Author Topic: M.J.'s sole "witness" to alleged molestation falls apart under cross-examination  (Read 178 times)


Yesterday and Today, the sole witness who claims to have seen Michael molest the boy (the boy's younger brother) was on the witness stand in court.  He testified all kinds of things, that Mike showed them porn, gave them wine, and that he saw Michael molest his brother twice, while his brother was asleep on Michael's bed.  Today, Thomas Mesereau, Michael's lawyer, totally deconstructed the boy's entire testimony, leaving the prosecution with no credible witnesses.  His cross-examination is to continue tommorow, as well.

Among the things discussed:

1. Most notably, the boy admitted lying, previously, under oath, in another sexual assault trial he had been a part of.  5 years ago, his mother claimed that they were sexually assaulted, and falsely imprisioned (the same exact charges against Michael), in a J.C. Penny's parkinglot, after her son stole something from the store.  J.C. Penny's eventually settled out of court.  Anyways, the boy testified in that trial, that his father and mother never fought, and that his father had never hit his mother.  Today, he admitted on the stand that his father fought with his mother daily.  When asked if he told the truth, then, in the previous court case, he said 'no'.  When asked why he lied, under oath, about a criminal prosecution, he said he couldn't remember, it was 5 years ago.  Then when asked if anybody had told him to lie, under oath, he said he couldn't remember.

2. Next, the boy was shown a porn mag, which is part of the evidence seized from Michael's house, and which the boy claimed Michael showed him.  "Michael Jackson never showed you that magazine, 'Barely Legal,' did he?" Mesereau asked.  The boy said "He did show us!".  Mesereau then showed the jury that the date on the front of the magazine was August of 2003, 5 months after the last time the boy had met Michael @ Neverland, and that he couldn't possibly have seen that magazine, because it wasn't even printed yet, the boy said "I didn't say he showed us that exact one".  Then why is it in the evidence pool? 

3.  The boy has claimed he saw Michael give his brother wine, in a 7-up can, and previously told prosecutors & the grand jury that it was "White Wine".  Yesterday, he said that he saw a red ring around the top of the can, that's how he knew it was wine.  When asked how White Wine made a red ring around the top of the can, all he could say was "The Court Reporter must have gotten it wrong".  Come on man... total fucking sham case.

4.   The boy monday said that twice, he walked up to Michael's bedroom door, peered in, and saw Michael playing with his brother, who was passed out on the bed.  Michael's eyes were shut, so he didn't see him, and he stood there for a while each time, and then walked back down the steps and out of the house.  Yesterday, Mesereau asked the boy if there was an Alarm in Michael's hallway, the boy said Yes, there was, and that he set it off both times.  When Mesereau asked him why Michael would keep molesting his brother, when he could hear two alarms go off in the hallway outside his bedroom, the boy said he must have not heard them.  Come on.  Not only did the boy sleep through both alarms, both times, but Michael kept his hands down the kids pants, both times, with the door open, when an alarm was tripped, twice, in the hallway outside?  This is total fucking bullshit testimony. 

5. Mesereau pointed out that the boy has changed his story 3 times about what he and his brother were wearing, even down to the type of underwear Michael reportedly had his hands down.  In one account, the boy's wearing boxers, in another, pants, in another, briefs.  All from the same, 1, witness. 

A 15 year old boy who just admitted under oath, that he lies under oath. 


Damn you would at least thing they covered the bases with the kid lol.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


West Coast Veteran

lol the mom is a scumbag


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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a good lawyer and a dumbass fake witness.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


He tore him apart even more today.  The boy testified previously, that he was pretending to be asleep on Michael's couch in his bedroom, when he saw Michael molest his brother through his half-closed eyes. 

Mesereau asked him why, then, on Monday, did he say that both times he saw something, he crept up the stairs and saw it through the door.... why did he say before, that he was on a couch, and now he says he was in the hallway? 

The boy replied that, well, actually there were 3 times.  OHHHHH, 3 times.  That's convienant, since in every other testimony about it, there were 2 times.  So in other words, the boy, cornered, is making up even more charges on the stand.

The boy testified that he saw Michael give his sister Vodka in the kitchen... when she had testified monday, that Michael gave her wine in the cellar.  LOL.  It's like a fucking circus.  When asked why they're saying it happened with two different types of liquor, in two different places, the boy said his sister must have got the story wrong. 

So then they showed the boy a tape, taken shortly before the time he said he was being held 'prisoner', and the tape (this is hilarious) was of the boy, running around with a film crew Michael had set up, interviewing like the elephant trainer, and asking the trainer how much the elephants eat and shit, and then the boy ended by saying he was the new host of "Neverland T.V." and was running around touring the house and land with a film crew, laughing and playing and shit.  So the defense attorney asked him "so, you were having a good time, eh?" and the boy was like "No, I was sleepy there". 

So then they got onto the imprisonment charges... Michael's charged with imprisoning them, and threatening their lives (Michael Jackson threatening someone's life... I mean come on, he weighs 120 pounds).  Anyways, the family left neverland 3 times during the week they say they were imprisoned, by themselves.  Mesereau asked the boy "How many times did you escape neverland, only to return to be re-imprisoned?"  The boy said he only considered the third time the family left the estate to be an escape. 

Etc. Etc. Etc. Mesereau's destroying everything in sight.  The actual 'molested' boy took the stand late today, with questioning to follow tommorow... tommorow's going to be fireworks. 


  • Muthafuckin' Double OG
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slowly but surely the truth is being revealed.


Yes, there's an 'attempted' molestation charge on Michael, too, because the boy's brother (who testified this week) said that when they were in a golf cart, Michael put his hands down his pants.  In the next record of his comments to the district attorney, he says that Michael put his hands on his penis.  A couple weeks later, he was saying that no, no, it was on his leg, near his privates... now he's to the point where he says Michael had his hand near his knee. 

It's just fucking disgusting that people go about making money, THIS way.  .. it's not even the kids, either, it's their fucking burn-in-hell evil to the bone mother. 


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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^lol, great description of the mother



Here's actual quotes from Mesereau's blistering cross-examination today, this guy is a work of art, he'd make Johnny Cochrane proud.


Mr Meserau also accused Star of giving different descriptions to various government agencies of the two separate times when he said he saw Mr Jackson molesting his brother. Star told the court that he saw the abuse from the lit stairway leading up to the singer’s darkened bedroom. Gavin was asleep at the time, he said.

“You have given different descriptions about what Michael Jackson was wearing and what Gavin was supposed to have been wearing when you saw them on the bed,” Mr Meserau said. Star replied: “I do not remember exactly what I said.”

The defence continued: “You have given different descriptions about what Michael Jackson did in the bedroom. There were times you said that Michael Jackson put his hand on top of your brother’s underwear, times when you said he put it inside his underwear, and times when you said your brother was wearing pyjamas and times when he was wearing underwear.”

Again, Star said he could not remember, a line that the jury has heard countless times from both Star and his sister, Davellin, when she was giving evidence. Mr Mesereau said: “There were times you said Michael Jackson touched your brother’s butt and not his crotch. Did you ever tell anyone that when you saw Michael Jackson in bed with your brother he was rubbing his butt?” Star replied “no”.

Mr Meserau pressed on: “You never said it to Dr Stanley Katz, to the sheriffs or to the Grand Jury?” Star replied “no”.

In spite of saying that he lied under oath, Star told the jury that he had always been told to tell the truth by his family.

Referring to recorded police interviews, Mr Mesereau said: “You were asked if you knew the difference between right and wrong, and you said you learnt it from your mother?” Star replied: “Yes. She taught us that our whole lives.”

Mr Mesereau continued: “And you told police that lying is a sin?” Star mumbled: “Yes, I think so.” Mr Jackson denies ten counts, including abuse, kidnapping and extortion. The case continues.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • .. ChErch! ..
people have been saying tha mother is money hungry ang to her kid hooked up witt Michael Jackson solely coz of money i guess she feels dumb now.......


I believe MJ is innocent to me it seems that all evidence points that way but i still worry that he may be found guilty even though he may be truely innocent.

"My greatest challenge is not what's happening at the moment, my greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their fucking perch. And you can print that." Alex Ferguson