Author Topic: Israel's army conduct compared to Nazi coercion of Jewish musicians in holocaust  (Read 430 times)

Ras Kass' Toothpick

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Ok heres a little history lesson, now tell me you wouldn't be pissed off if this happenned to your country.... 55 years ago the jews steal half your country with western support, a couple of years later they invade and take over the rest of your country, they move natives out to make way for jewish settlements. You can't complain to the UN because america will veto any resolution critising israel or trying to place sanctions apon them. Then you have military support, since palestine was a german colony which was then taken over on 20 year mandate by the british in WW1 they had no official army, but Israel recieves billions of dollars from america every year in militatry aid, and those lovely french helped israel become the worlds 4th largest nuclear power (which the israeli still deny, so they havn't signed up to the non proliferation treaty and are not subject to sanctions). Israel has turned what is left of palestine into a virtual prison, with all the check points and restrictions they have imposed. they have also created many refugees (1.3 million in Gazaa alone) and they are often on the new buldozing down villages, schools, homes, farms etc. And how about the latst peace process Israel refused to negotiate its sponsors and the palestinian authority, they built a wall built an illegal wall on occupied land to cement its ownership in jewish hands perminantly. Bush maybe talking of a viable palestinian state, but this last year israel have been talking about blocking palestinian state hood and if any state were to remain it would be full of military check points and would not be viable with the current negotiators. I could easily go on but i'm at work and have to get on with some work, read the content and fuck grammer.

We're leaving a little bit out of this story, aren't we?
Herb Quote Of The Year[/u]

CalebOhio: I think i can speak for many others when i say my favorite rap artists are white but i still want black artists to be dope. they are chosing not to be. that wouldn't be a likely believe held in a white supremacist group. I want Nas to deliver evertime but he doesn't every time Sage does. so Sage gets my $15 regardless or his status. fuck your status perception and labels you use.

Don Rizzle

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Ok heres a little history lesson, now tell me you wouldn't be pissed off if this happenned to your country.... 55 years ago the jews steal half your country with western support, a couple of years later they invade and take over the rest of your country, they move natives out to make way for jewish settlements. You can't complain to the UN because america will veto any resolution critising israel or trying to place sanctions apon them. Then you have military support, since palestine was a german colony which was then taken over on 20 year mandate by the british in WW1 they had no official army, but Israel recieves billions of dollars from america every year in militatry aid, and those lovely french helped israel become the worlds 4th largest nuclear power (which the israeli still deny, so they havn't signed up to the non proliferation treaty and are not subject to sanctions). Israel has turned what is left of palestine into a virtual prison, with all the check points and restrictions they have imposed. they have also created many refugees (1.3 million in Gazaa alone) and they are often on the new buldozing down villages, schools, homes, farms etc. And how about the latst peace process Israel refused to negotiate its sponsors and the palestinian authority, they built a wall built an illegal wall on occupied land to cement its ownership in jewish hands perminantly. Bush maybe talking of a viable palestinian state, but this last year israel have been talking about blocking palestinian state hood and if any state were to remain it would be full of military check points and would not be viable with the current negotiators. I could easily go on but i'm at work and have to get on with some work, read the content and fuck grammer.

We're leaving a little bit out of this story, aren't we?
yes i did there are plenty more bad things that i could say about israel like their indescriminate killings they are notorious for (recently they mistook 6 eyption policemen for palestinians and killed them), or the statistics that israel has killed 10 times more civillians than any palestinian terrorist reaction to the illegal occupation, which i may add the whole world acknowledges is an illegal occupation even america, and their settlements are acknowledged to be illegal, but they are still planning on building more in the west bank which is a huge barrier to peace (and goes against the road map) as it just shows they have no intention of ever giving up the west bank. Or maybe talk about their properganda war against the UN by accusing them to be working with hamas when they obviously were not, not that they really need to worry about the UN with america bending over backwards for them. blah blah blah now try and come up with a convincing argument against what i am saying rather than you comments that i am leaving stuff out considering my whole post was geared to why palestinians were pushed into terrorist reactions from israeli action. yes they never accepted the jewish state until recent times (would you if someone told you america was going to be split in 2 and half of it given to muslims who never even lived in america before?) and whilst i baught that subject up israel never accepted the partition before and after independence they were talking about expansion.

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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yes i did there are plenty more bad things that i could say about israel like their indescriminate killings they are notorious for (recently they mistook 6 eyption policemen for palestinians and killed them), or the statistics that israel has killed 10 times more civillians than any palestinian terrorist reaction to the illegal occupation

Okay, Israel mistook 6 Egyptian policeman and killed the innocent people...that is wrong.  But what about the Palestinian suicide bombers?  Do they not take innocent lives when they blow up?  To be fair, you have to recognize that.  Who are the suicide bombers really killing?  Are they killing someone who was responsible for taking their land?  Probably's probably just innocent people trying to live their lives.

I would also like to know the statistics about Israel killing 10 times more sounds inflated to me.

Don Rizzle

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ok the statistics are a little inflated when i get home i'll check them out, but when i researched it a year ago i think the civillian death toll by israelis was 4 times that of those killed by palestinians. I do recognise that the suicide bombers are in the wrong and is not something i would personally agree with, however i can fully undersdtand why they are doing it, its because they have been driven to it by the actions of israel which is why i don't necessairly blame them for doing it i blame israel. I think it was the UN who recently said israels actions, restrictions and humiliations have created a beading ground for terrorists, so i'm not the only one with that opinion.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2004, 01:24:12 AM by Don Rizzle »

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?

Don Rizzle

  • Capo Di Tutti Capi
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palestinian civillian death toll since sept 29 200 = 3,465
israeli civilian death toll 424 in israel, 208 in the west bank and gazaa

but this is only recently the tolls since the occupation will be much worse i can't find any statistics however i have found parts and some other interesting info.

Ariel Sharon was the mastermind behind Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon, which claimed more than 20,000 Palestinian and Lebanese lives, and the notorious massacres of thousands of Palestinian men, women and children at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon, the same year.

Winston S. Churchill III in 1973 asked Ariel Sharon, "What is to become of the Palestinians?" Sharon's answer: "We'll make a pastrami sandwich of them. We'll insert a strip of Jewish settlement, in between the Palestinians, and then another strip of Jewish settlement, right across the West Bank, so that in twenty-five years time, neither the United Nations, nor the United States, nobody, will be able to tear it apart. " And that is what Labor and Likud administrations have done during the last three decades. Israel told the world of its objectives and the world ignored the direct testimony. The final clue to Israel's intentions occurred with the election of Sharon to Prime Minister--a challenge to a world of innocence.

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Well I guess than it would be better for them not to go through checkpoints (if they feel so violated) It would serve the Israeli armed forces with great help   .
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Well I guess than it would be better for them not to go through checkpoints (if they feel so violated) It would serve the Israeli armed forces with great help   .

Do you know how stupid you sound with those retarded remarks?

Your comment can be compared to this: "Well I guess it would be better for Israelis to give back the land they stole, if they feel so threatened."


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Well I guess than it would be better for them not to go through checkpoints (if they feel so violated) It would serve the Israeli armed forces with great help   .

Do you know how stupid you sound with those retarded remarks?

Your comment can be compared to this: "Well I guess it would be better for Israelis to give back the land they stole, if they feel so threatened."

yea I agree, but for some reason analogical statements from the opposite direction don't seem to bother people that much....
Therefore Im entitled to my fair share of stupidity  :)
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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for some reason analogical statements from the opposite direction don't seem to bother people that much....


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Well I guess than it would be better for them not to go through checkpoints (if they feel so violated) It would serve the Israeli armed forces with great help   .

Do you know how stupid you sound with those retarded remarks?

Your comment can be compared to this: "Well I guess it would be better for Israelis to give back the land they stole, if they feel so threatened."

yea I agree, but for some reason analogical statements from the opposite direction don't seem to bother people that much....
Therefore Im entitled to my fair share of stupidity  :)

It's not a fair share when you've grabbed the biggest slice of the pie.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Well I guess than it would be better for them not to go through checkpoints (if they feel so violated) It would serve the Israeli armed forces with great help   .

Do you know how stupid you sound with those retarded remarks?

Your comment can be compared to this: "Well I guess it would be better for Israelis to give back the land they stole, if they feel so threatened."

yea I agree, but for some reason analogical statements from the opposite direction don't seem to bother people that much....
Therefore Im entitled to my fair share of stupidity  :)

It's not a fair share when you've grabbed the biggest slice of the pie.

See, now you're making one. You ignore all the analogical statements from people with the opposite stand point.
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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No, I'm not making "one". I exposed you for being stupid, then you admitted that you really are stupid, and all I did is point out how stupid you really are. I haven't ignored anything here.  :)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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No, I'm not making "one". I exposed you for being stupid, then you admitted that you really are stupid, and all I did is point out how stupid you really are. I haven't ignored anything here.  :)

Well, if this makes you feel any better about yourself than so be it.
Great job "exposing me" buddy.
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?