuck an Iraqi citizen.  I want the American Army to go ahead and send the jets in, kill every man, woman, and child in site.  Fuck yall.  I'm sick of the bullshit... an Iraqi is inferior to an American, that's just the way it is now.  You're not even civilized in the Middle east, and as I knew it would be, it's war, motherfuckers.  I say we start leveling major Middle East cities immediately, killing whoever like the uncivilized dogs that they are, and then move on from there.  Lets see how long we get fucked with when there's nobody fucking left over there.  Period.  Say what you want, I don't give a fuck.  



Ure just another white boy glued to the TV screen....Ure basically sayin MY Family out there is not civilized and U would be happy if Ure 'people' kill em, I swear 2 god I'd beat yo ass senseless if U said that in my face CUZZIN....Start leveling MIDDLE EAST cities?? I thought the war was with Iraq?

Trauma, U HAVE NOT BEEN TO MIDDLE EAST, I HAVE.....U don't understand how it really is, it's portrayed WRONG on U.S basically been in HICKSVILLE all yur life and been brainwashed with that shit....How can U disagree here?? What do U kno about the middle east?? nothing.

U say why don't the people out there stand up against these terrorists?? HOW? They're scared just as much as we are with the EXCEPTION they they are neighbours with them and we live 100,000 miles away. Put yourself in their shoes for once goddammit. These terrorist groups/gangs ARE rich, America funded them REAL well, CIA showed em how 2 do it all, and they passed that on to their young recruits, therefore they are a FORCE. Those young recruits just don't kno any better because they come from broken families and they are a product of their environment, just like youngsters out here get confused in life and go join gangs etc and commit murders....There's always BEEN a civil war against these muthafucaz in the middle east, but the people can not get too far against em, the government can't either. They're basically too rich, have too many weopens and really don't give a fuck. THEY'RE THE ENEMIES. Not my aunts and uncles who work ALL fuckin day in the factories out there just 2 put food on the table for their kids. Those damm factories they work in get bombed all tha time. THE DEATHS in Middle East is NOT recorded. Do U kno how many people these U.S soldiers are killing??

Not many is against U.S, TRUST ME, I have hundreds of cuzzins out there, they are not against U.S, they are trying HARD AS FUC to get outta there and COME LIVE in U.S. That is their dream, their ultimate goal. It's the mother of all ghettos out there, everyone wants to get out of the ghetto right? just because some people kill in the ghetto doesn't mean they are all murderers rite?

I swear to god my cuzzins out there have good hearts, they ARE NOT participating in those marches out there screaming 'fuck america'. But U kno who is?? 1 of my uncles, know why? his 15 year old son got killed by a U.S soldier, now imagine if yur son got killed like that, what would U do? U HAVE NOTHING in your life, yur son was the only reason to live, and now he's gone, who's to blame? America. So they go against em cuzz they don't kno any better. Put yourself in their shoes. Dats how those marches come about.

KNOW YOUR ENEMY - Rage Against The Machine.

by tha way, would a 'religious' person like yourself be sayin all this shit? It just shows U how religion doesn't necessarily make U a better person. YOU and AL QAEDA are prime examples. U have EVIL intentions and have many demons around U. I just went to church this past Sunday, they actually had a moment of silence and prayed for the innocent victims in Iraq. go figure............

So U wishing death on innocent people is a positive mind state? What if I was livin in Middle East right now, would U be wishin death on me?

god's watchin over yo punk ass trauma.

and rampant, just shut tha fuc up wit that childish ass mentality, this grown folks discussion here.....U will never be able 2 put yourself in their shoes, simple & don't even speak on it, I kno U luv typing and all but if U ain't got nothin 2 say with a point then don't say nothin.....Ure basically sayin his son is dead, but so what, it's war and he has 2 get over it?? fuc U, U ain't in that man's shoes, what if yur mother was killed by Iraqi soldiers? U gone get over it?? mann, U do not have the simple ability to put yourself in another man's shoes, I feel sorry 4 yo sorry ass...

True shit there

I'm a white Australian & even I can see Trauma's logic on this situation is really flawed
« Last Edit: May 14, 2004, 12:28:15 AM by syxx_aka_engies »