Author Topic: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel  (Read 1686 times)


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Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #60 on: July 09, 2004, 08:03:10 PM »
israeli propergander. please don't post in these threads if u can't think for youself, all you do is follow the republican line which is very generous to israelis and not a good mediator of peace in the current administration.

Listen up you little tool. You yourself said that you are new to this topic of study. How are you gonna dismiss this as "propaganda" when It can be backed up by facts?

You're biased, ignorant of history, and pitifully mistaken in your views. You don't have a moral leg to stand on, so you dismiss information that goes against your views as propaganda. YOU need to think for yourself and get your head out of your ass.

I Geezy LIVES in Israel and deals with this shit everyday. How are you gonna come in, with your new information you got off of biased websites, and tell him what his country needs to do?!

So if I posted something similar from a pro-Palestinian source, you wouldn't dismiss it as propaganda?
Picking up the ball from inside his own half, the pint-sized Argentine skipped past challenge after challenge. Always appearing to be on the point of tumbling, he was miraculously able to retain his balance before rounding Peter Shilton and slotting the ball home for a goal manufactured in heaven.


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Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #61 on: July 09, 2004, 10:54:00 PM »
1) jews were not entitled to the land
2) israel regected the partition and the cease fire agreement anyway because it was too small, and showed little interest in peace intiatives
3) israel got arabs off the land by any means
4) the arab nations generally attacked the expanded part of israel not included in the partition
5) look at israel on a map palestine is cut in 2, and israel is much bigger than the two halves put together.
6) year on year israels terrirtory has expanded
7) arabs and in particular palestinians have incured far more deaths and injuries since israel was started
8 ) israel pays little attention to international watchdogs and organisations like the UN or even international law
9) israel has one of the largest nuclear stock piles of weapons in the world and has not signed up to the non proliferication treaty so is not subject to sanctions and opporates on a "no show no tell policy" while they expect the rest of the middle east to be put under international pressure to not produce nuclear weapons (eg iran)
10) in whats left of palestine the israeli army enjoys shooting small children, buldozing farms and houses to the ground, firering missles and tank shells into the refugee camps especially when large crowds are present, have military check points everywhere.
11) in 1947 the area allocated to the jews by the UN had a jewish population of 520,000. there are now over 4 million palestinian refugees at the present day.

who do u think got a raw deal?

1.never entitled to the Land?- So YOU'RE the authority on this metter?....
2.At What time exactly?-There was no fire untill Israel was atacked :-\....The closest time any side rejected a peace treaty, was the Last Camp david atempt when Arafat was granted 97% of the demand and declined.
3.Is this a joke?! Israel's original territory when the arab nations atacked was minimal, The only reason it was atacked was cause  Egypt and Syria had long term egagement plans, to which a possible Jewish state in the middle was an obstacle....
4.yea, That's why all this time we've  had Arabs that have been considered Israeli Citizents and had a great amount of support among them towards millitant groups in the authority, and to think these guys even have representation in our Parlament(the Kneset)....
5.And?- We were even bigger when we had the Sinai peninsula, and south lebanon-and we gave it up(for peace), how many territories of the same size of the Palestinian territories could feat in there?
6. oh really?!! this again^^^
7.As far as Palestinians go>  possible, never counted, not sure u have, don't forget their natural reproduction figures are also much higher, and so is the amount of hostillity, add that up, I think it makes sence. ::)
8.Really, you could say the same as for the Palestinian Authority and the rest of the Arab Nations, throughout these 56  years. Since the primary decision was to grant Israel with a state and they have nagated it's existance throughout this time, Plus, I wasn't aware that supporting terrorism is one of the UN's newest resolutions. And how come u care for UN's  resolutions suddenly, you disagree with the UN's decision just as much, I quote u:"1) jews were not entitled to the land"
9. So does the USA...And Israel expects nothing, we can only hope, it's a question of hostillity.
10. ENJOY'S?!!...yea, sure, that's our main mission to kill as many incocents as possible, we're the ones who proclaimed Jihad, And preached for KILLING and SLAUTERING as many people as possible cause it should prolly get us to heaven, so we coculd chill with 70 sumthin virgins....
11.And they could have a state already, if that was what their leadership really wanted....

A RAW DEAL?!...If they did get a raw deal it's only cause their own leadership was dealing....
you mean u were defeated in south lebanon it became to bloody for u.
and with reference to u not being entitled  to the land in 1948 it wasn't in the juristiction of the UN to devide up countries.`
you would have thaught a newly formed country would have obide by what the internation community tells it then through the body which governs everyone and should be forced to comply. but instead isreal is usualy shielded by america and america needs to learn to be an honest and unbiased friend to both sides for equality peace to last in the region.

Trust me, the situation with Suicide Bombers is hundred times more bloody for us, we're still here though, we were getting singnals regarding some sort of a peace treaty that was conditioned with giving up south Lebanon....In retrospective ultimatley I don't think it was the best decision, just brought Hizbala closer to Israel...But that's just Ehud Barak- He was so determined to give up territory....even that didn't grant us with an agreement, Im really surprised you can't smell that something was rotten.
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?

Don Rizzle

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Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #62 on: July 10, 2004, 01:56:15 AM »
israeli propergander. please don't post in these threads if u can't think for youself, all you do is follow the republican line which is very generous to israelis and not a good mediator of peace in the current administration.

Listen up you little tool. You yourself said that you are new to this topic of study. How are you gonna dismiss this as "propaganda" when It can be backed up by facts?

You're biased, ignorant of history, and pitifully mistaken in your views. You don't have a moral leg to stand on, so you dismiss information that goes against your views as propaganda. YOU need to think for yourself and get your head out of your ass.

I Geezy LIVES in Israel and deals with this shit everyday. How are you gonna come in, with your new information you got off of biased websites, and tell him what his country needs to do?!

it was blatent properganda

i have read extensively in the area, from both pro palestinian and pro israeli sources and have made up my own mind on the situation and argue with i geezy in the areas i know about. but one thing is u don't think an israeli is gonna by biased to support thier own country? they may know more about the situation but it is a very one sided view which will be put across which doesn't necessarily mean its right. i'm english doesn't mean i'm right on everything concerning england. however having said that considering it was during the time of the british mandate on palestine we were very supportive of the state of israel i do feel kind of responsible for what we helped create and considering western powers let israel do pretty much what ever it wants to do i am gonna speak up for what i think is one of the biggest barriers to peace in the middle east.

finally most of the stuff i post comes from the bbc which is about one of the most independent sites on the net regarding this situation in my opinion.

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


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Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #63 on: July 10, 2004, 05:07:07 AM »
Independent or not, Neither BBC nor CNN are objective, The feud in the middle east gains them constant rating, you can't deny they also have a great interest in the continuation of the instabillity in the Middle East.
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?

Don Rizzle

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Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #64 on: July 10, 2004, 07:14:15 AM »
cnn rarely post stuff about what israel is doing as if it puts israel in a bad light americans don't need to hear about.
but yes i aslo agree there is too much focus on the middle east why doesn't any else care that china has been occupying tibet for about 50 years. tibet had virtually no army and have led a peaceful protest to the occupation which lead to their monks and nuns being imprisned for many years. the problems in sudan why arn't their internation peace keepers there. what about all the other evil dictatorships in the world. what about aids spreading through eastern europe and asia so qickly and amoung our young genereation. but at the same time i also don't want to turn my back on what is going on with israel and palestine, iraq and afganistan becease we have troops there.

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


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Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #65 on: July 11, 2004, 10:18:09 PM »
Well first off congrats to I TO DA GEEZY who lives in isreal...that means we cant tell him wut his country need to do or anything bout his country. i guess that means an American who as hard headed as to believe that USA had nothing to do with supporting 9/11 would mean...i told thme USA has a lieing government but id be wrong cuz he lives theres and watches the news and is there evrryday. Fuck him and his exuse of bieng there. that would jus make him as biased as the next isreali he said palestians propagnda just a way to "justify" there next suicide bombing. u kno the average Age of suicide bombers? under 18. kno why? cuz they cant find any otha way to defende themselves...there family or there land..if there gunna die fighting they gunna do it in a way they can attempt to hurt ISreali soldiers. who r the real terrorists. unless people defending there homes throwin rocks r terrorist and Isreali' shooting a 9 yr old standing inside his house for laughs is justice then sorry i wuz wrong. Justify stealing Palestine of their land. Justify Isreal claiming to be a nation when it wuz never official. Justify innocent children whoz the number 1 victim of the Isreali Soldiers. and dont sya its strays or there in wrong places. read the articles...Isreali's come up with the saddest exuses ive ever seen. Palestine wuz robbed of their land from the British first and foremost after being promised the land after helping them defeat Turkey. then to be assholes thye left USA to deal with it..and USA does wut they do best...fuck up and cause drama....they r consisten with placing Osoma in power...givin al quieda terrorists...putting Sudaam in him the chemical weapons to use against Iran. Isreal is always attacking cuz they r scared. not cuz of the bombing and suck. if u look back isreali's takin land destroying homes n such came first. so yea the kids who r called terroists for fighting back...and killin like 2 people injuring one...doesnt amount to the 400 kids isrealis killed 2 months. and u wunna get all mad about justifying the suicide bombing..but Palestenians cant get upset bout inocent men n children beign treatded n abused in different ways and innocent killings...where the fuck is the sense in that. wuts with americans and isreali's and such bieng stuck of the CNN n shyt...stop watching TV n read..theres thing called Real life out there. u should try it. dumb fucks honestly. Government planned to get the people to this point and thats why they r so good at lieing. thats why 9/11 wuz set up by the CIA and Rumsfield. cuz without it america wouldnt support wa in iraq an they wouldnt have such a hate towards middle east and support isrealis. R u guys really that stuck on ur bull shyt news articles...and yes i said read but no Articles from those news sites are the same shyt as watching them. theres other ways out there u people wouldnt probly kno bout.


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Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #66 on: July 12, 2004, 09:49:42 AM »
It's your right to believe whatever you wanna believe BUT it's our duty as citizents of this country(some of us as Soldiers of the Israeli Deffence force) not to surrendor to blood thirsty terrorists who are supported by an anti-Israeli propoganda, and whose actions are condoned through fairy tail excuses and fabricated facts. Israel doesn't have territorial ambitions^it's a fact(that's one of the reasons to why Barak was so willing to give up territory), Israeli soldiers do everything for this country's safety, everything to prevent infiltration of terrorists to Israeli territory and hurting Cevillians,  Israeli Soldiers are not the ones for whom killing children and women are the highest values, All of those underraged suicide bombers are brainwashed and set against Israelis from an early age (Look at their text books in elementry school),imagine yourself being fed the idea that you can get to heaven with 70 virgins waiting for you by your teachers in school(who are authority figures) from the first grade. And their lives ain't easy cause uncle Arafat keeps all the support money on his bank acount and let's your familly remain in poverty, there's your glorious way out....fighting back?! If they wanted to fight back they would've fought their own crooked leadership, what they do is tragic and pathetic, there's no glory in this cowardly irresponsible act...And when you see the family being all "PROUD" after that, well if you know a bit of Psychology that's called "rationalization"....
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?


Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #67 on: July 12, 2004, 12:53:34 PM »
thats why 9/11 wuz set up by the CIA and Rumsfield.

buddenz nassir and his friends enjoy a walk in the park.


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Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #68 on: July 12, 2004, 01:08:22 PM »
wow thats a way to reply to the truth bout ur ameican government fuill of lies. think bout in 1989 Al Quieda wuz givin bout 6 million dollars from USA. u think USA neva sponsored terrorists? wtf is patriotism?...yall niggaz is jus all fuckin blind believin full hearted Slogan USA comes up with "land of the free home the brave" "Were fighting for our freedom"...realli Considerin Tony Blair jus admitted USA wuz wrong Sudaam had no destruction weapons wut soever. If Rumsfield didnt have 9/11 he couldnt go to war with Iraq cuz without that reason and blaming Iraq for havin connection to Al Quieda they have no support of the people to go to war. which all u fuckaz who say lets go to war would be pussy nuff to draft dodge and people dont even have family in the infantry but there quick to vote for some1 else to go die for them in their lost cause. ask the CIA who trained terorists how to fight, sneak box cutters on a plane and shyt. dont be hard headed its given facts. everywun but americans kno america did it. everything since the Iran-Iraq war has been scripted by the US secratary of war over the years. and if jewish people arent ones to kill children and women...then lemme pull up a good amount of Articles of every under 18 yr old killed innocent mothers n father. Isreal is like US...they brain wash the people in the country and in the army tellin them lies to make them believe they r fighting real terrorists. only way Isreal worked with USA ever wuz when USA paid off sum isreali's to train Al Quieda soldiers in Pakistan. And for the education of Palestenine teachin kids wrong....i kno these things considering im from round the area =D my history book taught me USA  helped Sudaam with Chemical weapons..did it lie? no....they teach u things they kno is a FACT...other cultures like south american middle east n africa..kno the turth about everything...its the ties between isreal and USA that keep there people hard headed for their own benefits and reasons. id explain further more but ur beliefs r to strong to really break into and prove it to you. so theres no point.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2004, 01:29:01 PM by BuddenzNasir »


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Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #69 on: July 13, 2004, 11:04:49 AM »
I understand that you have a tendency to look for conpiracies, U just seem to forget that corruption and greed  didn't just slip by the Palestinian Headquarters, it's deeply rooted within the Leadership of the Palestinian authority. And it's one corruption that can be actually proven unlike that half-way fairy tail shit u're trying to decipher.
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?


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Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #70 on: July 13, 2004, 03:03:42 PM »
fairy tale isnt quotes from FBI n CIA and governemtn officials. dont defend the corrupted untied states government. but i will admit i think Arafat is kinda dirty and has sum people brain washed but then again...them fiighting back...i see no loss in their cause...cuz its jus gunna get worse.


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Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #71 on: July 14, 2004, 09:48:19 AM »
Hopefully it won't, but reallity is harsh you know, and there's no cause to tell you the truth , there's just ONE purpose- to maintain instabillity, and at that the terrorists sucseed completely...If they were aiming to create a state of their own, it would've already existed....They have already been given many great chances...The failiour of Oslo and even Camp David only served as proofs of the fact the dominant leading force in the authority are the millitants and the radicals.
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?

Don Rizzle

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Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #72 on: July 15, 2004, 04:06:39 AM »
they may have failed but why gave up on the road map? considering america is the mediator i'm sure israel will get a very good deal out of it especially as its a republican government in an election year bending over backwards to please the jews. for lasting peace palestinians need to be included and israel needs to leave occupied territories what needs to be worked out is how it is to be carried out and how security can be maintained. i-geezy one thing u fail to mention whenever you say its not about terrirtory who assigninated you pm in the oslo peace process and why. also the current fears of a repeat if jewish settlements are removed the jewish people have no interest in giving up occupied land there is too much opposition against it.

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #73 on: July 15, 2004, 07:34:19 AM »
'Gang rule' in Palestine: Jericho only city with functioning police
Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Palestinian Authority police are not on the beat in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

A United Nations briefing on the estimated 45,000 PA police and security forces in the West Bank and Gaza Strip informed the Security Council that PA police operate in only one city.

UN Middle East envoy Terje Roed-Larsen said the PA police are on the job in Jericho in the West Bank. Jericho has been the scene of training of PA police by Britain and Jordan, according to reports by Middle East Newsline.

"Jericho is actually becoming the only Palestinian city with a functioning police," Roed-Larsen said.

The failure of the police has led to chaos throughout the PA areas, the council was told. Roed-Larsen warned of a collapse of the PA and said the worst-hit areas was Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip and Nablus in the northern West Bank.

"Clashes and showdowns between branches of Palestinian security forces are now common in the Gaza Strip, where Palestinian Authority legal authority is receding fast in the face of the mounting power of arms, money and intimidation," Roed-Larsen said.

"Lawlessness and gang rule are becoming common in [the northern West Bank city of] Nablus."

The UN envoy said the PA "has made no progress on its core obligation to take immediate action on the ground to end violence and combat terror."

Roed-Larsen also criticized what he called Israel's failure to remove unauthorized Israeli outposts in the West Bank.

"Despite a well-intended prime minister, the paralysis of the Palestinian Authority has become abundantly clear and the deterioration of law and order in Palestinian areas is steadily worsening," Roed-Larsen said. "The PA is in deep distress and is in real danger of collapse."

In an unrelated issue, Israeli AH-64A Apache attack helicopters fired missiles toward a suspected Kassam missile facility in the Gaza Strip. An Israeli military statement did not report damage assessment from the missile strike on late Tuesday.

On Wednesday, the UN reported that a food convoy came under fire in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun. Israeli military sources said the UN convoy entered Beit Hanoun as Palestinian insurgents opened fire on military forces.


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Re: Bulldozers begin Ariel barrier in another land grab by Israel
« Reply #74 on: July 18, 2004, 09:21:08 AM »
they may have failed but why gave up on the road map? considering america is the mediator i'm sure israel will get a very good deal out of it especially as its a republican government in an election year bending over backwards to please the jews. for lasting peace palestinians need to be included and israel needs to leave occupied territories what needs to be worked out is how it is to be carried out and how security can be maintained. i-geezy one thing u fail to mention whenever you say its not about terrirtory who assigninated you pm in the oslo peace process and why. also the current fears of a repeat if jewish settlements are removed the jewish people have no interest in giving up occupied land there is too much opposition against it.

What I meant was the fact Israel had no territorial ambitions....
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?